Write A Diary Entry On The First Day After Relocating To A New City

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Write a diary entry on the first day after relocating to a new


Dear diary ,
Believe it or not I had been waiting the entire day to sit and
talk to you . By looking at my face you must have guessed
today was indeed a gloomy day .

As you are aware of that I have shift to Mumbai because of

my father’s transfer . After all the travelling we had finally
reached Mumbai . I had to admit compared to my old house
this one was a lot bigger . I literally had to collect all my
courage to leave my old city and come here . The first day
here was pretty fine . The morning as soon as woke up
outside of window I could just see herds of cars standing
behind each other . Noises of honking grew every minute .
You known how much I hate crowded places .

After my breakfast I got ready and went to school. I don’t

need to tell you how much I missed my old school bus and
the fun I had over there . You known how much nervous I
was for today . The day in the school went normal . You know
I a little shy while meeting new people . While returning to
home the road was just packed not even a single car moved .
It was feeling like the time had stopped forever . While
coming to home just the memories of the roads from my
school to my home gushed in my mind it was amazing time I
had over there .

At evening I was just missing my friends . I sat on my window

and was just imaging the and recreating the memories I had
with my friends . You known how much emotional I can get
at these times . Tears ran down through my eyes . I was really
missing my old place a lot .

I felt a lot better talking to you . Sharing my feelings with you

I feel much lighter now . Well I should now get going as mom
has made my favourite dinner . I will talk to you tomorrow
with all the gossips till then bye .

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