Progress Sheet 2a

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1 Choose the most suitabie word to f川ea⊂h space"

1 When hesawthedamageto hisca「 he ………… intoa

12 You are bound to flnd lnformatiOn On the stockma「ket
CraSh of 1987 1n the newspaper …
A fIew B drove c 」umPed D rushed
A files c records
2 1twassometlme beforeshecameto ………… With the fact B archives D coilections

that she had lost

13 AssoonashereadtheletteらtearS. ‥ inhiseyes.
A catches B hoids c grlPS D grabs
A fllledin c weliedup
3 The ………・1. tOld the candldates to turn overthe questlOn B soakedup D weigheddown

PaPer and begln. 14 1t iS a ………・. COn。usIOn that figures are going to be

A inspector c tester
WOrSe than last yearls.
B lnVigiiator D assessor
A foregone c p「earranged

4 Wth your appllCatiOn, yO= Should provide the name ofan B foretoid D p「e-PIanned

academic …
15 Forseven yea「s my fatherwas a(n).………‥ Piumber.
A evaiuator c referee
A pupil c assistant
B sponsor D arbitrator
B student D apprentice
5 “Greatnews川vebeenmade.. . ‥OfDepartment!“
16 廿ecently started to study H-StOry by ………… COurSe.
A Leader B ChIef C SupervISOr D Head
A diStanCe C postal
6 The successful ‥ W-11 hold a good degree ln B mail D correspondence

EconomlCS and have at least two years' experlenCe

17 The accused co面dently ………… that he was lmOCent.
A appllCant C contestant
A preserved c conserved
B entrant D contender
B malntained D defended
7 Bookstaken fromtheshort ………. SeCtlOn aredueto be
18 State pensions are c=rrently at the centre ofa(n) ‥
retumed the next day.
A borrowlng C loan
A scorchlng C flery
B credit D return
B expIoded D flamed
8 Forbookson accountingand …………, gOtOthethlrd fioor
19 At the start of the course, eVeryOne lS aSSigned a(n)
Of the胸「ary.
… Ofstudies.
A f'SCal c monetary
A advISOr C counsellor
B finance D economic
B consultant D gulde
9 Next year our three-year-Old wi-1 be starting .
20 Fortunately’the number ofstudents..∴.∴……… Out Ofschool
A nursery c infancy
A fa帖ng C d「IPPing
B nursing D toddler
B pIummeting D dropping
lO ln my鉦styearat university川ved ln the halls o上.

A resldence c dwe用ng

B abode D accommodatlOn

= 」erryhas been bu…ngthemldn-ght

few days川s firral exam lS SOOn.

……… OVerthe塵t 隅拒酬
A iamp c candle
B =ght D oil

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