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Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics


The association of endometrial closure during cesarean section

to the risk of developing uterine scar defect: a randomized control trial
Aya Mohr‑Sasson1,2 · Elias Castel1,2 · Tal Dadon1 · Ariel Brandt1 · Roie Etinger1 · Adiel Cohen1 · Michal Zajicek1,2 ·
Jigal Haas1,2 · Roy Mashiach1,2

Received: 17 December 2023 / Accepted: 4 February 2024

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024

Purpose The surgical technique for uterine closure following cesarean section influences the healing of the cesarean scar;
however, there is still no consensus on the optimal technique regarding the closure of the endometrium layer. The aim of
this study was to compare the effect of closure versus non-closure of the endometrium during cesarean section on the risk
to develop uterine scar defect and associated symptoms.
Methods A randomized prospective study was conducted of women undergoing first elective cesarean section at a single
tertiary medical center. Exclusion criteria included previous uterine scar, preterm delivery and dysmorphic uterus. Women
were randomized for endometrial layer closure versus non-closure. Six months following surgery, women were invited to
the ambulatory gynecological clinic for follow-up visit. 2-D transvaginal ultrasound examination was performed to evaluate
the cesarean scar characteristics. In addition, women were evaluated for symptoms that might be associated with uterine
scar defect. Primary outcome was defined as the residual myometrial thickness (RMT) at the uterine cesarean scar. Data are
presented as median and interquartile range.
Results 130 women were recruited to the study, of them follow-up was achieved in 113 (86.9%). 61 (54%) vs. 52 (46%) of the
women were included in the endometrial closure vs. non-closure groups, respectively. Groups were comparable for patient's
demographic, clinical characteristics and follow-up time for postoperative evaluation. Median RMT was 5.3 (3.0–7.7) vs. 4.6
(3.0–6.5) mm for the endometrial closure and non-closure groups, respectively (p = 0.38). Substantially low RMT (< 2.5 mm)
was measured in four (6.6%) women in the endometrial closure group and three (5.8%) of the women in the non-closure
group (p = 0.86). All other uterine scar sonographic measurements, as well as dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain and intermenstrual
bleeding rates were comparable between the groups.
Conclusion Closure versus non-closure of the endometrial layer during cesarean uterine incision repair has no significant
difference in cesarean scar characteristics and symptom rates at 6 months follow-up.

Keywords Endometrial layer · Cesarean scar defect · Residual myometrial thickness · Dysmenorrhea · Dysmenorrhea ·
Intermenstrual bleeding

What does this study add to the clinical work

Closure versus non closure of the endometrial layer
of the uterine incision during Cesarean delivery is
associated with similar Cesarean scar characteristics
and symptomatic rates.

* Aya Mohr‑Sasson
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sheba Medical
Center, 5265601 Tel‑Hashomer, Israel
Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel‑Aviv,

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Introduction The surgical approach is decided based on the residual

myometrial thickness (RMT) above the area of the uterine
Cesarean section (CS) is the most common major operation scar (Fig. 1) and includes hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
performed in women worldwide with progressively rising A systematic review found an improvement in abnormal
incidence [1]. Consequently, long-term adverse events due uterine bleeding, secondary infertility and pain following
to uterine scar defect (niche) have been increasing [2, 3]. uterine scar repair [13]. Similarly, good pregnancy
Common gynecological complaints include chronic pelvic outcomes were reported in a study conducted by
pain, dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea and post-menstrual Goldenberg et al. [14] in women with mean RMT < 2 mm
spotting [2, 4]. Recent studies have found association that had been repaired.
between the presence of niche and infertility [5–7]. Given the association between uterine scar defect and
Obstetric complications seem to be increasing such as gynecological symptoms, obstetric complications and infer-
cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP), placenta previa, placenta tility, it is important to elucidate the etiology to develop
accreta, scar dehiscence and uterine rupture, all associated preventive strategies [15]. Risk factors that have been asso-
with major maternal morbidity and even mortality [8–11]. ciated include: single-layer myometrium closure, multiple
Shiber et al. [12] reported outcomes of 60 women with CSs and uterine retroflexion [16]. Nevertheless, surgical
cesarean scar pregnancy diagnosed during a period of 25 technique of uterine incision closure seems to be the most
years. Abnormal uterine scar and abnormal placentation important determinant for defect formation. It is proposed
were noted in 10.5 and 26.3%, respectively. The presence that continuous, non-locking absorbable sutures in two lay-
of niche was associated as a risk factor for future uterine ers, without including much of the endometrial layer and
rupture during trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) as without tight pulling of sutures, are likely to result in good
reported by Cohen et al. [10]. healing of the uterine scar [8]; however, data is limited. The
Surgical treatments have been recommended when aim of this prospective randomized study is to evaluate spe-
uterine scar defect is diagnosed in symptomatic women. cifically the influence of inclusion (closure) versus exclusion
(non-closure) of the endometrial layer during suturing the

