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Development of an app for mix design of different pavement layers and

which will solve all complex calculation problems for civil engineers.


M.Tech 2nd Year, (T&I.E.) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Submitted to

Dr. B. Krishna Prapoorna

(Professor & HOD,

Civil & Environmental Engg, IIT Tirupati)

In contemporary civil engineering, the conventional approach to designing pavement layers often
involves manual calculations using tools like Microsoft Excel and Word, leading to significant time
consumption and potential errors. However, the advent of mobile applications presents an opportunity
to streamline this process. This paper explores the development of an innovative app aimed at
simplifying the mix design of various pavement layers while addressing complex calculation
challenges encountered in civil engineering projects.

Within the construction industry, there's a notable absence of readily available apps designed to provide
instant mix designs for pavement layers. Current practices rely heavily on manual input and
calculation, lacking the efficiency and accuracy that modern technology can offer. The literature
review underscores the urgency for a user-friendly app that automates design processes, thereby
enhancing productivity and reducing errors in pavement construction projects.

Proposed Objective:
The primary objective of this project is to develop a user-friendly mobile application tailored
specifically for civil engineers, construction professionals, and infrastructure developers. This app
aims to revolutionize the mix design process for pavement layers, offering a comprehensive solution
to complex calculation problems encountered in civil engineering. By leveraging modern technology,
the proposed app seeks to expedite the design process, improve accuracy, and align with industry
standards and best practices.
The methodology employed in this project involves several key steps. Firstly, a thorough review of
existing design principles, standards, and specifications is conducted to inform app development.
Subsequently, the necessary input parameters for generating mix designs are identified, encompassing
material properties, project requirements, and site conditions. Algorithms and formulas are then
developed to automate the design process based on these inputs, culminating in the creation of a user-
friendly interface for seamless navigation and data input.

Scope of Work:
The scope of work encompasses multiple facets, including literature review, algorithm development,
interface design, and rigorous testing to ensure accuracy and compliance with industry standards. By
addressing the complexities of mix design for various pavement layers, this project aims to provide a
holistic solution that enhances efficiency and productivity in civil engineering projects.

Upon completion, the app is expected to yield significant outcomes for civil engineers and construction
professionals. These include streamlined design processes, reduced reliance on manual calculations,
improved accuracy in mix designs, and enhanced project planning and execution. By empowering
users with a versatile tool, the app contributes to the advancement of sustainable and efficient
infrastructure development.

The development of an app for mix design of pavement layers represents a pivotal advancement in
civil engineering technology. By embracing mobile applications, the construction industry can
overcome traditional challenges associated with manual calculations and design processes. Through
this project, we anticipate a paradigm shift towards greater efficiency, accuracy, and innovation in
pavement construction projects.

Future Scope of Work:

Looking ahead, there are numerous avenues for further enhancement and refinement of the proposed
app. Future iterations could include features such as material quantity calculations, report generation,
and collaborative functionalities. Additionally, ongoing updates and improvements will ensure the app
remains aligned with evolving industry standards and technological advancements.
Pictorial Representation:

1. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of India (MORTH),
2. Bureau of Indian Standards,
3. Standard Publications (SP).
4. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) 37-2018.
5. Indian Standard Codes for Pavement, Aggregates, and Bitumen.

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