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Physics !!!!!!!

Set -1


1. The terminal potential difference of a circuit having 9 V cell, 2 internal resistance and 10
external resistance is

a. 9V c. 7.5V

b. 6V d. 5.5V

2. When second face of a convex lens is silvered, it behaves as a

a. Convex lens c. concave mirror

b. Convex mirror d. as a plate

3. A person sitting in front of a mirror finds his erect image larger than himself. This implies that
mirror is :

a. Plane c. concave

b. Convex d.cylindrical

4. Two copper rods of equal lengths but unequal diameters are heated through the same range of
temperatures. Its increase of length will be

a. More for the thinner rod

b. More for the thicker rod

c. Same for both the rods

d. Considerable for thinner rod

5. A wire of length 'L' and cross sectional area 'A' is made of material of young's modulus 'Y' if the wire
is stretched by an amount 'x', the work done is

a. YAx2/L c. yaX/2L

b. YAx2L d. YAx2/2L

6. If a tunnel is dug along the diameter of earth and mass is released into it from one of the poles,
what will be the velocity of the mass when it reaches the center of earth?

a. gR c. 2gR

b. 2Gr d. Zero

7. The distance x covered by a body of 2kg under the action of a force I related to time as x = t2/4.
What is the work done by the force in the first 2 secs ?

a. 4j c. 2j

b. 1j d. 1/2j

8. A sparrow flying in the air sits on a stretched telegraph wire. If the weight of the sparrow is W, which
of the following is true about the additional tension T produced in the wire?

a. T = 0 c. T = W

b. T < W d. T > W

9. The sum of two vectors A and B is at right angles to their difference, then

a. A = B c. A = 2B

b. B= 2A d. A = 0

10. The length of two rods are (50  0.1) cm and (20  0.1) cm. then sum of their length will be

a. (70  0.1) cm c. (70  0.2) cm

b. (30  0.2)cm d. (30  0.1) cm

11. The constituents of neutron are:

a) uud c) udd

b) ddd d) uuu

Group B

Answer the following questions [8X5=40]

1. (a) State the law of conservation of mechanical energy. [2]

(b) A subway trains start from rest at a station and accelerates at a rate of 1.60m/s2 for 14.0s.It

Runs at constant speed for 70.0s and slow downs at the rate of 3.50m/s2 until it stops at next

Station. Find the total distance covered. [3]


(a) State Hook's law. [2]

(b) What is elastic after effect? How much force is required to punch a hole 1cm in diameter in a
steel sheet 5mm thick whose shearing strength is 2.76X108Nm-2 [1+2]

2. (a) Mention two applications of bimetallic strips. [2]

(b) What do you mean by coefficient of cubical expansion of mercury is 1.8X10-5 Oc-1? The
pendulum of a clock is made of brass whose linear expansivity is 1.9X10-5 K-1.If the clock keeps
correct time at 15oC, how many seconds per day will it loose at 20oC.


3. (a) State any three properties of an ideal gas assumed by Kinetic theory of gas. [3]

b) A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of equal radius made of same material are heated to same
temperature and allowed to cool in the same environment .which of them starts cooling faster
explain. [2]

4. (a) Define steady state of metal bar. How black body is realized in practice. [2]

b) Calculate the apparent temperature of the sun from the following information. [3]

Sun radius= 7.04X105 km Distance from earth=14.7X107 km

Solar constant=1400w/m2 Stefan's constant=5.67X10-8 wm-2k-4

5. (a) What is deviation of light and mention any two factors on which angle of deviation depends?


b) The refracting angle of prism is 62o and refractive index of glass for yellow light is 1.65.what is

The possible angle of incidence of a ray of this yellow light which is transmitted without total

Internal reflection. [3]


a) Define concave mirror and state on daily application of it. [2]

b) At what position an object be placed in front of a concave mirror of radius of curvature 0.4m so
that an erect image of magnification 3 be produced. [3]