Fig. 1  Niche measurements. R residual myometrial thickness (RMT), A adjacent myometrial thickness (AMT), D depth, L length
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

uterine incision on the risk to develop uterine scar defect and or tampons during the night; or menstrual flow with blood
associated symptoms. clots) [18] (menorrhagia); (2) intermenstrual spotting; (3)
pain during intercourse (dyspareunia); or (4) pelvic pain.
In addition, a transvaginal 2-D ultrasound examination tar-
Material and methods geted to assess the uterus and the uterine niche characteris-
tics was performed. Uterine niche measurement was done in
This is a prospective randomized single blinded study the transverse plane for the evaluation of the largest width of
conducted at a single university-affiliated tertiary medical the niche. The sagittal plane was used for the measurements
center. All women at term (≥ 37 weeks of gestation) visiting of the length at the base, depth from the base to the myome-
the preoperation clinic for planned elective cesarean section trium above, residual myometrial thickness (RMT) above
with singleton pregnancy were offered to participate in the the area of the deficit and adjacent myometrial thickness
study. Women with previous uterine scar, multiple gestation, (AMT) at the area approximate to the niche with full myo-
thrombophilia, dysmorphic uterus or connective tissue disor- metrial thickness (Fig. 1). The severity of the niche was also
der were excluded. After signing informed consent, women estimated by both the proportion between the residual to the
were block randomized into one of two groups based on adjacent myometrial thickness (RMT/AMT). The research
the order they were recruited: A—uterine incision repair in team member performing the transvaginal examination was
double layer including suturing of the endometrial layer (odd blinded to the randomization of the women. The primary
numbers), B—uterine incision repair in double layer exclud- outcome was defined as the presence of substantial niche. As
ing the endometrial layer (even numbers). Women were the definition varies between studies [17, 19, 20], we defined
blinded to the randomization arm they were allocated to. it as RMT below 2.5 mm on follow-up visit, the value that is
All operation was performed by a single highly skilled considered substantial in our medical center.
obstetrician. All other stages of operations were similar in Secondary outcomes included operation time, intraopera-
both of the groups including: low segment uterine incision, tive and postoperative complication rates, difference in uter-
delivery of the fetus and the placenta and uterine revision ine characteristics postoperation and change in symptoms
to verify no retained products of conception. Uterine repair associated with the presence of uterine scar defect.
was done in all cases intra-abdominally. Stratafix thread The study protocol was approved by the “Sheba Medical
suture was used for the hysterotomy repair that was done Center” Review Board (ID 5822-18-SMC) and was regis-
in continuous non-locking fashion in two layers. The first tered at the National Institutes of Health (NCT03851003)
layer included approximation of the endometrium in addi- on Feb 22, 2019. The first patient was recruited on May
tion to myometrium in women who were randomized to 10th 2019.
include the endometrium (Group A). Imbrication was done
in the second layer in both of the groups. Demographics, Statistical analysis
clinical characteristics, operative and postoperative data
were collected from the women’s medical files. Operative The normality of the data was tested using the Shap-
information included: operation duration from anesthesia iro–Wilk or Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests. Comparison
until abdominal closure, estimated blood loss reported by between unrelated variables was conducted by Student’s t
the surgeon and operation complications (anesthesia, bleed- test or Mann–Whitney U test, as appropriate. Data are pre-
ing, adjacent organ damage). Postoperative complications sented as median and interquartile range. The Chi-square
included hemorrhage, infection (urinary tract, pulmonary, and Fisher’s exact tests were used for comparison between
endometritis), vascular thromboembolic event and ileus. categorical variables. Logistic multivariate regression analy-
Six months following surgery, all women were invited sis was used to determine which factors were significantly
to the ambulatory gynecological clinic for follow-up visit. and independently associated with RMT < 2.5 mm including
When possible, the timing was scheduled for the early mid women’s age, parity, endometrial layer closure versus non-
follicular stage, as uterine scar is better demonstrated on closure group and the presence of symptoms. Significance
ultrasound examination [17]. During the follow-up visit, was accepted at p < 0.05. Statistical analyses were conducted
women were asked to report any new symptoms since using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
delivery that might be associated with uterine scar defect, (IBM SPSS v.22; IBM Corporation Inc, Armonk, NY, USA).
including: (1) heavy menstrual bleeding since the operation The sample size calculations were based on Bamberg
(defined by the American College of Obstetrician and Gyne- et al. [21] randomized control prospective study compar-
cology as any of the following: bleeding that lasts more than ing single- (n = 149) to double-layer closure (n = 129) of
7 days; bleeding that soaks through one or more tampons or the cesarean hysterotomy, as no previous studies addressed
pads every hour for several hours; need to wear more than specifically the endometrial layer. RMT evaluated by
one pad at a time to control menstruation; changing pads transvaginal ultrasound at 6–24 months follow-up was
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

