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Review aRticle

Molecular genetics
in aquaculture

Rossella Lo Presti, Claudio Lisa, Liliana Di Stasio

Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecniche. Università di Torino, Italy

Corresponding author: Prof. Liliana Di Stasio. Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecniche. Università di Torino.
Via Leonardo da Vinci 44, 10095 Grugliasco (TO), Italy - Tel. +39 011 6708570 - Fax: +39 011 6708563 -

Received November 14, 2008; accepted March 12, 2009

Great advances in molecular genetics have deeply changed the way of doing research in aquaculture, as it
has already done in other ields. The molecular revolution started in the 1980’s, thanks to the widespread
use of restriction enzymes and Polymerase Chain Reaction technology, which makes it possible to easily
detect the genetic variability directly at the DNA level.
In aquaculture, the molecular data are used for several purposes, which can be clustered into two main
groups. The irst one, focused on individuals, includes the sex identiication and parentage assignment,
while the second one, focused on populations, includes the wide area of the genetic characterization,
aimed at solving taxonomic uncertainties, preserving genetic biodiversity and detecting genetic tags. For
the future, the increase in the number of molecular markers and the construction of high density genetic
maps, as well as the implementation of genomic resources (including genome sequencing), are expected
to provide tools for the genetic improvement of aquaculture species through Marked Assisted Selection.
In this review the characteristics of different types of molecular markers, along with their applications to
a variety of aquaculture issues are presented.

Key words: Aquaculture, Molecular markers, Practical applications.


La genetica molecolare sta profondamente modiicando il modo di fare ricerca nell’ambito dell’acquacol-
tura, così come è già avvenuto in altri settori. La rivoluzione molecolare è iniziata durante gli anni ’80,
grazie all’utilizzo degli enzimi di restrizione e della Reazione a Catena della Polimerasi, che permettono
di studiare, in modo rapido e relativamente poco costoso, la variabilità genetica direttamente a livello del
DNA. Nell’ambito dell’acquacoltura, i dati molecolari sono stati utilizzati per numerose applicazioni, che
possono essere raggruppate in due categorie. Nella prima, riferita agli individui, rientrano il riconosci-
mento del sesso e la veriica di parentela, mentre nella seconda, riferita alle popolazioni, rientra il vasto
settore della caratterizzazione genetica, inalizzata alla risoluzione di incertezze tassonomiche, alla tutela

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della biodiversità e all’individuazione di etichette genetiche. I recenti progressi nell’identiicazione di un

numero sempre più elevato di marcatori, unitamente alla costruzione di mappe genetiche a maggiore den-
sità, forniranno informazioni utili anche nell’ambito del miglioramento genetico. Questa rassegna illustra
brevemente le caratteristiche dei diversi marcatori molecolari, soffermandosi più in dettaglio sulle loro
applicazioni nel settore dell’acquacoltura.

Parole chiave: Acquacoltura, Marcatori molecolari, Applicazioni pratiche.

