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Review Article

Management of Posterior Cruciate

Ligament Injuries: An
Evidence-Based Review

Asheesh Bedi, MD Isolated injuries of the posterior cruciate ligament are uncommon, are
Volker Musahl, MD often caused by a posteriorly directed force to the proximal tibia, and
result in abnormal knee kinematics and function. A thorough clinical
James B. Cowan, MD
evaluation, including history, physical examination, and imaging, is
required to rule out a concomitant structural knee injury. No clear
prognostic factors predict outcomes, and ideal management remains
uncertain. Nonsurgical management is advocated for isolated grade I
or II posterior cruciate ligament injuries or for grade III injuries in
patients with mild symptoms or low activity demands. Surgical
management is reserved for high-demand athletes or patients in
whom nonsurgical management has been unsuccessful. Although
biomechanical studies have identified differences between single-
bundle, double-bundle, transtibial, and tibial inlay reconstruction
techniques, the optimal surgical technique has not been established.
No high-quality evidence is available regarding immobilization,
weight-bearing, bracing, or rehabilitation protocols for patients treated
JAAOS Plus Webinar either nonsurgically or surgically. Additional long-term clinical studies
Join Dr. Musahl and Dr. Cowan for the
with homogeneous patient populations are needed to identify the ideal
interactive JAAOS Plus Webinar management of these injuries.
discussing “Management of Posterior
Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An
Evidence-based Review,” on
Tuesday, May 24, 2016, at 8 PM
Eastern Time. The moderator will be
I solated injuries of the posterior
cruciate ligament (PCL) are
uncommon, and a thorough clinical
cross-sectional area of the PCL are 32
to 38 mm, 13 mm, and 31.2 mm2,
respectively.2,4 The PCL is an intra-
Rick W. Wright, MD, the Journal’s evaluation is required to rule out a synovial and extra-articular struc-
Deputy Editor for Sports Medicine
topics. Sign up now at AAOS CME
concomitant structural knee injury. ture. Synovial reflections from the
Courses & Webinars. Although nonsurgical and surgical posterior capsule cover the anterior,
management options have been medial, and lateral aspects of the
described, the ideal management PCL.3
From the Department of Orthopaedic strategy remains to be determined. The PCL consists of the postero-
Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann medial bundle (PMB) and the
Arbor, MI (Dr. Bedi and Dr. Cowan), anterolateral bundle (ALB), which is
and the Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Anatomy and the larger and stronger bundle (Fig-
Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA Biomechanics ure 1). Anderson et al5 described the
(Dr. Musahl). ALB and PMB footprints and pro-
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24: The PCL connects the lateral aspect vided qualitative landmarks and
277-289 of the medial femoral condyle adja- quantitative measurements to locate
cent to the articular cartilage with the the femoral anterolateral, femoral
JAAOS-D-14-00326 PCL facet of the posterior tibia 1 to 1.5 posteromedial, and tibial tunnels for
cm below the articular surface of the arthroscopic reconstruction. They
Copyright 2016 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. posterior tibial plateau.1-3 The aver- reported a mean femoral attachment
age length, width, and midsubstance area of 192 mm2 and a mean tibial

May 2016, Vol 24, No 5 277

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Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An Evidence-based Review

Figure 1

Anterior (A) and posterior (B) illustrations of a right knee depicting the anterolateral and posteromedial bundles of the
posterior cruciate ligament. ACL = anterior cruciate ligament, ALB = anterolateral bundle, aMFL = anterior meniscofemoral
ligament, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament, PMB = posteromedial bundle, pMFL = posterior meniscofemoral ligament
(Reproduced with permission from Anderson CJ, Ziegler CG, Wijdicks CA, Engebretsen L, LaPrade RF: Arthroscopically
pertinent anatomy of the anterolateral and posteromedial bundles of the posterior cruciate ligament. J Bone Joint Surg Am

attachment area of 219 mm2. PCL fibers lengthen with pro- tion using the femoral and tibial
However, other researchers have gressive knee flexion, although footprints has been found to more
reported different values. some of the more posterior fibers, closely reproduce normal knee
The primary function of the PCL is constituting approximately 10% to motion.8 The PCL also restrains
to limit posterior tibial translation 15% of the PCL, demonstrate iso- external, internal, and varus-valgus
relative to the femur, with increasing metric or near isometric behavior.7 rotation; however, its contribution
effect at greater degrees of knee Although isometric reconstruction in these planes is much less than that
flexion.1 The ALB and PMB each was previously thought to provide in other planes because of the
provide this restraint throughout greater stability over a wide range of mechanical disadvantage resulting
the full range of knee flexion.6 Most knee flexion, anatomic reconstruc- from its central location in the knee.1,6

Dr. Bedi or an immediate family member serves as a paid consultant to Smith & Nephew; has stock or stock options held in A3 Surgical; and
serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Dr. Musahl or an
immediate family member serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports
Medicine. Neither Dr. Cowan nor any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a
commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.

