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Int. j. inf. tecnol.

(January 2023) 15(1):279–287


Investigations of standalone PV system

with battery‑supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system
for household applications
K. Karunanithi1 · S. Ramesh1 · S. P. Raja2 ·
R. Sreedhar1 · S. Kannan3 · V. Ramudu1

Received: 28 June 2022 / Accepted: 13 December 2022 / Published online: 24 December 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management 2022

Abstract In this paper, a standalone Photovoltaic (PV) HESS under various solar irradiance as well as AC loading
system with Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) which conditions.
consists of two energy storage devices namely Lithium Ion
Battery (LIB) bank and Supercapacitor (SC) pack for house- Keywords Hybrid energy storage system (HESS) ·
hold applications is proposed. The design of standalone PV Lithium ion battery (LIB) · Photovoltaic (PV) system ·
system is carried out by considering the average solar radia- Supercapacitor (SC)
tion of the selected city. During the frequent load variation
conditions, the Supercapacitor can discharge its energy since
it can discharge high current with less time and during con- 1 Introduction
stant load condition LIBs take care of supplying required
energy to the load. In this system, P&O algorithm is used PV system is classified as standalone, grid connected and
for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) to achieve hybrid categories. A standalone or off-grid system is the
higher efficiency. MATLAB-Simulink is used to evaluate one which is not connected to the power grid [1]. The fun-
the performance of the proposed standalone PV system with damental basic difference between the ON-Grid and OFF
Grid system comes from the energy storage features. Energy
storage system is essential for the operation of standalone
PV systems and which maintain the availability of power
* S. P. Raja supply to the required loads and increase the system reli-
ability. Energy storage systems can be in many forms and
K. Karunanithi sizes. Storage options include batteries, thermal, or mechani-
cal systems. All of these technologies can be paired with
S. Ramesh software that controls the charge and discharge of energy.
The ESSs are classified as Electrical Energy Storage
R. Sreedhar Systems (EESS), Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems
(ECESS), Mechanical Energy Storage Systems (MESS), and
S. Kannan Hybrid Energy Storage Systems [2]. In EESS, the SCs and
super conducting magnetic devices (SMD) are used. The
V. Ramudu batteries and fuel cells are coming under ECESS category.
1 The MESS which includes flywheel (FW), compressed air
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vel
Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science energy storage (CAES) and pumped hydro energy storage
and Technology, Avadi, Chennai, India (PHES). The HESS is one which is using combination of
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore above mentioned categories. In HESS, Battery-SC, combi-
Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu 632014, India nations of Battery Energy storage systems (BESS), BESS-
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, FC and SC-Fuel cell (FC) combinations are frequently used.
Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, India Among these hybrid storage systems, BESS-SC is popular

280 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (January 2023) 15(1):279–287

