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Review Article

The Posteromedial Corner of the

Knee: Anatomy, Pathology, and
Management Strategies

Andrew P. Dold, MD, FRCSC The posteromedial corner of the knee encompasses five medial
Stephanie Swensen, MD structures posterior to the medial collateral ligament. With modern
MRI systems, these structures are readily identified and can be
Eric Strauss, MD
appreciated in the context of multiligamentous knee injuries. It is
Michael Alaia, MD recognized that anteromedial rotatory instability results from an injury
that involves both the medial collateral ligament and the posterior
oblique ligament. Like posterolateral corner injuries, untreated or
concurrent posteromedial corner injuries resulting in rotatory
instability place additional strain on anterior and posterior cruciate
ligament reconstructions, which can ultimately contribute to graft
failure and poor clinical outcomes. Various options exist for
posteromedial corner reconstruction, with early results indicating that
anatomic reconstruction can restore valgus stability and improve
patient function. A thorough understanding of the anatomy, physical
examination findings, and imaging characteristics will aid the
physician in the management of these injuries.

From the Hospital for Joint Diseases,

New York, NY.
T he lateral side of the knee has
historically been considered the
“dark side of the knee” owing
the superficial medial collateral liga-
ment (MCL), with little emphasis on
the supporting posteromedial struc-
Dr. Strauss or an immediate family primarily to our previous lack of tures.4 Thus, medial-sided knee injury
member is a member of a speakers’ knowledge of both the complex has become synonymous with injury
bureau or has made paid
anatomy in this region and the to the superficial MCL,5 with a lack
presentations on behalf of Arthrex;
serves as a paid consultant to the management of posterolateral of appreciation for and understand-
Joint Restoration Foundation, DePuy corner (PLC) pathology.1 Extensive ing of the other structures involved.
Synthes Mitek Sports Medicine, and research has focused on the evalua- With modern MRI technology, the
Vericel; and has received research or
institutional support from Omeros and
tion and management of PLC major anatomic structures comprising
Dynasplint. None of the following injuries, which has simplified our the PMC can be readily identified.
authors or any immediate family approach to and improved our Recent anatomic and biomechanical
member has received anything of understanding of this area of the studies have expanded our under-
value from or has stock or stock
options held in a commercial company
knee.2 Considerably less literature standing of these medial structures
or institution related directly or has focused on the medial side of the and their contribution to the static and
indirectly to the subject of this article: knee, specifically the posteromedial dynamic stability of the knee, includ-
Dr. Dold, Dr. Swensen, and Dr. Alaia. corner (PMC), with some authors ing their supporting role in multi-
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2017;25: labeling it “the neglected corner.”3 ligamentous knee injuries.6-9 It is now
752-761 The relative oversight of the con- recognized that anteromedial rota-
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00020 tributing structures of the PMC may tory instability (AMRI) results from
be the result of early research and injury to both the MCL and the
Copyright 2017 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. subsequent functional studies that posterior oblique ligament (POL).
focused predominantly on the role of Like PLC injuries, untreated or

752 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Andrew P. Dold, MD, FRCSC, et al

concurrent PMC injuries resulting in Figure 1

rotatory instability place additional
strain on anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) and posterior cruciate liga-
ment (PCL) reconstructions, which
can ultimately contribute to graft
failure and poor clinical outcomes. A
thorough understanding of the
structures comprising the PMC, the
examination findings associated with
PMC injuries, and the imaging
characteristics of PMC injuries
will aid the physician in managing
these injuries.

