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8.36 Classification of P.D.

E Reduction to Canonical or normal forms Riemann Method

8.12. The solution of linear hyperbolic equations. It what follows we aim at sketching
the existence theorems for two types of initial conditions on the linear hyperbolic equation
2z/xy = f(x, y, z, p, q). ...(1)
For both kinds of initial condition, we assume that the function f(x, y, z, p, q) satisfies the
following two conditions :
(i) f is continuous at all points of a rectangular region R defined by  < x < ,  < y <  for all
values of x, y, z, p, q concerned.
(ii) f satisfies the so called Lipschitz condition, namely,
 f (x, y, z2, p2, q2)  f (x, y, z1, p1, q1)   M { z2  z1  + | p2  p1 | +  q2  q1 }
in all bounded subrectangles r of R.
We now state (without proof) two existence theorems.
Theorem 1. Initial conditions of the first kind. If F(x) and G(x) are defined in the open
intervals (, ), ( ), respectively, and have continuous first derivatives, and if (, ) is a point
inside R such that F() = G(), then (1) has at least one integral z = (x, y) in R such that

 F ( x), when y  
( x, y )  
G ( y ), when x  .
Theorem II. Initial conditions of the second kind. Let C1 be a space curve defined by
x = x(), y = y (), z = z() in terms of a single parameter  and also let C0 be the projection of C1
on the xy-plane. If we are given (x, y, z, p, q) along a strip C1, then (1) has an integral which takes on
the given values of z, p, q along the curve C0. This intergral exists at every point of the region R,
which is defined as the smallest rectangle completely enclosing the curve C0.
8.13. Riemann method of solution of general linear hypobolic equation of the
second order. [Himanchal 2002; Meerut 2005, 07, 08; Delhi Maths (Hons.) 1995, 1999, 2000]
Assume that the given linear hyperbolic equation is reducible to canonical form
L(z) = f(x, y), ...(1)
where L denotes the linear operator given by L    a   b   c , ...(2)
xy x y
where a, b, c are functions of x and y only.
Let w be another function with continuous derivatives of the first order. Again, let M be another
operator defined by the relation
 w (aw) (bw)
Mw =    cw . ...(3)
xy x y
The operator M defined by (4) is called the adjoint operator to the operator L.
2 FG
 w Lz  z Mw = w  z  a z  b z  c  z
2 w  (aw)  (bw)  cw IJ
xy x H y xy x K H
y K
2 2 IJ F I FG IJ
   z     w   ( awz )  (bwz )
= w  z  z  w  wa  z  z (aw )  wb z  z (bw ) =  w    z  
H x y  x y K H x x K H y y K 
y  x  x   y  x y
 FG w IJ
 FG
z U  V IJ
x H
awz  z

yK bwz  w
x y
K ...(4)
where U = awz  z(w/y) and V = bwz + w(z/x). ...(5)
Now if C  is a closed curve enclosing an area S, then

zz S
(w Lz  z Mw) dxdy =
z z FGH
U V

x y
dxdy =
K zb C'
Udy  Vdx , by Green’s theorem ...(6)

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