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A Project Report on


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of

(Information Technology)




Devesh Nandan Mishra (1773613021)

Ananya Burnwal (1773613007)
Rabin Singh(1773613034)
Priyanka Sengar(1773613033)
Under the Guidance of
Mr Mohd Amir


Department of Information Technology
Rajkiya Engineering College

This is to certify that the project titled “Smart Desktop Assistant” being submitted by Devesh
Nandan Mishra, Ananya Burnwal, Rabin Singh and Priyanka Sengar in partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
in the Department of Information Technology at Rajkiya Engineering College, Azamgarh, under
Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM Technical University Lucknow.
This report is an authentic record of candidate’s own work carried out under our supervision
and guidance. The matter embodied in this project has not been submitted to any other
University/Institute for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Mr Mohd Amir
(Project Supervisor)
External Examiner

Mr. Tauseef Ahmad

(HoD -ITD) Prof. Bipin Kumar Tripathi
(Director, REC, Azamgarh

It is indeed a great pleasure to express our sincere thanks to our august Mr Mohd Amir,
Department of Information Technology of Rajkiya Engineering College, Azamgarh for his continuous
support in this project. He was always there to listen and to give advice. He showed us different ways to
approach a research problem and the need to be persistent to accomplish any goal. He taught us how to
write academic paper, had confidence in us when we doubted ourselves, and brought out the good ideas
in us. He was always there to meet and talk about our ideas, to proofread and mark up our paper, and to
ask us good questions to help us think through our problems. Without his encouragement and constant
guidance, we could not have finished this project.
Prof. B. K. Tripathi, , Director Rajkiya Engineering College, Azamgarh, and Mr. Tauseef Ahmed,
Head of Information Technology Department really deserves our heartiest honor for providing us all the
administrative support.
We are thankful to our family whose unfailing love, affection, sincere prayers and best wishes
had been a constant source of strength and encouragement.
Last, but not least, we thank our parents, for giving us life in the first place, for educating us with
aspects from both arts and sciences, for unconditional support and encouragement to pursue our interests.
We dedicate this work to our parents who will feel very proud of us. They deserve real credit for getting
us this far, and no words can ever repay for them.

Devesh Nandan Mishra

Ananya Burnwal
Rabin Singh
Priyanka Sengar

The project aims to create a new and advanced version of a desktop assistant with more
capabilities and give service to human like a personal assistant .This assistant is designed in python
programming language .The interface of this assistant is very user friendly to the user and user can
interact with easily there will be no difficulty to interact with it.
User can interact with it with voice command or user can use keyboard input to interact with it
.This assistant perform every task whatever user ask as a query like – play video on you tubes, search
some things on Google , open any application in the system , send what’s app messages, take a
, send emails, and it will also tell us weather and news update.
The assistant will improve the interaction between the end user and the desktop system. It will
be very user friendly to the clients.
The Most used iPhone application is “SIRI” which helps the user to communicate user device
with voice command and it will responds the output in the voice commands of the user.
Same kind of application is also developed by the Google that is “Google Voice Search” which
is used for in Android Phones. But this Application mostly works with Internet Connections. But our
Assistant has capability to work with and without Internet Connectivity. It is named as Smart Desktop
Assistant with Voice Recognition Intelligence, which takes the user input in form of voice or text and
process it and returns the output in various forms like output to be performed or the search result is
dictated to the end user. In addition, this proposed system can change the way of interactions between
end user .
The system is being designed in such a way that all the services provided by the computer devices
are accessed by the end user on the user's voice form.

