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Volume 20, Number 6, 2020

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2019.2544

Detection of Leptospira interrogans

in Hedgehogs from Central China

Xiao-Juan Ma,1 Xiao-Qing Gong,1 Xiao Xiao,1,2 Jian-Wei Liu,1 Hui-Ju Han,1
Xiang-Rong Qin,1 Si-Cong Lei,1 Xiao-Lan Gu,1 Hao Yu,1 and Xue-Jie Yu1

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Background: Leptospira is the causative agent of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease of global importance. To
have a better understanding on the host species of Leptospira, we investigated the prevalence of Leptospira
species in hedgehogs in Central China.
Materials and Methods: Hedgehogs were captured in Hubei Province, China in May and October, 2018. Total
DNA was extracted from the kidney tissues of hedgehogs for determining the Leptospira species by PCR
amplification of the rrs2, secY, and flaB genes with genus-specific primers.
Results: PCR amplification indicated that the positive rate of hedgehogs to the rrs2, secY, and flaB genes were
19.5% (8/41), 12.2% (5/41), and 9.8% (4/41), respectively. The homology of the partial sequence of rrs2, secY,
and flaB genes were 99.0–100% among the Leptospira strains from hedgehogs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed
that Leptospira species detected in this study clustered together with Leptospira interrogans.
Conclusions: We detected L. interrogans from hedgehogs in Central China, suggesting hedgehogs are the hosts
of L. interrogans.

Keywords: hedgehogs, China, Leptospira

Introduction et al. 2012), and at least 75% of leptospirosis cases are caused
by L. interrogans (Hu et al. 2014). Numerous studies indi-

L eptospira is one of the two genera in the family Lep-

tospiraceae and is the causative agent of leptospirosis, a
zoonotic disease of global importance (Bharti et al. 2003). In
cated that rodents and insectivora are the important reservoirs
of Leptospira (Rahelinirina et al. 2010, Ayral et al. 2016),
whereas other small mammals such as bats are reported to
recent decades, leptospirosis has been recognized as one of carry Leptospira as well (Han et al. 2018, Zhao et al. 2019).
the most widespread zoonosis emerging worldwide, although Leptospira serovars usually do not cause disease in reservoir
previously it is considered to be prevalent mainly in urban hosts (Ko et al. 2009), but humans can acquire infections by
regions of tropical and subtropical countries, including those contact with infected animals, animal tissue, animal excre-
located in Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, tions, or by having abrasions, cuts in the skin, or conjunc-
Australia, and Asia (Bharti et al. 2003, Cox et al. 2005, tiva coming into contact with contaminated water and food
Victoriano et al. 2009, Lagadec et al. 2012, Adler 2015, (Waitkins 1985).
Dietrich et al. 2015). Studies led by the World Health Or- Hedgehogs have been studied for their association with
ganization on the global burden of human leptospirosis zoonotic pathogens in Europe (Kozuch et al. 1967, Majeed
estimated >1 million severe cases with >60,000 deaths an- et al. 1989). However, hedgehogs as the natural reservoir
nually (Mwachui et al. 2015, Torgerson et al. 2015). In of zoonotic-borne pathogens have been largely neglected in
China, leptospirosis is also a common and widespread zoo- China. In this study, we determined the infection rate of
notic disease reported in 29 out of 34 provinces (Zhang et al. hedgehogs with Leptospira to evaluate the role of hedgehogs
2012), and is listed as a class B notifiable infectious disease in the epidemiology of Leptospira in Xianning City, Hubei
(Hu et al. 2014). Province of China, which is an endemic area of leptospirosis
Leptospira interrogans and L. borgpetersenii are the pre- with incidence of leptospirosis 0.038/100,000 in 2011 (NBS
dominant pathogenic species causing leptospirosis (Zhang of Xianning City, 2011).

State Key Laboratory of Virology, School of Health Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Lab Animal Research Center, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan, China.