and the battery performance of battery is enhanced by reduc- H Parthasarathy et al. [8] proposed design of standalone
ing the stress during the transient period [3]. PV system with BESS. They used P and O MPPT algo-
For household/enterprise application, the load varia- rithm for PWM signal for charge-controlled converter. The
tion occurs frequently. Sometime a motor (Mixer/Grinder/ implemented zeta converter for reducing switching stress,
Pump) may be turned on. During this time, a high starting increasing circuit adaptability and limiting setting time of
current will be drawn by the machine. But this starting cur- system for controlling DC bus voltage in place of boost con-
rent flow only for a few seconds and the device consumes verter. Wenlong Jing et al. [9] proposed available topologies
more power during this time. If batteries are the only avail- of SC-HESS. They discussed EMS for 5 kW standalone PV
able source to meet the energy demand, the batteries will systems by considering 24 h solar irradiance data and simu-
be damaged because of heavy discharging current during lation is done in Matlab. Authors also carried cost reduction
starting time of motor. The battery energy storage system comparison on mentioned topologies with BESS. Joao faria
is suitable for constant load application only. So, there is a et al. [10] proposed power management control for stan-
need of additional energy storage system which can capable dalone PV. They developed battery management system for
of delivery of high discharging current for short time dura- monitoring and controlling of some important parameters
tion. The hybrid energy storage system such as battery and like temperature, current and voltage etc. They used rule-
SC combination can deliver the required energy demand at based controller along with PI controller for effective power
all situations. The novelty of this work is considering vari- management. They used non isolated bidirectional DC/DC
ation of both solar irradiance and load variations. This situ- power converters for connecting ESS elements to DC bus.
ation is similar to the real time system in which the system Iqra Panhwar et al. [11] proposed design of off-grid and
is subjected to both variation of irradiance and load. The on-grid PV system. They used solar irradiance data from
rest of the paper is as follows. The Sect. 2 describes litera- National renewable Energy Lab (NREL) data base. They
ture survey related to this work and Sect. 3 explains design used Homer pro software for designing of the system and
of proposed system. The Sect. 4 discusses the simulation with the help of this software authors also discussed net
results and Sect. 5 concludes. present cost for both the systems. Lee Wai Chong et al. [12]
proposed an optimal control strategy for standalone PV sys-
tem with BS-HEES. They used Low Pass Filter (LPF) and
2 Literature survey Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The LPF removes the high
dynamic components from the battery and FLC minimizes
Gaurav Chaudhary et al. [4] proposed different energy stor- battery peak current demand. They incorporated particles
age devices for microgrid and discussed the various con- Swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for generation of
trol strategies for energy management system. They made membership function to FLC to achieve optimal battery peak
detailed comparison with respect to various parameters like current reduction.
response time, discharge time, cycles, capacity and self-dis- Frank Samuel et al. [13] carried analysis of solar irradia-
charge etc. And they also discussed breakeven analysis with tion data in kW/m2/day of 45 locations in 9 districts of north
respect to ESS size and cost. Soedibyo et al. [5] proposed Tamil Nadu using PV watt site and tabulated. Authors men-
Energy management for BESS-SC for standalone PV system tioned best place for installation and commissioning of large
with PI controller. The authors simulated uncontrolled and solar PV plants using this analysis data. Lie Wai Chong et al.
controlled system with 1000 and 500 W/m2 solar irradiance [14] carried modelling and simulation of standalone PV sys-
conditions in Matlab/Simulink platform. Kashif Javed et al. tem with BESS-SC Hybrid Energy Storage System for Rural
[6] proposed design of off grid PV-HESS for rural India. Household. They used Rule Based Controller (RBC) and
Rather than using rule based and filtration-based control- Moving Average Filter Based Controller (MAFC) for power
lers, the authors used fuzzy based controller. The authors allocation and compared 2 kW PV system for all topologies.
developed 5 kW standalone PV systems with 20 Nos of The authors reduced battery peak power demand by 8.6% in
250 W PV modules with 64AH battery and 100F SC. In semi active BS HESS and improved battery average State
this paper, during the load variation, the behavior of the SC of Charge (SOC) by 0.34% compared to BESS. Wenlong
is not discussed by the authors. Salman Hajiaghasri Jing et al. [15] proposed standalone PV system with various
[7] proposed various storage combination methods using in topologies in BS HESS used for DC micro grid applica-
HESS application. They distinguished different combina- tion. The authors discussed extension of DC microgrids to
tions in two groups with near term hybrids and long-term AC bus by using interlinking converters. They discussed
hybrids. They performed comparative analysis on various some intelligent energy management algorithms for control
factors like cost of the system, combined efficiency, system of HESS. The developed costs function for SC semi active
flexibility, hardware complexity and overall controllability system for reducing the battery stress and evaluating the rate
in active, semi active and passive topologies. of charge and discharge cycles. Ishaq M. et al. [16] carried

