Teacher and Textbook

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I picked up the phone and heard: “It’s Stella. I must see you at once!”.

I did
not understand what happened but I was determined to come to the place she
said. When I arrived at the school, I registered Sella – my favorite teacher in
secondary school.
She was confused and worrying something so I asked her: “What is the matter
for you? After a few minutes, she explained that the textbook had disappeared
and need to find it immediately. She would to find it quickly because it is
needed for the next class.
We started to get all the rooms in the school. I remembered everywhere the
textbook could be forgotten. Eventually, after a tiring journey, I found a
valuable textbook in the library.
Stella was happy and thankful for my help. I was feeling glad because I could
help her so it made me realize the importance of conserving instrument

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