278 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Asheesh Bedi, MD, et al

The PCL complex includes the asymptomatic, isolated grade II PCL patients with anterior cruciate liga-
anterior meniscofemoral ligament injuries. Van de Velde et al18 found a ment (ACL) injuries typically report a
(MFL) and the posterior MFL, which statistically significant increase in palpable or audible “pop” followed
originate from the posterior horn of magnitude and a more anterior and by substantial pain, knee effusion,
the lateral meniscus and insert on the medial position of peak cartilage and an inability to bear weight,
femur anteriorly and posteriorly to deformation in the medial knee patients with PCL injuries more
the PMB, respectively.1,5 These liga- compartment of patients with PCL commonly report subtle signs and
ments are often referred to as the deficiency compared with that of symptoms, and the mechanism of
anterior MFL of Humphry, named persons with an intact PCL. These injury may be unknown.4,11,12,25 A
after the British anatomist George tibiofemoral kinematic alterations patient with an isolated PCL injury
Murray Humphry, and the posterior suggest that, in patients with PCL may report vague knee pain, stiff-
MFL of Wrisberg, named after the deficiency, reduced weight-bearing ness, swelling, or discomfort with
German anatomist Heinrich August load may be transmitted through activities requiring higher levels of
Wrisberg. Studies have found at least the menisci and the areas of thickest knee flexion, such as squatting,
one MFL in up to 95% of cadavers articular cartilage. Long-term studies kneeling, or walking on stairs.
and both MFLs in up to 60% of have found that degenerative changes Higher-energy mechanisms of injury
cadaver specimens; however, the after PCL injury occur primarily in and more severe pain, instability, or
MFLs may coexist more frequently the medial and patellofemoral com- disability suggest a combined liga-
in younger patients.1,5,9 Although partments.19-23 In a systematic review mentous injury.
the precise function of the MFLs has of the literature, Kim et al24 were A thorough physical examination
been debated, biomechanical evi- unable to determine the overall inci- has been found to have high accu-
dence suggests that they act as sec- dence, location, or predictors of racy, sensitivity, and specificity in the
ondary restraints to posterior tibial osteoarthritis in patients with isolated diagnosis of PCL tears, with better
translation.1,9 PCL injuries because of variable results for grade II and III injuries
study design and methodology. than for grade I injuries.26 Physical
In patients with isolated PCL examination should include com-
Epidemiology, Natural injuries, common mechanisms of parison of the injured and contra-
History, and Mechanism of injury include a posteriorly directed lateral extremities. The examiner
Injury force to the proximal tibia with the should evaluate gait (when possible),
knee flexed, a fall onto a flexed knee, or weight-bearing limb alignment,
The reported incidence of acute PCL sudden knee hyperflexion or hyperex- range of motion, and neurovascular
injuries ranges from 1% to 44% of tension.12 In the case of PCL injury status; palpate for an effusion or
acute knee injuries.10 Isolated PCL resulting from a fall onto a flexed areas of point tenderness; and per-
injuries are less common than those knee, the foot position at the time of form stress testing of the cruciate and
with concomitant posterolateral impact affects the pattern of injury. collateral ligaments.
corner (PLC) or other ligamentous When the foot is dorsiflexed, force is Numerous maneuvers to evaluate
injuries.11,12 The sport-specific inci- transmitted through the patella and PCL integrity have been described. The
dence of PCL injuries ranges from extensor mechanism. When the foot is posterior drawer test is the most sensi-
1% to 4%.4,11 Parolie and Bergfeld13 plantarflexed, a posteriorly directed tive and specific clinical test for PCL
found a 2% to 3% incidence of force is imparted to the proximal tibia. insufficiency.26 On an uninjured knee,
chronic, asymptomatic PCL insuffi- When these mechanisms are combined the medial tibial plateau lies approxi-
ciency in elite college football players. with rotational forces or forces in the mately 1 cm anterior to the medial
Deficiency of the PCL results in coronal plane, the medial and lateral femoral condyle; therefore, the poste-
abnormal kinematics and contact knee structures are at increased risk. rior drawer tests must be performed
pressures in the medial and patello- starting from that resting position.4,25
femoral compartments of the knee If the examination starts with the tibia
and may increase strain on the
Clinical Evaluation in a posteriorly subluxated position,
posterolateral knee structures, placing the results of the Lachman test may be
them at risk of subsequent injury.14-16 History and Physical falsely positive, resulting in an incor-
Goyal et al17 found abnormal Examination rect diagnosis of ACL injury when in
tibiofemoral knee kinematics during A thorough history and physical fact the examiner is only returning the
functional activities, such as stair examination are crucial to establish tibia to its reduced position. For the
ascent and running, in patients with the correct diagnosis. Whereas posterior drawer test, the patient is