6. a) Define one coulomb. Mention any two limitations of coulombs law. [1+2]b) State
Gauss Theorem in electrostatics and obtain expression for electric field intensity due to A charged
hollow conducting sphere when any point P lies outside the sphere. [2]

7. (a) A man inside a metallic cage does not receive any shock when the cage is highly charged. Give
reason. [2] b) A
capacitor charged from a 50V dc supply is discharge across a charge measuring instrument

And found to have carried a charge of 10μC.What was the capacitance of the capacitor and

How much energy was stored in it? [3]

8. (A) Define Binding Energy and mention application of binding energy per nucleon. [2]

b) What do you mean by dopants .give example. Mention any two characteristics of


Give long answer to the following questions


9. A cheetah is crouched 20m to the east of a vehicle at time t=0 the cheetah begins to run due east

Towards and antelope that is 50m to the east of the vehicle .During the first 2.0 s of the chase the

Cheetah's x- coordinate varies with time according to the equation x=20m+(5.0m/s2)t2

A) Find the cheetah's displacement between t1=1.0s and t2=2.0s [2]

B) Find its average velocity during that interval. [2]

C) Find its instantaneous velocity at t1=1.0s by taking Δt= 0.1s, then 0.01s,then 0.001s.Derive an
expression for the cheetah's instantaneous velocity as a function of time, and use it to find vx at
t=1.0s and t=2.0s. [ 2]

D) Derive an expression for the cheetah's instantaneous velocity as a function of time and use it to
find vx at t=1.0s and t=2.0s. [2]

10. In Jules Verne's 1865 story with this title, three men went to the moon in a shell fired from a

Giant cannon sunk in the earth in Florida.

A) Find the minimum muzzle speed needed to shoot a shell straight up to a height above the earth
equal to the earth's radius RE. [ 4]

B) Find the minimum muzzle speed that would allow a shell to escape from the earth completely
(the escape speed) neglect air resistance, the earth's rotation, and the gravitational pull of the
moon .The earth radius and mass are RE =6.37X106 m and mE= 5.97X1024 kg.

11. from the given nuclides, 6C12, 2He3, 8O16 ,1U3 , 6C14 ,7N15

(a) Identify the pairs of isotopes,isobars and isotones [2]

b) How does the size of nucleus depends on its mass number?also calculate the ratio of

radius of two nuclei having mass no 27 and 64 respectively. [1+2]

c) Explain why density of nucleus is independent of mass number? [2]

d) The nucleus 6C12 is Considered to be more stable than 1H3 .why? [ 1]

The End


Group - A

1. A bulb of power 100w has a voltage supply of 220V. What is the resistance of the bulb?

a. 440 c. 264

b. 220 d. 115

2. Convex lens is placed on a plane mirror. If the space between them is filled with water, the power of
the system

a. Remains constant

b. Increase

c. Decrease

d. May increase or decrease depending on the focal length of convex lens.

3. The image of an object formed by a device is always virtual and small. The device may be a

a. Concave lens c. concave mirror

b. A glass plate d convex mirror

4. If a bimetallic strip is heated, it will

a. Bend towards, the metal with lower thermal expansion coefficient

b. Bend towards, the metal with higher thermal expansion coefficient

c. Not bend at all

d. Twist itself into a helix

5. Two identical wires of A and B are taken and equal stretching forces are applied on them along the
length. It is observed that A elongates more than B, then

a. B is more elastic than A

b. A is more elastic than B

c. A and B are equally elastic

d. A is elastic & B is plastic

6. When mass 'm' is raised to a height equal to radius R of earth, gain in P.E is
a. MgR/2 c. mgR

b. 2 mgR d. mgR/4

7. An automobile engine of mass 'M' accelerates and a constant power 'p' is applied by the engine.
The instantaneous speed of the engine will be

Pt 1/2 C. 2Pt 1/2

a.    