Introduction acid substitutions, or the amino acid substi-

tution does not always change the protein
Mendelian genetics deduced the princi- total electric charge.
ples of the heredity by observing the individ- The advances in molecular genetics have
ual phenotypes resulting from appropriate made it possible to detect the genetic poly-
breeding experiments. Its integration with morphism directly at the DNA level, thanks
information and methods made available by to the widespread use of restriction endo-
the progressive advances of molecular biol- nucleases and Polymerase Chain Reaction
ogy led to a new branch of genetics, called (PCR) technology. Used alone or in asso-
molecular genetics, whose aim is to investi- ciation, they allow the identification of dif-
gate all aspects of the gene, such as its struc- ferent types of DNA variability: base sub-
ture and functions. The molecular approach stitutions, commonly referred to as Single
provided geneticists with very powerful Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), insertion
tools, the molecular markers, which opened or deletion of nucleotides (indel) and Varia-
exciting perspectives of application in many ble Number of Tandem Repeat (VNTR). The
research fields. The objective of this work is last group includes microsatellites (or Sim-
to review the characteristics and potential ple Sequence Repeats, SSRs), which consist
power of different types of genetic markers, of short sequences (mostly 2-4 base pairs)
with a major focus on their applications to a tandemly repeated up to tens or hundreds
variety of aquaculture issues. of times along the DNA strand (Levinson
and Gutman, 1987; Tautz, 1989) and mostly
Molecular markers located in non coding regions. Thousands
of microsatellites have been found in farm
A genetic marker can be defined as any animals; in fish, in particular, the presence
trait which allows the identification of the of a microsatellite has been estimated every
genotype of an individual. Until the 1980’s, 10 kb (O’Connell and Wright, 1997), with a
the most used markers were proteins (al- mutation rate at 10-2-10-6 per locus per gen-
lozymes), because amino acid differences eration, which is much greater than that of
in the polypeptide chain detected by elec- non repetitive DNA (10-9) (Weber and Wong,
trophoresis reflect mutations in the coding 1993), resulting in a very high level of poly-
gene. However, the protein markers have a morphism. Moreover, microsatellites are
reduced power in detecting the DNA varia- co-dominant and abundantly distributed
bility both within and between populations throughout the genome. For their peculiar
(Valenta et al., 1977; Valenta et al., 1978; features, microsatellites are extensively
Šlechtová et al., 1995; Kohlmann and Ker- used in a wide range of research fields and
sten, 1998; Antunes et al., 1999), because applications.
some DNA mutations do not lead to amino In aquaculture genetics, mitochondrial

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DNA (mtDNA) is also quite popular, for its tance and the order of the loci along a chro-
intrinsic and technical features: a relatively mosome on the basis of segregation analyses
high mutation rate, haploid and maternal in reference populations or families: if two
inheritance, which reduces the effective markers segregate together, they will locate
population size and thus increases the sen- very close on the chromosome, so they will
sitivity to genetic drift, ease of isolation and define a linkage group, where the proportion
manipulation (Avise, 1994; Moritz, 1994). of recombinants between the linked markers
The analysis of mtDNA has been gener- is used as a measure of the distance between
ally carried out by PCR-RFLP and more them. The microsatellite markers represent
recently by sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA the tool of choice for the construction of a
complete sequences for some aquaculture primary framework map, which can be fur-
species, such as common carp (Cyprinus ther enriched with SNP markers in coding
carpio) (Chang and Huang, 1994), tench genes (Gregory et al., 2004).
(Tinca tinca) (Saitoh et al., 2006) and red Although less developed than in other an-
grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) (Zhu and imal species, microsatellite and SNP-based
Yue, 2008), are now available. linkage maps are now available for sever-
The last decade has seen a renewed inter- al aquaculture species (Table 1). As some
est in coding genes for studying the associa- studies have revealed extensive homology
tion of their variability with economically among vertebrates (Morizot, 1983; Woods et
important traits. In this respect, compara- al., 2005), comparative evolutionary stud-
tive genomics can greatly accelerate the ies will greatly benefit from the increasing
identification of effective markers, because knowledge on the linkage groups arrange-
many genes are very conservative, allowing ments in different species (Matsuoka et al.,
the transmission of information between 2004; Gharbi et al., 2006).
species, with reduction of time and costs. Medium-term genome research will focus
on the integration of genetic linkage and
Applications physical maps, which would significantly
enhance the possibility to apply genome-
Molecular markers can be used in a va- based technologies to the genetic improve-
riety of aquaculture studies, at the indi- ment (Somridhivej et al., 2008).
vidual or population level, and the choice
of the markers to be used depends on both Sex identification
the aim of the research and on the marker Sex identification is important in sev-
characteristics. Some examples are briefly eral biological sciences, such as genetics
presented. and conservation biology, but in fish it is of-
ten difficult because of the reduced sexual
Gene mapping dimorphism and the frequent absence of
Gene mapping provides fundamental in- heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Moreo-
formation for genetic studies, including QTL ver, in fish species where one sex has bet-
identification, marker assisted selection ter performances, monosex stocks have been
and comparative genomics (Danzmann and developed, usually by sex reversal and fam-
Gharbi, 2001). In brief, a physical map de- ily selection, with the need to discriminate
fines, by in situ hybridization, the physical between genetic and phenotypic sex (Devlin
location of DNA segments on a chromosome, and Nagahama, 2002). Molecular genetics
while a genetic map depicts the relative dis- has proven to be very effective in solving the

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Table 1. genetic linkage maps in aquaculture species.