A, Illustration of the anterior, middle, and posterior divisions of the knee as

described by Robinson et al.10 The posterior third of the knee encompasses the
Anatomy posteromedial corner, extending from the posterior border of the longitudinal
fibers of the superficial medial collateral ligament (MCL) to the medial edge of the
The anatomy of the medial side of medial head of the gastrocnemius. B, Axial T2-weighted MRI demonstrating
the knee has been described using normal posteromedial structures. The yellow arrow points to the superficial MCL,
two different approaches. Initially, the blue arrow points to the posterior oblique ligament, and the red arrow points
to the semimembranosus tendon.
Warren et al4 divided the medial side
into three layers from superficial to
deep. Layer I consists of the deep Components of the POL originates just distal and poste-
fascia, layer II consists of the super- Posteromedial Corner rior to the adductor tubercle, giving it
ficial MCL, and layer III consists of an origin distinct from that of the
The PMC of the knee has five major
the joint capsule and the deep MCL. superficial MCL, which originates just
components: the POL, the semi-
In this layered approach, little proximal and posterior to the medial
membranosus tendon and its expan-
attention is given to the structures femoral epicondyle.13-15
sions, the oblique popliteal ligament
lying posterior to the MCL. Distally, the POL has three readily
(OPL), the posteromedial joint cap-
A more recent description by identifiable arms: the superficial, cen-
sule, and the posterior horn of the
Robinson et al10 divides the medial tral, and capsular arms13 (Figure 2).
medial meniscus. The superficial and
side of the knee into thirds—anterior, The central, or tibial, arm is the largest
deep portions of the MCL occupy the
middle, and posterior—extending and thickest of the three arms and
middle third of the medial side of the
circumferentially from the medial forms the main portion of the POL,
knee, and although they function in
edge of the patellar tendon anteriorly comprising most of the ligament’s
close association with the structures
to the most medial edge of the medial femoral attachment. Distally, the
of the PMC, they are not typically
head of the gastrocnemius posteri- central arm merges with and rein-
considered part of it.3
orly. The anterior third extends from forces the posteromedial joint capsule,
the medial border of the patellar adhering to the posteromedial aspect
tendon to the anterior border of the Posterior Oblique Ligament of the medial meniscus and the adja-
longitudinal fibers of the superficial The superficial MCL, as originally cent aspect of the tibia at the posterior
MCL. The middle third is composed described by Brantigan and Voshell11 articular surface. LaPrade et al13 sug-
of the width of the longitudinal in 1943, consists of anterior fibers that gested that the central arm of the POL
fibers of the MCL. The posterior run longitudinally across the joint line is the main structure in this area
third, encompassing the PMC of the and fan out as an oblique array of needing repair or reconstruction after
knee, extends from the posterior fibers posteriorly. This posterior por- injury to the PMC of the knee.
border of the longitudinal fibers of tion, running distally and posteriorly
the superficial MCL to the medial at a 25° angle to the anterior fibers,
edge of the medial head of the gas- was later described as a ligament dis- Semimembranosus Tendon
trocnemius muscle, which lies adja- tinct from the superficial MCL and and Its Expansions
cent to the medial margin of the PCL was named the posterior oblique lig- The PMC was described by Müller16
(Figure 1). ament by Hughston and Eilers.12 The as the “semimembranosus corner”

November 2017, Vol 25, No 11 753

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Posteromedial Corner of the Knee: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management Strategies

Figure 2 the OPL arises approximately 2 cm

proximal to the main bifurcation. This
band passes posteriorly and obliquely
upward to blend with the OPL and
attach to the posterior lateral femoral
condyle, reinforcing the posterior
capsule. The popliteus aponeurosis
expansion represents the inferior arm,
which extends distally from the direct
and anterior arms and attaches to the
tibia just proximal to the insertion of
the superficial MCL.3,17

