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A 0800MAT203122005 Pages: 3

Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________

Third Semester B.Tech Degree Examination December 2021 (2019 scheme)

Course Code: MAT203

Course Name: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 marks Marks
1 Show that pΛ(¬p Λ q) is a contradiction. Use Truth table. (3)
2 Show the following implication without constructing a truth table: (3)
(P ΛQ) ⇒ P→Q
3 Find the number of permutations of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 that are not derangements? (3)
4 Prove (i) nC0 + nC1 + nC2 + ..…. nC n = 2n (3)
(ii) nC0 - nC1 + nC2 - ..….+(-1)n nC n = 0, where n is a positive integer.
5 Let A= {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}, B= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. How many elements are there (3)
in P(AxB), the power set of AxB ?
Does the formula f ( x)  define (i)a function f: R →R ? (ii)a function
6 x 2
f: Z →R ?
7 Find the generating function for the sequence 1,1,1…,1.0,0,0…..where the (3)
first n+1 terms are 1.
8 Find the coefficient of x7 in the expansion of (1+x+x2+x3+….) 15 (3)
9 Let N={0, 1, 2, 3, …}. Define f: N→N as f (m) = 3m . Show that f is a (3)
monoid homomorphism from (N, +) → (N, .) where (N, +), (N, .) are
monoids under usual addition and multiplication respectively.
10 Z n is the group of integers mod n under modular addition. List the generators (3)

of (i) Z12 (ii) Z p , where p is prime

Answer any one full question from each module. Each question carries 14 marks
Module 1
11(a) Prove the validity of the following argument: (8)
If Rochelle gets the supervisor’s position and works hard, then she will get a

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pay raise. If she gets the pay raise, then she will buy a new car. She has not
purchased a new car. Therefore either Rochelle did not get the Supervisor’s
position or she did not work hard.

(b) Negate and simplify the statement: x[ p( x)  q( x)] (6)

12(a) Establish the validity of the following argument by the method of proof by (8)
¬P ↔ q, q→r, ¬ r Therefore p.
(b) Let p(x), q(x) and r(x) be the following open statements.
p(x): x2 - 7x+10 = 0 ; q(x): x2 - 2x – 3 = 0 ; r(x): x < 0
Determine the truth or falsity of the following statements, where the universe
is all integers.
(i) x[ p( x)  r ( x)] (ii) x[q( x)  r ( x)]

(iii) x[q( x)  r ( x)] (iv) x[ p( x)  r ( x)]

Module 2
13(a) In how many ways can we distribute eight identical white balls into 4 distinct (8)
containers so that (i) no container is left empty (ii) the 4th container has an
odd no. of balls in it ?

(b) An auditorium has a seating capacity of 800. How many seats must be
occupied to guarantee that at least two people seated in the auditorium have
the same first and last initials? (You may use pigeonhole principle)
14(a) A woman has 11 friends among which 2 are married to each other (i) In how (8)
many ways can she invite 5 of them to dinner? (ii) In how many ways can
she invite 5 of them to dinner if the married couple attends the function
together(iii) In how many ways can she invite 5 of them to dinner if the
married couple will not attend the function.
Determine the coefficient of x9y3 in the expansion of (2x - 3y )12 (6)
Module 3
15(a) The relation R on Z + is defined by aRb if ‘a divides b’. Check whether R is (8)
(i) reflexive (ii) symmetric (iii) transitive. Is R an equivalence relation ?
(b) Let A= { 1, 2, 3 }. Consider the relation R on A defined as R= {(1,2), (2,1), (6)
(2,3)}. Is R symmetric?, antisymmetric?

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16(a) Consider the set A= {a, b, c}. Show that Q(A), the set of all proper subsets of (8)
A is a partially ordered set under the relation  , the set inclusion. Draw the
Hasse diagram for the poset (Q(A),  ). Is it a lattice?
(b) Define a Distributive lattice. Give an example with justification. (6)

Module 4
17(a) Solve the recurrence relation an  2  an  0, n  0, a0  0, a1  3 . (8)
(b) Determine the sequence generated by the exponential generating function (6)
f ( x) 
1 x
18(a) Solve the recurrence relation an  2  10 an 1  21an  7(11) n . (8)
(b) Find the unique solution of the recurrence relation (6)
2an  3an 1  0 ; n  1, a4  81

Module 5
19(a) Define (i) semigroup (ii) monoid (iii) group. Give one example each, (8)
different from one another. Is R, the set of real numbers, a group under
multiplication? Justify.

(b) If H and K are subgroups of a group G, prove that H  K is also a subgroup

of G.
Let (G, o) and (H, ) be groups with respective identities eG , eH . If
f : G  H is a homomorphism, prove that, for all a  G and n  Z

(i) f (eG )  eH (ii) f (a 1 )  [ f (a)]1 (iii) f (a n )  [ f (a )]n

Let G = (Z, +) be the group of integers under addition. Let H = {….,-8,-

(b) 4,0,4,8,…}. Show that H is a subgroup of G. Write all left cosets of H in G.


