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Situs :
Jalan Raya Bangkaloa – Widasari, Telp. (0234) 352742
Kabupaten Indramayu 45271




Satuan Pendidikan : SMP
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VII (Tujuh)/ Genap
Hari dan Tanggal :
Waktu :
Kurikulum : 2013
Petunjuk :
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban;
6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula dengan
penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar;
7. Periksalah seluruh pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

I. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D!

1. Bara :.....
Lani : I like playing a violin
A. I’m keen on playing a violin
B. Is your hobby a violin
C. What is your hobby?
D. I’m not interested in playing a violin
2. Christian : Do you like diving?
Andrew : ...... My hobby is hiking
A. No, I don’t
B. Yes, I do
C. Yes, of course
D. Yes, diving is what at attracts most
3. Agnes : Which one do you like, cake or pudding?
Monica : I ... pudding better than cake
A. Prefer C. Would prefer
B. Would rather D. Like
4. The Boy likes .... better than swimming
A. dive C. diving
B. dives D. to dive

Bhs. Inggris – K 7 1
5. Announcement
School Trip to Palapa Sand Beach
On 30th of june 2016, there will be a beach camping to palapa Sand Beach.
Departure : 07.00 a.m
Programs : Swimming, games, volleyball, and lunch at the Beach view Restaurant
Afternoon : Walk along the beach to the lagoon and watch the boat festival
Fee : Rp. 85.000,00
Contact Person : Marina, Yunda
Chair Person
What kind of text is it?
A. Advertisement B. Announcement C. Invitation D. Memo
6. What will the school hold at Palapa Beach?
A. Camping B. Fun walking C. Jogging D. Swimming
7. When will they leave for the beach?
A. At morning B. At afternoon C. At evening D. At nigh
8. Who anounce the announcement?
A. Yuna B. Marina C. Ganindra D. The teacher
9. Read the text about Agnes Monica!
Agnes Monica is a singer. She live in Jakarta with family. Agnes Monica always gets up early
everyday and does exercise. Then she takes a shower and has breakfast. At 06.30 a.m., she goes to
school. In the afternoon she usually studies or plays on her laptop at home. She loves her laptop.
When she makes a new album, she goes to the music studio and work there. She usually studies
there. She always takes her books with her. Agnes Monica is a celebrity but she has a very normal
What does Agnes Monica do?
A. She is a writer B. She is a singer C. She is a teacher D. She is a chef
10. Where does she live?
A. In Jakarta B. In Bandung C. In Surabaya D. In Palembang
11. She goes to school. The word “she” refer to
A. Mother B. Aunt C. Agnes Monica D. Grand Mother
12. Does She play badminton in the afternoon?
A. Yes, She does B. No, She does not C. Yes, She is D. No, She is not
13. Vegetable soup
Ingredients :
• 2 potatoes • Four cloves of garlic
• 3 carrots • Five cloves of onion
• ¼ Kg of meat of chicken • Pepper
• 1 tomato • Salt
• Bean

Step :
• Slice the onion and fry until it becomes brown then put the fried onion in plate
• Boil the meat until it boils and cooked
• Remove from stock and slice after cooling
• Chop the garlic and sauté it until smells.
• Add the potatoes, carrots, and bean. Stir it about one or two minutes.
• Add the stock of the meat and the slice of the meat. Cover it with the lid untul it boils.
• When it boils, add pepper, salt, and tomato. Stir it and wait for a minute.
• Put the soup in a bowl and add the fried onion

2 Bhs. Inggris – K 7
• Finally, the soup is ready to serve.
What is the goal of the text above?
A. How to make chicken soup
B. How to make vegetable soup
C. How to serve vegetable soup
D. How to prepare chicken soup
14. Which one is not the ingredient to make vegetable soup?
A. Bean B. Meat C. Onion D. Egg

How to Cook Fried Rice

Ingredients :
• A plate of rice • Two cloves of onion
• Five chilies • Slices of cabbage
• Slices of cucumber
• ½ teaspoon of salt
• Two spoonful of
• ½ teaspoon of pepper butter
• One egg • Slices of cucumber
• Three cloves of garlic • Two spoonful of
Steps :
• Blend the chilies and garlic until it becomes sambal
• Slice the onion and sauté it with butter in the frying pan until it smells.
• Put the sambal and sauté it with the onion for about a minute
• Crack the egg with a fork, and then fry it with the onion and sambal until it’s cooked
• Add the rice, pepper, and salt then stir it.
• When it’s cooked, put it on a plate with the slices of cabbage and cucumber.
• Finally, the fried rice is ready to serve.
15. What the goal of the text above?
A. How to cook fried rice C. How to cook fried onion
B. How to cook fried egg D. How to cook sambal
16. “Slice the onion and saute it with butter” the word “it” refers to...
A. Pepper B. Rice C. Onion D. Egg
17. How many ingredients are there?
A. Seven B. Eight C. Ten D. Nine
18. The following are the ingredients to cook fried rice, except....
A. Garlic B. Onion C. cabbage D. carrot
19. Mr. Rahman .... a teacher. He is always polite with the students. The students in the class. He is .... in
the class new.
A. am B. are C. is D. was
20. A. teach B. taught C. teaching D. Taught
21. Read the text to answer the question!
Dear Luna, you want to know about my English teacher, well I want to tell you about her. My
English teacher’s name is Najwa Handaria Suparna. She is 35 years old. She is slim and beautiful.
She is about 165 cm tall. She has long black hair. She has pointed nose. Her complexion is white. She
is smart. The students love her very much because she is kind to them. I love her very much.
What about your english teacher, Luna? Please tell me in your replying letter. Bye