Oblique Popliteal Ligament

The OPL, a broad fascial band
crossing the posterior aspect of the
knee, is difficult to distinguish from
the posterior joint capsule. Arising
from the capsular arm of the POL and
the lateral expansion of the semi-
membranosus tendon, the OPL
extends from the main portion of the
semimembranosus tendon laterally
and proximally toward the lateral
femoral condyle. As a result, the lig-
ament is considered part of both the
PMC and the PLC. Laterally, the
OPL attaches to the meniscofemoral
portion of the posterior capsule, to an
osseous or cartilaginous fabella, and
to the plantaris muscle.18
Illustration of the posteromedial aspect of the right knee demonstrating the three
arms of the posterior oblique ligament. MGT = medial gastrocnemius tendon,
OPL = oblique popliteal ligament, SM = semimembranosus muscle, sMCL = Posteromedial Joint Capsule
superficial medial collateral ligament According to the three-layered
approach to the medial structures of
because of the functionally relevant to the tibia, inserting into a small the knee described by Warren et al,4
contribution of the tendon to the groove just distal to a tubercle on the the joint capsule along with the
dynamic stability of the knee. Five posteromedial part of the tibia called deep MCL comprises layer III.
major arms or expansions have been the tuberculum tendinis, which lies LaPrade et al13 described the deep
described: (1) the pars reflexa (ante- posterior to the medial tibial crest. The MCL as a “thickening of the medial
rior arm), (2) the direct posteromedial anterior arm passes deep to the POL joint capsule that is most distinct
tibial insertion (primary attachment), and attaches to the tibia just distal to along its anterior border, where it
(3) the OPL insertion, (4) the POL the medial joint line, deep to the prox- approximately parallels the anterior
insertion, and (5) the popliteus apo- imal tibial attachment of the superficial aspect of the superficial medial col-
neurosis expansion (Figure 3). MCL in an oval pattern.13 The inser- lateral ligament.” Posteriorly, the
The main tendon bifurcates into tion that blends with the POL, also deep MCL blends with and becomes
the direct and anterior arms just distal described as the capsular arm, is the inseparable from the central arm of
to the joint line to insert on the most anterior branch of the tendon, the POL, the distinct posterior aspect
posteromedial and medial aspects of merging with the posteromedial joint of the superficial MCL. The central
the tibia, respectively. The direct arm is capsule and the capsular portions of arm forms a thick fascial reinforce-
the primary attachment of the tendon the POL and OPL. The extension to ment of both the meniscofemoral

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Andrew P. Dold, MD, FRCSC, et al

and meniscotibial portions of the Figure 3

posteromedial capsule, with an
additional stout attachment to the
medial meniscus.

Posterior Horn of the Medial

The posterior horn of the medial
meniscus is intimately linked to
various structures of the PMC,
including the posteromedial capsule
or deep MCL, the POL, and the
semimembranosus expansion. The
relationships among these structures
are critical to the dynamic stability of
the medial side of the knee and act as a
“cascade-type” system, in which the
function of each structure depends on
the surrounding structures to which is
it attached.5,17 Furthermore, the sta-
bilizing function of the medial
meniscus is of vital importance in the
setting of ACL and PCL insufficiency.
The meniscotibial portion of the
deep MCL is an important stabilizer
of the medial meniscus on the tibial
plateau, with the posterior horn act-
ing in a so-called brake stop function
to resist anterior tibial translation by
engaging the posterior femoral con-
dyle. Injury to the meniscotibial por-
tion of the deep MCL results in
meniscal instability and places the Illustration of the knee showing the semimembranosus expansions, with five
other structures of the PMC under insertions: (1) pars reflexa, (2) direct posteromedial tibial insertion, (3) oblique
increased stress and risk of injury popliteal ligament insertion, (4) expansion to posterior oblique ligament (POL),
and (5) popliteus aponeurosis expansion.
because the brake stop function has
been lost (Figure 4). MRI can readily
detect injury to both the meniscotibial “detachment of the ligament proba- structures within the PMC, are fre-
and meniscofemoral portions of the bly allows abnormal mobility of the quently associated with damage to
deep MCL.19 entire [posterior horn of the medial other knee ligaments, including the
A recent biomechanical cadaver meniscus], with a notable reduction MCL, ACL, and PCL.5,20-23
study illustrated the importance of in rotational stability.”20 Sims and Jacobson5 evaluated a
the meniscotibial ligament to the cohort of 93 patients with clinical
rotational stability of the knee and, or functional AMRI and described
along with the posterior horn of the Injury Patterns three major patterns of injury to the
medial meniscus, its support of the PMC: POL injury and associated
ACL.20 With the knee in an extended Although there is no commonly injury to the capsular arm of the
position, sectioning of the menisco- accepted classification scheme for semimembranosus tendon (70%),
tibial ligament increased internal and PMC injuries, recent studies have POL injury and complete periph-
external tibial rotation in both the demonstrated several basic injury eral meniscal detachment (30%),
native and ACL-deficient knee. The patterns.5,21,22 The injuries, which and POL injury and disruption of
authors of the study noted that include disruption of one or more the semimembranosus tendon and

November 2017, Vol 25, No 11 755

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The Posteromedial Corner of the Knee: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management Strategies

Figure 4 common than lateral-sided injuries

in combined ACL-PCL ruptures.26
In a 2010 study, Chahal et al22
evaluated injury patterns in the PMC
in 27 knees with high-grade multi-
ligamentous injuries and demon-
strated that at least one structure
within the PMC was affected in 22
(81%) of the dislocated knees evalu-
ated. Interestingly, the authors of that
study found that injury to the PMC of
the knee occurred more frequently
than did MCL injury alone. Therefore,
the presence of multiligamentous knee
injuries should raise clinical suspicion
for PMC lesions.