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Third Semester B.Tech Degree Examination December 2021 (2019 scheme)
Course Code: MAT203
Course Name: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

1. Truth tabe of pΛ (¬pΛq)

p q ¬p ¬pΛq pΛ (¬pΛq)

0 0 1 0 0

0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0

From truth table pΛ (¬pΛq) is a contradiction.


1. PΛQ: .............................................................(premise)
2. Q ....................................................................(conjunctive simplification)
3. ¬P⋁Q (disjunctive amplification)
4. P→Q
(¬P ⋁Q ⇔ P→Q)
3 Total permutations of 7 distinct digits = 7! = 5040
No. of derangements of 7 distinct digits = D7
number of permutations that are not derangements
= 5040 – 1854 = 3186

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4 Binomial expansion of (a+b)n=nC0an+nC1an-1b+…+ nCnbn
(i) In the binomial expansion put a=b=1 in Binomial expansion of (a + b) n
That is 2n = nC0+nC1+…+ nCn

(ii) In the binomial expansion in (a + b)n, put a=1, b= -1

0 = nC0 - nC1+…+(-1) n nCn

5. We have │A│=8, │B│=5 then │AxB│=8x5=40


6. (i) not a function since f(√2) is not defined .

(ii) is a function since f(x) is not defined for x=√2 but √2 does not belongs to the

Generating Function is 1+x+x2+x3+….+xn

=(1-xn+1) / (1-x)

8 We know that (1+x+x2+x3+….)15=(1-x)-15

We have to find the coefficient of x7.
Here r =7 and n= -21
Coefficient of x7= 21C7

9 Given the function f(m) = 3m

We have to show that f is a homomorphism.
Now f(m+n)=3m+n=3m . 3n=f(m) . f(n)
There for f is a monoid homomorphism from (N, +) → (N, .)

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10 (i) Z12={0,1,2,…11}. Generators of Z12 are 1,5,7 and 11

(ii) Zp={0,1,2,…p-1}. Generators are 1,2,3,…p-1


Module 1
11(a) Let p: Rochelle gets the supervisor’s position,

q: Rochelle works hard,

r: Rochelle will get a Pay raise,

s: Rochelle will buy a new car

The symbolic form of given argument is (pΛq) →r; r→s; ¬s (premises)
The following are the steps to show the given argument are valid
Steps Reason
1. r→s premise
2. ¬s premise
3. (pΛq) →r premise
4. ¬r step 1,2, Modus Tollens
5. ¬ (pΛq) step 3,4, Modus Tollens
6. ¬p⋁¬q step 5, De Morgan’s law

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12(a) To prove: ¬p↔q, q→r, ¬r ⇒ p.

In this method, we take the negation of conclusion as a premise and
arrive at acontradiction.
Steps Reason
1. ¬p↔q premise
2. q→r premise
3. ¬r premise
4. . ¬p Negation of conclusion
5. (¬p→q)Λ ( q→ ¬p) 1;( ¬p↔q ) ⇔ (¬p→q)Λ ( q→ ¬p)
6. ¬p→q 5; rule of conjunctive simplification
7. ¬p→r 6,2; law of syllogism
8. r 4,7; rule of detachment
9. r Λ¬r 3,8;rule of conjunction
10. Therefore p. 9, (rΛ¬r) ⇔ contradiction

solving p(x),
p(x) is true for x = 2, 5

solving q(x),
q(x) is true when x= 3, -1
(i)  x[p(x)   r(x)] is True
(ii)  x[q(x)  r(x)] is False
(iii)  x[q(x)  r(x)] is True
(iv) x[p(x)  r(x)] is False

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Module 2
(i) Here n=4
After distributing one ball each to all containers so that none is empty.
Ans : Number of ways can we distribute eight identical white balls into 4
distinct containers so that no container is left empty =C(n+r-1,r)=C(7,4)=
(ii) the 4th container has an odd no. of balls in it, i,e. 4th container has 1 ball
or 3 balls or 5 balls or 7 balls

No. of ways in which the 4th contains( I ball or 3balls or 5 balls or 7 balls)=
=C(9,7)+C(7,5)+C(5,3)+C(3,1)= 70

(b) No.of different initials=26x26=676 (pigeon .holes)

Ans: 676+1=677.(People –pigeons)
i,e. 677 seats must be occupied to guarantee that at least two people
seated in the auditorium have the same first and last initials.