4.1 ± 2.9SD mm for the single-layer group that was assumed Endometrial layer was found significantly thicker in the
to be parallel to closure without the endometrial layer and non-closure group compared to the closure group [4.5
5.7 ± 1.7SD mm that assumed to be parallel to closure (3.1–6.4) vs. 3.1 (2.0–4.5) mm; p = 0.03]. Interestingly, the
including the endometrial layer. To achieve an 80% power median residual myometrial thickness was found to be lower
with a two-sided alpha of 0.05, we needed to enroll 48 in in the non-closure vs. the closure group [4.6 (3.0–6.5) vs.
each arm. We aimed to enroll 62 patients in each arm taking 5.3(3.0–7.7) mm; p = 0.38].
under consideration 30% (n = 27) lost to follow-up. To date, there are no guidelines for a specific measure-
ment that is considered superior to define uterine scar defect.
Some studies define uterine scar defect when the proportion
Results is lower than 0.5 [22]. In our study, both groups had a pro-
portion between RMT/AMT lower than 0.5, with the non-
130 women were recruited for the study, of them follow-up closure of endometrial layer measuring lower values than
was achieved in 113 (86.9%) (Fig. 2). 61 (54%) vs. 52 (46%) the closure group [0.36 (0.19–0.55) vs 0.46 (0.27–0.61)].
of the women were included in the endometrial closure vs. This difference was not statistically significant (0.26). We,
non-closure groups, respectively. like other teams, base our treatment on the RMT cutoff
The women’s demographic and clinical characteristics are of 2.5 mm (larger symptomatic uterine scar defects with
presented in Table 1. Median age, body mass index (BMI) RMT < 2.5 mm is treated laparoscopically and smaller with
and parity were comparable between the groups. Follow-up RMT > 2.5 mm hysteroscopically). Substantially low RMT
time for postoperative evaluation was 280 (228–380) and (< 2.5 mm) was measured in four (6.6%) and three (5.8%) of
295 (215–444) days for the closure and non-closure groups, the women, in the closure versus non-closure groups, respec-
respectively (p = 0.86). tively (p = 0.86).
Table 2 presents the uterine and uterine scar charac- The rates of symptoms associated with uterine scar
teristics on transvaginal ultrasound examination. Uterine defects reported on follow-up visit by the women are
measurements were all comparable between the groups. described in Table 3. No statistically significant difference

Fig. 2  Study population

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Table 1  Women’s demographic Endometrial closure Endometrial non-closure P value

and clinical characteristics (n = 61) (n = 52)

Age (years) 32 (31–34) 31 (29–33) 0.52

BMI (kg/m2) 28 (26–31) 29 (26–35) 0.31
Gravidity 2 (1–3) 2 (1–3) 0.24
Parity 1 (1–2) 1 (1–2) 0.90
Gestational week 38.3 (38.1–38.5) 38.3 (37.1–39.5) 0.64
Cervical dilatation 1 (1–1) 1 (1–1) 0.75
Pelvic station 4 (3–4) 4 (3–4) 0.72
Fetal weight 3171 (2778–3625) 3085 (2849–3359) 0.32
Estimated blood loss (ml) 500 (500–600) 500 (500–700) 0.48
Breastfeedinga 5 (8) 2 (4) 0.74
Time from surgery (days) 280 (228–380) 295 (215–444) 0.86

BMI—body mass index

Data are presented as median and Interquartile range
Data are presented as n (%)