Pt 1/2 d. Pt 1/2
b.    
2M 4M

8. The surface are frictionless. The ratio of T1 to T2 is :

9. A body moving with 3m/sec east changing its velocity with 4m/sec towards north in 2sec. then
acceleration of body is

a. 2.5m/sec2 towards eat

b. 2.5m/sec2 towards north east

c. 2.5m/sec2 toward north west

d. 2.5m/sec2 toward south east

10. The least count of vernier calliper is 0.01cm.The probable error in measurement can be

a. 0.005cm c. 0.01cm

b. 0.05cm d. 0.02cm

11. The constituents of proton are

a. uud c.Udd

b. ddd d.uuu

Group –B

Answer the following questions. [8x5=40]

1) a. Define angle of repose and write down the relation between angle of friction. [2]

b. An antelope moving with constant acceleration covers the distance between two points 70.0 m
apart in 7.00s.its speed as it passes the second point is 15.0 m/s

(i) what is the speed of first point.

(ii) what is the acceleration. [2+1]


A. Define bulk modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity . [2]

B. Elasticity has a different meaning in physics than that in daily life.comment

A spring is extended by 30mm when a force of 1.5N is applied to it. Calculate the energy stored in the
spring when hanging vertically supporting a mass of 0.20kg if the spring was unstretched before applying
the mass.calculate the loss in P.E. of the mass . [1+2]

2) a. Define water equivalent and heat capacity of substance. [2]

b. An ice cube tray of negligible mass contains 0.350kg of water at 18oC.How much heat must be
removed to cool the water to 0oC. and freeze it .Express your answer in joules and calories. [3]

3) a. What do you mean by solar constant and emissivity and explain ,why does the cycle tube brust
sometimes in summer. [3]

b. Outline the essential features of the kinetic theory of gases. [2]

4) a. Define temperature gradient of an object and degree of freedom of a system. [2]

b. You asked to design a cylindrical steel rod 50.0cm long with circular cross-section, that will conduct
150J/s from a furnace at 400o C to a container of boiling water under one atmosphere .What must be the
rod's diameter be. [3]

5)a. What are the advantages of total reflecting prism over a plane mirror. [2]

b. A certain prism is found to produce a minimum deviation of 51o0' while it produce a deviation of
62o48' for two values of angle of incidence namely 40o6'& 82o42' respectively .Determine the refracting
angle of prism , the angle of incidence of minimum deviation and refractive index of the material of the
prism. [3]


a. Define convex mirror and state one daily application of it. [2]

b. An object is placed 15cm from a convex mirror of focal length 10cm.calculate the image distance and
magnification produced. [3]

6) a. what do you mean by electric field.write any two properties of electric lines of forces. [3]

b.State Gauss's Theorem in electrostatics and write down the dimention of electric flux. [2]

7) a. Define capacitance of parallel plate capacitor and state one application of it in electric circuit. [2]
b. In figure c1¬=c¬¬¬¬5= 8.4μF and C2=C3=C4=4.2μF.The applied potential is Vab =220V

what is the equivalent capacitance of the network between points a and b. [3]

8) a. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor in two points. [2]

b. What do you mean by forbidden band, conduction band and write down the Quark model of Proton.

Group C

Answer the following questions. [8X3=24]

9) a.What is momentum.state principle of conservation of linear momentum with an example.[1+2]

b. suppose a tunnel is to be constructed in Mugling –Narayangarh highway .During construction a big

stone is exploded into two masses of 6000kg and 2000kg respectively. If the larger stone have kinetic
energy 5kJ.calculate the Kinetic energy of smaller stone. [3]

c. If both small and larger stone have same momentum.which stone have more Kinetic Energy.expalin.[2]

10) a.Define gravitational potential. [1]

b. Express escape velocity interms of orbital velocity of satellite when satellite is very close to the
surface of earth. [2]

c. If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth .find the acceleration due to gravity at;
(i) height equal to R/2 and

(ii) depth equal to R/2 from the surface of the earth where R is radius of earth. [3]

d. Define Geo-stationary satellite and parking orbit. [2]

11 ) a. Define the term annihilation and Pair Production. [2]

b. What are mesons? Write the names of three two particles that have neither mass nor
charge. what properties do these particles have. [1+1+2]

C. What is red shift? Give its significance. [2]

The End


Set 3
Full Marks: 75 Time : 3hr

As far as Practicable, candidates are required to give their answers in their own words .Figure in the
margin indicates full marks.

