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Pneumatics & Hydraulics Systems

Authored by: Suhyb Moustafa Awadalla – 202000265
Delivered to: Dr. Haytham Mohsen Yassin

Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Compressed air is Hydraulic systems Electrical systems

the primary source of utilize hydraulic rely on electrical

Source of energy in pneumatic fluid, typically oil, as energy as their power

systems. Air is the energy source. A source. This energy
is usually supplied
compressed using a hydraulic pump
Energy compressor and
stored in a reservoir
pressurizes the fluid,
and this pressurized
by power generators
or electrical grids.
Batteries can also
for use in various fluid is used to serve as a source of
applications. transmit power and electrical energy in
perform work in some systems.
hydraulic machinery.
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

In pneumatic Hydraulic systems Electrical systems

systems, energy is transmit energy transmit energy

Energy transmitted through through pressurized through the flow of

compressed air. hydraulic fluid, electrons in
Compressed air usually oil. A
Transmissions flows through pipes
and tubes to
hydraulic pump
pressurizes the fluid,
materials, typically
copper wires.
Voltage drives the
pneumatic actuators and this high- movement of
(cylinders or motors), pressure fluid is then electrons, and
where it expands and directed through electrical energy is
performs hydraulic lines to used to power
mechanical work. hydraulic actuators various devices,
(cylinders or motors). from small
electronics to large
The fluid's pressure
is converted into
mechanical force to
perform work.
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Compressed air, Hydraulic fluid (oil), Electromagnetic

which is lightweight, providing excellent fields in conductors
readily available, and lubrication and heat (wires), allowing for
easy to handle. dissipation efficient
transmission of
properties, making it
Energy Carriers suitable for high-
electrical energy over
long distances.
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Lower force/power High force/power Moderate

density compared to density, making it force/power density,

Force/Power hydraulics and ideal for heavy-duty but high efficiency

electrical systems, applications such as allows for precise
control, making it
making it suitable for construction
Density applications
high force
suitable for various
applications from
small electronics to
requirements. essential. industrial machinery.
Smooth Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Control Limited smooth

control due to the
Provides relatively
smooth control due
Offers precise and
smooth control,

(Acceleration/ compressibility of to the allowing for easy

air, leading to less incompressibility of acceleration and
deceleration with the
precise acceleration hydraulic fluid,
Deceleration) and deceleration. allowing for better
control of motion.
potential for high
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Generally higher Moderate speed, Can achieve high

speed compared to influenced by fluid speeds and are
hydraulics, making it dynamics, and may easily controllable,
suitable for not achieve the making them
suitable for a wide
applications same speeds as
Speed requiring
rapid pneumatics.
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Commonly used for Well-suited for both Capable of providing

linear and rotary linear and rotary linear, rotary, and

Motion Types motion applications, motion, making complex motion

providing simplicity them versatile for types, allowing for
flexibility in design
in design. various industrial
of Drives applications.
and control.
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Typically, lower Good efficiency, Generally high

efficiency due to air especially in high- efficiency, especially
compression losses power applications, in well-designed
and heat generation with losses occurring systems, with losses
occurring mainly in
during compression. mainly through fluid
Efficiency friction and heat
components such as
motors and
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Generally reliable, Reliable, but fluid High reliability, with

but the system can leaks can be a fewer issues related
be affected by air concern, requiring to fluid leaks or air
leaks, leading to a regular maintenance compression,
leading to stable and
potential decrease in to prevent system
Reliability performance. failures.
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Generally lower Moderate to high Moderate

maintenance costs maintenance costs, maintenance costs,

Maintenance due to the simplicity especially if there are with fewer issues
of the system, but fluid leaks, requiring compared to fluid-
based systems,
regular checks for air regular fluid checks
Costs leaks are necessary. and component
requiring periodic
checks of electrical
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Often lower Moderate to high Moderate operating

operating costs due operating costs, costs, influenced by

Operating to the simplicity of influenced by fluid electricity prices and

the system and lower costs and maintenance, but
generally more
energy requirements. maintenance
Costs requirements,
especially in high-
compared to fluid-
based systems.
power applications.
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical Systems

Generally lower Moderate to high Moderate to high

initial costs, making initial costs, initial costs, with

Purchasing them cost-effective depending on the decreasing costs

for simpler system complexity over time due to
advancements in
applications with and force
Costs moderate
justified by high force
technology, making
them suitable for a
wide range of
requirements. capabilities. applications.

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