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Patellofemoral Instability: Evaluation and Management

Barry P. Boden, MD, Albert W. Pearsall, MD,

William E. Garrett, Jr, MD, PhD, and John A. Feagin, Jr, MD


Patellofemoral disorders are a common cause of knee pain and disability. A The medial patellofemoral liga-
thorough history and a careful physical examination are essential to accurate ment (MPFL) was described as
diagnosis, and imaging modalities play an important role. Magnetic resonance being within layer II, superficial to
imaging can provide information on malalignment and soft-tissue injuries. the joint capsule and deep to the
Although there is a continuum of diagnoses, most patellofemoral disorders can vastus medialis. Over the past 5
be divided into three distinct categories: soft-tissue abnormalities, patellar insta- years, several studies have de-
bility due to subluxation and dislocation, and patellofemoral arthritis. Many scribed the importance of this liga-
patellofemoral disorders respond to nonoperative therapy. When surgical inter- ment. In a comprehensive anatom-
vention is necessary, patellar tilt can be successfully treated by a lateral release. ic study of the MPFL, Feller et al2
Lateral patellar subluxation associated with malalignment can be corrected by a found it to be a distinct structure
distal realignment procedure such as the anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer. present in all 20 cadavers dissected.
Repair of the medial patellofemoral ligament in cases of patellar dislocation has The ligament extends from the
considerably lowered the incidence of recurrent instability. Although no ideal anterior aspect of the femoral epi-
treatment exists for patellofemoral arthritis, mechanical symptoms may be alle- condyle to the superomedial mar-
viated by arthroscopic debridement of delamination lesions. Articular cartilage- gin of the patella (Fig. 1). As the
wear disorders may be stabilized by addressing the primary causative disorder. ligament courses anteriorly, its
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1997;5:47-57 fibers fan out and fuse with the
undersurface of the vastus medialis
tendon. The size of the ligament
varies considerably among individ-
Pain associated with the patello- patellofemoral pain. This article uals, but it is relatively constant
femoral joint is a malady com- reviews the most common disor-
monly seen in the orthopaedic ders of the patellofemoral joint:
office. In the past, anterior knee soft-tissue abnormalities, patellar
Dr. Boden was Instructor, Department of
pain was generically referred to as instability, and patellofemoral
Orthopaedics, Duke University Medical
chondromalacia patella. Chon- arthritis (Table 1). Although two Center, Durham, NC, at the time of this writ-
dromalacia, or softening of the or more of these disorders may ing. Dr. Pearsall is Instructor, Department of
articular cartilage, of the patella is coexist, classifying them into spe- Orthopaedics, Duke University Medical
a common incidental finding. cific groups is helpful when plan- Center. Dr. Garrett is Professor, Department
of Orthopaedics, Duke University Medical
This terminology should not be ning treatment and assessing
Center. Dr. Feagin is Associate Professor,
used interchangeably with anteri- results. Department of Orthopaedics, Duke University
or knee pain, but rather should be Medical Center.
used to describe a specific patho-
logic condition. Recent investiga- Anatomy Reprint requests: Dr. Boden, Greater
tions of the anatomy and biome- Washington Orthopaedic Group, 2101 Medical
Park Drive, Suite 305, Silver Spring, MD
chanics of the patella and peri- In 1979 Warren and Marshall1 de-
patellar structures, combined with lineated the anatomy of the medial
advances in physical diagnosis aspect of the knee. They described Copyright 1997 by the American Academy of
and imaging modalities, have led a three-layered system with con- Orthopaedic Surgeons.
to more accurate diagnoses of densations between tissue planes.