Bhs. Inggris – K 7 3
What does Sevira Write in her letter?
A. She describes about her friend Luna.
B. She tells about her experience her English teacher
C. She wants Luna to describe about her English teacher
D. She describe about her English teacher to Luna.
22. “ She is 35 years old”. The word “she” refers to .....
A. Najwa Handaria Suparna C. Sevira
B. Luna D. Risti
23. She has pointed nose. The Indonesian meaning for the underlined word is ....
A. hidung mancung C. hidung datar
B. hidung pesek D. hidung besar
24. very – a- diligent – is – secretary – she
1 2 3 4 5 6
The correct arrangement is ....
A. 6-4-2-1-3-5 C. 3-2-1-6-5-4
B. 5-6-3-4-1-2 D. 6-4-2-5-3-1
25. How to install a Printer
- Connect the paper support and plug in the printer
- Press the POWER button to turn on the printer
- Remove the ink cartridge from their bags
- Put in the ink cartridge
- Connect the printer and computer with a USB cable, and then insert the printer software CD in the
CD-ROM drive.
- Follow the instruction to install the printer software.
- Finally, click EXIT to exit the installation.
Your printer is ready to use.
What should we remove from the bags?
A. The printer B. The power button C. The cd-rom D. The ink cartridge
26. What do we use to connect the printer and computer?
A. a USB cable B. CD C. ink cartridge D. Printer
27. How many steps are there to install a printer?
A. Six B. seven C. eight D. Nine
28. A : .....?
B : I think the song is good.
A. Are you sure
B. What about singing the song?
C. In my mind it’s not a good song
D. What do you think about the song?
29. Ferry : Lia, who are those girls?
Lia : Oh....
A. Yes, they are C. They are Yetty and Zena
B. No. They are not D. They are Aldi and Nedi

4 Bhs. Inggris – K 7
30. Pinky likes animal. She has pets at home. She has a dog and cat. Her dog is named Blackie
and her cat is Brownie. She looks after them all well.
Pinky always plays with Blackie and Brownie at home after school. She some times takes
them to walk around the park near her house. She gives them food on time. She gives Blackie bones
and she gives a fish to Brownies. She also baths them. Although Blackie and Brownie are different
animal, they never fight. They can live in one house. They can be best friend. When Pinky goes out,
Blackie and Brownie always keep the house. They are very cute and smart. No wonder, Pinky really
love them.
Who likes animals?
A. Blackie B. Brownie C. Pinky D. Blackie and Brownie
31. What are the pets Pinky looks after?
A. Dog B. Cat C. Brownie D. Dog and cat
32. What is the name of Pinky’s dog?
A. Pinky B. Blackie C. Brownie D. Cutie
33. What does Brownie eat?
A. Bone B. fish C. Banana D. Rice
34. Who like bone?
A. Blackie B. Pinky C. Brownie D. Pinky friend
35. Miss. Indah makes.... pudding for her kids.
A. some B. any C. few D. many
36. gets up – early- Rigna-always-the morning-in
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. 1-4-3-6-5-2 C. 3-2-1-6-5-4
B. 3-4-1-2-6-5 D. 5-3-2-6-1-4
37. Mrs. Anita is a woman. She is a beautiful woman. She is a teacher. She is a good teacher. The
students like her. They are ...... to her.
A. polite B. naught C. lazy D. diligent
38. The children .... watching TV now. They like cartoon very much.
A. is B. am C. are D. do
39. Rearrange the sentence to make a good descriptive text
1. He sells durians at a traditional market
2. He carries them by his car
3. Mr. Jadi is a durian seller
4. There are some durians trees at his garden
5. He gets durian from his own garden
A. 3-4-1-2-5 C. 3-1-2-5-4
B. 4-1-2-5-3 D. 2-3-1-4-5
40. Rearrange the sentences to make a good procedural text!
1. then, put the coffee and sugar in the cup.
2. first, prepare a cup.
3. after that, stir it
4. next, pour the hot water
5. the coffee is ready to drink
6. last, add the milk

Bhs. Inggris – K 7 5
A. 2-1-4-3-6-5 C. 5-4-3-6-2-1
B. 3-1-4-2-6-5 D. 4-2-3-5-1-6
II. Uraian

The Johnson Family

Mr. Johnson is an English man. He lives and work in Yogyakarta now. He is an English teacher
at Budaya Junior High School. He is a wise and patient teacher. All students like him.
Mr. Jonson wife is an American. Her name is Rose Johnson. They have twin son. They are
Robby and Bobby. They study in a primary school.
Mr. Johnson’s house is made of wood. It has six rooms. They are two bedrooms, a living room, a
dining room, a kitchen, and garage. Each bedroom has a bathroom inside. The Johnsons have a maid
to help Mrs. Johnson to do the housework. Her name is Irawati from Wonogiri.

Answer these question according to the text!

1. What does Mr. Johnson do?

2. Rearrange these sentences into good paragraph.
1) Mr. Dono is a postman.
2) He stops working at 2p.m.
3) Every day he delivers letters to many people
4) He work at the Central Post Office.
5) He is happy to be a postman
6) Then he continues to the addresses far from his office.
7) He usually starts his job at 7. a.m.
8) First, he goes to the addresses near his office
3. Make a procedure text about making “drinking water”
4. Complete these sentences by the adjective word
Mr. Smith is ......... Because he is success in his work
5. Arrange these word into correct sentence!
Come – we – always - on time - school - to

🙫 Good Luck 🙫

6 Bhs. Inggris – K 7

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