Illustrations demonstrating the function of the medial meniscus and meniscotibial Clinical Evaluation
ligament in the brake stop mechanism, which prevents anterior tibial translation.
A, Intact brake stop function. B, Loss of brake stop function. The arrow signifies History
the disruption of the meniscotibial ligament.
A thorough history is essential to
determine the nature and mechanism
peripheral meniscal detachment suggested that avulsion fractures at of PMC injury, as well as to identify
(19%). Injury to the POL was this site may be predictive of con- concurrent pathology. Patients typi-
demonstrated in 99% of the knees comitant ACL injury. cally describe a valgus force to the
studied. The authors also found a Meniscocapsular injury can result affected knee, most commonly
high prevalence of associated knee in disruption, thickening, or bony occurring during athletic activ-
injuries, such as ACL and PCL avulsion of the meniscotibial and ity.27,28 Noncontact injuries usually
injuries. meniscofemoral attachments. These result in low-grade sprains, whereas
The POL is the most frequently lesions are most easily identified by a direct blow to the lateral leg pro-
injured structure of the PMC. Injury sagittal plane MRI.15 Escobedo duces a major valgus force and a
to the POL may include sprains, et al24 posited that the “reverse higher-grade injury.29 A pure valgus
partial tears, or complete tears and Segond fracture,” or bony avulsion force often causes an isolated MCL
may occur at the femoral attachment at the level of the meniscotibial injury.29,30 External rotation and
or tibial attachment or may be inter- ligament insertion, occurs in associ- valgus forces combined are most
stitial.3,5 House et al17 recommended ation with PCL rupture. These frac- likely to injure the POL and other
applying the MRI grading system for tures are rare, with the largest components of the PMC. In these
acute MCL injuries to POL injuries. published series to date reporting cases, patients may describe hearing
Injuries to the semimembranosus that the fracture was found in 0.64% a “pop” and experiencing a “side-to-
tendon include avulsion fractures, of multidetector row CT scans of side” sense of knee instability with
complete or partial tears of the ten- acute knee trauma managed in one subsequent ambulation.28 As pre-
don, and chronic insertional tendini- emergency department.25 viously stated, a report of knee dis-
tis. Avulsion of the posteromedial PMC injuries are most commonly location should also increase
plateau occurs during knee flexion associated with other ligamentous suspicion for injury to the PMC.
with abduction and external rotation knee injuries. In a study by
of the leg. The insertion site of the Halinen et al,21 22 of 23 patients
direct tibial arm of the tendon is most who underwent surgery for com- Physical Examination
commonly involved in posteromedial bined ACL and MCL injuries had The presence of AMRI on physical
tibial avulsion fractures. In a review POL tears, and 8 of 23 patients had examination is the hallmark of a
of 10 patients with posteromedial total PMC ruptures. In another PMC injury. Slocum and Larson31
plateau injuries, Chan et al23 found a study, medial-sided injuries, includ- first described AMRI in 1968 as
100% incidence of ACL tears and ing trauma to the PMC, were more excessive valgus motion with