Vol 5, No 1, January/February 1997 47

Patellofemoral Instability

History and Differential ized by a tight lateral retinaculum,

Table 1
Diagnosis which results in abnormally high
Most Common Disorders of the
forces between the lateral facet of
Patellofemoral Joint
A thorough history should focus the patella and the lateral trochlea.
on the onset and duration of symp- The onset of symptoms is often
Soft-tissue abnormalities toms, the mechanism of injury, and insidious and may be associated
Patellar tilt
any prior patellar symptoms. All with minor antecedent trauma.
Quadriceps tendinosis
Patellar tendinosis
patellofemoral joint disorders may Patients typically present with dif-
Osgood-Schlatter disease be characterized by peripatellar fuse anterior knee pain, which is
Pathologic plica pain, swelling, crepitus, or instabil- often greatest over the lateral reti-
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy ity. Symptoms are occasionally naculum during knee flexion.
preceded by a traumatic event but Chronic lateral patellar tilt can lead
Patellar instability more commonly are insidious in to degeneration of the articular car-
onset. The physician should also tilage of the lateral facet.
investigate previous treatment
Patellofemoral arthritis modalities and their success. Patellar Tendon Rupture and
Delamination lesion Overuse Syndromes
Degenerative lesion Patellar Tilt In addition to patellar tilt, there
Patellar tilt, a common disorder, are several other soft-tissue peri-
has been referred to as lateral patel- patellar abnormalities. Traction
lar compression syndrome and injuries to the extensor mechanism
from side to side within a given excessive lateral pressure syn- can produce lesions in the quadri-
person. drome. This condition is character- ceps and patellar tendons. Complete
The quadriceps functions as a
dynamic stabilizer of the patella,
while the MPFL acts as a static
checkrein to resist lateral transla-
tion of the patella. Conlan et al3
performed a biomechanical study
of the relative contributions of the
medial soft-tissue restraints in the Vastus
prevention of lateral displacement medialis
of the patella. They found the
MPFL to be the major medial soft-
tissue stabilizer, providing 53% of
the total restraining force. The MPFL
patellomeniscal ligament and
associated retinacular fibers were Medial
also found to be important medial patellotibial Patellomeniscal
stabilizers, contributing an aver- ligament ligament and
age of 22% of the total restraining medial retinacular
force. The remaining transverse fibers
fibers of the medial retinaculum
(the patellotibial band) and the
medial patellotibial ligament were
found to be less important re- tendon
straints to lateral translation of the
patella. It is speculated that, in
addition to their biomechanical
properties, the ligamentous struc-
Fig. 1 Anatomy of the medial aspect of the knee. The MPFL provides 53% of the restrain-
tures provide proprioceptive sig- ing force in preventing lateral displacement of the patella; the patellomeniscal ligament
nals to the surrounding muscula- and medial retinacular fibers, on average 22%.3

48 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Barry P. Boden, MD, et al

ruptures of the quadriceps tendon The patella may articulate abnor- this mechanism is a baseball batter
typically occur in older persons with mally with the femur such that it who misses while swinging for a
preexisting degenerative changes in transiently subluxates either later- pitched ball. On the basis of physi-
the tendon. In younger athletes, ally or medially. Lateral transla- cal examination with the patient
patellar tendon ruptures usually tion of the patella is the most com- under anesthesia and the location
result from trauma. Overuse in- mon direction of patellar subluxa- of the bone bruise identified on
juries to the extensor mechanism are tion and is usually associated with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging,
common in athletes who participate malalignment of the lower extrem- we hypothesize that the patella dis-
in repetitive jumping activities. In ity. In patients with lateral sublux- locates over the terminal sulcus of
skeletally mature individuals, these ation, the trochlea has a structural the lateral femoral condyle with the
overload forces may result in role in centralizing the patella dur- knee flexed 60 to 70 degrees. Less
quadriceps tendinosis or patellar ing knee flexion. As the knee ex- commonly, lateral dislocations
tendinosis. The lesion in partial tends, however, the patella shifts occur after a direct blow to the
rupture of the patellar tendon is typ- laterally as it disengages from the medial patella.
ically located in the posterior half of femoral groove. Patients present The patella may spontaneously
the tendon at its insertion site into with a history of “giving way” as reduce, or the patient may require
the patella. In adolescents, the same the patella jumps from a centralized a closed reduction by extending the
forces may produce a traction injury position in the trochlear groove to a knee while a gentle medial force is
of the tibial tubercle (Osgood- lateral position with full extension. applied to the patella. Within
Schlatter disease). Lateral subluxation predominantly hours, the knee joint develops a
affects individuals with preexisting large hemarthrosis. Ecchymosis
Pathologic Plica and Reflex malalignment, such as genu val- occasionally tracks distally along
Sympathetic Dystrophy gum or hyperlaxity. Subluxation the medial aspect of the leg.
Other conditions that may cause may also occur after traumatic Osteochondral fractures of the lat-
anterior knee pain include patho- episodes, such as patellar disloca- eral femoral condyle or the medial
logic plica and reflex sympathetic tion. facet of the patella have been docu-
dystrophy (RSD). Although plicae Medial subluxation is less com- mented by arthroscopy in 40% to
are usually incidental findings at mon and usually iatrogenic. Medial 50% of patellar dislocations.5-7
arthroscopy, they occasionally subluxation may occur as a compli-
become thickened and painful. cation of an extensive lateral re- Patellofemoral Degeneration
The most common pathologic con- lease, a lateral release performed for The articular cartilage of the
dition is medial parapatellar plica. an incorrect indication, overtighten- patellofemoral joint is a frequent
The patient may report a snapping ing of the medial structures, or site of traumatic and degenerative
sensation as the fibrotic plica rubs blunt or surgical trauma resulting lesions. The causes of chondral
against the medial femoral condyle in scarring and inferomedial tether- lesions are multiple and include
during knee flexion and extension. ing of the patella. trauma, malalignment, and aging.
When evaluating the patello- Although medial, superior, and In athletes who compete in sports
femoral joint, RSD should also be intra-articular dislocations have that require frequent pivoting and
part of the differential diagnosis. been described, most patellar dislo- decelerating motions, delamination
Pain out of proportion to the initial cations are lateral. Two mecha- lesions are common (Fig. 2). These
injury is the classic presentation. nisms of acute lateral patellar dislo- injuries are a result of shear stresses
The patellofemoral joint is always cation have been proposed: an and involve a separation of the
involved in RSD of the knee. indirect injury and a direct blow.4 noncalcified articular cartilage from
Arthroscopy has been reported to The indirect mechanism is more the calcified cartilage. The second
have the potential to exacerbate common and involves the combi- mechanism of articular-cartilage
symptoms of RSD in patients with- nation of a strong quadriceps con- injury is chronic abrasive wear that
out a mechanical cause of pain. traction, a flexed and valgus knee causes superficial to deep damage.
position, and an internally rotated These injuries should be further
Patellar Subluxation and femur on an externally rotated classified as being partial- or full-
Dislocation tibia. Patients with dislocations thickness lesions. Abrasive, degen-
Instability disorders of the patel- due to an indirect mechanism fre- erative changes secondary to
la can be classified as either patellar quently have one or more predis- malalignment involve primarily the
subluxation or patellar dislocation. posing risk factors. An example of lateral facet.

