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Gender Mainstreaming

- Is formulating a set of procedures, techniques, and strategies so that gender issues

can be recognized on a sustained basis. For teachers, gender mainstreaming is
integrating girls and boys concerns and experiences into the design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of school policies, programs and
project in all political, economic, and social agenda. (A Handbook on Gender and
Development Training, Book 1, 2003)
Institutions should adopt gender mainstreaming so that gender sensitivity will prevail.
And this can only be made possible if the following are practiced:
1. Train teachers in gender equality education to have it actualized more effectively
at school sites. This training raises the awareness of teachers and trains them to
address prevailing gender and social issues in academic setting and in the society
at large.
2. Gender analysis should be conducted through the curriculum materials, teaching
and learning processes, school structures and culture.
3. School- parent partnership on gender issues should be strengthened by making
the parents, teachers, administrators and local officials aware of their legal
obligations and children’s rights.
4. Gender sensitivity training needs to be mandatory for all teacher training
programs, certificate and academic courses. All teachers should be gender
sensitized and must be exposed to gender sensitivity trainings.
5. The key officials of both the Dep Ed and the CHED from the top echelon down to
the lowest level of school managers should undergo a series of gender sensitivity
training sessions in the form of special training program on gender sensitivity,
zonal gender and development training program, and trainers’ training on gender
sensitivity among others.
6. The authors, publishers, Board on textbooks and other concerned agencies
stereotyping and continue to review existing textbooks and teacher manuals in
the elementary and secondary levels for sex biases and stereotyping.
7. Concerned school officials should review policies for possible discriminatory
clauses on student admission requirements, recruitment and selection,
promotions, access to training and scholarships and other human resource
development activities to ensure a gender- fair school community.
Roles Teachers Should Play to Address Gender Sensitivity Issues
Gender sensitivity issues should ultimately improve the quality of education of
women and men alike. Educators in all levels from the pre-school to the graduate
should play the roles expected of them to enjoy a gender-fair society where women and
men share equally in responsibilities, power, authority and decision making.
1. Teachers should understand gender roles and expectations to help them analyze
their own differential behaviors towards boys and girls. This would help the
teachers to avoid gender discrimination in their personal and professional lives.
2. Teachers should attend gender trainings so that they can facilitate the change to
be brought about in the curriculum materials such as syllabus, modules
instructional aides and others.
3. Teachers should cooperate with government and non-government organizations
to meet the challenges of minimizing gender discrimination and promoting
gender equality.
4. Teachers should strive to work hand in hand with school administrators so that
gender sensitive organizational culture will be institutionalized by promoting
gender balanced staff, gender sensitive governance structure, equal valuing of
women and men’s working styles, etc.
5. Teachers should be active in promoting a gender responsive school where the
academic, social and physical environment and its surrounding community take
into account the specific needs of both boys and girls. The academic delivery,
including teaching methodologies, teaching and learning materials, classroom
interaction and management of academic processes is gender responsive.
6. Teachers should conduct researches on gender sensitivity issues to properly
address inequalities and discrimination between men and women. With viable
researches, proposals can be formulated which can be actualized into formal
researches so that findings may be used toward the elimination of sexism/gender
bias in educational content methods.
7. Teachers should find appropriate time during assemblies, conferences, meetings
and the like to raise gender issues and concerns.
8. Teachers should initiate information dissemination campaign on gender-fair
education and include in school papers articles which discuss about gender
sensitivity issues to raise the level of awareness or consciousness and generate
greater support in addressing gender-specific issues.
9. Above all, teachers should treat every boy and every girl equally in all aspects and
be strong proponent of democracy which caters to equality.
Activity: Reflect on this question then email your work @ Thank you and God Bless deadline is on May 10,2021.

As a future teacher, how can I help the government in its effort to ensure
the fundamental equality before the law of women and men?

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