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Easy way of Understanding of AI for engineering students

Topic Easy Way of Learning

Andrew Ng's online course on Coursera<br>-
"Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and
Machine Learning
TensorFlow" book<br>- YouTube tutorials and
practical coding exercises
- "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" book by
Neural Networks Michael Nielsen<br>- YouTube tutorials and
interactive online demos
- Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera by
Deep Learning Andrew Ng<br>- Online tutorials and
TensorFlow/Keras documentation

- "Natural Language Processing with Python" book

Natural Language
by Steven Bird and Ewan Klein<br>- Online courses
Processing (NLP)
on NLP platforms like Udacity or Coursera

- OpenCV documentation and tutorials<br>-

Computer Vision "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications"
book by Richard Szeliski
- "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" book
by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto<br>-
Reinforcement Learning
Online courses on RL platforms like Udacity or
- ROS (Robot Operating System) tutorials and
documentation<br>- "Probabilistic Robotics" book
by Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, and Dieter
- Online courses on AI ethics, such as "AI Ethics" on
AI Ethics Coursera<br>- Reading articles and papers on AI
ethics and responsible AI

These resources should provide a solid starting point for learning AI concepts as an
engineering student. However, it's important to note that AI is a vast field, and these
topics represent only a fraction of what you can explore. Depending on your specific
interests and goals, you may want to delve deeper into specific subfields or
applications of AI.

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