Vol 5, No 1, January/February 1997 49

Patellofemoral Instability

ligament insufficiency has been

reported to be associated with
Probe patellofemoral arthrosis, the poste-
rior drawer test is also an essential
part of a complete examination.
During the next phase of the
examination, patellar tilt should be
assessed. The examiner attempts
Chondral to raise the patient’s lateral patellar
delamination facet away from the lateral femoral
flap trochlea. An inability to raise the
A B lateral facet to the horizontal is
suggestive of lateral retinacular
Fig. 2 Drawing (A) and athroscopic image (B) of a delamination lesion of the articular
cartilage of the patella.
tightness and tethering of the lat-
eral patella. Frequently, patients
with lateral patellar tilt demon-
strate tenderness along the lateral
Presenting symptoms of articular- la and another line from the center patellar facet secondary to wear of
surface lesions include anterior of the patella to the center of the the articular cartilage.
knee pain, swelling, and a grinding tibial tubercle. Mean Q-angle values Patellar mobility is evaluated by
sensation. There may be either dif- approach 10 degrees in men and 15 attempting to displace the patella
fuse, nonspecific pain or a sharp, degrees in women. medially and laterally. Through-
stabbing sensation at a specific Palpation of the patella and out this portion of the examination
angle of knee flexion. related structures should constitute the knee is placed in full extension.
the next stage of the patellofemoral The number of quadrants of medial
examination. Comparison with the and lateral glide is recorded as lat-
Physical Examination noninjured knee provides a base- eral and medial patellar pressure
line. First, the patella is examined are applied. The amount of patel-
After the history has been complet- with ballottement from cephalad to lar glide on the affected side should
ed, the patient should be assessed caudad to determine whether an be compared with that on the
for any physical signs that may effusion exists. The peripatellar asymptomatic side. In a normal
serve as prognosticators of patellar soft tissues are then carefully pal- knee, the patella cannot be dis-
instability (Table 2). The presence pated. Tenderness over the medial placed more than half its width in
of femoral anteversion, genu val- epicondyle (Bassett’s sign) may either direction. The knee is then
gum, external tibial torsion, and represent an injury to the MPFL in flexed, and the test is repeated
foot pronation can be documented patients with acute or recurrent while observing the patient for evi-
by observing the patient in a stand- patellar dislocations.8 Pain on pal-
ing position and during the gait pation of the inferior pole of the
cycle. Hip muscular strength and patella is often diagnostic of patel-
joint range of motion are evaluated lar tendinosis. Retinacular tender- Table 2
with the patient in the supine posi- ness, hypersensitivity to palpation, Predisposing Risk Factors for
tion to exclude referred knee pain and decreased patellar mobility Patellar Instability
originating from hip disorders. may be signs of RSD.
The Q angle (the angle between Valgus testing is important in Femoral anteversion
the quadriceps tendon and the patients with a patellar dislocation Genu valgum
patellar tendon) should be mea- because concomitant medial collat- Patellar dysplasia
sured with the knee in flexion. eral ligament and MPFL injuries Femoral dysplasia
Measurements of the Q angle in can occur. Patellar symptoms may Patella alta
full extension may be falsely low in also mask an anterior cruciate liga- Vastus medialis obliquus atrophy
High Q angle
patients with patellar subluxation. ment insufficiency; therefore, the
Pes planus
The angle is recorded by drawing Lachman and pivot shift tests are
Generalized hyperlaxity
one line from the anterior superior necessary to differentiate these con-
iliac crest to the center of the patel- ditions. Since posterior cruciate