Species Reference
Zebraish (Danio rerio) Knapik et al., 1998; Shimoda et al., 1999;
Woods et al., 2005
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Kocher et al., 1998; Agresti et al., 2000
Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Naruse et al., 2000
Channel catish (Ictalurus punctatus) Waldbieser et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2003
Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) Young et al., 1998; Nichols et al., 2003;
Rexroad et al., 2008
Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) Woram et al., 2004
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) moen et al., 2004, 2008; gilbey et al., 2004
Paciic oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Li and guo, 2004
european sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Christiakov et al., 2005
Brown trout (Salmo trutta) gharbi et al., 2006
gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) Franch et al., 2006
Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) Reid et al., 2007
european lat oyster (Ostrea edulis) Lallias et al., 2007
Bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) Liao et al., 2007
Silver carp (Hypophthamichthys molitrix) Liao et al., 2007
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) McClelland and Naish, 2008

problem through the possibility of detect- such as in farmed mussels, they are lost in
ing sex-linked markers in different species, 40-90% of the cases (MacAvoy et al., 2008).
including Atlantic salmon (Devlin et al., The alternative to keep different families in
1991; Du et al., 1993; Clifton and Rodriguez, separate ponds is expensive and limits the
1997), African catfish (Kovacs et al., 2000), number of animals available for selection.
rainbow trout (Iturra et al., 2001; Felip et Several studies have demonstrated the
al., 2005), tongue sole (Chen et al., 2008). ability to identify a unique genetic profile for
each individual and to establish parentage
Individual identification and parentage in fish using highly polymorphic markers,
assignment especially microsatellites. Investigations
In many fields, such as conservation ge- on rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss)
netics or selection, the unambiguous iden- (Herbinger et al., 1995), Atlantic salmon
tification of the individuals and reliable (Salmo salar) (Norris et al., 2000) and the
genealogical records are required for the New Zealand mussel Perna canaliculus
management programmes. Unfortunately, (MacAvoy et al., 2008) showed that appro-
these data are difficult to obtain in fish pop- priate sets of microsatellites allow a success
ulations, because physical tags are impossi- rate of 95-99.9% in parentage assignment.
ble to apply in juveniles and, when possible, The disadvantage of using molecular mark-

