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Data Check/Data Monitoring:

 Missing Value: Identifying gaps in data. For example, if a survey response is missing data for the
age of respondents, this needs to be addressed either by imputation or exclusion.
 Frequencies: Calculating how often values occur. For instance, checking how many respondents
chose each category in a multiple-choice question.
 Wrong Values: Spotting values that do not fit a defined range or category, like a person's age
listed as -5 or 200.
 Select Cases: Filtering data for specific analysis. For instance, analyzing responses only from
participants older than 18.
 Sort Cases: Organizing data by certain criteria, such as sorting survey data by date of completion
or respondent age.
 Recoding: Changing values to simplify analysis, such as grouping ages into categories like ‘18-
25’, ‘26-35’, etc.
2. Data Exploration:
 Parametric Analysis: Involves tests that assume a normal distribution. An example is
performing a Pearson correlation which assumes normality of continuous variables.
 Assumptions: These are conditions that data must meet for specific tests. For instance,
homogeneity of variance for ANOVA.
 Checking Assumptions: Testing whether data meet these conditions, like using Levene's Test to
check for equal variances across groups.
 Normality: Checking if data are normally distributed, often using plots like Q-Q plots or tests
like Shapiro-Wilk.
 Mean, Median, Mode: Basic measures of central tendency. For instance, calculating the average
age (mean), the middle age value (median), and the most frequent age (mode) in a dataset.
 Skewness, Kurtosis: These statistics describe the shape of the distribution. Positive skew
indicates a tail on the right; high kurtosis indicates heavy tails.
 Outliers: Observations significantly different from others. Detected often through box plots.
 Standard Deviation and Variance: Measures of data spread. High variance and standard
deviation indicate wider spread of data.
 Charts/Plots: Visual data inspection tools like histograms for distribution, scatter plots for
3. Inferential Analysis:
 t-tests: Compare the means of two groups. For example, comparing mean test scores between
male and female students.
 One-Way ANOVA: Used when comparing more than two groups’ means. For instance,
comparing mean blood pressure across different age groups.
 Post Hoc Analysis: If ANOVA shows significant differences, post hoc tests like Tukey’s HSD
test which groups differ.
 Two-Way ANOVA: Examines the effect of two independent variables on a dependent one. For
example, studying the impact of diet and exercise on weight loss.
4. Table Creation and Interpretation According to APA Style:
 Table Creation: Organizing data in a clear, readable format using APA guidelines. For example,
tables include titles, clearly labeled rows and columns, and footnotes if necessary.
 Interpretation: Analyzing and explaining what the data in the table mean. This might involve
discussing significant results, trends depicted in the table, and their implications for the research

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