50 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Barry P. Boden, MD, et al

dence of apprehension and reflex After completion of the physical articular-surface lesions. Routine
quadriceps activation. Reproduc- examination, aspiration of an intra- radiographs have been shown to
tion of the patient’s dislocation articular effusion can be extremely identify fewer than 50% of osteo-
symptoms with applied medial helpful in determining the diagno- chondral loose bodies. A true lat-
patellar pressure is referred to as sis and optimal treatment modality. eral standing radiograph may be
the lateral apprehension test. A hemarthrosis implies a traumatic helpful in assessing patellar align-
Patellar tracking is assessed as injury, whereas serosangineous ment on the basis of the rotation of
the patient sits on the edge of the fluid may indicate an articular- the patella in relation to the
examining table and flexes and cartilage lesion. In acute patellar femoral condyles.
extends the symptomatic knee. dislocations, it is extremely impor- The lateral view also allows
Normally, the patella is centered tant to examine the aspirate for the determination of the depth of the
within the femoral trochlea with presence of fat droplets, which femoral trochlea and the height of
slight knee flexion and traces a indicate the presence of an associat- the patella. Several measurements
straight line as the knee is brought ed osteochondral fragment. have been described to measure
into extension. In patients with patella alta. Controversy exists as
patellar subluxation, however, the to which radiographic measure-
patella travels from a central posi- Imaging ment is most accurate. Clinical
tion within the femoral trochlea at examination may be more appro-
30 degrees of flexion to a laterally The initial radiographic evaluation priate to assess the height of the
subluxated position in full exten- of the patellofemoral joint should patella. When the patella does not
sion. The lateral excursion during include standard anteroposterior engage in the trochlea by 15 to 20
terminal knee extension, referred to and lateral weight-bearing views degrees of knee flexion, patella alta
as the J sign, is pathognomonic of as well as an axial radiograph. may be present.
lateral patellar subluxation. Plain films are a useful screening The Laurin and Merchant axial
As part of the examination, the tool to rule out gross malalignment radiographs are obtained with the
patient’s patella should be palpated and fractures. However, they knee flexed 20 and 40 degrees, re-
for crepitus, which may suggest an underestimate the presence of spectively. However, one tangential
articular-cartilage injury. Com-
pression of the patella during full
range of motion of the knee may
reproduce the associated pain. The
location of the chondral injury may
be estimated on the basis of the
knee-flexion angle in which pain is
experienced. Articular lesions on
the distal patella are painful during
early knee flexion; proximal patel-
lar lesions are manifested with fur-
ther flexion. Localized tenderness
medial to the patella with an asso-
ciated palpable snap may be
indicative of a pathologic plica.
In the last phase of the examina-
tion, the patient lies prone with the
affected knee hanging over the side
of the examining table (Fig. 3). The
evaluation is similar to that with
the patient supine, but the prone
position relaxes the quadriceps and
allows an accurate assessment of
patellar mobility. In addition, the
prone position is ideal for docu- Fig. 3 Examination of the patella with the patient prone.
menting femoral and tibial torsion.