756 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Andrew P. Dold, MD, FRCSC, et al

external rotation of the leg. AMRI is this translation.26,33,34 Therefore, in associated lesions (ie, lateral collat-
clinically characterized by anterior combined PCL-PMC injuries, there eral ligament, MCL, PMC, PLC).
subluxation of the anteromedial will be equal posterior translation of The current imaging modality of
tibial plateau on the femoral con- the tibia relative to the femur with choice for diagnosing complex
dyle.7,32 AMRI can be identified by the tibia in both neutral and internal injuries of the PMC is MRI. The
applying a valgus stress at 30° of rotations. normal anatomic components of the
knee flexion while the foot is con- PMC are difficult to visualize with
comitantly externally rotated. standard imaging technology; how-
Holding the limb by the plantar Imaging ever, certain techniques may facilitate
surface of the foot instead of the Imaging studies are critical for the evaluation of these structures on
distal leg allows appreciation of the diagnosis of PMC injuries, particu- MRI. In a cadaver study, Loredo
rotatory component.27 A positive larly in the setting of an acute injury et al37 found these structures chal-
test result occurs with medial joint when a thorough examination is not lenging to identify on MRI but re-
space gapping and anterior sub- possible or is equivocal because ported improvement in visualization
luxation of the medial tibial plateau of patient guarding. Obtaining a with contrast-enhanced sequences
relative to the femur and correlates standard radiographic series is the and coronal oblique images. Edema
with a combined PMC and MCL initial step in the evaluation of sus- and soft-tissue thickening can be
injury. pected PMC injuries. The series used to identify many injuries of the
The anterior drawer test is also should include AP, lateral, and PMC. In addition, MRI allows the
used to evaluate suspected AMRI. oblique views. Standing radio- evaluation of associated injuries
This test is performed by flexing the graphs are useful to assess overall within the knee and assists with
knee to 90° while externally rotat- limb alignment, but they are not preoperative planning.
ing the foot 10° to 15° and applying always practical because of pain
an anterior force to the knee. with weight bearing. Although
Anteromedial tibial plateau sub- plain radiographs are frequently Management
luxation is a positive test result and normal, they may demonstrate
indicates injury to the PMC. avulsion fractures or osteochondral To our knowledge, there is a paucity
Additional ligamentous examina- defects. Radiographs should be care- of literature regarding nonsurgical
tions should include valgus stress fully evaluated for any evidence of management of PMC injuries. Nev-
testing and posterior drawer testing. joint space narrowing or asymmetry, ertheless, in our opinion, isolated
Valgus stress testing should be per- raising suspicion for knee dislocation grade I and II injuries to the MCL
formed at 0° and 30° of knee flexion and multiligamentous injuries. complex that extend posteromedially
to assess the integrity of the MCL. It Objective evaluation of knee laxity can be treated nonsurgically with a
is important to differentiate isolated may be performed with stress radio- short course of bracing and physical
MCL injury from AMRI by assessing graphs of the knee. LaPrade et al35 therapy, allowing patients to return
for valgus laxity associated with developed a quantitative method of to sport.
anterior rotatory subluxation of the analyzing valgus knee radiographs. In our experience, injuries that
medial tibial plateau on the medial In a biomechanical study, the involve the PMC typically occur in
femoral condyle with the AMRI authors found that, compared with patients with multiligamentous
pattern.29 In addition, valgus open- the contralateral knee, .3.2 mm of injuries or knee dislocations. Most
ing at full extension should raise laxity at 20° of flexion is indicative grade III MCL and PMC injuries
suspicion not only for cruciate liga- of a grade III MCL lesion. Sub- are associated with substantial
ment injuries but also for damage to stantial gapping at 0° and 20° (up to multiligamentous instability and often
the PMC. 9.8 mm) was correlated with com- require surgical intervention to improve
For suspected PCL injury, the pos- plex knee injuries involving the valgus, rotational, and sagittal stability.
terior drawer examination should be MCL, PMC, and cruciate ligaments. Various techniques for repair or
performed with the tibia in neutral Posterior stress radiographs can reconstruction of the posteromedial
and internal rotation. In an isolated also detect combined injuries. structures of the knee have been
PCL injury, there will be decreased Garavaglia et al36 found that .9 mm described, each demonstrating
posterior tibial translation with the of posterior tibial translation on acceptable clinical results.38-41
tibia in internal rotation because the posterior stress views at 30° of knee Despite the number of different
POL and posteromedial capsule flexion and .12 mm at 80° of knee surgical techniques, however, there
function as secondary stabilizers to flexion were indicative of PCL and are still no clear-cut, agreed-upon