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ers is the relatively high cost, which can be one marker was sufficient to recognize it,
limited by choosing the minimum number of while two or more markers were necessary
markers compatible with the maximum lev- to distinguish the other populations.
el of accuracy and developing multiplex sys- Molecular markers are widely used in
tems able to co-amplify the markers used, as conservation genetics as well, to indirectly
already done for many aquaculture species estimate the inbreeding level by measuring
(O’Reilly et al., 1996; Fishback et al., 1999; the heterozygosity degree, whose changes
Porta et al., 2006; Johnson et al., 2007). during time reveal population size fluctua-
tions and possible bottlenecks occurred in
Population genetics the past (Gross et al., 2007). The main pur-
The genetic characterization of the indi- pose of these studies is to provide tools for
viduals leads to the possibility of describing preserving the existing genetic variability,
a population by means of allele frequencies. which is fundamental for the survival of the
In recent decades, the molecular markers species, because it allows individuals to face
have been extensively used to define the ge- changes in the environmental conditions.
netic structure of many aquaculture popu- Focusing on farmed animals, the genetic
lations, which represents the fundamental diversity represents the possibility of both
step for the definition of the taxonomic sta- adapting to new rearing conditions/food
tus, that is for species, subspecies, breeds sources/diseases, and providing improved
and strains identification. From a practi- products in answer to new requirements.
cal point of view, once a status has been as- Nevertheless, any selection programme
signed to each population, the information leads to a reduction of the genetic diversity,
can be used for either understanding their which should be limited as much as pos-
role in determining the whole variability of sible in order to avoid the negative effects,
the species, or detecting cases of crossbreed- known as inbreeding depression (Pante et
ing and/or hybridization. al., 2001). From this point of view, molecu-
For the identification of species, sepa- lar information can be used to maximise the
rated by large genetic distances, almost genetic diversity when assembling a found-
all markers can be used. On the contrary, er population in order to ensure maximum
markers with a very high resolution power long-term genetic response from the breed-
are needed for breeds and strains identifica- ing programmes (Hayes et al., 2006).
tion because the genetic distances between Fortunately, most of aquaculture species
the phylogenetic units are often quite small. have a great advantage compared to other
The microsatellite variability made it pos- species: as the domestication process started
sible to distinguish European and American only recently, wild populations still exist and
populations of Atlantic salmon (McConnell can represent the source of genetic diversity
et al., 1995), as well as seven populations of in the future. In this context, molecular ge-
masu salmon living in the Atsuta river (Ki- netics plays a basic role because molecular
tanishi et al., 2009), while significant differ- markers are able to detect differences be-
ences between two adjacent Canadian pop- tween wild and cultured populations and
ulations were revealed by mtDNA (Tessier to reveal processes which determined the
et al., 1995). David et al. (2001) successfully observed differences. Mitochondrial DNA
applied AFLP markers to distinguish nine is especially employed for this purpose in
common carp populations, showing that the several aquaculture species. For example,
Amur carp was the most different, so that Hansen et al. (1997) used mtDNA polymor-

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phism to detect differences between brown power for excluding the possibility of a sus-
trout cultured strains and wild populations pected fish originating from the competition
from three river basins, revealing a greater lake. At the end, the offender confessed to
reduction of genetic variability in hatchery purchasing it in a local fish shop!
strains, mainly due to the small numbers of
founder females. Also data on microsatellite Selection
markers showed that farmed strains were Selection is aimed at modifying the ge-
genetically quite similar, while clearly sepa- netic structure of a breed in order to obtain
rated from wild populations in rainbow trout animals with superior performances for the
(Gross et al., 2007) and tench (Kohlmann et traits of interest. The classical approach is to
al., 2007). The ability to discriminate wild estimate the breeding value of the individu-
and cultured populations can be also exploit- als on the basis of phenotypic values, to se-
ed to identify escaped domesticated animals, lect the ones with the best genetic perform-
as demonstrated for Chinook salmon reared ances and to mate them within appropriate
in marine netpens (Withler et al., 2007). breeding schemes.
The genetic characterization offers the Although the basic concepts are the same,
possibility to trace back to the origin of a proc- the selection strategies used in most farm
essed product (traceability). Species-specific, animals do not directly apply to fish species
strain-specific or population-specific mark- for their biological and breeding character-
ers can be used as genetic tags, which make istics. On one hand, the extremely high re-
it possible to detect the original taxon and productive capacity and the external fertili-
secure the consumer’s rights to be informed zation of fish offer a great flexibility in the
about the purchased product. For example, implementation of selection programmes
the polymorphism of the mitochondrial Cyt with a high precision in the estimates and
b gene made it possible to discriminate be- permits the use of higher intensities of selec-
tween 23 species, including European eel tion. On the other hand, the peculiar breed-
(Anguilla anguilla), Atlantic salmon (Salmo ing management has some practical limi-
salar), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), bass tations, such as the difficulty in obtaining
(Dicentrarchus labrax), sea bream (Sparus accurate genealogical and phenotypic data,
aurata), tuna (Thunnus thynnus) and plaice or the influence of the competition between
(Pleuronectes platessa) (Wolf et al., 2000). individuals in the same pond, which induces
Recently a species database of fish, molluscs a distortion in the estimates of the genetic
and crustaceans has been created with the parameters, with negative effects on the se-
aim to identify species of origin of seafood lection response (Moav and Wohlfart, 1974).
products by previously defined AFLP pat- Apart from these differences, the traits
terns (Maldini et al., 2006). objectives of selection in aquaculture are
A strictly related application is in forensic similar to those of other species (including
science to detect cases of fraud, for example growth, carcass composition and quality)
in caviar trade (Wuertz et al., 2007), or illegal and the genetic improvement realized so far
poaching of threatened species. Primmer et mainly depends on the application of tradi-
al. (2000) reported a funny case of fraud that tional methods, involving selection, crossing
occurred during a fishing competition in Fin- and hybridation (Wohlfarth, 1993; Bakos and
land: the microsatellite genotyping, together Gorda, 1995; Hulata, 1995; Hulata, 2001).
with software able to assign an individual to However, the progress in molecular genetics
its population, provided a highly significant provides perspectives for implementing the

