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1) Q. Who is responsible for filing the invoices? 26) Q. How much does it cost to rent this retail space?
A. The execu<ve secretary. A. The fee is 200 dollars.
2) Q. Is technical support available twenty-four hours a 27) Q. Do you want to go to the recep<on together?
day? A. Yes, through our Web site. A. Sorry, I can’t make it.
3) Q. Our u<lity bill is a lot higher this month, isn’t it? 28) Q. You already proofread those rental agreements, didn’t
A. The company raised its rates. you? A. Yes, and they looked fine.
4) Q. The tailor repaired the hole in my coat sleeve. 29) Q. Who’s chairing the commiRee?
A. Oh, how much did it cost? A. The marke<ng director.
5) Q. We’re offering a special discount on this model. 30) Q. Why is the company planning to hire a new
A. When does the offer expire? recep<onist? A. Because Carlos is re<ring soon.
6) Q. What’s the status of the recording contract? 31) Q. How long will the outdoor fes<val last?
A. I’m s<ll wai<ng to hear. A. Let’s check the flyer.
7) Q. Have you signed up to access your medical records 32) Q. How can we meet the project deadline?
online? A. It’s not a requirement, is it? A. We’ll have to work extra hours.
8) Q. Why does the shuRle bus leave so early? 33) Q. Wasn’t the office furniture shipped last month?
A. To avoid the heavy traffic. A. The delivery’s been delayed.
9) Q. You’re going to the morning training session today, 34) Q. Who edits the company newsleRer now?
aren’t you? A. It’s mandatory, isn’t it? A. Bill Sharma took over that job.
10) Q. Several of us are trying to organize a book club. 35) Q. I don’t know how to get to the conven<on center
A. Can anyone join it? from the airport. A. Satoshi’s prin<ng out the direc<ons.
11) Q. Can you shorten this leRer so it fits on one page? 36) Q. What’s your store’s return policy?
A. OK, I’ll revise it within the hour. A. Merchandise can be returned within 90 days.
12) Q. You really should join that new fitness club. 37) Q. Should I submit my first drae, or only the final
A. Yes, I’d like to get more exercise. version? A. Send what you have now.
13) Q. Can I borrow a sweater? 4RIC16 38) Q. Should I start working on the Danielson project now?
A. I can turn up the heat. A. It depends on your other deadlines.
14) Q. Who’s in charge of stocking the supply closet? 39) Q. Why has there been a delay in shipping these orders?
A. Oh, we take turns. A. Because we ran out of packing materials.
15) Q. When will you hear back about your interview? 40) Q. Where can I put these extra cleaning supplies?
A. In a week or so. A. In the storage room is fine.
16) Q. Where should I sign this form? 41) Q. Do you mind if I leave early today?
A. At the boRom of page seven. A. Has your report been submiRed?
17) Q. Do you prefer the window or aisle seat? 42) Q. Who’s going to lead the merger nego<a<ons?
A. Either is fine with me. A. John Sanchez is.
18) Q. Has your boss approved your transfer yet? 43) Q. Would you mind se_ng up the product displays?
A. I just put in the request. A. Actually, I’m on my break.
19) Q. Why am I ge_ng two copies of this document? 44) Q. Why hasn’t Eric signed the invoice yet? A. I’ll find out.
A. Because you need one for your files. 45) Q. Where should I sign this purchase agreement?
20) Q. Shouldn’t we order some more photocopier paper? A. On the doRed line, please.
A. Yes, we’re running out. 46) Q. Is the employee apprecia<on dinner going to be
21) Q. Have you reviewed Ms. Chen’s sales projec<ons or formal or informal?
should I go over them? A. No, I’ll look at them later. A. I was told that we could dress casually.
22) Q. Did you contact a mechanic? 47) Q. When can we get together to start planning the
A. Yes, someone’s coming tomorrow. awards banquet? A. Let’s meet tomorrow morning.
23) Q. You gave the customers the bill, didn’t you? 48) Q. When will the presenta<on materials be ready?
A. Hasn’t the payment arrived yet? A. I have two slides lee to make.
24) Q. Who will be going to the exposi<on this year? 49) Q. I’d like to cancel my subscrip<on to Lakeline Times .
A. Several of our colleagues. A. Do you have your account number?
25) Q. Did you submit the expense reports?
A. There’s a lot of data to review.

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1) responsible 48) presentaEon 95) videoconferencing
2) available 49) subscripEon 96) convenEon
3) uElity 50) producEve 97) authorizaEon
4) repair 51) secretary 98) restricted area
5) offer 52) recepEonist 99) quality control
6) status 53) storeroom 100) cubicle
7) record 54) automaEc 101) treasurer
8) leave 55) import 102) packing slip
9) session 56) export 103) company leQerhead
10) organize 57) cafeteria
11) revise 58) instructor
12) join 59) trainee
13) borrow 60) name tag
14) charge 61) blueprint
15) interview 62) internship
16) boQom 63) electrician
17) prefer 64) laboratory(=lab)
18) approve 65) crew
19) document 66) banner
20) order 67) aQorney
21) projecEon 68) look into
22) contact 69) staff[employee] lounge
23) bill 70) in alphabeEcal order
24) colleague 71) business hours
25) review 72) give a hand
26) cost 73) day off
27) make it 74) well aQended
28) proofread 75) sales associate
29) commiQee 76) face-to-face
30) reEre 77) loading dock
31) flyer 78) outsource
32) deadline 79) webinar
33) ship 80) itemize
34) take over 81) company retreat
35) get to 82) credenEal
36) return 83) field of experEse
37) draV 84) business a_re
38) depend on 85) safety drill
39) delay 86) segment
40) supply 87) troubleshoot
41) submit 88) diagram
42) negoEaEon 89) symposium
43) mind 90) color scheme
44) find out 91) quarterly sales
45) agreement 92) mechanic
46) formal 93) short-staffed
47) banquet 94) boardroom
TIENGANH MCB 0983860747

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