a) CERTIFICATE ..................................................................................... …- 4
b) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………-5
c) ABSTRACTTABLE ……………………………………………………….-6
d) CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION …………………………………………..-9-12
i) INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………...-9
ii) BACKGOUND ………………………………………………………...-10
e) CHAPTER 2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS ………………………………………-13-14
i) OBJECTIVE ……………………………………………………………-13
ii) PURPOSE ………………………………………………………………-14
iii) SCOPE ………………………………………………………………….-14
iv) APPLICABILITY ………………………………………………………-14
f) CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM REQURIMENTS…………………………………-15-18
i) SYSTEM REQURIMENT ……………………………………………..-15
ii) MODULES ………………………………………………………….....-15
i) DESIGN SPECIFACTION ……………………………………………...-19
ii) DESIGN DIEGRAM …………………………………………………….-19
(1) DATA FLOW DIEGRAM ……………………………………………-19
(2) SEQUENCE DIAGRAM …………………………………………….-20
(3) DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM ………………………………………..-24
h) CHAPTER 5 IMPLEMENTS ………………………………………………..-25-32
i) IMPLEMENTS …………………………………………………………..-25
i) CHAPTER 6 TESTING................................................................................. 32-33
i) RESPONSE .............................................................................................. 32
ii) ACCURACY ............................................................................. 32
iii) APPROXIMATION ...................................................................... 33
j) CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION …………………………………………………-34-37
i) FEATURES ............................................................................................. 34
ii) FUTURE SCOPE ...................................................................................... 34
iii) CONCLUSION ........................................................................................ 35
iv) REFERENCE ............................................................................................ 36


In today’s time the entire task are performed digitally. We have computer and laptops which
means we can access anything in the world. Nowadays we are not using our finger to perform any task
We just speak of the task and it just complete. There is system occur called virtual assistant by
which we say something and the task will be done.
The Smart Desktop Assistant is the software program that will help us to perform our day to day
life simple task and make it easy for us such creating reminders, sending messages and emails, solving
some mathematical calculations, weather report. It can take command in the form of voice. Virtual
Assistant needed a special name to revoke to activate the listener, followed by the query.
This system is designed to be used be efficiently on desktops. Smart Desktop Assistant software
improves user specific productivity by managing some specific task made by user.
We know that in today’s era Voice command input searches have dominated over text search.
In smart phone devices web searches conducted have only overtaken those carried out using a personal
desktop or laptop and it is predicting that 50% of searches will be via voice by 2021 because it’s simple
and fast. Virtual assistants are turning out to be intelligent than ever.
Allow our intelligent assistant to do email work for you. Detect personal information, take
important information, make our process automatic and give a good output.
If we talk about the desktop assistant then there are already exist a number of desktop assistant.
Now there are few assistant that are already available in market so we are going to talk about them and
we will also talk about their task they can perform and also we will talk about their drawbacks.

SIRI from Apple:-

SIRI is also known as a personal assistant. This assistant also interacts with the user through the
voice command. This assistant take the input from the user in the form of voice and then it recognize
the command and act on them.
This assistant also integrates with contacts, calendar and also it can play music library application
on the device and it also can integrate with the camera and GPS on the device. These things this assistant
can do.
There are more number of tasks which this assistant can perform –

Supported task –
 It can call someone from their contacts list.
 It can launch the application form their iPhone.
 It can send the text messages from their phone to another phone.
 It also can set a reminder for a meeting for 9 am tomorrow.
 It can also set an alarm.
 It can also play songs.
 It also can enter new notes.

Every assistant has a drawback, and this assistant also have some drawback. This assistant
(SIRI) have some knowledgeable data base and it does not maintain their database of it’s own. So this
is the drawback of this assistant.

Google assistant from android:-

Google assistant is also a type of a personal assistant that is available in android phones.
It also interacts with the user through voice command. This assistant take the input from the
user in the form of voice and then it recognize the command and give the output to the user. User can
active this assistant by just pressing and holding home key of their phones.
Whatever the user ask this assistant all types of output.
This assistant can perform many task for the user, there are some task that this assistant can
perform for the user –
Supported task:-

There are some tasks that this assistant can perform –

 It can play music from the device and also from online.
 It can make call any one in the contact list.
 It can search any things online.
 It can open any application in the device.
 It can set reminder.
 It can set alarm.
 It can tell the weather update.
 It can send messages.
 It can install any things from the play store.
 It also can enter new notes.


There are some drawbacks of this assistant –

 The drawback of this assistant is that is work only online, it can’t work offline.
 There are some issues to relate to the user data privacy.
 The main drawback of this assistant is that it takes too much permission from the user .
 If you deny giving the permission then assistant will not work properly.
 So this is the Drawback of this assistant.