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marker assisted selection (MAS), aimed at ance, due to both the enormous economical
choosing the genetically superior individu- implications and the difficulties of the clas-
als using molecular information. sical selection, which requires the genetic
To perform MAS, markers tightly linked evaluation of the individuals through ex-
to the loci responsible for quantitative traits posure to the virus. Ozaki et al. (2001) first
(QTL) or major genes directly involved in identified, in rainbow trout, two markers
the phenotypic expression should be found. associated with the infectious pancreatic
In the first case, a QTL can be identified and necrosis (IPN), a highly contagious disease
localized due to the co-segregation with a against which the presently available vac-
molecular marker; in this respect the micro- cines offer only a partial protection. More
satellites are very helpful, being highly poly- recently, a marker for resistance to lym-
morphic and widely distributed throughout phocystis disease in Japanese flounder has
the genome. In the second case, candidate been identified (Fuji et al., 2007); the poten-
genes possibly responsible for quantitative tial of MAS for improving the disease resist-
traits are chosen, based on previous knowl- ance is demonstrated by the fact that no af-
edge of their position and/or function, and the fected fish were observed in an experimental
statistical associations between their SNPs population selected for the allele associated
and the phenotypic expression of the trait of to the lymphocystis resistence, compared to
interest are investigated. The identification about 5% of the control population.
of genetic markers related to traits objec- Concerning major genes, the available
tive of selection would have a great impact data are still limited (Table 3). However,
on the selection response, mainly for traits aquaculture species have the great advan-
with low heritability, such as reproduction tage that the economically important traits
or disease resistance. In fact, if a given allele are similar to those included in the selec-
were associated to a given trait, it would be tion programmes of many farm animals,
sufficient to select the individuals carrying so that the huge amount of information al-
that allele in order to improve the associ- ready available for other vertebrates can be
ated trait. If so, the selection process would exploited to find homologous genes in fish,
be greatly simplified, because simple Men- where the research in this field is less ad-
delian traits would be concerned, instead of vanced. For example, growth rate, which
complex quantitative traits. is one of the main objectives of selection in
Up to now, the QTL analysis in fish is in most fish species, has been thoroughly in-
its infancy because the genetic mapping is vestigated for many years in other animals,
not so advanced as in other species, even where the genes associated to the somato-
if medium-density linkage maps are avail- tropic axis have been identified, mapped and
able at least for the principal aquaculture sequenced. These results have accelerated
species, as mentioned above. The first data the research in fish, leading to the identifica-
on QTLs date back to the late 1990’s, when tion in different species of GH (Growth Hor-
Jackson et al. (1998) identified two mark- mone), GHR (Growth Hormone Receptor),
ers associated with the upper temperature GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hor-
tolerance in rainbow trout. Later on, other mone), IGF-I (Insulin-like Growth Factor I)
QTLs were reported in different aquacul- genes (De-Santis and Jerry, 2007). The iden-
ture species (Table 2). tification of polymorphic sites in these genes
In aquaculture many efforts are devoted is the further step towards investigations
to the search of markers for disease resist- on the possible associations with production

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Table 2. examples of qTL in aquaculture species.