May 2016, Vol 24, No 5 279

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An Evidence-based Review

Table 1 Stress radiography techniques include

the use of a kneeling position, gravity,
Posterior Drawer Test
hamstring contraction, an axial view,
Position of the Tibial Plateau or a commercially available stressing
Injury Posterior Translation of the Relative to the Medial Femoral
device.28 The use of a kneeling position
Grade Tibial Plateau (mm) Condyle
and the use of a stress-test device are
I 0 to 5 Anterior the most sensitive techniques for stress
II 6 to 10 Even radiography and have high intra-
III .10 Posterior observer and interobserver reliability.
However, these techniques are also the
most painful for the patient.28,29 Stress
radiographs also are useful for identi-
positioned supine, with the hip flexed palpable clunk from reduction of the fying a concomitant PLC injury.
to 45° and the knee flexed to 90°. The tibiofemoral joint. LaPrade et al30 noted that an unrec-
examiner places his or her thumbs on Physical examination is crucial to ognized or undertreated PLC injury
the anterior joint line and applies a exclude a concomitant PLC injury. can put substantial stress on cruciate
posteriorly directed force to the prox- Numerous maneuvers, including the ligament reconstruction. On radio-
imal tibia (Video, Supplemental Digital reverse pivot shift test and the external graphs with clinician-applied varus
Content 1, Posterior Drawer Test, rotation recurvatum test, have been stress, the authors found increased The described to evaluate PLC integrity. lateral compartment gapping of
test grade is based on either the The tibial external rotation (ie, dial) 2.7 mm, 4.0 mm, and 7.8 mm in
position of the tibial plateau rela- test is particularly useful for identify- patients with isolated fibular collateral
tive to the medial femoral condyle ing combined PCL and PLC injuries. injuries, grade III PLC injuries, and
or the posterior translation of the With the patient lying prone, the combined ACL, PCL, and PLC
tibial plateau relative to its position examiner grasps the patient’s feet and injuries, respectively. When a chronic
in the contralateral, uninjured knee applies an external rotation stress on PCL injury is suspected, long-leg
(Table 1). the bilateral lower extremities. The standing radiographs are useful for
The quadriceps active test is used to examiner assesses the angle between assessing coronal alignment.
evaluate the integrity of the PCL the medial border of the foot and the The sensitivity, specificity, and
without the application of passive or axis of the femur at 30° and 90° of accuracy of MRI have been found to
external force. The patient lies supine knee flexion. A difference of .10° approach 100% in the detection of
with the hip flexed to 45° and the between the affected and unaffected acute PCL injuries. MRI is less useful in
knee flexed to 90° and is instructed limbs represents a positive result. A the evaluation of chronic PCL injuries
to slide his or her foot down the table positive result occurring only at 30° of than in the evaluation of acute PCL
(Video, Supplemental Digital Con- knee flexion indicates a PLC injury, injuries. In one study, patients with
tent 2, Quadriceps Active Test, whereas a positive result at both 30° acute, isolated, complete PCL tears A and 90° of knee flexion indicates identified on MRI were found to have
positive test (ie, indicating PCL defi- combined PCL and PLC injuries. In a continuous but abnormally shaped
ciency) occurs when contraction of biomechanical study of 20 cadaver PCLs on follow-up MRI as soon as 5
the quadriceps shifts the tibia ante- knees, Sekiya et al27 concluded that a months after the initial injury.31
riorly from its posteriorly subluxated grade III posterior drawer test and Because functional instability can exist
position. .10 mm of posterior tibial trans- even in the presence of structurally
For the posterior sag (ie, Godfrey) lation on stress radiography corre- intact tissue, the clinician should not
test, the patient is placed in a supine lated with the presence of PLC injury rely solely on MRI findings in the
position, and the examiner holds and complete disruption of the PCL. evaluation of patients with suspected
the patient’s lower extremity with the chronic PCL injuries.
hip and knee each flexed to 90°. The Imaging
examiner looks for posterior sagging Initial evaluation should include a
of the tibia or loss of prominence of series of knee radiographs, including Management
the tibial tubercle.11 From this posi- AP, lateral, axial, and 45° knee flexion
tion, the leg is passively extended for weight-bearing views. Lateral view Nonsurgical
the dynamic posterior shift test. In a stress radiography can be used to Despite evidence of abnormal tibio-
positive test, the examiner detects a quantify posterior tibial translation. femoral kinematics in patients with

280 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Asheesh Bedi, MD, et al

Table 2
Selected Clinical Outcomes of Nonsurgical Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
Study (Level of Mean Follow-up
Evidence) Injury Type (no. of pts) (mo) Outcomesa