428 MA ET AL.

Materials and Methods Ethical approval

Sample collection This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
Wuhan University (2018010). Hedgehogs were handled in
Hedgehogs were captured during May and October of
accordance with good animal practices required by the
2018 in forested sites near cesspools from Xianning City
Animal Ethics Procedures and Guidelines of the People’s
(2953¢N 11413¢E), which is located in Central China.
Republic of China.
Hedgehogs were identified through morphological observa-
tion. Hedgehogs were euthanized with an overdose of chloral
hydrate and their kidneys were collected.
Hedgehog collection
DNA extraction and PCR amplification A total of 41 hedgehogs were collected from Xianning
City, of which 22 were collected in May and 19 were col-
Total DNA was extracted from kidney tissues of hedge- lected in October. Hedgehogs were identified through mor-
hogs using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany) ac- phological observation as Erinaceus amurensis.
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions. Leptospira in
hedgehogs were amplified with nested PCR by using the 16S
Detection of Leptospira spp. in hedgehogs by PCR
ribosomal RNA gene (rrs2), the flagellin B gene (flaB),
and preprotein translocase gene (secY) primers (Table 1). Leptospira species were tested by PCR using kidney spec-
Nuclease-free water was used as a negative control in each set imens from 41 hedgehogs. In total, 19.5% (8/41) of hedgehogs
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of PCR. Both primary and nested PCRs were performed were positive to Leptospira with one of three genes and the
under the following conditions: 1 denaturing cycle for 5 min positive rate of all hedgehogs to rrs2, secY, and flaB genes
at 95C followed by 35 cycles of denaturation for 30 s at were 19.5% (8/41), 12.2% (5/41), and 9.8% (4/41), respec-
95C, annealing for 30 s at 55C, extension for 90 s (primary tively. Among the eight positive samples, three hedgehogs
PCR) or 1 min (nested PCR) at 72C and an additional final were positive for all three genes.
extension for 10 min at 72C.
PCR products were analyzed using 1.2% agarose gel Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
electrophoresis and detected with ethidium bromide under
UV light. PCR products with expected sizes were excised BLAST analysis showed that the homology of the partial
from gels with a Gel Extraction Kit (TSINGKE, Beijing, sequences of rrs2, secY, and flaB genes were 99.0–100%
China) and cloned into pMD19-T vectors (TaKaRa, Kusatsu, among the Leptospira strains from hedgehogs, respectively.
Shiga, Japan). Leptospira DNA in plasmid was sequenced on Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Leptospira spp. de-
both directions. tected in this study clustered together with L. interrogans
(Figs. 1–3).
Sequences from this study were deposited in GenBank
Phylogenetic analysis with accession numbers: MK396786-MK396793 (rrs2gene),
MK403978-MK403982 (secY gene), and MK403983-
Sequences of rrs2, flab, and secY genes were searched MK403986 (flaB gene).
using BLAST in the GenBank database (www.ncbi.nlm.nih
.gov/BLAST). After alignment by ClustalW with MEGA 7.0
(http://megasoftware.net/), phylogenetic trees were construc-
ted with maximum likelihood method of MEGA 7.0, and China is heavily affected by leptospirosis with several
bootstrap values were calculated with 1000 replicates. pandemics in the past (Shi and Jiang 2000). Since

Table 1. PCR Primers Used for Amplification of Leptospira interrogans

Product Target
Primer Sequences (5¢/3¢) length (bp) gene Reference
Leptorrs1st-F CAAGTCAAGCGGAGTAGCAATAC 642 rrs2 Ogawa et al. (2015)
G1-1st GAGAACCSGGACGAATTCCTGGAATG 285 secY Ogawa et al. (2015)
G1-1st-k GTATGAGAACCSGGACGAATTCCTGG 329 secY Ogawa et al. (2015)
LEPflaBF1 TCTCACCGTTCTCTAAAGTTCAAC 732 flaB Koizumi et al. (2008)
FIG. 1. Phylogenetic tree
based on rrs2 gene of Lep-
tospira. The tree was con-
structed by using maximum
likelihood method with
MEGA 7.0 (www.megasoft
ware.net). Bootstrap values
were performed with 1000
replicates. The percentage of
trees in which the associated
taxa clustered together is
shown next to the branches.
Sequences of Leptospira were
shown with the GenBank
accession number. The se-
Downloaded by from www.liebertpub.com at 08/21/21. For personal use only.

quences obtained in this study

were shown with the corre-
sponding hedgehog number
and marked by black dots.
Scale bar indicates nucleo-
tide substitutions per site.