Species Trait Reference
Rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) Upper temperature tolerance Jackson et al., 1998
Spawning time Sakamoto et al., 1999
IPNV resistance Ozaki et al., 2001
embryonic development rate Robison et al., 2001
Sex Iturra et al., 2001
early maturation Haidle et al., 2007
Cortisol level Drew et al., 2007
Tilapia (Oreochromis hybrid) Stress/immune response Cnaani et al., 2004
Body colour Lee et al., 2005
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Flesh colour Araneda et al., 2005
Spawning date Araneda et al., 2007
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) IPNV resistance Houston et al., 2007
Body lipid percentage Derayat et al., 2007
Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) morphometric traits Chatziplis et al., 2007
Japanese lounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) Lymphocystis disease Fuji et al., 2007
eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Disease resistance Yu and guo, 2006

Table 3. examples of candidate genes in ish species.

Species Gene Trait Reference
Zebraish (Danio rerio) MYO Growth Acosta et al., 2005
Rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) Clock Spawning time Leder et al., 2006

Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) PVALB1 Xu et al., 2006

Body weight/
Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Epinecidin-1 Yin et al., 2006
Rengmark et al., 2007
Water salt
Tilapia (Nile tilapia)
masu salmon (Oncorhyncus masou) MELO HUFA biosynthesis Alimuddin et al., 2008

traits. Another promising candidate gene is the inactivation of the Myostatin gene in ze-
Myostatin, whose variability is responsible brafish resulted in an increased weight gain
for the double muscled phenotype in cattle. (+45% compared to the control), as observed
Recently, Acosta et al (2005) reported that in mice (McPherron et al., 1997). Therefore,

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the polymorphism of the gene could be asso- expressing naturally fluorescent proteins
ciated to growth differences also in fish. in the skeletal muscle (Gong et al., 2003)
and the construction of models for human
Transgenesis diseases (Kari et al., 2007) demonstrate the
The knowledge of molecular genetics wide range of application of the transgenic
gives a basic contribution to the genetic en- technology.
gineering, which in fish is more advanced
compared to other animals, for the simpler Conclusions
manipulation, due to the external fertiliza-
tion and embryogenesis (Maclean, 2003). For the last twenty years the genetic re-
Following the milestone experiment of search in aquaculture has been exponential-
Palmiter et al. (1982) in mice, the main appli- ly increasing thanks to the widespread use
cation in aquaculture concerned the growth of molecular technologies together with the
rate, with the successful transfer of GH gene possibility to exploit the impressive amount
from mammals and more recently from fish. of data available for other species.
The results were impressive, with growth Up to now the knowledge on molecular
rate four times higher in salmon (Devlin et al., genetics has been mainly applied to the ge-
1994) and 2.5 - 4 times in tilapia (Rahman et netic characterization of the populations,
al., 2001). However, some results showed that covering a variety of aspects, with special
the growth enhancement is relatively low in emphasis on diversity analysis and conser-
species selected for growth over centuries, vation. For the future considerable progress
as they had less ‘capacity’ for extra growth can be expected from gene mapping thanks
(Devlin et al., 2001). Therefore, the existence to the efforts presently devoted to both the
of biological limitations could reduce the use- enrichment of the genetic maps and to the
fulness of the transgenesis. The consumer integration of genetic linkage and physical
acceptance of the transgenic fish, probably maps, which is essential for the understand-
related to the perceived risk, and possible ad- ing of genes responsible for performance
verse environmental impacts are also to be traits, including growth and disease resist-
taken into account (Maclean, 2003). ance. With the increasing global demand for
Considerable work in the field of trans- aquaculture products and the early stage of
genesis concerns the pathogen resistance selection for most aquatic species, molecular
and freeze resistance, but, even if trans- genetics is expected to play a major role in
genic fish have been produced, the research the management of breeding programmes
remains at a preliminary stage (Maclean, aimed at developing improved strains for
2003). The development of ornamental fish the most economically important species.

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