Boynton and Isolated PCL injury (38) 161 Cincinnati Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic
Tietjens19 (IV) Center anterior cruciate ligament laxity
questionnaire: 73.6 on 100-point scale,
functional score 38.8 on 50-point scale
Posterior drawer test (neutral rotation): grade
I, 5 of 30 pts (17%); grade II, 15 of 30 pts
(50%); grade III, 10 of 30 pts (33%)
Cross and Powell36 (IV) Multiligamentous injury NA Posterior drawer test (neutral rotation): grade
(86) 0, 2 of 89 pts (2%); grade I, 17 of 89 pts
(19%); grade II, 47 of 89 pts (53%); grade III,
23 of 89 pts (26%)
Dandy and Pusey33 (IV) Isolated PCL injury (20) 86 Objective: 40% fair, 60% poor
Subjective: 40% good, 50% fair, 10% poor
Functional: 25% good, 55% fair, 20% poor
Jacobi et al35 (I) Isolated PCL injury (17) 24 Lysholm score, 94; Tegner score, 7.2;
International Knee Documentation
Committee score, 95; posterior tibial laxity,
3.2 mm (Rolimeter)
Keller et al34 (IV) Isolated PCL injury (40) 72 Noyes score 76.4, posterior drawer test
(neutral rotation): grade I, 24 of 40 pts (60%);
grade II, 13 of 40 pts (33%); grade III, 3 of 40
pts (8%)
Parolie and Isolated PCL injury (25) 74 80% satisfaction rate, 68% of pts returned to
Bergfeld13 (IV) previous athletic function without disability,
48% of pts were pain free, 44% had
mechanical symptoms
Posterior drawer test (neutral rotation): grade
II, 9 of 25 pts (36%); grade III, 14 of 25 pts
(56%); grade IV, 2 of 25 pts (8%), posterior
tibial laxity 7.12 mm (KT-1000)
Shelbourne et al10 (I) Isolated PCL injury (68) 65 Lysholm score, 83.4; Noyes score, 84.2 (133
pts); Tegner score, 5.7; posterior drawer test
(neutral rotation): grade 1, 26 of 68 pts (38%);
grade 1.5, 20 of 68 pts (29%); grade 2, 22 of
68 pts (32%), posterior tibial laxity, 5.3 mm
Numerical outcome measures are mean values.
NA = not available, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament

PCL deficiency, no clear prognostic ment of isolated PCL injuries. Satis- two returned to athletic participa-
factors have been found to predict faction and return to activity were tion, although only 67 patients re-
which patients will experience dis- not related to the amount of knee turned to their preinjury sport and
ability, pain, or osteoarthritis as a instability measured instrumentally performance level. However, Keller
result of chronic insufficiency of the but were related to quadriceps et al34 found that patients with
PCL. Furthermore, discrepancies function on Cybex testing. In a long- greater ligamentous laxity had a
between subjective and objective term study of 133 patients who larger number of subjective com-
outcome measures are common in underwent nonsurgical treatment of plaints, had lower knee scores, and
patients with PCL injury.19,32,33 acute, isolated grade I or II PCL were less likely to return to their
Parolie and Bergfeld13 found high injuries, Shelbourne et al10 found no preinjury activity level. In a study of
levels of satisfaction, return to sport, correlation between knee laxity and 21 patients with grade I or II isolated
and performance in 25 elite athletes subjective knee scores or radio- PCL injuries managed with the use of
who underwent nonsurgical treat- graphic changes. All patients except a dynamic anterior drawer brace,

May 2016, Vol 24, No 5 281

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Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An Evidence-based Review

Table 3
Selected Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
Study (Level of Follow-up
Evidence) Injury Type (no. of pts) Techniques (mo) Outcomesa

Houe and Isolated PCL injury (16) SB or DB transtibial repair, 35 Lysholm score, 97.5; Tegner
Jørgensen40 BPTB autograft, or score, 6; posterior tibial
(II) hamstring autograft laxity, 3.0 mm at 30° and 70°
(DonJoy KLT)
Jackson Isolated PCL injury (23) SB transtibial repair, .120 Lysholm score, 90; IKDC
et al21 (II) Combined PCL and medial hamstring autograft score, 87; posterior drawer
collateral ligament test (neutral rotation): grade
injury (3) 0, 8 of 22 pts (36%); grade I,
12 of 22 pts (55%); grade II, 2
of 22 pts (9%); posterior tibial
laxity, 1.1 mm (KT-1000)
Li et al41 (II) Isolated PCL injury (46) SB transtibial or DB 30 Lysholm score, 88.9; Tegner
transtibial repair, tibialis score, 6.5; IKDC, 68.7
anterior allograft (subjective), 87 (objective);
posterior tibial laxity, 3.1 mm
Li et al42 (III) Isolated PCL injury (37) SB transtibial repair, 28 Lysholm score, 84.5; Tegner
hamstring autograft, or score, 6; IKDC, 76; posterior
tibialis anterior allograft drawer test (neutral rotation):
grade 0, 11 of 37 pts (30%);
grade I, 20 of 37 pts (54%);
grade II, 6 of 37 pts (16%);
posterior tibial laxity, 3.7 mm
McGuire and Isolated PCL or DB transtibial anatomic or 27 Lysholm score, 83.6; posterior
Hendricks43 multiligamentous injury DB transtibial nonanatomic drawer test (neutral rotation):
(III) (17) repair, Achilles tendon grade 0, 9 of 17 pts (53%);
allograft grade I, 6 of 17 pts (35%);
grade II, 2 of 17 pts (12%)