Vol 5, No 1, January/February 1997 51

Patellofemoral Instability

view with the knee flexed 30 de- Computed tomography (CT) has tance between these two lines
grees is usually sufficient for been shown to be more sensitive determines the extent of lateraliza-
assessing patellar tilt, which than axial radiography in deline- tion of the tibial tubercle. Values
reduces the amount of radiation ating patellar malalignment. 11 greater than 9 mm have been
exposure. The x-ray beam is pro- Among the advantages of CT over shown to identify patients with
jected caudad at an angle of 30 plain radiography are that there is patellofemoral malalignment with
degrees from the plane of the no image overlap or distortion and a specificity of 95% and a sensitivi-
femur. that there are precise reference ty of 85%.12
The axial radiograph is the most points for reliable measurements. Magnetic resonance imaging
helpful plain film for diagnosing Unlike conventional radiography, combines the accuracy of osseous
patellar tilt. A line is drawn along CT allows axial cuts of the patello- measurements made on CT with
the lateral facet of the patella, and a femoral articulation at angles less the ability to visualize the soft tis-
second line is drawn across the than 20 degrees of knee flexion. sues. In addition, MR imaging can
condyles of the trochlea anteriorly. This enhances the detection of sub- depict articular-cartilage damage
Normally, the angle between these luxation as the patella loses the sta- directly for large lesions or indi-
two lines will be open laterally. If bilizing function of the lateral rectly by changes in the underly-
the lines are parallel or the angle femoral condyle. ing bone for smaller lesions.
opens medially, the patella is prob- Another role for CT is in identi- Using MR imaging, Sallay et al13
ably tilted.9 fying lateralization of the tibial were able to visualize the patho-
Teitge et al10 recently described tubercle, as measured by the dis- anatomic features of patellar dislo-
a new radiographic technique that tance between the tibial tubercle cations. They identified the essen-
can be a helpful adjunctive test for and the trochlear sulcus. An axial tial lesion of patellar dislocations
diagnosing patellar instability. CT image demonstrating the as being a tear of the MPFL off the
They first obtained bilateral axial femoral trochlear groove is super- femoral insertion (Fig. 4). The
radiographs of the patellofemoral imposed on an axial image of the location of the injury was con-
joints in anatomic position. A con- tibial tubercle. A line is drawn on firmed by surgical exploration.
stant medial and lateral force was this superimposed image between Although other authors have iden-
applied to the patellae with an the posterior margins of the tified avulsions of the MPFL off
instrumented device, and axial femoral condyles. Two lines are the patella with the use of MR
radiographs were repeated. Teitge drawn perpendicular to this line, imaging alone, we believe that this
et al found that a 4-mm increase in one bisecting the femoral trochlear is an uncommon location for in-
medial or lateral patellar excursion groove and the other bisecting the jury and may be overinterpreted
compared with the patellar excur- anterior tibial tuberosity. The dis- on MR imaging studies of patients
sion of the asymptomatic knee cor-
related with patellar instability.
Stress radiographs are helpful in
identifying patients with congruity
of the articular surfaces whose
knees may subluxate or dislocate
because of deficient ligamentous
structures. Measurements on stress
radiographs are more reliable pre-
dictors of lateral, medial, and multi-
directional patellar instability than
measurements made on static radio-
graphs. Furthermore, they can pro-
vide objective information when
evaluating the results of different
treatment regimens. Patients who
are unable to relax the extensor A B
mechanism due to pain or who Fig. 4 Axial MR images of a normal MPFL (A) and an avulsion of the MPFL off the medial
have bilateral symptoms are not femoral epicondyle (B).
candidates for stress radiography.

52 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Barry P. Boden, MD, et al

with an osteochondral lesion on

the medial facet of the patella. 200
Sallay et al13 used MR imaging
to detect several other injuries after
a patellar dislocation: an effusion in
all 23 patients studied, increased 150
signal intensity and retraction of L
the vastus medialis muscle in 18

Torque, ft-lb
(78%), a bone bruise in the lateral
femoral condyle in 20 (87%), and a 100
bone bruise in the medial patella in
7 (30%). The authors also noted
that the location of the bone bruise
on the lateral femoral condyle was
slightly anterior and superior to the R
typical bone bruise seen after an
acute anterior cruciate ligament