Table 2  Uterine ultrasound Endometrial closure Endometrial non-closure P value

characteristics (n = 61) (n = 52)

Uterine length 52 (47–59) 59 (52–65) 0.16

Uterine height 35 (33–41) 40 (32–44) 0.38
Uterine width 49 (44–52) 50 (45–59) 0.25
Endometrial thickness 3.1 (2.0–4.5) 4.5 (3.1–6.4) 0.03
Niche length 6.3 (4.6–8.4) 4.9 (4.1–7.6) 0.23
Niche depth 3.3 (2.8–4.6) 4.0 (3.0–4.8) 0.46
Niche width 5.8 (4.0–6.4) 4.5 (3.6–7.6) 0.75
AMT 12.3 (10.7–14.3) 14.6 (11.2–16.7) 0.13
RMT 5.3 (3.0–7.7) 4.6 (3.0–6.5) 0.38
RMT/AMT 0.5 (0.3–0.6) 0.4 (0.2–0.5) 0.26
RMT < 2.5MMa 4.0 (6.6%) 3 (5.8%) 0.86

Residual myometrial thickness—RMT, adjacent myometrial thickness—AMT, endometrial scar defect

Data are presented as median and Interquartile range
Data are presented as n (%)

Table 3  Symptoms associated with uterine scar defect was found in any of the reported symptoms including the
Endometrial Endometrial P value total symptomatic rate as a composite outcome including:
closure non-closure intermenstrual spotting, menorrhagia, dyspareunia and
(n = 61) (n = 52) pelvic pain. While comparing the uterine scar measurement
between the symptomatic and asymptomatic women, RMT
Intermenstrual spotting 2 (3.3) 0 (0) 0.23
was the only measurement that was found to be significantly
Menorrhagia 7 (11.4) 4 (7.7) 0.85
reduced in the presence of symptoms (Table 4).
Dyspareunia 2 (3.3) 3 (5.8) 0.31
To evaluate the factors associated with RMT < 2.5 mm,
Pelvic pain 3 (4.9) 6 (11.5) 0.50
a logistic regression analysis was performed including
Symptomatic—total 8 (13.1) 7 (13.5) 0.96
women’s age, parity, endometrial layer closure versus
Data are presented as n (%) non-closure group and the presence of symptoms. None
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Table 4  Uterine ultrasound characteristics based on the presence of and consistently associated with the presence of uterine
symptoms scar defect [27]. Study on symptomatic patients with AUB
Symptomatic Non-symptomatic P value that underwent surgical excision of the uterine scar revealed
(n = 14) (n = 33) histopathologic characteristic findings that mostly included
fibrosis, necrotic tissue, endometriosis, adenomyosis and
Niche length 7.25 (5.20–8.63) 5.60 (4.20–7.50) 0.09
inflammatory infiltrate [27]. These changes most probably
Niche depth 4.30 (3.10–4.67) 3.40 (2.80–4.30) 0.34
can be attributed to improper approximation and abnormal
AMT 13.70 (10.20–14.55) 13.00 (10.80–16.55) 0.60
healing process of the endometrial layer [27, 28]. Although
RMT 4.2 (2.75–6.10) 6.95 (5.23–9.13) 0.006
in the past, avoiding the inclusion of the endometrial
Residual myometrial thickness—RMT, adjacent myometrial thick- layer into the uterine wall was considered the appropriate
ness—AMT, endometrial scar defect (niche) technique while closing the hysterotomy during a cesarean
Data are presented as median and Interquartile range section, as newer closure techniques were introduced, the
importance of this practice has gradually lost its importance
of the parameters were associated with the RMT < 2.5 mm [29, 30].
(Supplement 1). Similarly, no association was found between The impact of the endometrium on scar strength and
the presence of symptoms as a composite outcome and the integrity has been studied in animal and human models
age, parity, gestational week at delivery and endometrial [15]. However, to date, studies addressing the endometrial
layer closure versus non-closure group (Supplement 2). layer during incision closure following cesarean section are
limited and inconclusive. Antoine et al. [29] compared the
prevalence of residual uterine scar defect in the nongravid
Discussion uterus following first CS by saline infusion sonohystero-
gram. 25 women were compared to 20 women following
Principal findings endometrium-free and routine non-endometrium-free hys-
terotomy closure techniques, respectively. A clinically sig-
The principal findings of the study are: (1) closure versus nificant defect was six times higher in the non-endometrial
non-closure of the endometrial layer of the uterine incision closure group. Therefore, they concluded that exclusion of
following cesarean section is associated with similar cesar- the endometrium at uterine closure reduces the development
ean scar characteristics; (2) endometrial layer was signifi- of significant scar defects [29]. A randomized control trial
cantly thicker in the non-closure compared to the closure conducted by Tahermanesh [31] et al. allocated 34 vs. 38
group (p = 0.03); (3) closure technique was not associated women to closure in single layer excluding the endometrium
with the presence of symptoms associated with uterine scar and to double-layer closure including the endometrium,
defect. respectively. Large uterine scar defect, defined as more than
50% involvement (RMT/AMT), was significantly more com-
Clinical implications mon in the double-layer endometrial closure group [1 (2.9%)
vs. 9 (23.7%); p = 0.01]. In contrast to these studies, a recent
The importance to elucidate the risk factors associated with meta-analysis including six trials published by Genovese
the development of uterine scar defect cannot be overem- et al. [32] supported the superiority of the double-layer clo-
phasized due to the known long-term morbidity including sure over the single layer, with recommendation to include
gynecological symptoms, obstetric complications and poten- the decidua in the first layer and overlap the first with the
tially infertility [15, 16]. second layer. Our study revealed no difference in the rate of
Specific interest in surgery-related factors has grown subsequent cesarean scar defect between hysterotomy closed
since those could be modified and serve as a potential strat- with and without the endometrial layer. A trend for larger
egy to reduce the prevalence of uterine scar defect [23]. uterine scar depth and reduced RMT and RMT/AMT pro-
Low uterine incision during CS, an incomplete closure of portion were found in the non-endometrial closure; however,
the uterine wall due to single-layer closure, endometrial sav- none of the measurements reached statistical significance.
ing closure technique or use of locking sutures have all been The endometrial layer thickness was higher in the non-
associated with surgical risk factors [15, 24, 25]. In addition, endometrial closure group compared to the endometrial clo-
surgical acts that are associated with adhesion formation sure group (median 4.5 vs. 3.1 mm). This difference reached
including non-closure of peritoneum, inadequate hemostasis, significance (p = 0.03). The possible proposed explanation
applied sutures and the use of adhesion barriers have also to this observation might be due to improved aligning of
been suggested [26]. both edges of the incision. As the endometrium is primarily
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) patterns are not included in the suture, it is less likely to be entrapped
considered the most common symptoms that are strongly in the myometrial layer and therefore leads to better healing
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