Microsoft Cortana:-
Microsoft Cortana is an assistant for the desktop .it also interact with the user through voice
This assistant takes the input from the user in the form of voice and gives the output to the end
user in the form of voice.
This is a pre install assistant that comes in every coming window desktop.
There is a good point about Cortana is that it not only operate through voice but user also can
interact with keyboard.
This assistant found in bottom left of the icon to the start menu in the desktop.
There are many tasks that this assistant can perform –

Supported task:-
There are some tasks that this assistant can perform –
 It can set reminder for the time, places, and people.
 It can use natural language search.
 It can identify a song.
 It can search anything from the web.
 It can perform calculation.
 It can tracks flights and packages.
 It can check the weather.
 It can set alarm.
 It can launch program.
 Now we will talk about the drawback of this assistant.

Here are some drawbacks of this assistant –
 This assistant is not much user friendly to the users.
 The assistant also lack the important dictation function.


The main objective of building this smart desktop assistant is to make the system more user
friendly to the user and it also reduces the human effort.
With the help of this assistant user don’t need to write any things they just can say whatever
they want and the assistant will give them directly in the form of voice. Now with the help of this the
assistant reduce the time and user don’t need to waste their time to write some things they can easily say
One of the main purposes to making this desktop assistant is that to make the system user
friendly with the user and they can easily interact with it. If there is any illiterate person who don’t
know any things about the laptop, desktop even they can easily interact with this assistant.
All they need to do is they can just ask the query whatever they want to search and then the
assistant will perform the task according the query and give the output to the user in he from of voice .
The main advantages of this assistant is that it reduce the time of the user and user don’t need to
waste their time in writing the query they can just ask whatever they want in the form of voice and the
assistant will perform the task according the query. In facts, voice is fourth time faster than the written
search: so if someone writes about 40 words per minutes, then with the voice they can speak around
150with the same amount of time.
Before this assistant people waste their time to write something and after that they search many
hours on Google but they don’t get the exact output what they are looking for. Now after coming this
assistant it reduce the human effort and time and user can easily ask whatever they want and they get
exact output what they are looking for.
This assistant can perform many task just like –
It can solve a complex mathematical problem, it can play videos from YouTube, it can search
any things from Google and there are many tasks that can be perform by the user.

The main purpose of making this assistant is to it will give the service to the human like their
personal assistant. And we also want to make human to more friendly to the system that’s why we are
making this project.
If we talk about today scenario then there are two most important things that human are too
sensitive for then and that is “time”, and “security”.
So this project basically for those people, it will reduce the time and give the fast output and also
it maintain the security to the user data. User don’t need to type any things they can just say whatever
they want to search and the assistant will give the output in the form of voice.


The scope of this project to reduce the human effort from the system. And the concept is to make
the system more user friendly to the human. There are many human who don’t know about this
environment, so our scope is that every human can easily interact with the system that why we are
making a user friendly assistant.
And there is a another scope of this project is that, since our projects is work on the voice
commands so there would be the great chance to reduce the time of the users and user don’t need to waste
their time in typing they can just say the command and the assistant will perform the command and give
the output in the form of voice.
So with the help operating system this we can save the time of the users.


If we talk about today scenario the mass adoption of the artificial intelligence in human is
increasing and they are fueling the shift toward the voice command assistant. The number of the IOT
devices is increasing day by day.
In voice command assistant the smart speaker is increasing day by day. Many industry and many
human are using this voice command are using this voice command assistant speaker.
After twenty year from now the virtual assistant will also enhance the system of the internet of
things (IOT). In present time there are many personal assistant is exist and as the world is developing is
very fast then after some time everything will be digitally. And in being digitally the assistant play an
important role. It will also use full because it will reduce the human effort and everything easy and
human an access then by just using their voice.



For making of Smart Desktop assistant run we need to have Python 3.6 or above version of python
and any IDE. I use visual studio code to run my code.