(continued )
Numerical outcome measures are mean values except as noted. When reported as a percentage, IKDC results refer to the percentage of patients
with normal or nearly normal scores.
BPTB = bone–patellar tendon–bone, DB = double-bundle, IKDC = International Knee Documentation Committee, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament,
SB = single-bundle

Jacobi et al35 found substantial low-grade PCL injuries, the com- compliance with the nonsurgical
reduction in posterior tibial sag and pensatory function of intact struc- rehabilitation protocol.
good to excellent functional results tures that serve as secondary
in all patients at 1- to 2-year follow- restraints on posterior tibial trans-
up. The outcomes of clinical studies lation, and increased tibial slope in Surgical
of nonsurgical management of PCL included patients.25 Athletic patients In 1917, Hey Groves38 published an
injuries are summarized in Table 2. who sustain an in-season grade I or II early technique for surgical recon-
In general, nonsurgical manage- PCL injury should complete a pro- struction of the PCL. The goals of
ment has been advocated for patients gressive rehabilitation protocol that PCL reconstruction are to reproduce
with isolated grade I or II PCL includes specific criteria for return to the normal anterior tibial step-off,
injuries or for those with grade III play, such as the criteria outlined by restrain posterior tibial displace-
injuries but mild symptoms or low Pierce et al.37 Patients must be ment, and allow stable and pain-free
activity demands.3,13,25,32,33 In informed that nonsurgical manage- knee function.39 Surgical manage-
studies of nonsurgical management, ment is not curative and that pain, ment of isolated PCL injuries is
favorable outcomes may be the instability, and activity limitations typically reserved for patients with
result of inclusion of patients with may persist or even worsen despite acute or chronic symptomatic grade

282 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Asheesh Bedi, MD, et al

Table 3 (continued )
Selected Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
Study (Level of Follow-up
Evidence) Injury Type (no. of pts) Techniques (mo) Outcomesa

Song et al22 (III) Isolated PCL injury (66) SB transtibial or SB open 141 Lysholm score, 90.9; Tegner
inlay repair, hamstring score, 5.9; posterior drawer
autograft, or BPTB test (neutral rotation): grade
autograft 0 or I, 56 of 66 pts (85%);
grade II, 10 of 66 pts (15%);
posterior tibial laxity, 4.1 mm
Wang et al44 (I) Isolated PCL injury (55) SB transtibial repair, 34 Lysholm score, 89.7; Tegner
quadriceps tendon-patellar score, 4.7; IKDC, 67;
bone autograft, Achilles posterior drawer test (neutral
tendon allograft, hamstring rotation): 0.8 mm, posterior
autograft, or tibialis anterior tibial laxity, 3.0 mm
allograft (KT-1000)
Wang et al45 (II) Isolated PCL injury (35) SB or DB transtibial repair, 41 Lysholm score, 88; Tegner
hamstring autograft score, 4.8; IKDC, 69;
posterior drawer test (neutral
rotation): 1.1 mm; posterior
tibial laxity, 2.7 mm
Wong et al46 (I) Isolated PCL injury (55) SB transtibial repair, 47 Lysholm score, 89; Tegner
hamstring autograft score, 4.7; IKDC, 74;
posterior drawer test (neutral
rotation): 0.9 mm; posterior
tibial laxity, 3.0 mm (KT-
Yoon et al47 (II) Isolated PCL injury (53) SB transtibial or DB 32 Lysholm score, 90; Tegner
transtibial repair, Achilles score, 6; IKDC, 81;
tendon allograft posterior tibial laxity, 3.8 mm
Numerical outcome measures are mean values except as noted. When reported as a percentage, IKDC results refer to the percentage of patients
with normal or nearly normal scores.
BPTB = bone–patellar tendon–bone, DB = double-bundle, IKDC = International Knee Documentation Committee, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament,
SB = single-bundle

III PCL injuries in whom nonsurgical Lysholm scores 10 years after PCL preoperative and postoperative pos-
management was unsuccessful. reconstruction. However, 8 of 22 terior tibial translation and 15 of 25
Outcomes of studies of surgical patients in the study had radiographic patients had radiographic evidence of
management of PCL injuries are evidence of grade II or III degenera- degenerative changes in the medial
summarized in Table 3. tive changes. Hermans et al20 found and patellofemoral compartments.48
Although reconstruction of the PCL considerably improved IKDC and
may reduce posterior tibial trans- Lysholm scores after reconstruction Single-bundle Versus
lation, results have been inconsistent despite persistently increased poste- Double-bundle Reconstruction
regarding the efficacy of the procedure rior tibial translation. The authors Although the goal of single-bundle
in restoring normal function and noted substantially worse functional reconstruction is to re-create the
kinematics. Few studies have reported outcome scores among patients tight flexion of the ALB, some
long-term results of reconstruction treated surgically .1 year after injury authors recommend a double-
of isolated PCL injuries. Jackson and patients who had cartilage dam- bundle technique, in which both the
et al21 reported 88% participation in age at the time of the procedure. In ALB and the PMB are reconstructed
moderate to strenuous activity and another study, researchers found that in an effort to restore the function
increased International Knee Docu- at a mean 7-year follow-up, 13 of 25 and biomechanics of the native PCL.
mentation Committee (IKDC) and patients had no difference between In a cadaver study, Bergfeld et al49