FIG. 2. Phylogenetic tree

based on flaB gene of Lep-
tospira. The tree was con-
structed by using maximum
likelihood method with
MEGA 7.0 (www.megasoft
ware.net). Bootstrap values
were performed with 1000
replicates. The percentage of
trees in which the associated
taxa clustered together is
shown next to the branches.
Sequences of Leptospira
were shown with the Gen-
Bank accession number. The
sequences obtained in this
study were shown with the
corresponding hedgehog
number and marked by black
dots. Scale bar indicates nu-
cleotide substitutions per site.

430 MA ET AL.

FIG. 3. Phylogenetic tree

based on secY gene of Lep-
tospira. The tree was con-
structed by using maximum
likelihood method with MEGA
7.0 (www.megasoftware.net).
Bootstrap values were per-
formed with 1000 replicates.
The percentage of trees in
which the associated taxa
clustered together is shown
next to the branches. Se-
quences of Leptospira were
shown with the GenBank
accession number. The se-
quences determined in this
study were shown with the
Downloaded by from www.liebertpub.com at 08/21/21. For personal use only.

corresponding hedgehog num-

ber and marked by black dots.
Scale bar indicates nucleotide
substitutions per site.

leptospirosis became a reportable disease in 1955 in China, least 75% of Chinese leptospirosis patients were caused by
>2.4 million cases have been documented nationwide (Shi serovars of L. interrogans (Ren et al. 2003, Hu et al. 2014).
et al. 1995, Shi 1999). More than 200 animal species, in- In China, most leptospirosis cases (80.3%) typically occur
cluding Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, and Avesand Mammalia, in the summer and early autumn. All hedgehogs in our study
have been found to be carriers of Leptospira worldwide were collected in May and October, which is consistent with
(Adler et al. 1980, Anon 1999). Rodents and some domestic reports from countries in both temperate and tropical zones
animals such as pigs, cattle, and dogs are the most important (Slack et al. 2006, Topic et al. 2010). We found that the
hosts that carry and spread this disease (Li et al. 2012, Zhang infection does not seem to harm adult hedgehogs as even
et al. 2012). In China, 67 species of wild and domesticated animals with active infections appeared to be in good health,
animal species have been confirmed as hosts of Leptospira consistent with the report that Leptospira serovars usually do
(Zhang et al. 2012). Our study confirms that the hedgehog is not cause disease in their natural host (Ko et al. 2009).
highly positive to Leptospira, suggesting that hedgehogs Hedgehogs are considered to be a tonic in traditional Chinese
could serve as an important source of Leptospira that infects medicine, thus this species is frequently taken from the wild
humans and domesticated animals. These findings highlight and eaten across Central China, and people may be infected
the importance of Leptospira surveillance in hedgehogs. in the process of capturing or slaughtering hedgehogs (Krij-
The infection rates of Leptospira in wild and domesticated ger et al. 2019). Therefore, increased awareness and protec-
animals are varied in different places around the world. In tive measures are needed to prevent Leptospira infections.
Bangladesh, 13.1% (61/465) of trapped rodents were infected
with pathogenic Leptospira (Krijger et al. 2019); in Cam- Conclusions
bodia, the infection rate of Leptospira in rodents was 11.1%
(n = 642) (Ivanova et al. 2012); in Malaysia, the infection rate Our study indicated that hedgehogs were heavily infected
in rodents was 11.0% (n = 357) (Benacer et al. 2016); in with Leptospira, suggesting that hedgehogs are the reser-
China, it was 56.7% (34/60) in bats (Zhao et al. 2019) and voir of Leptospira in China, and people who capture and
4.4% (3/69) in flying squirrels (Xiao et al. 2019). Previously handle wild hedgehogs are at risk of becoming infected by
Leptospira has been isolated from hedgehogs in several Eu- Leptospira.
ropean countries, including France, Italy, The Netherlands,
and Scotland, Israel, and New Zealand (Vander Hoeden Author Disclosure Statement
1958, Broom and Coghlan 1960, Babudieri and Farina 1964, No conflicting financial interests exist.
Wolff and Bohlander 1965, Brockie and Till 1977, Ayral
et al. 2016). Our study found that hedgehogs were heavily
Funding Information
infected with Leptospira in Central China, which is consis-
tent with previous reports on other animals in China. All This study was supported by the National Natural Science
Leptospira spp. detected in this study were L. interrogans. At Funds of China (Nos. 31570167 and 81971939).

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