Group ‘A’ (11x1=11)

Choose the best alternative to the following questions:
1. If v stands for velocity of sound, E is elasticity and d the density, then find x in the
equation v = (E/d) x
(A) -1/2 (B) 1/2 (C) 1 (D) 2
2. The resultant of the two forces are perpendicular to the smaller of the two forces. The
magnitude of one of the forces is double the magnitude of the other force. What is the
angle between the forces?
(A) 60° (B) 90° (C) 120°
(D) 150°
3. On calculating which of the following quantities, the mass of the body has an
effect in simple projectile motion?
(A) Velocity (B) Force (C) Time of flight (D) Range
4. An object of mass m held against a vertical wall by applying horizontal force F as shown in the figure.
The minimum value of the force F is
(A) Less than mg (B) Equal to mg
(C) Greater than mg (D) cannot determine

s5. The graph shows the behavior of a length of wire in the region for which the substance obeys Hooke’s
law. P and Q represent
(A)P = applied force, Q = extension
(B) P = extension, Q = applied force
(C) P= extension, Q = stored elastic energy
(D) P = stored elastic energy, Q = extension
6. Ray optics is valid, when characteristic dimensions are
(A) Of the same order as the wavelength of light (B) Much smaller than the wavelength of light
(C) Of the order of one millimeter (D) Much larger than the wavelength of light
7. A light ray is incident perpendicularly to one face of a 90∘ prism and is totally internally reflected at
the glass-air interface. If the angle of reflection is 45∘, we conclude that the refractive index μ:
(A) μ > 1/ 2 (B) μ > 2 (C) μ < 1/ 2 (D)μ < 2
8. f V & f r are the focal lengths of a convex lens for violet and red light respectively. F V & F r are the focal
lengths of a concave lens for violet and red light respectively, then we must have
(A) f V  f r & f V  F r (B) f V  f r & F V  F r (C) f V  f r & F V  F r (D) f V  f r & f V  F r
9. To enable you to see a rainbow the sun should be positioned
(A) in front of you (B) behind you (C) on your left side (D) on your right side
10. The electric field lines due to a single negative charge are
represented by

11. What do the initial moments after the Big Bang have in
common with the universe as it exists now?
(A) All the stars, galaxies, and planets that exist today
were formed just a few moments after the Big Bang.
(B) The universe back then could not sustain life, and it cannot sustain life now.
(C) The universe was extremely hot then, and it is still extremely hot not
(D) The universe began expanding then, and it is still expanding today
SAQs Group ‘B’ (8x5=40)
Answer the following questions:
1. a) A projectile is fired horizontally with initial velocity v by making an angle
30° as in figure. The different points on the trajectory are indicated as O, P, Q
and G. [3]
i) What is vertical component of velocity at point O and Q?
ii) At which point velocity and acceleration are perpendicular to each other?
iii) What is another angle of projection to cover the same horizontal range OG
if it is projected with same initial velocity?