May 2016, Vol 24, No 5 283

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Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An Evidence-based Review

found no statistically significant group, however, the double-bundle have been published. Seon and Song58
differences in instrumentally mea- group had considerably better found no considerable differences in
sured posterior tibial translation objective IKDC grade distribution, knee scores, activity levels, or
between intact PCLs, single-bundle subjective IKDC score, and post- instrumentally measured posterior
reconstructions, and double-bundle operative side-to-side posterior tibial tibial translation in 43 patients who
reconstructions. In other studies, translation measured with a KT-1000 underwent either transtibial or open
double-bundle reconstruction of the arthrometer. tibial inlay reconstruction. A follow-
PCL has been found to more closely In a systematic review of bio- up study including 66 patients
approximate native knee kinematics mechanical and clinical studies com- again revealed no substantial clinical
and restraint of posterior tibial paring single- and double-bundle PCL differences between these recon-
translation compared with single- reconstruction, Kohen and Sekiya53 struction techniques.22 MacGillivray
bundle reconstruction.50,51 noted that comparison of these studies et al39 compared transtibial and tibial
In a clinical study comparing single- is complicated by heterogeneity of inlay reconstructions and found no
bundle reconstruction with bone– injuries and differences in study tech- considerable differences in posterior
patellar tendon–bone autograft and niques and design. They concluded drawer test results, instrumentally
double-bundle reconstruction with that further well-designed bio- measured knee laxity, functional test
hamstring autograft, Houe and mechanical studies and prospective, results, or knee score outcome mea-
Jørgensen40 found no marked dif- randomized clinical studies are needed sures. However, both of these studies
ferences in instrumentally measured to determine the superiority of single- used a variety of graft types, includ-
posterior tibial translation, activity or double-bundle PCL reconstruction. ing bone–patellar tendon–bone
level, Tegner and Lysholm knee autograft and allograft, hamstring
scores, or patient satisfaction autograft, and Achilles tendon allo-
between the two groups. In a ran- Transtibial Tunnel Versus Tibial graft. Kim et al59 compared single-
domized study, Wang et al45 found Inlay Techniques bundle transtibial, single-bundle
no differences between single- and Advocates of the tibial inlay tech- arthroscopic inlay, and double-
double-bundle reconstructions (all of nique cite potential benefits includ- bundle arthroscopic inlay recon-
which used hamstring autograft) ing bony healing, avoidance of graft struction techniques. They found a
with respect to functional assess- abrasion at the so-called killer tibial significant difference in the mean
ment, posterior tibial translation, turn, and use of large graft sizes. side-to-side difference in posterior
knee scores, or radiographic Bergfeld et al54 compared trans- tibial translation between the trans-
changes. In both studies, the single- tibial and tibial inlay PCL recon- tibial group (5.6 6 2.00 mm) and the
and double-bundle reconstruction struction techniques in paired double-bundle arthroscopic inlay
groups demonstrated marked cadaver knees and found sub- group (3.6 6 1.43 mm), but no other
improvement in Lysholm and Tegner stantially less instrumentally mea- differences were found in posterior
knee scores and satisfaction com- sured posterior tibial translation in tibial translation, knee range of
pared with preoperative assessment. the inlay group. The authors also motion, or Lysholm knee scores.
Yoon et al47 found no difference in noted graft thinning and fraying at Panchal and Sekiya60 reviewed
range of motion or outcome scores the so-called killer turn in the biomechanical and clinical studies
between single- and double-bundle transtibial group but no apprecia- comparing arthroscopic transtibial
reconstruction groups but a consid- ble graft degradation in the inlay and open tibial inlay reconstruc-
erable decrease in posterior tibial group. In a subsequent cadaver tion techniques. They concluded
translation of 1.4 mm in the double- study, the inlay technique was that the superiority of either tech-
bundle reconstruction group. The found to be superior to the trans- nique remains uncertain because of
authors of the study noted that the tibial technique with respect to conflicting biomechanical studies
clinical or functional relevance of graft failure, thinning, and perma- and the paucity of comparable
this difference was uncertain. Li nent elongation.55 Other cadaveric
clinical studies.
et al52 randomized patients to either studies revealed no substantial dif-
single- or double-bundle recon- ferences between transtibial and
struction with tibialis anterior allo- open tibial inlay techniques with Open Versus Arthroscopic Tibial
graft and found no substantial respect to knee laxity or posterior Inlay Techniques
difference in Lysholm and Tegner tibial translation. 56,57 The arthroscopic tibial inlay tech-
scores between the two groups. Clinical studies comparing the nique has been advocated to avert the
Compared with the single-bundle transtibial and tibial inlay techniques potential morbidity of an open