Int. j. inf. tecnol. (January 2023) 15(1):279–287 281

off grid PV system design for government technical college panel subjected to partial shading. The authors simulated
in wudil, kano state with a total load of 11.8 kW and the this concept in MATLAB Simulink and prototype model
average daily energy demand of 48.78 kW/day. The authors also was developed.
designed the system with 13 kW capacity PV system with 20
Nos of 325 AH battery. They considered 20% safety factor
for design of inverter and charge controller in order to with- 3 Design of proposed system
stand overload capability for small durations. M.E Glavin
et al. [17] proposed standalone PV system with BESS-SC The proposed standalone PV system with HESS is shown in
HESS. The authors considered Valve Regulated Lead Acid Fig. 1. It consists of solar panels, MPPT charge controller,
batteries (VRLA) for this application. They used MATLAB Bidirectional DC-DC converters, battery bank, SC, inverter
/SIMLINK model for study of the system. They used energy- and AC loads. The double bedroom home is considered for
controlled unit (ECU) for investigation of power supply by designing of this standalone solar system. The off-grid PV
the battery and SC. Rohit Ranjan kumar et al. [18] proposed system design mainly consists of estimation of total home
liner quadratic regulator based PID controller for control- appliances load and usage hours, selection of energy stor-
ling load frequency in renewable energy based micro grid age devices, solar PV module, charge controller and finally
with solar PV and wind generator system. They used diesel inverter.
generator set for backup source. They carried matalb simula-
tion for PID based and LQR based controllers for compari- 3.1 Selection of system voltage
son. Ahmadreza Motaqi [19] proposed energy performance
management in battery powered reconfigurable processors The system voltage is selected based on the energy demand
for standalone IoT systems. The used field programmable and standard available ratings of electrical devices like bat-
gate array based reconfigurable processors in standalone tery, PV panel and inverter etc. in the market. In general,
internet of things. They added energy management is very more the energy requirement, the more is the voltage needed
important for such systems. They proposed two important by the standalone solar PV system. The energy demand/day
strategies for energy management they are trade off perfor- is assumed as 2.5 kWh and a 24 V system is considered for
mance and minimization Manisha et al. [20] carried sur- proposed standalone PV system.
vey of photovoltaic based MPPT controller for different
atmospheric conditions particularly for non-uniform solar 3.2 Calculation of required super capacitor rating
radiation. They also performed analysis on PV system with
variable temperatures and partial shading conditions. They The SC has high capacitance value and lower voltage rating
used fuzzy based techniques and artificial neural network compared to conventional capacitor. Due to this feature, it
techniques for evaluation of MPPT performance. R Sreed- is extensively used in energy storage applications. For arriv-
har et al. [21] proposed design of single-phase buck boost ing value of SC, the inrush load and its duration is required.
inverter for solar PV system under partial shaded conditions Assume the starting current drawn by a home appliance (ex.
with grey wolf optimization. The authors used global maxi- motor) is 25 A, assume the starting current will flow for 10 s
mum power point tracking to gain maximum power of solar and the AH capacity required for SC can be calculated as

Fig. 1  Block diagram of pro-

posed system

282 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (January 2023) 15(1):279–287

(25*10/3600 = 0.0694 AH) and energy stored for complete 3.4 Calculation of required PV system capacity
day requirement is (0.0694*24 = 1.666 watt-hour).
In this proposed design, the sizing of PV system is also
The Energy stored in a capacitor E = 1∕2 ∗ C ∗ V2 (1) important parameter; it includes wattage of each PV mod-
ule and number of PV modules. In order to obtain these
One watt - hour = 3600 joules (2) calculations one can, get the information of voltage, cur-
rent and wattage of the PV module available in the market,
Then 1.667 Wh = 5976 J (approximately equal to 6000 J).
Solar radiation at a given site location. The Peak Sun Hours
½ *C * ­V2 = 6000 and C = 2*6000/242 = 20.8 F is the
(PSH) available for the selected city (Vijayawada, India) is
estimated SC value. The available voltage rating of SC is
5.5 Hrs. and the estimated average energy generation per
2.7 V. Hence nine number of SC are required to make 24 V
year is 5,788.
PV capacity required is = Daily Wh required∕PSH (7)
3.3 Calculation of required battery bank rating
Required PV capacity is (2500/5.5 = 454.54 W) and 24 V,
100 W solar module selected for this application.
In off grid PV system, the battery bank design is essential
component, the total power required by the appliances is No. of PV Modules
supplied by battery bank. Due to numerous advantages of
= System capacity
lithium-ion battery compared with all other types of batter-
ies, it is popularly used in applications like Electrical Vehi- ∕selected PV module capacity
cles, Renewable Energy storage systems. No. of PV Modules
= 454.54∕100 = 4.5
Battery capacity
= nearly 5 modules required
= (Total watt - hour per day ∗ DOA) (3)
∕(Inverter 𝜂 ∗ battery voltage ∗ DOD) ( )
No. of modules in series Nms = Vsystem ∕VModule
DOA stands for Days of Autonomy and it is defined as (9)
Nms = 24∕24 = 1 No
number of days system should supply load without sunlight
and DOD stands for Depth of discharge and it is defined as ( )
No. of modules in parallel Nmp = Power(array) ∕Nms ∗ PowerModule
percentage charge that can take out from the battery. Con-
sidering 2 days of autonomy, inverter efficiency as 96% and Nmp = 500∕1 ∗ 100 = 5 Nos.
DOD of Li-ion battery is 80% and 12 V, 100 AH capacity (10)
lithium-ion battery selected for this application. Battery AH
capacity is (2500*2)/(0.96*12*0.8) = 542.53 AH 3.5 Calculation of inverter capacity

No. of batteries required Inverter is a power electronic device used to convert DC sup-
= (Total battery AH capacity) ply from solar PV panel or energy storage devices into AC
∕(selected battery AH capacity) (4) supply for household appliances. The size is selected based
on the wattage of appliances used in home. The maximum
No. of batteries required = 542.53∕100
wattage required is assumed as 1600 watts. Considering
= 5.42 so, rounded off, 6 batteries are required safety factor (SF) as 20% then the calculated inverter capac-
ity is as 2 kVA.
No. of batteries in series = Vsystem ∕VBatter
(5) 3.6 Calculation of charge controller rating
No. of batteries in series is = 24∕12 = 2 Nos.