14(a) (i) NO.of ways she can invite 5 of them to dinner =11C5 = 462
(ii)No.of ways she can s invite 5 of them to dinner if the married couple
attends the function together = 9C3= 84 (2+1)
(iii) No.of ways she can invite 5 of them to dinner if the married couple will
not attend the function=9C5= 126 (2+1)

(b) General term in the expansion of (2x-3y)n is = nCr (2x)n-r (-3y)r

We have to find the coefficient of x9 y 3

Here 𝑛 = 12, 𝑟 = 3

the coefficient of x9 y 3= 12C329(-3)

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Module 3
15 (a) (i) The relation R on Z+ is defined by aRb if ‘a divides b’ is
reflexive. S i n c e f o r a n y a b e l o n g s t o Z + a d i v i d e s
a that is aRa
ii) not symmetric since 1R2 but 2R1 that is 1 divides 2 but 2 does
not divides
iii) Transistive Sine if aRb and bRc ⇒a divides b and b divides c
⇒b=ka and c=lb
Some integer k and l
⇒a divides c
iv) Not an equivalence relation since R is not symmetric.

(b) R is not symmetric since (2,3) belongs to R but (3,2) does not
belongs to R.
R is not anti symmetric since (1,2) and (2,1) belongs to R but 1≠ 2

16(a) Q(A)={φ, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a,c}, {b,c}}

(Q(A), ⊆ ) is a poset since it is reflexive, antisymmetric and

Hasse diagram is

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Not a lattice since 2-element sets have no lub

(b) Definition - Distributive lattice

A lattice [A, . ,+] is said to be a distributive lattice if for any a, b, c in A
a +(b.c)=(a+b).(a+c), a.(b+c)=(a.b)+(a.c)

Example (Z, ≤) is a distributive lattice.

Module 4
17(a) Characteristic equation: r2+1 = 0
r = i, -i
Consider i=0+i
Magnitude =1 and argument tan−1 ∞ = 2
n n
General solution is an=c1(i) +c2(-i)
That implies an = A cos nπ/2 + B sin nπ/2 ; n ≥ 0
Applying initial conditions a0 0 ⟹ 0 = A cos 0 + B sin 0
And a1 = 3 ⇒ 3 = A cos π/2 + B sin π/2
we will get A= 0, B = 3
Ans: an = 3 sin nπ/2 ; n ≥ 0 is the solution

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f (x) = =(1-x)-1= 1+ x + x2 + x3 + x4 +
(b) 1- x
x x2 x3 x4
= 1+ + 2 + 3! + 4! + ......
1! 2! 3! 4!
Therefore the sequence is 0!, 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!,…
18(a) Characteristic equation is r2-10r+21=0 ⇒ r = 3, 7
( )
𝑎𝑛 ℎ = 𝑐1(3)𝑛 + 𝑐2(7)𝑛
Take the Particular solution an(p) = A(11)n
Substituting particular solution in given equation and Finding A
i.e, A(11)n+2-10 A(11)n+1+21 A(11)n =7 (11)n
We will get A=7/32
General solution is an= an(h)+ an(p) = c1(3)n+c2(7)n +(7/32) (11)n

(b) Solution is an=(3/2)na0 ; n ≥ 0 is the solution

Given a4 = 81 ⇒
𝑎0 = 16
an=16(2)n n≥ 0

Module 5
19(a) Definitions
[Semigroup: Algebraic structure that satisfies closure property and

Monoid: Algebraic structure that satisfies closure, associativity and existence

of identity ;

Group: Algebraic structure that satisfies closure, associativity, existence

identity and existence inverse.].

[Examples: Semigroup →(Z+,+),

Monoid→Set of Non negative integers under

Group →( (Z, +)].

(R, .) is not a group under multiplication since 0 has no inverse

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(b) H ∩ K is closed
H ∩ K has the identity element e
Inverse exists in H ∩ K
Therefore H ∩ K is a subgroup

20(a) Let 𝑎, 𝑏 𝜖𝐺 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑓(𝑎𝑜𝑏) = 𝑓(𝑎) ∗ 𝑓(𝑏)

Proof of (i)
eH * f( eG )=f( eG )=f( eG o eG )= f( eG )* f( eG ) ⇒ eH =f( eG )

Proof of (ii)
e = f( e )=f(aoa-1) = f(a) * f(a-1) ⇒ f (a -1) = [ f (a)] -1

Proof of (iii)
For n 𝜖 Z+ , Proof by mathematical induction.
n=0 ⇒ f(a0)=f( eG )= eH =[f(a)]0 ;
n=1 ⇒ f(a1)=f(a)=[f(a)]1 ;
n=2 ⇒ f(a2)=f(aoa)=f(a) * f(a)=f(a)2
Let the result true for n=k. ie. f(ak)=[f(a)]k .
Then f(ak+1)=f (akoa)= f(ak) * f(a)= [f(a)]k * f(a)= [f(a)]k+1
f(a-n)=f[(a-1)n] =[ f(a-1)]n ={[f(a)]-1}n =[f(a)]-n

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(b) H is closed under addition, H has the identity element 0 & every element in
H has inverse in H. Therefore H is a subgroup of G
Left cosets are 0+H=H,
1+H= {…,-7,-3,1,5,9,…};
2+H= {…-6,-2,2,6,10,…};
3+H= {…,-5, -1, 3,7,11…}

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