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Literacy to fluency

This is the ability to access digital information

with the use of searching and surfing skills.
INFORMATION FLUENCY This uses a wide variety of digital tools such as
computers, cellphones and handheld devices.
Fluency includes the critical evaluation of
*Information fluency has 5A’s which are:
-Ask – good question, in order to get good
- Access and acquire – the raw material from
the appropriate digital information sources,
which today are mostly graphical and audio
visual in nature.
- Analyze and authenticate and arrange
these materials and distinguish between good
and bad, fact and opinion. Understand bias and
determine what is incomplete to turn the raw
data into usable knowledge.
-Apply the knowledge within a real world
problem or simulation using VIP (Vision into
-Assess both the product and the process
which is both a teacher and a student practice.

This is about whole brain creative and problem

SOLUTION FLUENCY solving thinking.

 The 6D System is a thorough and a

relevant approach for tackling a
- Define – the problem, because you
need to know exactly what your
doing before you start.
- Discover – a solution because
planning prevents wasted effort.
- Dream up a process, one that is
suitable and efficient.
- Design the process in accurate and
detailed action plan.
- Deliver – by putting the plan into
action by both producing and
publishing the solution.
- Debrief – and foster ownership by
evaluating the problem solving
This is proficiency in working as a team with
COLLABORATION FLUENCY virtual or real partners using social networking
sites and online gaming domains.
*The 5A’S of Collaboration fluency are:
-Establish – the collective and determine the
best role for each team member by pinpointing
each team members personal strength and
expertise establishing norms and the signing of
a group contract that indicates both a collective
working agreement and an acceptance of the
individual responsibilities and accountability
of each team member.
- Envision – the outcomes examining the issue
challenge and goals as a group.
- Engineer – a workable plan to achieve the
- Execute – by putting the plan into action and
managing the process.
- Examine – the process and the end result for
areas of constructive improvement.
This is the ability for analytic interpretation of
the message of communication media, also the
MEDIA PROFICIENCY ability to create and publish original digital
products, such as a personal blog or journal.
Digital publishers need to know the principles
of effective design for print, sound, video, web
sites and 3-D environment.
*Two components of media fluency are:
- One for input and one for output
*LISTEN– actively and decode the
communication by separating the media from
the message concisely and clearly verbalizing
the message and verifying its authenticity and
then critically analyzing the medium for form
flow and alignment with the intended audience
and purposes.
*LEVERAGE – The most appropriate media
for your message considering your content or
message and what the desired outcome is
“Then consider the audience your abilities and
any pre- determined criteria. From here, the
application of the other fluencies is used to
produce and publish your message.
This is artistic proficiency through design, art
CREATIVITY FLUENCY and storytelling.
*There are 5 I’s to Creativity fluency:
*Identify- the desired outcome criteria
*Inspire – your creativity with rich sensory
*Interpolate and connect the dots by
searching for patterns within the inspiration
that align with your desired outcomes and
criteria from identify.
*Imagine is the synthesis of inspire and
interpolate uniting in the birth of an idea.
*Inspect – the idea against the original criteria
and for feasibility.
INTEGRATING ICT through student-centered learning

Table 2. Changes of teacher role using ICT

A shift from to
Knowledge transmitter Facilitator, collaborator, coach navigator of
Primary source of information knowledge, co-learner.
Control and management of learning Teacher gives students options and
responsibilities for their own learning.

Changes brought about by use of ICT on student roles

Shift from To
Passive recipient of knowledge Active participant in learning
Recall of knowledge Producing knowledge
Individual learning Collaborative learning


1. Inquiry-oriented cooperative learning
2. Web Quest
3. Themaic Web Collections
4. Open-ended, student-directed projects.
5. Publishing original ideas and thoughts.
6. Field trips.
7. Project-based learning is one method among others, which
has been proposed in order to involve students on an
inquiry process.

Among the key features of effective projects are:

1. Use of essential skills and tools, including technology;
2. Specific outcomes that solve problems, explain issues, present
informed through investigation, research and reasoning.
3. Multiple products needing feedback and experiential opportunities,
performance based assessments’
4. Collaboration in small groups, student presentations, and class
evaluation of project outcomes.

Prepared and report by:



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