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Swinburne University of Technology

Linear Algebra and Applications

TUTORIAL 1: Revision: basic matrix and vector algebra

• 1. Linear Algebra and Applications unit has four assessment components. In each of the two mid-
semester class tests the students can collect the maximum of 40 marks. The total maximum score
for the online assignments is 12 marks. The final examination paper has the total of 120 marks.
The scores of Betty Alex and George for each of the four assessment components are 35, 32, 10 and
85 for Betty, 20, 30, 5 and 60 for Alex and 20, 20, 7 and 75 for George. The final mark for the unit
is calculated based on the following weights: mid-semester class tests: 15%, online assignments:
15% and the final examination: 55%. Set up the data in the matrix form and calculate the final
grades (%) for Betty Alex and George.
• 2. Given the matrices
 
    7 8  
4 −1 1 2 10 0 2
A= , B= , C =  1 −1 , D = .
2 1 −3 4 5 2 −2
−2 4

(a) Determine the dimensions of A, B and C.

(b) Calculate 2A − 4D
(c) Calculate 3B + C
(d) Calculate AD and BC
• 3. Three ants are trying to haul a seed into their nest. The first ant is pulling the seed South with the
force of 10 mN, the second ant is pulling the seed East with the force of 50 mN, the third ant is
pulling the seed North with the force of 40 mN. It is know that to move the seed in any direction,
the total force of 58 mN is required. Determine if the three ants are moving the seed and if so then
in which direction?
• 4. In perfect weather conditions, when the wind speed is zero, an airplane is flying due East with
the ground speed of 900 km/h. A sudden gust of 100 km/h Northerly wind brings the airplane off
(a) Determine the new direction of the airplane and the new ground speed.
(b) Which adjustments does the pilot need to make in order to keep on traveling due East?

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