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Nama : Jacobus Kristian Agam Renjut

NIM : 231010201739
Kelas : 01HUKE006
Dosen Pengampu : Guntarto Widodo SH., MH.
Mata Kuliah : Basic Academy English

1. In the heart of the enchanted forest, a mysterious portal shimmered with an otherworldly glow,
inviting brave adventurers into a realm beyond imagination. The portal's magic, fueled by ancient
energies, pulsed with an ethereal rhythm, beckoning those with the courage to step into the
unknown. The air around it buzzed with anticipation, as if the very trees whispered secrets to
those who approached. Within the portal's embrace, a world of wonder awaited, where the
ordinary transformed into the extraordinary. Beneath the ancient archway, the portal's threshold
quivered with energy, offering a passage to realms unseen by mortal eyes. The key to unlocking
its mysteries lay not in physical might, but in the hearts of those who sought to explore the

Amidst the bustling cityscape, a lone street musician played a haunting melody, drawing listeners
into a momentary escape from the urban chaos. His fingers danced gracefully over the strings of
a weathered guitar, producing notes that resonated through the crowded square. The music
transcended language, becoming a universal language that connected strangers in a shared
experience. Despite the cacophony of honking horns and hurried footsteps, the musician
remained immersed in his craft, lost in a world where creativity and expression knew no bounds.
The melody echoed against towering skyscrapers, creating a harmonious contrast between the
organic artistry and the man-made structures that surrounded it. With each strum and pluck, the
musician painted an ephemeral masterpiece, turning the busy intersection into a haven of serenity
and soulful connection.

2. Appositive Phrases:
• The novelist, a prolific writer, completed her latest manuscript ahead of schedule.
• My best friend, an accomplished artist, painted a stunning mural on the city wall.
• The athlete, a dedicated marathon runner, set a new personal record in the race.
• The restaurant, a cozy bistro by the river, served exquisite cuisine with a picturesque view.
• The professor, an expert in quantum physics, explained complex theories with clarity.
• The car, a vintage convertible, turned heads as it cruised down the sunlit boulevard.
• The baby, a bundle of joy, giggled with delight at the colorful toys.
• The mountain, a dormant volcano, loomed majestically against the twilight sky.
• The project, a collaborative effort, brought together professionals from various fields.
• The city, a melting pot of cultures, celebrated diversity with annual festivals.

3. Past Participles:
• She had baked a delicious cake for the birthday celebration.
• The documents, signed and stamped, were ready for submission.
• The path, illuminated by lanterns, guided us through the dark forest.
• The mystery novel, read in one sitting, captivated my imagination until dawn.
• The broken vase, carefully glued together, retained its original beauty.
• The hikers, exhausted and exhilarated, reached the summit at sunset.
• The singer, accompanied by a live orchestra, delivered a mesmerizing performance.
• The city, transformed by urban development, boasted modern skyscrapers.
• The question, left unanswered for years, finally received a thoughtful response.
• The project, completed ahead of schedule, earned praise from the clients.

4. Degrees of Comparison:
• Her garden is more beautiful than any other in the neighborhood.
• The puzzle was less challenging than we initially thought.
• His dedication to fitness is as admirable as his commitment to work.
• The movie was more entertaining than the book adaptation.
• The weather in summer is hotter than in spring.
• The antique clock in the foyer is older than the one in the living room.
• The novel is less suspenseful than the author's previous works.
• The coffee from the local café is better than the one from the chain store.
• Her enthusiasm for the project is greater than anyone else's.
• The exam was more difficult than the practice tests.
NOMOR UJIAN : 067392633794



NIM : 231010201739


No Hari/ Tanggal Waktu Ruang Kelas Mata Kuliah Paraf


1 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 07.40 - 09.20 V.1036 01HUKE006 1

2 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 07.40 - 09.20 V.1036 01HUKE006 ILMU NEGARA 2

3 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 09.20 - 11.00 V.1036 01HUKE006 3

4 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 09.20 - 11.00 V.1036 01HUKE006 BASIC ACADEMIC ENGLISH 4

5 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 11.00 - 13.50 V.1036 01HUKE006 PENGANTAR ILMU HUKUM 5

6 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 11.00 - 13.50 V.1036 01HUKE006 SEJARAH HUKUM 6

7 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 13.50 - 15.30 V.1036 01HUKE006 PENGANTAR ILMU HUKUM 7

8 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 13.50 - 15.30 V.1036 01HUKE006 BAHASA INDONESIA 8

9 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 16.00 - 17.40 V.1036 01HUKE006 PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI 9

10 Sabtu, 23 Des 2023 16.00 - 17.40 V.1036 01HUKE006 SOSIOLOGI HUKUM 10

Peraturan dan Tata Tertib Peserta Ujian

1. Peserta ujian harus berpakaian rapi, sopan dan memakai jaket Almamater
2. Peserta ujian sudah berada di ruangan sepuluh menit sebelum ujian dimulai
3. Peserta ujian yang terlambat diperkenankan mengikuti ujian setelah mendapat ijin, tanpa perpanjangan
4. Peserta ujian hanya diperkenankan membawa alat-alat yang ditentukan oleh panitia ujian
5. Peserta ujian dilarang membantu teman, mencontoh dari teman dan tindakan-tindakan lainnya yang
mengganggu peserta ujian lain
6. Peserta ujian yang melanggar tata tertib ujian dikenakan sanksi akademik

Tangerang Selatan, 17 Desember 2023

Ketua Panitia Ujian


NIDN. 0418028702

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