Session 5

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EM Normandie: Business English & Marketing - U3/S2

SESSION 5: CV Video Feedback, Conditionals Grammar Practice & Cross Cultural Communications
Name: Date:

➔ Watch, analyse and provide both positive and constructive feedback for your peer’s CV Videos
➔ Review, practice and correct conditionals
➔ Identify practical real life uses for conditionals and why we need them in the business world
➔ Make progress : Research and prepare your mock job interview for the Job Fair Controle Continu

CV Video Feedback
You will be reviewing and providing feedback in groups of 5

Video CV Marking Criteria

20 – 19 18 – 16 15 - 14 13 – 12 11 – 10 Below 10
Outstanding Excellent Very Good, Good Satisfactory Below Expectations Poor

Content Content Content There is generally a Satisfactory attempt at Content is limited Content is sparse and
demonstrates demonstrates good attempt at developing content and lacking detail. incomplete. The task is
consistent richness, developing content. although some parts of There may be some not fulfilled. Viewer’s
richness, thoroughness and Ideas are relevant the video may be thin irrelevant detail. attention is not
thoroughness and depth. Ideas are and supported but on content. Viewer’s Viewer’s attention sustained.
depth. Ideas are original, relevant there may be a lack interest is generally often wanders.
extremely original and well supported. of information. sustained.
and creative. Listener’s interest Manages to keep
Viewer’s interest sustained viewer’s interest
is fully engaged throughout. well.

Grammatical Confident and Wide range of A good range of Attempts to use more Limited range of Large number of errors
accuracy and accurate use of complex lexical linguistic structures complex and sentence structure, even in simple
lexical resource wide range of structures and and complex sophisticated structures, although some sentences. Multiple
complex sentence sentences. Hardly sentences generally although control is not attempt is made to word choice and
patterns and any grammatical effectively handled. always achieved. use complex vocabulary errors lead
linguistic inaccuracies. Very Occasional lapses of Accuracy achieved in sentences. Frequent to serious
structures. Word little repetition; very accuracy which do simple sentences. errors of basic misunderstanding. Very
choice and good quality of not distract from Errors are present but nature. Errors may limited range of lexis
vocabulary are style. Word choice content. Good range do not impact prevent and simple phrases.
outstandingly and and vocabulary are of lexis. Word comprehension. Lexis comprehension. Incorrect word choice,
consistently excellent and choice and reasonably appropriate, Limited range of making meaning
efficient and consistently efficient vocabulary are fairly but still a bit simple lexis, and basic difficult to retrieve.
precise. Rich and and precise. precise but can and clumsy. errors sometimes
sensitive use of Sophisticated choice sometimes feel impede
language with of vocabulary and clumsy. Attempts to understanding.
idiomatic some good use of introduce interesting
vocabulary. idioms. vocabulary.
sophisticated style.
Quality Video displays Video displays Video displays good Video displays some Video displays Hardly any attempts
impressive editing. excellent editing. editing. Attention good editing but there attempts at editing displayed to edit video
Outstanding Exemplary attention has been paid to are some shortcomings. but limited attention or none at all. Variety
attention and skill and skills paid to lighting, sound There may be some to lighting, sound of shots is non-existent.
paid to lighting, lighting, sound quality and variety glitches in lighting and quality and and/or Very low standard of
sound quality and quality and variety of shots. Video sound quality but they variety of shots. The quality paid to lighting
variety of shots. of shots. showcases most of do not impede overall PB video would and sound. The task is
what is expected of communicative effect. need major not fulfilled.
a professional CV The PB video would improvement.
video. need improvement.

Fluency and Speech is naturally Speech is fluid and Speech is fairly fluid Mainly fluent at Lacking in fluency. Lacking in fluency.
communication fluid and dynamic. dynamic. and dynamic. Errors acceptable pace but Flat intonation. Too slow. May have
Pronunciation and Pronunciation and in pronunciation and may hesitate. Accent Listener has to work long pauses. Persistent
intonation intonation and stress intonation are not and errors in quite hard to follow. errors in pronunciation
comparable to that patterns all assist severe and do not pronunciation and Spontaneity and and intonation cause
of a native communication. Not affect essential intonation lead to naturalness are major problems of
speaker. Speaks fully spontaneous communication. Not occasional marred by the understanding. No
spontaneously and and natural – part of fully spontaneous misunderstanding. PB speaker clearly spontaneity or
naturally the speech may have and natural – part of video lacks full reading from notes naturalness
independent of been memorized or the speech may have spontaneity and for a significant part
notes. student may been memorized or naturalness. At least for of the PB video.
occasionally refer to student may part of the video,
notes. occasionally refer to speaker appears to be
notes. often referring to notes.

Student: Positive Feedback Critical Feedback/Could improve and


Grammatical accuracy and lexical resource


Fluency and communication

Student: Positive Feedback Critical Feedback/Could improve and


Grammatical accuracy and lexical resource


Fluency and communication

Student: Positive Feedback Critical Feedback/Could improve and


Grammatical accuracy and lexical resource

Fluency and communication

Student: Positive Feedback Critical Feedback/Could improve and


Grammatical accuracy and lexical resource


Fluency and communication

Student: Positive Feedback Critical Feedback/Could improve and


Grammatical accuracy and lexical resource


Fluency and communication

Conditionals Grammar Practice and Review
As advanced business students, effective communication is paramount. Conditionals provide a nuanced way to express
possibilities, probabilities, and hypothetical situations. Let's explore the three main types of conditionals and their strategic
uses in professional discourse.