The charge controller is used to regulate the voltage and

No of batteries in parallel current from the PV panels going to the battery bank and
= No. of batteries required prevents batteries overcharging and also prolongs the battery
∕no. of batteries in series (6) life. There are two types of charge controllers are used for
solar PV systems PWM type and MPPT type. The efficiency
No of batteries in parallel
of MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) controller is
= 6∕2 = 3 Nos. more when compared to PWM controller.

Int. j. inf. tecnol. (January 2023) 15(1):279–287 283

Charge controller current PV system is varying depending on the change in irradiation

= Total PV array wattage (11)
The above Fig. 4 depicts the SC voltage, current and SoC.
∕battery bank nominal voltage The super capacitor voltage is maintained constant in steady
state condition until the time t = 0.2 s. Due to sudden change
Charge controller current is 500/24 = 20.83 and add
in irradiance, the supercapacitor starts to balance the load
safety factor as 1.25 then the final charge controller rating
and the discharge current increases. So, the corresponding
is 20.83*1.25 = 26A.
state of charge is reduced from 99 to 98% as shown above.
During transient time i.e.: at t = 0.3 s a sudden reactive load
equivalent to mixer grinder load is applied because of that
4 Simulation results
there is a surge in SC current. So, it is clearly visible that,
SC supports at transient load condition.
The simulation of Standalone PV system is analyzed with
The above Fig. 5 shows the battery voltage, current and
the MATLAB-Simulink platform. The Simulink diagram is
SOC. During time t = 0.2 s the power generated by the PV
shown in Fig. 2. The simulation analysis includes the con-
system is used in charge the battery bank battery will store
nection of battery and SC to common DC bus with bidi-
the energy and similarly at time t > 0.2 s due to reduction
rectional DC-DC converter. The MPPT with Perturb and
in solar irradiation the power generated is reduced subse-
Observe algorithm is used to generate gate pulses for boost
quently the stored energy in battery bank is used to supply
converter. The gate pulses are estimated with the actual and
power to the load. From the above graph the state of charge
reference voltage and current values of battery and SC. The
of the battery is lies between 50 to 49%. At t = 0.3 s because
simulation is carried for two different solar irradiances with
of transient load, there is a surge in battery current. But
constant temperature. Different active and reactive loads are
because of the support from supercapacitor, the battery cur-
added dynamically to understand the load sharing of battery
rent lies within the prescribed ‘C’ rating of the battery.
with supercapacitor as well as the stability of the system at
The above Fig. 6 shows the power of PV system, load,
load side.
battery and SC under two different solar irradiance condi-
The above Fig. 3 depicts the PV system voltage and cur-
tions and two different loading conditions. From the wave-
rent. In this entire simulation period, the temperature is
form it is representing whenever there is a sufficient amount
maintained constant as 25 °C and solar irradiation is 980
of solar radiation the load power supplied by PV system
watts/m2 up to 0.2 s and from rest of the simulation period
and battery. During transient conditions i.e., sudden decreas-
the solar irradiation is maintained as 480 watts/m2. The PV
ing of solar irradiation or sudden increase in loading the
output voltage is continuously maintained by MPPT tech-
same power demand can met from SC power. In this way
nique to extract maximum power. The output current of the

Fig. 2  MATLAB-Simulink diagram

284 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (January 2023) 15(1):279–287

Fig. 3  PV output results (Voltage, current and power)

Fig. 4  SC output results (Voltage, current and SoC)

the stress on battery bank is reduced and life of the battery irradiance, the output voltage of the inverter is maintained
is improved. constant. So, the stability of the system is maintained under
The above Fig. 7 shows that voltage, current and various loading and irradiance conditions. It is clearly
power across the load. During the changes in load or solar observed from the graph.

Int. j. inf. tecnol. (January 2023) 15(1):279–287 285

Fig. 5  Battery output results (Voltage, current and SOC)

Fig. 6  Stand-alone PV with HESS system results (PV power, Load power, Battery power and SC power)

286 Int. j. inf. tecnol. (January 2023) 15(1):279–287

Fig. 7  Load Voltage, Load Current and Load Power

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Motion Control Conference


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