process. However, despite the differences in the endometrial Acknowledgements N/A.

layer thickness between the groups, no significant differ-
Author contributions AMS: conception and design, or acquisition
ences were found in the uterine scar defect measurements. of data, analysis and interpretation of data, statistical analysis. EC:
Our study found lower RMT in the symptomatic group. surgeon performing the procedures, acquisition of data, reviewing
This finding is in concordance with previous studies [17]. ­manuscript. TD: acquisition of data. AB: acquisition of data. RE: acqui-
However, while comparing closure techniques, there were sition of data. AC: acquisition of data. MZ: conception and design,
analysis and interpretation of data. JH: conception and design, analysis
no differences in symptom rate (Table 3). Moreover, logistic and interpretation of data. RM: conception and design, writing, editing.
regression analysis for the presence of symptoms associated
with uterine scar defect did find the closure technique to be Funding The study was supported by Sheba Medical Center institu-
statistically significant. tional sources.

Strength and limitations
Conflict of interest The authors report no conflict of interest.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first prospective
randomized study evaluating the association of endometrial Ethical approval The study protocol was approved by the “Sheba
Medical Center” Review Board (ID 5822–18-SMC) and was registered
suturing with the risk of developing uterine scar defect. The at the National Institutes of Health (NCT03851003) on Feb 22, 2019.
study findings have high reliability due to the prospective
design, randomization of the women and the high follow- Consent to participate All participants gave their informed written
up rate (86.9%). In addition, all operations were performed consent to participate in the study.
using the same technique by the same surgeon, minimizing Consent for publication All authors gave consent for publication.
confounders that might have influenced the study results.
Finally, evaluation of the uterine scar was completed using Data availability Data will be available upon request.
the objective parameters in addition to a questionnaire
Code availability N/A.
assessing possible symptoms associated with uterine scar
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edged. As all operations were done by highly skilled obstet- References
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