Imported module:-
1) pyttsx3:-
It converts the text data into speech data.
This is a free module that available in python. This module is supported by both version of python
(python 2.0 & 3.0). This is a free module so we can just install it easily.
Install it using:-
“pip install pyttsx3”
We can import it by typing this command in python –
“import pyttsx3”.

2) TimeDate
This is an in built library in python. This library is used for to get time and date from the system .
For example if someone wants to know the current date and time then with the help of this
module the assistant can easily tell them the current date and time .
We can just import this module and used in program.
We can import it by typing this command in python –
“import DateTime”.

Task performed:-
3). Speech Recognition –
Speech Recognition is used for to take the input from the user with the help of microphone and
converted the input into the text formet.
Or in other word we can say that –
Speech Recognition is used for recognized the speech from the user.
For using this module first we need to install it in our system.
We can install it from the command to just type that –
“pip install speech_recognition”.
After installing the module we can use it in our program by just impost this module.
We can import it by typing this command in python –
“import speech_recognition as sr”.
We are storing this library in “sr”. It means whenever we are calling this (sr) it means we are
calling this (speech_recognition) module.

4.) Send what’s app messages:-

In this we can also send what’s app messages. We can send messages through web what’s app.
All we need to do is just install a module. And the module is -
“pip install pyautogui” .
With the help of this module we can send messages. Now we need to import this in our program
“import pyautogui”
“import web_browser”
Web browser is used for opening what’s app from the web.

5). wikipedia:-
It is a module in python that are used for search something from the Wikipedia as per the queries
and display the result to the user.
We can search anything from Wikipedia we just need to install this module and then we can use in
our program.
We can just install like this –
“pip install Wikipedia”
After installing this we can import in our program.
“Import Wikipedia”.
6). Play you tubes videos:-
In this we can also play any video from the YouTubes.
We can just ask the queries to the assistant and assistant can play the video from the YouTube.
We need to install a module to perform this task.
“pip install pywhatkit”.
After the installing the module we can import it in the program for the further use. We can import
it by typing this command in python –
“Import pywhatkit”.

7) Jokes:-
This is in built library in python. It used to tell us jokes.
We can just use this by installing this module –
“pip install pyjokes”.
After installing this we can import in our program to used it . We can import it by typing this
command in python –
“import pyjokes”.

8). CPU and battery update:-

If user wants to see the CPU utilization or the battery percentages then the assistant also tell them
We can just install a module to perform this task –
“pip install psutill”.
With the help of this module the assistant can perform the task. We just need to import this in our
We can import this by typing this command in python –
“import psutill”.

9. Weather update:-
The assistant will give us to live weather update.
Whenever user asks for the weather report then assistant will give us a weather report.
User can ask for weather from any city or any country in the world.
10). News update:-
This assistant also gives us to daily news update if user ask for news to assistant.
We just need to install a news API so with the help of this API the assistant will tell the top
headline of the topic whatever the user ask.
“pip install newsapi”.
Now we can import this by typing this command in python –
“from newsapi import NewsApiClient”.

11). SMTPLIB:-
Smtp(simple mail transfer protocol)
This is a inbuild library in python. We don’t need to install anything we can just simply import
this library in our program and with the help of this the assistant can send mail to any person whom the
user wants to send .
We can import this by just typing this command in python –
“import smtplib”.


Data Flow Diagram:-

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an
information system, modeling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a preliminary step to create
an overview of the system, which can later be elaborated.
User gives the input into the form of voice, this voice command is recognized by the application.
Then action is performed as per the command given. Command given is compared with the database.
Input is given by user in the form of voice. Using microphone, voice is converted in binary.
GoogleVoiceAPI will convert this voice data in text form and then the action is performed according to
the command given by the user by comparing with the database.

Fig: 4.1
Sequence Diagram:-

Fig: 4.2

The following sequence diagram represent how the output is get on the query made by user from
the internet. The query in the form of voice is sent to web scraper and the web scraper searches the output
according to the query made by the user. It will send the output to the speaker and the speaker will
speak the output.

Fig: 4.3

In this project name Smart Desktop Assistant there is only one user and the user made different
queries and the system will interact with it fetched the output. The output will be in the form of voice to
the user.