284 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Asheesh Bedi, MD, et al

posterior incision, avoid the inconve- tion, we recommend the technique Figure 2
nience of prone or lateral positioning, described by Forsythe et al.62
and decrease the surgical time com- After induction of anesthesia and
pared with that of an open procedure. administration of intravenous anti-
Zehms et al61 found comparable biotics, the affected extremity is
knee stability between double-bundle examined thoroughly and compared
arthroscopic inlay and open inlay with the contralateral extremity.
groups in a biomechanical cadaver Tests should include the posterior
study. Long-term clinical studies drawer test, the posterior sag test to
comparing these techniques are in assess for loss of tibiofemoral offset,
progress, but the superiority of either and dynamic stress tests to assess for
an arthroscopic or open approach insufficiency of the collateral liga-
has not been reported to date. ments, the PLC, and the poster-
omedial corner. The affected
extremity is prepped and draped. A
Repair of Posterior Cruciate
sterile tourniquet is placed high on
Ligament Avulsion Injuries
the thigh. Arthroscopy is initiated
Avulsion injuries of the PCL occur at
with a 30° arthroscope in the stan-
the tibial or femoral attachments and
dard anterolateral portal. The ante-
may be bony avulsions or so-called
romedial portal is established with a
peel-off injuries consisting of avul-
spinal needle under direct visualiza-
sion of the PCL without bony
tion close to the patellar tendon and
involvement. Bony avulsions are
relatively superior in order to
often visible on plain radiographs, Lateral radiograph of the left knee
improve access and exposure to the
particularly on the lateral view (Fig- demonstrating a moderately
posterior aspect of the tibia. A
ure 2). The use of CT can help to displaced posterior cruciate ligament
thorough diagnostic arthroscopy is avulsion-type injury (arrow) of the
further characterize the fracture.
performed, including meticulous tibial attachment in a 10-year-old girl
Nonsurgical management of dis- who sustained a posteriorly directed
inspection of all chondral surfaces,
placed PCL avulsions is unlikely to force to the proximal anterior tibia of
the menisci, the patellofemoral
be successful because it does not her flexed knee.
articulation, the suprapatellar
allow for adequate manipulation,
pouch, and the medial and lateral
reduction, or stabilization of the bony
recesses. The medial and lateral (Figure 4). The trajectory must allow
fragment. Good results have been re-
menisci are probed to evaluate for unencumbered access to the tibial
ported with several open and arthro-
full-thickness or partial-thickness footprint. Dissection continues lat-
scopic repair techniques, including
tears throughout the superior and erally behind the ACL and 10 to
open reduction and internal fixation,
inferior surfaces of the posterior 12 mm below the joint line until the
cannulated screw or Kirschner wire
horn, body, and anterior horn. Par- cephalad border of the popliteus
fixation, transosseous suture repair,
ticular care should be taken to muscle fibers is identified. The tibial
and repair using suture anchors and
identify and preserve posterior horn guide is placed on the inferior aspect
knotless anchors. To our knowledge,
attachments (Figure 3). of the PCL facet (Figure 5), with care
no prospective randomized trials have
The PCL is examined, and remnant taken to center the footprint at least
compared fixation techniques. There-
fibers are débrided. Care must be 10 mm distal to the joint line and just
fore, the choice of fixation should be
taken to preserve the margins of the lateral to the posterior root of the
based on the characteristics of the
ligament footprints for subsequent medial meniscus. The working edge
injury and the surgeon’s experience.
tunnel placement. Intact residual of the tunnel will be anterior after
fibers and the meniscofemoral liga- tensioning. Therefore, it is critical
Authors’ Preferred Technique ments are preserved if they do not that the tunnel be located sufficiently
Several surgical techniques have re- compromise visualization or expo- below the joint line and contained
sulted in satisfactory clinical and sure. A posteromedial portal is es- within the PCL footprint. A nearly
biomechanical outcomes. Here we tablished with a spinal needle under vertical trajectory for guide pin
describe our preferred technique for direct visualization to ensure an placement minimizes the acuity of
single-bundle transtibial reconstruc- appropriate trajectory for prepara- the turn of the graft at the posterior
tion. For double-bundle reconstruc- tion of the PCL tibial footprint tibia. Fluoroscopy may be used in

May 2016, Vol 24, No 5 285

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Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An Evidence-based Review

Figure 3 Figure 5 Figure 7

Intraoperative arthroscopic view of Intraoperative arthroscopic view of

Intraoperative arthroscopic view of the right knee obtained with a 30°
the right knee obtained with a 30° the right knee obtained with a 70°
arthroscope through the anterolateral arthroscope through the anterolateral
arthroscope through the anterolateral portal demonstrating the femoral
portal demonstrating an intact medial portal demonstrating the tibial
meniscus root. footprint of the posterior cruciate
footprint of the posterior cruciate ligament. A single-bundle approach is
ligament (PCL) and the position of the used in this procedure, which involves
tibial guide relative to the joint line. reconstruction of multiple ligaments.
Figure 4 The guide was placed via the The tunnel is centered primarily within
anteromedial portal. The footprint of the footprint of the anterolateral
the PCL is centered at least 10 mm bundle and shifts in a cephalad and
distal to the joint line and just lateral to anterior direction when the patient’s
the posterior root of the medial knee is flexed.