b) A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum

horizontal distance of 100 m. How much high above the
ground can the cricketer throw the same ball? [2]
1. a) Using the adjoining v - t graph, calculate the (i) average speed, and (ii) average velocity of the particle
for the time interval 0 – 22 seconds. The particle is moving in a straight line all the time. [2]
b) The displacement x of a particle varies with time as x = 4t2 – 15t + 25. Find the position, velocity and
acceleration of the particle at t = 0. [3].
2. The graph below shows how the temperature is changing over a period of time for 25g of water that is
being cooled, turned into ice, and taken to a final temperature of -4oC.
(i) How much heat is extracted from the water to cool it during the first 20 minutes of the graph? [1]
(ii) How much heat energy is extracted from the water during the time that the temperature remains
constant at 0oC? [2]
(iii) If a total of 210J of energy are extracted from the ice in the final 10 minutes shown by the graph,
calculate the specific heat capacity of ice. [2]

3. a) Define coefficient of cubical expansion. [1]

b) A steel wire has a length of 2 m at 20°C. Its length becomes 2.01 m at 120°C. Calculate coefficient of
cubical expansion of the material of wire. [2]
c) When a metal plate or block with hole is heated, why does not the material around the hole expand into
the whole and make it smaller? [2]

4. a) Define water equivalent .state Newton's law of cooling [2]

b) How much heat is required to convert 5 kg of ice at -100c into steam at 1000c[ Given sp. Heat capacity
of ice (si)2100J/kg 0c,sp latent heat of ice (Li)=336000 J/kg and sp heat capacity of water
(Sw)=4200J/kg c [3]
5. A luminous object and a screen are placed on an optical bench and a converging lens is placed between
them to produce a sharp image of the object on the screen.The linear magnification of the image is found
to be 2.5.The lens is now moved 30cm nearer the screen and a sharp image again formed.calculate the
focal length of the lens.

a) Draw the angle of deviation versus angle of incidence (i-δ)
graph and hence show that the refractive index of

material of prism is μ =
sin( )
A+ δm
, where symbols have
their usual meaning.
b) What will happen if monochromatic light is replaced by
white light? Explain.

6. (a) Define electric field. When are the electric field lines parallel to each other? [2]
(b) The force of repulsion between two point chargers placed 16 cm apart in vacuum is 7.5 × 10–10 N. What
will be force between them, if they are placed in a medium of dielectric constant k = 2.5? [2]
(c) Sketch an electric field pattern around an isolated positive point charge. [1]

7. a) What do you mean by dopping? Does the capacitance increase or decrease when a dielectric is
inserted in the gap between plates?[3]
b) Distinguish between Fission and fusion .[2]

8. Two lamps 25W-220V and 100W-220V are connected in parallel across a 220V power supply.
a) Calculate the power consumed by each lamp. [2]
b) Which bulb glows brighter 25 W or 100W? Give your reasoning. [2]
c) There are two bulbs and a fan in your bed room. Are these connected in series or in parallel? Why? [1]

Group C (3x8=24)
9. Consider a conical pendulum as shown in the diagram. The motion of conical pendulum is an example of
uniform circular motion (UCM). If the bob is given only a tangential velocity it will swing in a horizontal
plane and hence undergo UCM.
a) Draw a labeled FBD(Free body diagram) for the pendulum bob. [2]
b) In FBD for the pendulum why you should not resolve the weight of the pendulum bob? Give your
reasoning. [2]
c) Obtain an expression for the period of conical
pendulum. [2] r
d) Compare the period of a conical pendulum with
that of simple pendulum. Which one has longer
period? [2]


9. a) What is a satellite? [1]

b) A satellite, with a mass of 200 kg, orbits in a
circular motion around the Earth at an altitude of 300 km. Mass of earth is 6 x1024 kg and radius is 6400
(i) What is the centripetal force acting on the satellite? [2]
(ii) What is the orbital velocity of the satellite? [2]
(iii) Compare the orbital speed of a 500 kg satellite in an identical orbit. [2]
(iv) What is the work done by a satellite revolving in its orbit? [1]

10. a) Define elastic modulus including its three types . [3]

b) Steel is more elastic than rubber why?[2]
c)How much force is required to punch a hole 1 cm in diameter in a steel 3 cm thick whose shearing
strength is 2.76X108 N/m-2 [3]