-15° 0° 25° 50° 75° 100° 135°

Nonoperative Treatment Knee Flexion

Fig. 5 Isokinetic torque curves of quadriceps muscle. Note the sharp decline in extensor
Historically, nonoperative treat- strength of the affected right leg (R) at 50 degrees of knee flexion compared with the nor-
ment has been the mainstay of mal left leg (L). At surgery, a delamination lesion of the patellar articular cartilage was
therapy for patellofemoral disor- identified; the lesion contacted the trochlea at 50 degrees of knee flexion.
ders. As an important adjuvant in
the development of a treatment
plan for patellofemoral pain,
objective isokinetic strength test- sions in this range of motion are Patellofemoral instability symp-
ing can provide valuable informa- recommended to strengthen the toms may be reduced in some
tion. By evaluating a printout of a extensor mechanism. Isotonic patients with a patellar cutout
concentric quadriceps strength quadriceps exercises have been brace or patellar taping. Although
test, the physician can assess any shown to be more beneficial than patellar taping was originally
deficits that correlate with a isometric exercises. Although reported to have a high success
painful arc of knee motion (Fig. 5). some authors have noted de- rate, researchers have been unable
Armed with these objective data, creased patellofemoral contact to reproduce these results in recent
the physician and the therapist can forces with closed-chain quadri- studies.14 Therefore, patellar brac-
design a knee-strengthening pro- ceps exercises from 30 to 60 ing and/or taping should be re-
gram to avoid painful range of degrees of knee flexion, it still garded as adjuvants to the main-
motion. remains unclear whether closed- or stay of patellofemoral rehabilita-
The primary goal in patello- open-chain kinetic exercises are tion, quadriceps strengthening.
femoral rehabilitation is to decrease preferable for patellofemoral reha- There currently exists a debate
symptoms, increase quadriceps en- bilitation. Thus, short-arc, isotonic, in the orthopaedic literature
durance and strength, and return closed- or open-chain quadriceps- regarding nonoperative versus
the individual to maximum func- strengthening exercises are recom- operative treatment of acute patel-
tion. To improve quadriceps mended in the early stages of lar dislocations. Some authors rec-
strength, gravity and active resis- patellofemoral rehabilitation for ommend immediate repair of the
tive exercises are emphasized. patients treated nonoperatively injured medial structures; others
Biomechanical analysis has shown and for those treated by surgical have suggested a more conserva-
that patellofemoral contact pres- repair. Isokinetic, eccentric, and tive approach. When nonopera-
sures are lowest from 0 to 30 high-torque exercises can cause tive therapy is chosen, the treat-
degrees of knee flexion. There- high articular-cartilage pressures ment regimen should include
fore, short-arc quadriceps exten- and should be avoided. early reduction of inflammation

Vol 5, No 1, January/February 1997 53

Patellofemoral Instability

and swelling. This can be accom- the patella should be documented release is performed 5 mm lateral
plished by aspiration of the knee while the patella is engaging the to the lateral patellar border, cov-
joint and immobilization close to femoral trochlea. Evidence of ering the distance from 1 cm supe-
full extension with a lateral patel- patellar tilt should also be noted. rior to the patella to the anterolat-
lar pad to reapproximate the torn After observing passive patellar eral portal.
medial structures. After a short tracking, a muscle stimulator can Although a lateral release is a
period of immobilization, protect- be applied to the quadriceps to routine technical operation, the
ed range-of-motion exercise in a evaluate active patellar tracking. procedure may be associated with
patella-stabilizing brace is empha- The arthroscope can be reinserted several potential complications.
sized. The next phase of rehabili- into the joint after an open patellar Hemarthrosis, the most common
tation should concentrate on realignment to assess tracking. postoperative complication, in-
quadriceps-strengthening exercis- Adjustments in the alignment can hibits the quadriceps and delays
es. Aquatic therapy and vastus be made accordingly. rehabilitation. The frequency of
medialis obliquus strengthening An alternative to arthroscopy postoperative hemarthrosis due to
have been found to be particularly with a liquid medium is CO2 ar- injury to the superior lateral genic-
helpful techniques. The last phase throscopy.16 This technique pro- ulate artery can be diminished by
of rehabilitation involves enhanc- vides a clearer visual field, pre- performing the release with elec-
ing patient proprioceptive feed- cludes motion of tissue in the ar- trocautery. In addition, the tourni-
back, as well as developing sport- throscopic field, and allows assess- quet should be deflated before clo-
specific skills. Scientific studies ment of patellofemoral alignment. sure to cauterize any bleeding ves-
documenting the cost-effective- The senior author (J.A.F.) believes sels. Incising the vastus lateralis
ness of these physical therapy that CO2 arthroscopy also allows tendon or performing a lateral
modalities are lacking in the litera- accurate evaluation of crepitus by release on patients with a disorder
ture. depicting any points of increased other than patellar tilt may lead to
friction. The disadvantages of medial patellar subluxation. Re-
CO 2 arthroscopy include the lease of the main vastus lateralis
Surgical Treatment greater cost of the equipment and tendon should not be performed;
the risk of subcutaneous emphyse- otherwise, the muscle may retract
Arthroscopy ma, which can be prevented by and atrophy, leading to imbalance
The arthroscopic evaluation of using a tourniquet. When arthros- of the patellar stabilizers. This can
the knee with patellofemoral symp- copy is performed with the use of be avoided by angling the release
toms involves a systematic survey local anesthesia, it may be neces- 45 degrees in a lateral direction
of the entire knee joint. Examina- sary to flush the knee with liquid proximal to the superior margin of
tion of the patellofemoral joint after 30 minutes to avoid knee dis- the patella.
begins with inspection of the artic- comfort from distension of the
ular surfaces of the patella and joint with the CO2 gas. Subluxation
femoral trochlea. The extent and Surgery may be indicated in
type of chondral lesion are evaluat- Patellar Tilt patients with subluxation if symp-
ed by probing the articular surface. The treatment of choice for toms persist after an extensive
Arthroscopy can accurately distin- patellar tilt after an unsuccessful nonoperative program (Fig. 6).
guish between delamination inju- trial of nonoperative therapy is an The optimal surgical procedure is
ries and abrasion injuries. Arthros- arthroscopic lateral release. This determined by the type of sublux-
copy cannot be used to identify procedure has been shown to be ation. For most patients with sub-
injury to the MPFL because that most effective in patients with luxation secondary to malalign-
structure is extra-articular. patellar tilt.17 The lateral release ment, a distal realignment proce-
The superomedial portal is par- does not substantially reduce the dure produces a good outcome.
ticularly useful in evaluating patel- active lateral vector of the quadri- The primary goal of the procedure
lar tracking and patellar tilt.15 The ceps and therefore has less satis- is to transfer the tibial tubercle
lateral facet should align with the factory results in patients with medially to correct the Q angle or
trochlea by 20 to 25 degrees of subluxation. The entire lateral the tubercle-sulcus angle. Results
knee flexion and the midpatellar retinaculum, vastus lateralis with a direct medial transfer of
ridge by 35 to 40 degrees of knee obliquus, and distal patellotibial the tibial tubercle (the Hauser
flexion. Any lateral overhang of band should be released.18,19 The procedure) have been disappoint-