Figure 6 terior cortex is contacted. Because of

the close proximity to the posterior
neurovascular structures of the knee,
reaming is completed by hand under
direct visualization until the cortex is
breached (Figure 6). The margins of
the tunnel are rasped and freshened,
particularly anteriorly, to remove all
Intraoperative arthroscopic view of
the right knee obtained with a 30° debris and minimize graft abrasion.
arthroscope through the anterolateral Attention now turns to the femoral
portal demonstrating a cannula tunnel. We prefer to use an outside-in
inserted through the posteromedial preparation method with a retro-
portal. The posteromedial portal is
best created with the knee in flexion grade cutting device or a standard
and with needle guidance to ensure two-incision approach to minimize
an appropriate trajectory for Intraoperative arthroscopic view of the acuity of the graft turn and to
dissection of the tibial footprint of the right knee obtained with a 70° avoid the creation of a second killer
the posterior cruciate ligament. arthroscope through the anterolateral turn that would result from the use of
portal demonstrating drilling of the
tibial tunnel for the posterior cruciate an inside-out drilling trajectory. If a
combination with direct arthro- ligament. The reamer is visualized formal two-incision approach is
scopic visualization to confirm a completely during breaching of the used, a small incision is centered just
favorable trajectory and safe passage posterior cortex, and the pin is proximal to the medial epicondyle.
protected from advancement during
of pins and reamers. The guide pin is reaming. The fascia of the vastus medialis
protected and advanced under direct oblique is incised, and the muscle is
visualization with a 70° arthroscope. elevated to expose the distal femoral
Appropriate pin placement may be fluoroscopy. The pin is overreamed metaphysis. A small periosteal win-
confirmed with AP and lateral in antegrade fashion until the pos- dow is created, and the outside-in

286 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Asheesh Bedi, MD, et al

Figure 8 Figure 9

Intraoperative arthroscopic view

of the right knee obtained with a
30° arthroscope through the
anterolateral portal demonstrating
the posterior cruciate ligament
(arrow) reconstruction.

guide is centered within the femoral

footprint of the PCL. If a single-
tunnel approach is used, the guide is Postoperative AP (A) and lateral (B) radiographs demonstrating the right knee of
an 18-year-old man who underwent isolated, arthroscopically assisted
centered primarily within the ALB reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament with autogenous hamstring
fibers, with the anterior tunnel mar- autograft and semitendinosus allograft augmentation.
gin located approximately 2 mm off
the chondral junction at the roof of
the notch (Figure 7). The femoral literature on rehabilitation of PCL
Rehabilitation injuries and proposed protocols for
tunnel is overreamed and prepared.
nonsurgical and postoperative reha-
A shuttling stitch is used to pass the To achieve a successful outcome of
bilitation. Further evidence-based
graft through the tibial and femoral either nonsurgical or surgical man-
research is needed to determine
tunnels. The graft is seated into agement, recovery of quadriceps
optimal rehabilitation protocols after
position and fixed with a cortical strength and knee range of motion is
nonsurgical and surgical manage-
crucial.13 Controlled activity should
fixation device and/or interference ment of PCL injuries.
be balanced with the need to avoid
fixation. With the graft under
excessive stress on an incompletely
maximum tension and the patient’s healed repair construct. Because of Summary
knee in 90° of flexion, the graft is the lack of sufficient high-quality
fixed on the tibial side with an evidence, no clear protocols have Isolated PCL injuries are uncommon
interference screw and additional been developed to guide immobi- and require thorough clinical evalu-
suspensory fixation as needed, de- lization, weight bearing, bracing,63 ation to ensure the absence of a
pending on screw purchase and range of motion, strengthening, concomitant structural knee injury.
bone quality. The trajectory and agility exercise programs, or post- The available literature consists pri-
obliqueness of the graft are con- operative rehabilitation.37 Although marily of level III or IV studies, and
some surgeons think that early or the ideal management of PCL
firmed (Figure 8). The graft is
overly aggressive rehabilitation may injuries remains uncertain and con-
trimmed. Incisions are irrigated and
compromise postoperative knee troversial. Although biomechanical
closed in standard layered fashion. stability, others argue that rehabil- studies have identified differences
Postoperative radiographs of the itation should depend on the between surgical techniques, addi-
knee following PCL reconstruction reconstruction technique. Pierce tional well-designed, long-term
are shown in Figure 9. et al37 reviewed the peer-reviewed clinical studies on a homogeneous

May 2016, Vol 24, No 5 287

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Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An Evidence-based Review

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May 2016, Vol 24, No 5 289

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