1. Zero Conditional: Stating General Truths

Structure: If + present simple, present simple.
Example: If demand rises, prices increase.
Use: Describing general truths or facts in business scenarios.

My practice sentences about the field I want to work in:


2. First Conditional: Discussing Realistic Scenarios

Structure: If + present simple, will + base verb.
Example: If the market responds positively, we will launch the new product.
Use: Addressing possible future outcomes based on current conditions.

My practice sentences about the field I want to work in:


3. Second Conditional: Discussing Hypothetical Scenarios

Structure: If + past simple, would + base verb.
Example: If we implemented cost-cutting measures, we would increase profitability.
Use: Discussing hypothetical or unlikely situations and their potential outcomes.

My practice sentences about the field I want to work in:


Structure: If + past perfect, would have + past participle.

Example: If we had invested earlier, we would have seen greater returns.
Use: Reflecting on missed opportunities or alternative outcomes in the past.

My practice sentences about the field I want to work in:


Strategic Uses in Business Communication:

Use first conditionals to propose actions based on current situations.
Example: If our terms are agreeable, we will proceed with the partnership.
Market Analysis:

Utilize zero conditionals to state general market trends.

Example: If demand and supply align, equilibrium prices prevail.
Strategic Planning:

Employ second conditionals to discuss potential strategies and their hypothetical impacts.
Example: If we were to diversify our product line, we would likely attract a broader customer base.
Post-Mortem Analysis:

Use third conditionals for retrospective analysis and reflection on past decisions.
Example: If we had conducted a thorough market analysis, we would have avoided the product launch failure.

Mastering the nuances of conditionals enhances your ability to articulate precise and strategic messages in the business
domain. Whether predicting outcomes, negotiating terms, or analyzing past decisions, conditionals provide the linguistic tools
needed for effective communication in the dynamic world of business.

Practice Questions - Can you get them all correct?

Certainly! Here are the questions transformed into multiple-choice format:

1. *If you were to __________ a candidate, what specific qualities would you prioritize?*
- a) advertise
- b) hire
- c) coordinate
- d) praise

2. *What would you do if you were __________ to lead a team with conflicting personalities?*
- a) laid off
- b) made redundant
- c) appointed
- d) resigned

3. *How would you __________ candidates effectively when faced with a multitude of qualified applicants?*
- a) prioritize
- b) suspend
- c) dismiss
- d) facilitate

4. *If you were conducting an __________ for a high-profile position, what strategies would you employ to ensure a
fair assessment?*
- a) appraisal
- b) interview
- c) dismissal
- d) sabbatical leave

5. *If an employee is __________, how might you approach the __________ process to facilitate improvement?*
- a) complimented / appraisal
- b) underperforming / debriefing
- c) participating / recognition
- d) resigning / coordination

6. *In what circumstances do you believe it is appropriate to __________ references before making a hiring decision?
- a) check
- b) fire
- c) delegate
- d) recognize

7. *If you were to __________ an outstanding colleague, what method would you use to express your appreciation?*
- a) lead
- b) reward
- c) compromise
- d) lay off

8. *How might you __________ by example to foster job satisfaction and a positive work environment?*
- a) participate
- b) coordinate
- c) value
- d) lead

9. *If you had to __________ an employee due to __________, what steps would you take to ensure fairness and
empathy in the process?*
- a) reward / redundancy
- b) dismiss / pressure
- c) lay off / appraisal
- d) congratulate / promotion

10. *In what ways can __________ promote a forward-thinking and innovative workplace culture?*
- a) employee turnover
- b) upper management
- c) sabbatical leave
- d) dismissal

11. *If you were to __________ tasks during a busy period, how would you determine which tasks are most critical?*
- a) meet expectations
- b) prioritize
- c) delegate
- d) compliment

12. *How do you think a __________ can impact an employee's __________ within a company?*
- a) bonus / ability
- b) promotion opportunity / background
- c) fringe benefit / workload
- d) trial period / skills

13. *If you were to __________ in a __________ procedure, what factors would you consider before taking action?*
- a) participate / disciplinary
- b) fire / appraisal
- c) recognize / bonus
- d) delegate / probationary

14. *Under what circumstances do you believe it is acceptable for employees to __________?*
- a) prioritize
- b) go on strike
- c) lead by example
- d) lay off

15. *If you were managing employee __________, how might you __________ a work-life balance and overall well-
being in the workplace?*
- a) reward / recognize
- b) turnover / coordinate
- c) harass / bully
- d) stress / facilitate

Communication Across Cultures
See your course page for the Harvard Business Review Article by Erin Meyer and download it.
Read the article taking notes and highlighting key concepts and vocabulary terms below.

Notes - what is the most useful information in the article for someone who wants to practice cultural
intelligence and become successful in business? Take notes in your style.


While reading the article find 6 vocabulary terms or expressions and fill in the table below

Term meaning/simple Sentence from article Your new sentence that

definition shows its meaning
Can you write 5 MCQ questions based on your notes and understanding of the article?
Your classmates may take your mini quiz !

1. *_______*
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)

2. *_______*
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)

3. *_______*
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)

4. *_______*
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)

5. *_______*
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Job Interview Prep : make sure you now have 3 job offers you are seriously interested in of the same nature either internship
for the summer months or your work study program.

You need to look at the CC Job Fair and start to prepare by highlighting the hard and soft skills needed and write possible
interview questions, also start to research the companies both internally and externally (both their websites and ones they are
not in charge of like welcome to the jungle or media)

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