11. The part of a graph of how binding energy per nucleon varies with nucleon number is shown.
a) State the value of nucleon number for the nuclides that are most stable, giving a reason. [2]
b) The energy liberated in the fission of a single uranium -235 atom is 3.2X10-11 J.Calculate the power
production corresponding to the fission of 1 gram of uranium per day.assuming Avogadro constant
=6X1023 mol-1[2]
c) Draw rough sketch of binding energy per nucleon versus nucleon number graph. [2]
d) Write down the significance of such graph in explaining nuclear reactions. [2]

Set 4

Time: 3hour F.M=75

Candidates are required to give their answers in their words as far as practicable.The figures in the
margin indicate full marks.

Group A
1. Taking into account the significant figure, what is the value of 9.99m+0.0099m

A) 10.00m B) 10 m C) 9.9999m D)10.0m

2. The velocity time graph of a body moving in a straight line is shown in the figure .The displacement
and distance travelled by the body in 6sec are respectively

A)8m,16m B)16m,8m C)16m,16m D)8m,8m

3. A projectile is fired with velocity U making angle θ with horizontal .what is the change in its velocity
when it is at the highest point.

A) Ucosθ B) U C) Usinθ D)U2sin2θ

4. Two men with weights are in ratio 5:3 run up a staircase in time in the ratio 11:9, The ratio of
power of first to that of second is

A) 15/11 B)11/15 C)11/9 D) 9/11

5. The value of coefficient of restitution for perfectly elastic collision is

A) 0 B) 1 C)-1 D) ∞

6. A ray of light incident on the first mirror ,parallel to the second and reflected from the second mirror,
parallel to the first mirror ,the angle between the mirror is

A) 300 B)600 C) 750 D) 900

7. An air bubble in a glass slab (µ=1.5) is 6cm deep when viewed from one face and 4cm deep when
viewed from opposite face .The thickness of glass plate is

A) 10cm B) 6.67cm C) 15cm D) 17.5cm

8. Rainbow is formed due to

A) Diffraction B) Dispersion and total internal reflection C) Reflection D) Refraction

9. A Biconvex lens is cut into two halves along (i) XoX’ and (ii) YOY’ as shown in figure .let f, f’ f’’
represent the focal length of complete lens, of each half in case (i) and of each half in case (ii)
respectively. which of the given statement is correct

A)f’=f ,f’’=2f B)f’=2f,f’’=f C)f’=f, f’’=f D)f’=2f ,f’’=2f

10. Which of the following is a non- ohmic resistor

A) Junction diode B) Iron C) Copper D) aluminum

11. For an isobaric family members of nuclei, which of the following statement is true

A) Mass number remains same B)Both neutrons and protons are equal

C) Neutrons number remains same D) Atomic number remains same

Group B

Answer the following questions

1. a. state principle of conservation of linear momentum. [1]

b . a girl walk 4km west, then 3km in a direction 30 degree east of north, before coming to a halt.
Determine the girls distance from her starting positions. [2]

C. How do you know whether to use dot product or cross product in a vector problem? [1]


a. What do you mean by non -conservative force, Give two example to explain the law of
conservation of energy. [2]

b. A train of mass 2x105kg moves at a speed of 72km/hr up a straight inclined against a frictional
force of 1.28x10 N. The incline is such that train rises vertically 1.0m for every 100m travelled
along the incline. Calculate the necessary power developed by the train. [2]

c. How is the work done by variable force is related with area under force and displacement curve.