November 2017, Vol 25, No 11 757

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The Posteromedial Corner of the Knee: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management Strategies

indications for surgical management well as the overall quality of the knee extend down to the superficial MCL
of a PMC injury. In our experience, joint. High-energy injuries and dis- and posteromedial structures. Care
most high-energy multiligamentous locations often have major capsular is required to protect the hamstring
knee injuries, especially those with a detachments and have an increased insertions at the pes anserine.
true knee dislocation, warrant con- risk for arthrofibrosis. In patients Fixation can be accomplished with
siderable attention to the PMC. with these injuries, we typically stage several options, including suture
In our practice, candidates for sur- the procedures and perform the anchors, staples, or screw-and-
gical repair or reconstruction include medial procedure in isolation, espe- washer2type constructs. Whichever
patients with multiligamentous cially when the ligamentous struc- fixation method is chosen, we rec-
injuries with AMRI, those who tures are torn off the tibia. After the ommend approaching these injuries
experience medial gapping or insta- patient has successfully completed in a deep-to-superficial fashion. The
bility with valgus stress at full exten- rehabilitation and regained full, pain- medial meniscus and meniscocap-
sion, and patients in whom the less motion, we perform the second sular attachments should be ap-
posterior drawer test with internal stage. Thought can also be given to proached first. The meniscotibial
rotation produces posterior trans- performing the PMC and PCL proce- attachments can be repaired with
lation equal to that of a posterior dures concurrently because the reha- small suture anchors placed around
drawer done with neutral rotation. bilitation protocols may be similar; the surface of the tibia from posterior
All of these scenarios demonstrate doing both procedures minimizes any to anterior, just distal to the tibial
the relative incompetence of the extra stress on the PMC by ensuring articular surface, with care taken to
posteromedial structures and warrant that the PCL is competent. However, avoid violating the articular cartilage.
surgical attention in the context of a no consensus as to the timing and Suture anchor repair can be used for
knee with multiligamentous injuries. potential staging of these procedures tibial- or femoral-sided avulsions of
Distally based tibial-sided MCL currently exists. the POL if the tissue is of robust
and PMC tears that are avulsed as a We recommend performing a quality. Advancement of the tissue
sleeve may benefit from early fixa- thorough examination under anes- and reapproximation into the
tion, especially when they are asso- thesia and diagnostic arthroscopy superficial MCL have also been
ciated with Stener-type lesions or regardless of the method of surgical described.43
demonstrate incarceration in the management. During the initial The semimembranosus tendon
knee joint. In the acute care setting, if arthroscopy, meniscal pathology should be evaluated. When torn, this
a robust tissue sleeve is present, we should be addressed, the articular tendon can be advanced and sutured
consider PMC repair with or without cartilage should be assessed, and an into the superficial MCL tissue in a
augmentation to be a viable option. intraoperative stress examination pants-over-vest fashion or reattached
However, in patients with a sub- should be performed. When the soft with a suture anchor. We think this is
stantially attenuated ligamentous tissues allow, our preferred approach important given the role of this tendon
complex (especially those with mid- is to perform an acute reconstruction in dynamic stabilization of the knee.
substance tears), reconstruction and/ of the cruciate ligaments (ie, in the In general, the clinical results of
or augmentation should be consid- case of a combined ACL/PCL injury) surgical repair have been good.
ered. Chronic, symptomatic PMC with medial repair versus recon- DeLong and Waterman42 recently con-
injuries are treated only with surgical struction, depending on the quality of ducted a meta-analysis of patients
reconstruction. the medial tissues. who underwent repair of MCL and
In patients who require concomi- PMC injuries and found that in 93
tant ACL and PCL reconstructions, knees, the mean side-to-side differ-
we assess the overall quality of the Repair ence in medial joint space opening
knee before deciding whether to stage Surgical repair of PMC injuries has was 1.25 mm. In total, 13 of 212
the procedure or perform it in one been effective in restoring knee sta- knees (6.1%) met the criteria for
stage. In the setting of chronic ACL/ bility and improving functional out- failure of the repair. Because of the
PCL/PMC injuries, we typically find comes.6,42 Often, the MCL must be inherent limitations in systematic
that patients have uncompromised repaired in conjunction with the reviews, only 63% of the patients in
motion; we prefer to perform the PMC. A medially based longitudinal this study had documented measures
procedure in one setting in these incision extending from the level of of valgus laxity, and only 26% of
patients. However, in the acutely the superior patella to 6 to 8 cm patients had quantifiable side-to-side
injured knee, we pay careful attention distal to the joint line should be used, differences in postoperative medial
to the type of medial-sided injury as and soft-tissue dissection should joint space opening.