54 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Barry P. Boden, MD, et al

cation rate (44%), with 52% of the

Patellar instability results being classified as failures.
Hughston and Deese23 reported a
redislocation rate of 20% to 43% in
Lateral subluxation Lateral dislocation patients with first-time patellar dis-
locations treated conservatively.
Trial of Acute Recurrent
Therefore, in patients treated non-
rehabilitation operatively for an initial episode of
patellar dislocation, the chance of
Osteochondral No osteochondral MPFL recurrent dislocation ranges from
If unsuccessful, fracture fracture reconstruction
MPFL reconstruction
approximately 15% to 44%.
or AMTTT Osteochondral lesions, which
Arthroscopy may be detected by the presence of
fat droplets in the knee aspirate,
Young athletic patient, Direct mechanism are common after an acute patellar
predisposing factors, or no predisposing dislocation and should be evaluat-
or indirect mechanism factors
ed through the arthroscope (Fig. 6).
Large articular lesions are optimal-
MPFL repair Trial of ly fixed acutely; small fragments
rehabilitation are removed.
Management of patellar insta-
If unsuccessful,
bility due to an acute patellar dis-
MPFL repair location is controversial. Advances
in the understanding of the patho-
Fig. 6 Algorithm for evaluation of patellar instability. AMTTT = anteromedial tibial anatomy of acute patellar disloca-
tubercle transfer. tion combined with the high inci-
dence of recurrent patellar redis-
location have led to a renewed
interest in acute surgical repair.
ing due to posteriorization of the growth plates. Nonoperative ther- Candidates for surgical repair of
tubercle as it is moved medially apy before skeletal maturity should the MPFL include young athletic
down the slope of the tibial tuber- include exercises to strengthen the patients who sustained the dislo-
cle. This increases the patello- vastus medialis obliquus, use of a cation by an indirect mechanism.
femoral contact forces and can patellar stabilizing brace, and The operative procedure is per-
predispose to degenerative changes. restriction from provocative activi- formed through a 4-cm incision
Instead, an anteromedial transfer ties. For the subgroup of patients just anterior to the medial epi-
of the tibial tubercle is recom- with normal patellar alignment condyle at the distal edge of the
mended.20,21 This procedure cor- who have subluxation secondary to vastus medialis obliquus muscle
rects the Q angle with medializa- trauma, a proximal repair or recon- belly. The MPFL is identified
tion of the tibial tubercle and struction of the medial structures deep to the fascial layer of that
unloads the patellofemoral articu- may be more appropriate. muscle (Fig. 7). Most injuries to
lation with anteriorization of the the MPFL are avulsions off the
tibial tubercle. A hinge of bone is Dislocation femur and may be repaired direct-
maintained intact at the distal The natural history of untreated ly to the bone with suture an-
tubercle to facilitate healing. patellar dislocation has been report- chors. We do not routinely per-
After the tibial tubercle has been ed in several studies. Hawkins et form a lateral release or anterome-
transferred anteriorly and medial- al6 reported redislocation rates of dial tibial tubercle transfer with
ly, the bone pedicle is locked into approximately 15% in their series of this procedure. In patients who
position with two cortical screws. patients who were immobilized for had symptoms of patellar tilt
In skeletally immature patients 3 weeks after injury. Cofield and before the acute dislocation as
with subluxation, transfer of the Bryan22 studied 48 conservatively well as intraoperatively confirmed
tibial tubercle should be avoided treated patellar dislocations and patellar tilt after MPFL repair, a
until closure of the proximal tibial noted a substantially higher redislo- lateral release may be required.

