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Inheritance © Mdcatian's Stetho

Don't be afraid to fail

1. Colour blindness is an _________ linked recessive trait (1 point)

⚪ Xy
2. man marries a woman and both do not show any apparent traits of inherited (1 point)
disease. Five sons and two daughters are born, and three of their sons suffer
from a disease. However, none of the daughters is affected. The following
mode of inheritance for the disease is
⚫ Sex linked recessive
⚪ Sex linked dominat
⚪ Autosomal dominat
⚪ Autosomal recessive
3. Universal donar (1 point)
⚪ Ab
⚫ All
4. Number of linkage in humans (1 point)
⚪ 22
⚫ 23
⚪ 10
⚪ 11
5. Erthythroblastosis foetilasis is due to (1 point)
⚪ Rh- in mother
⚪ Rh+ in son
⚪ Rh- in father
⚫ Both a and b
6. Pick up the very severe form of hemophilia (1 point)
7. The gene for red color blindness is present on (1 point)
⚪ Y chromosome
⚫ X chromome
⚪ Autosome 9
⚪ Autosome 7
8. Crossing over take place in (1 point)
⚫ Prophase 1
⚪ Anaphase 1
⚪ Metaphase 2
⚪ Telophase 1
9. Example of x linked dominant trait (1 point)
⚪ Hemophilia
⚪ Hemophilia B
⚪ TFM Syndromes
⚫ Hypophosphatemia
10. Mild type of hemophilia (1 point)
11. All of the following are related to x chromosome except (1 point)
⚪ Hemophilia
⚪ Testicular feminization
⚪ Tritanopia
⚫ Duchene muscular dystropy

12. Duchene muscular dystropy appears in (1 point)

⚪ Girls
⚪ Boys
⚪ Adults
⚫ Children
13. A small amount of lethal mutation is always present in the population due (1 point)
⚪ Positive selection
⚪ Negative selection
⚫ Mutation selection
⚪ Frequency dependent selection
14. An example of genotype is (1 point)
⚪ AB and tT
⚪ TT and Tt
⚪ Hemophilic
⚪ A tall pea plant
⚫ TtHH
15. Most common type of diabetes mellitus is (1 point)
⚪ Type 1
⚫ Type 2
⚪ None
⚪ Both
16. Tritanopia is which color blidness (1 point)
⚪ Green
⚪ Yellow
⚪ All
⚫ Blue
17. Example of incomplete dominancw (1 point)
⚫ Flower color in 4'0 clock
⚪ Hair color in cows
⚪ Hair color in humans
⚪ Skin color in humans
18. How many phenotypes can occur in the human blood group ABO with (1 point)
alleles IA IB i?
19. Sex pattern in grasshopper (1 point)
⚫ Xo-xx
⚪ Zw-zz
⚪ Xy-xx
⚪ Xo-xx
20. The gene of blue opsin is present on (1 point)
⚪ Chromosome 9
⚫ Chromosome 7
⚪ Chromosome 10
⚪ Chromosome 11
21. At what phase DNA content is double (1 point)
⚪ Telophase
⚪ Prophase
⚪ Anaphase
⚫ Interphase
22. Skin color in man is controlled by how many pair (1 point)
23. Gene for albinism is present on which chromosome (1 point)
⚫ 11
⚪ 22
⚪ 21
⚪ 12
24. How many chromosomes in man and female are different (1 point)
⚪ 44
⚪ 42
25. In most species, mitochondrial DNA is passed down from (1 point)
⚪ Dna
⚫ Mother
⚪ Father
⚪ Grand father
26. The geometrical device that helps to find out all the possible combinations (1 point)
of male and female gametes is known as
⚪ Bateson square
⚫ Punnet square
⚪ Medel squre
⚪ Mendal cube
27. Which is not related to color blindness (1 point)
⚫ Passes directly from father to son
⚪ Zig zag patterns
⚪ Rhodopsin
⚪ More common in men
28. plant having the genotype AABbCC will produce ______ kinds of gametes (1 point)
29. Mendal was a (1 point)
⚫ Priest
⚪ Biologist
⚪ Saint
⚪ Geneticist
30. What color of cotyledon are dominant (1 point)
⚪ Green
⚫ Yellow
⚪ Purple
⚪ White
31. Position of gene on chromome (1 point)
⚫ Locus
⚪ Allele
⚪ Phenotype
⚪ Junction
32. Filial is a Latin word which mean (1 point)
⚫ Progeny
⚪ Baby
⚪ Spouse
⚪ Father
33. It was discovered by j sieler in moths (1 point)
⚪ Xy -xx
⚫ Zw-zz
⚪ Xo-xx
⚪ None of these
34. The smallest unit of genetic material which produces a phenotypic effect on (1 point)
mutation is
⚫ Muton
⚪ Gene
⚪ Recon
⚪ Nucleic acid
35. Gene for abo blood group system is represented by (1 point)
⚪ AB
36. In complete dominance was identified by (1 point)
⚪ Mendal
⚫ Carl corren
⚪ Foxgloves
⚪ Labrador
37. Which color is dominant in puppies (1 point)
⚫ Black coat
⚪ Choclate
⚪ Brown
⚪ Red
38. Who is known as the “Father of Genetics? (1 point)
⚪ Morgan
⚫ Mendal
⚪ Watson
⚪ Bateson
39. What kind of seeds are dominant (1 point)
⚫ Round
⚪ Wrinkled
⚪ Yellow
⚪ Constricted
40. There are variation of I in humans (1 point)
⚪ Two
⚫ Four
⚪ Three
⚪ Five
41. An example of allele is (1 point)
⚪ AB and tt
⚪ X and y
⚫ T and t
⚪ TT and tT
42. Holandric gene also called (1 point)
⚪ Homozygous
⚪ Heterozygous
⚪ Over dominant
⚫ Hemizygous
43. T.H Morgan got noble prize in (1 point)
⚫ 1933
⚪ 1832
⚪ 1932
⚪ 1881
44. The contrasting pair of alleles for all the seven traits choose by mendal (1 point)
⚫ Complete dominance
⚪ Incomplete dominance
⚪ Partial dominance
⚪ Over dominance
45. Allele d synthesize (1 point)
⚫ Anthocyanin
⚪ Labrador
⚪ White spotted apprentice
⚪ Yellow pigment
46. Chance of cross over between two loci is directly proportional to (1 point)
⚫ Distance
⚪ Length
⚪ Breadth
⚪ Thickness
47. Chiasmata is formed btw (1 point)
⚪ Two sister chromatids
⚪ Two independent sister chromatids
⚫ Two non sister chromatids
⚪ Two independent non sister chromatids
48. X linked recessive trait is (1 point)
⚪ Diabetes mellitus
⚫ Hemophilia
⚪ Vitamin d rickets
⚪ Hypophosphatemia
49. In mendalism the linkage was not observed due to (1 point)
⚪ Synapsis
⚪ Crossing over
⚪ Mutation
⚫ Independent assortment
50. A dichromate is unable to procedd (1 point)
⚪ One color
⚫ Two colors
⚪ Three color
⚪ All colors

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