Fig: 4.4

In this project the user has 2 attributes commanded that it speak audio in form of input and
response it in form of audio. It will listen to the user’s command. Interact with the web and provide
output to us.
The task class also has the interpreted command in string format and has functions like
remainder, making a notes, read etc.

Fig: 4.5

The user interacts with database to search different queries present or not according to input made
by user.


Code Implementation:-


Here is the list of module which is imported for our Smart Desktop Assistant.
Taking the input in the form of voice and response the output will be in the form
of voice, wish function will be according to the time of the day.
It will help the user to take the input and response the output. If the query is not matched or the
voice of the user is not clear or low then it will say to speak again
In this we basically did the coding for sending the email by providing the email address and
password of the sender and the message which he want to send and from the receiver we only need his
email address.
The second will help us to send automated messages from what’s app .
In this we will get update about the news and covid cases.

The above figure is the code for cracking jokes, opening any offline application present inside
the device and CPU utilization.
This function will help in finding the location using the Google map. We will give the input
query to find the location and it will help in finding the location. Searching on Google will
also done according to query.
This function helps in solving solid mathematical problems with the help of third party website.



Test Case 1 –

Test Basis – Time Taken in Response

Test No. – T1
Test Priority: High
Test Objective: To Insure that the system responding in efficient time.
We are not typing the input in the system we will speak to give the input. So time
is very important in the system. As we know that time is very critical in Assistant based system. The
system must reply in few seconds. User must get a quick response instantly to their query.

Test Case 2 –
Test Basis – Accuracy of the system
Test No. – T2
Test Priority: High
Test Objective: To Insure that the system responding to the query made is
accurate as per information gathered.
The Smart Desktop assistant as said is smart because it give a precise answer to
any query asked and made. Getting answer in a quick time is not useful if the answer or response is
incorrect. So accuracy is most important in the assistant.
Test Case 3 –
Test Basis – To check Approximation
Test No. – T3
Test Priority: Medium
Test Objective: To ensure that the system responding the answer about
calculation are approximate.
We know that at the time of mathematical calculation sometime we need some
approximate value. For example if someone ask for the value of PI the assistant must respond with
approximate value and not the accurate value. Getting exact value in such case are undesirable.


Future scope:-

 The assistant can fetch friend’s details.

 The assistant also can tell you your birthday, anniversary, and special holidays from
Facebook, twitter, and Google accounts from the user and display a reminder to the user.
 The assistant can be modified into a home automation system.
 The assistant will improve the world with the help of IOT.
 With the help of IOT we can make home automation, security management for human and
many other things that will help full for human.
 In future the desktop will also improve and it will develop in later stages.


 This assistant can search any things from website through the user voice command.
 This assistant can set alarm.
 This assistant can tell us the weather update for any city or country what the user want to
 This assistant can open any application from the system through user voice command.
 This assistant can play videos form the YouTube.
 This assistant also tells is news report update daily.

In this project we have discuss “SMART DESKTOP ASSISTANT “developed using

“PYTHON” programming language. This assistant can perform many task just listen the voice command
from the user. There are some tasks that this assistant can perform – it can play music from the system,
give weather update, tell us news headline and so many task that this assistant can perform.
The efficiency and the feature of this desktop is improve day by day. It is named as smart
desktop assistant because it has many advanced feature that are not represent in Microsoft Cortana.
There are a reason why this assistant is good to compare then the Microsoft assistant because this
assistant is much user friendly to compare then the Cortana. There are many users who don’t know
about this cortana and they are not user friendly to this assistant. Many users turn off their Cortana from
their laptop/desktop.
And our assistant is much user friendly to the user and user will not get any difficulty to use this

 nt
 4001644_Virtual_Personal_Assistant 1.
 •
 Python programming – Kiran Gurbani
 Learning python – Mark Lutz
 CodeWithHarry
 ProgrammingWithHarry
 .Edureka!
 Cs Dogo

Documents referred:-


o 2.International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-
3154 Volume 10, Number 1 (2017) © International Research Publication House
o 3.International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN:
2395- 0056

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