2. a. Why a pendulum clock goes slow in summer and fast in winter ? [1]

b. During the physics Experiment of grade XI student of NMSS following curve is
the nature of curve and answer the following,

(i) Explain the nature of curve from A to D . [1]

(ii) what does the point on temp axis represent correspond to horizontal line BC indicates? [1]

(iii)Does this curve indicates the crystalline solid or amorphous solid ? [1]
C. Define melting point of substance. [1 ]

3. a. Define coefficient of thermal conductivity. what is the value of thermal conductivity of a perfect
conductor and perfect heat insulator [2]

b. Why are two thin blankets warmer than a single blanket of double the thickness? [1]

C.A bar 0.2m in length and 2.5cm2 in cross section is ideally lagged. one end is maintained at 1000C
and other end is maintained at 00C by immersing in melting ice .Calculate the mass of ice melt in
one hour. Thermal conductivity of material of the bar is 4x10-2Wm-1K-1 . [2]

4. a. How is Boyle’s law used in everyday life. Draw P-V and P-1/V graph for a given mass of gas at
certain temperature (Boyle’s law). [1+2]

b. Molecules of different gases have equal average kinetic energies , provided their temperature is
the same. Do the molecules have equal velocity also? [2]

5. a. distinguish between grazing incidence and grazing emergence with proper figure. [2]

b. If critical angle of prism is 290 what will be the value of limiting angle. [1]

c. when does Snell’s law of refraction fails? [1]


a. Define focal length. [1]

b. Can a plane mirror forms a real image. Illustrate with ray diagram. Concave mirror are used in
ophthalmoscope, why? [2]

c. An object 10cm high is placed in front of convex mirror of focal length 20cm and object is 30cm
from the mirror .find the height of the image. [2]

6. a. What do you mean by electric charge .Can we charge a body having charge 30x10-19C? [2]

b. Differentiate between conduction and induction. [1]

c. Vehicles carrying inflammable fluid drag a chain along the ground. Why? [2]
7. a. Derive the relation I=vd enA for current carrying conductor, where the symbol carry their usual
meaning. [2]

b. Find the equivalent resistance between A and B from given figure. [2]

c..Draw I-v graph for non ohmic conductor. [1]

8. a .Define electric potential. [1]

b. Small charges of +2x10-9C,-2x10-9 , +3x10-9C and -6x10-9 C are placed in order at the corners of a
square of diagonal 0.2m.calculate the electric potential at the centre. [2]

c. A high voltage dc power line falls on a car so that the metal body of the car is at a potential of
10,000 volts with respect to the ground .what happens to the occupants [1+1]

(I ) When they are sitting in the car.

(ii) When they step out of the car?

Group C

Give long answer to the following questions.

1. a. Why does man have to tilt his umbrella when he is in motion during rainy day? Illustrate with
diagram. [2]

b. The displacement of body is given by S=t3 -6t2+9t

(i) Find the velocity at t=2sec [1]

(ii) find acceleration at t=3sec [1]

(iii)Find the time when the body at rest. [2]

(iv) Find the time, when the body is moving in –ve direction.

2. a . State principle of conservation of energy. [1]

b. Show that total mechanical energy of an isolated system remains conserved by considering the
freely falling body .[3]

c. The variation of K.E and P.E at different point of freely falling body is shown in figure. Write any
two information obtained from it. [2]

d. if you are given two object one is heavier and other is lighter, both have the same kinetic energy,
which one has more linear momentum. explain? [2]


a. Does the centre of gravity of a solid always lie within the material of the body? If not , give a counter
example. [1]

b. If momentum of a body remains same then how can you say that force will be zero? if the angle of
inclination is greater than angle of repose, the body slides down an inclined plane. What will be the
acceleration of body, express your result in terms of angle of inclination and coefficient of friction.

c. Show that angle of friction is equal to the angle of repose .[3]

d. Why it is easier to pull than to push a lawn roller? [1]

3. a. all nuclei have nearly equal density .why? [2]

b. Show that energy equivalence of 1amu is 931Mev. [2]

c. The mass of 17Cl35 is 34.9800amu.calculate the binding energy and binding energy per nucleon.
mass of one proton=1.007825 amu and mass of one neutron =1.008665 amu [2]

d. Express your result in C in terms of joule.[1]

e. What do you mean by pair production.[1]

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