Vol 5, No 1, January/February 1997 55

Patellofemoral Instability

ment the optimal procedure. eral facets of the patella and shifts
Arthroscopy combined with a the forces to the proximal and
repair of the essential lesion to the medial facet of the patella. If a
VM MPFL may provide the best out- steep oblique osteotomy is used,
come. up to 17 mm of tibial tubercle ante-
riorization can be achieved with-
Arthrosis out requiring any bone graft. The
Management of patellofemoral best results are obtained in
arthritis refractory to conservative patients with some preservation of
measures is based on the patient’s the articular cartilage proximally
age, activity level, extent and loca- and medially. Concomitant medial
tion of cartilage damage, and transfer of the tibial tubercle
patellofemoral mechanics. In ath- improves the Q angle, thereby
letic patients with traumatic delam- eliminating subluxation. The
ination lesions, the damaged artic- angle of the osteotomy can be
ular cartilage may be arthroscopi- adjusted to create more anterior-
cally debrided to a stable margin. ization or medialization. Although
The prognosis is more favorable for complications have been less com-
Fig. 7 Intraoperative dissection of the lesions smaller than 1.5 cm. Sub- mon and less severe after antero-
MPFL. MFE = medial femoral epicondyle;
VM = vastus medialis.
chondral drilling is controversial, medial tibial tubercle transfer than
and its use is dependent on the dis- after other distal realignment pro-
cretion and experience of the sur- cedures, the risks of skin slough,
geon. Return to sports may be infection, and compartment syn-
Similarly, for patients with ana- allowed as early as 2 to 3 months drome still exist.
tomic malalignment and a history postoperatively, although maxi-
of patellofemoral subluxation mum resolution of symptoms is
before the acute dislocation, a usually not achieved for 6 months. Summary
realignment procedure may be In patients with degenerative,
necessary in addition to the MPFL abrasive changes of the articular Disorders of the patellofemoral
repair. cartilage, the underlying cause of joint are a common source of knee
The short-term results of surgi- the abnormal forces on the patella pain. The wide spectrum of patho-
cal repair include redislocation should be identified and corrected. logic conditions can be broadly
rates of less than 10%. 13,24 Al- Lateral-facet arthrosis is common classified as soft-tissue abnormali-
though the incidence of instability in patients with long-standing ties, patellar instability, and
is markedly reduced with opera- patellar tilt or subluxation. A later- patellofemoral arthritis. A com-
tive repair, many patients continue al release may help relieve arthritic plete history and physical examina-
to report pain and swelling. These symptoms in patients with patellar tion with selective imaging studies
persistent symptoms are most like- tilt and secondary arthrosis. should lead to an accurate diagno-
ly secondary to articular-cartilage In patients in whom subluxation sis. For many disorders, a trial of
lesions from the original injury.25 results in lateral-facet arthrosis, nonoperative treatment often pro-
Surgery is accepted as the treat- anteromedial tibial tubercle trans- vides good results. When indicat-
ment of choice for recurrent patel- fer may ameliorate both maladies. ed, surgical treatment can yield
lar dislocations, although there are Anterior displacement of the tibial substantial improvement in symp-
no prospective studies that docu- tubercle unloads the distal and lat- toms and patient satisfaction.

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