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Andrew P. Dold, MD, FRCSC, et al

In contrast, Stannard et al6 Figure 5

described a cohort of patients who
sustained knee dislocations with
multiligamentous injuries and re-
ported a lower failure rate in patients
who underwent reconstruction than
in those who underwent repair. The
authors reported that 96% of those
treated with surgical reconstruction
achieved postoperative valgus sta-
bility compared with 80% of
patients treated with direct repair of
the PMC.

Surgical reconstruction should be
considered in cases of chronic,
symptomatic rotatory instability (ie,
AMRI), valgus instability (ie, espe-
cially in full extension), and posterior Illustrations of the posteromedial aspect of the left knee before (A) and after (B) a
instability with PMC and PCL insuf- posteromedial corner reconstruction using two separate grafts to reconstruct the
ficiency. Multiple methods of recon- superficial medial collateral ligament (sMCL) and the posterior oblique ligament
struction have been described in the (POL), as described by LaPrade and Wijdicks.41
literature, and choice of graft is based
on the surgeon’s preference and 6 cm distal to the joint line. First, a sites should be identified before
experience. Generally, in cases of reconstruction tunnel is created for reaming—rather than reaming each
multiligamentous knee injuries, we the superficial MCL. A guide pin is tunnel individually—to decrease the
prefer the use of allograft tissue to placed from medial to lateral at the possibility of reaming a tunnel out-
limit donor site morbidity. posterior aspect of the superficial side the ideal location. Guide pins
Various PMC reconstruction tech- MCL tibial insertion, and a 6- or are placed across the femur, and
niques have had promising 7-mm tunnel is reamed to a depth of once the tunnel position is confirmed
results.38,40,41,44 We prefer the 25 mm. A reconstruction tunnel for as acceptable, a 6- or 7-mm reamer is
technique described by LaPrade and the central arm of the POL is then used to drill each reconstruction
Wijdicks,41 which is an anatomic placed just anterior to the direct arm tunnel to a depth of 25 mm. The
reconstruction of the proximal and attachment of the semimembranosus femoral ends of the grafts are first
distal divisions of the superficial tendon. A guidewire is placed, fixed with interference screws. The
MCL and the POL using two sepa- directed toward the Gerdy tubercle, POL graft is then placed into its
rate grafts (Figure 5). An ante- and overreamed with a 6- or 7-mm tibial tunnel and tensioned in full
romedial longitudinal incision reamer to a depth of 25 mm. extension and neutral rotation. The
beginning 4 cm medial to the patella Attention is then turned toward the superficial MCL is woven under the
and extending 8 cm distal to the joint femoral tunnel sites. When the fem- sartorial fascia and fixed in its tibial
line is used to expose both the fem- oral attachment sites of the native tunnel with the knee held in neutral
oral and the distal tibial attachment POL and MCL are not readily visu- rotation and 20° of flexion, and with
sites of the superficial MCL. The alized because of the injury pattern, a slight varus reduction force to
sartorial fascia is incised to expose the tunnel locations can be estimated ensure no medial compartment
the gracilis and semitendinosus ten- by using bony topography. The gapping.
dons. The semimembranosus tendon superficial MCL tunnel is placed Attention is then directed toward
can be harvested for autograft de- slightly proximal and anterior to the recreating the proximal tibial
pending on surgeon preference. medial epicondyle. The femoral POL attachment site of the superficial
Deep within the pes anserine bursa, tunnel is placed approximately 8 mm MCL graft. A suture anchor is placed
the distal tibia attachment of the distal and 3 mm anterior to the 12 to 13 mm distal to the medial joint
superficial MCL can be identified gastrocnemius tubercle. Both tunnel line, just anterior to the anterior arm

November 2017, Vol 25, No 11 759

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Posteromedial Corner of the Knee: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management Strategies

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November 2017, Vol 25, No 11 761

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