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This is the Green's theorem in circulation-curn form.

Similarly, for a 3D surface with F = M(r,y, z)i + N(z,y, z)j + P(r,y, z)k wo can write,
F).dA (111)
OM OP drdz (112)
For a coNservative vector field fF.dr = 0. This means VxF 0. We had prove that if F = VT then F.dr = 0.
Can we check V x VT?

0 (113)

Hence, VxF= 0impliesthat F= VT.

Problem-10: Let F= tzit ryz) +y²k. Caleulate Vx F.
Problemn-11: Prove that F = (y'Cost + 2)i+ (2ysinz - 4)j + 3rz2k


L=-||ia.yz)dA (114)

We ned to parametrized by two variables uand v, ie., a vector F(u. v). Sothat we can write the paralleogram as
with uto u t du in one direction andv to v+du in another direction. We then have a change in uis (oFu. v)(O)
with magnitude du and a change in v is (9F(u, v)) (Ov) with magnitude du.
We then hae to fnd the area of the parallcogram as base xheight, i.e., la|lb| sin®. Here, a= (o7(u, v)Ôu)du and
b= (9Fu, v) (Ov)du. We have the area as

dA = ru, dulu,Sin8=ru, v),ou, v) ldudv (115)

u au u
Then the surface integral can be written as

Lg=|f(a,y. a)dA = F(u, e)d4 (116)

Problem-11: Let f(u,y, z) =rz+ y² and the surface is defined by + y = a and 0<< 2.
Solution: Let us now parametrized by two variables. r = acos® and y= asin8 and z = z with (0,2r and
z¬ (0,2). We can then write 0,z) = aCosoi + asin®j + zk. We canculate
oF(0, z) = -aSinti + aCos®; (117)

dA =
aF(u, v) OF(u, v) |dOdz = laSinb,+ aCosei dedz = ad®dz (119)


L¡ = f(F(u, v))dA = |(acos®z

=0 Je=0
+ a (Sin )?)ad8d: (120)

Now, coming to the vector field. Then the surface integral can be written as


aF(u,v) ar(u, v) |dudu
î= dA = (122)
T(u) OF(u,v)

we can then write

L,=|f(a, y, z)dA R
F(Fu, v).hdA|Fu, R
v). (ru xru) dudu (123)

1. aspecial case

then parametrized as T,y (i.e., I,y) plays the role of

When the suface can be represented as z = glz, y). We can
u, U So that
F(z,y) = ai + yË + zz, y)k
r(u, y)/oy =j+0z(,y)/Oyk
In that case r, = OY(z, y)/0z =i+ôz(, y)/oz k and r, =
This gives
Ta XTy = -0z(2,y)/8zi - 0z(z,y)/ayj + k
and then
Ir x ryl= V(0z(z, y)/aa)' + (0z(z, y)/@y) + 1
defined by z = 1+y and z, y ¬ (0, 1]. Calculate the
Problem-12: Let F = r2; + zyi + zk and the surface is
surface integral.
ri+yj+ (r+y?)k.
Note that this surface is in the form of Y(,y) = zi+yj +z(,y)hatk. Thus F(,y) =
Lg=|FFa, v)). (re Xry) dzdy
F.'n = -z² ry² +z The integral
which gives r Xry = -i- 2yj + k. Then
Now, the r, =i+ kand r, =j+2yk
for the surface d.dy we have,
=(-y- 2ay° /3 +zy +y'/) ,=udz
La=(--2ry +z+)drdy (129)
=(-z- 2%/3 +a+1/3) dz (130)
=(-r/3 2z/6 + z²/2 + z/3)=-1/3-
2/6+ 1/2 +1/3 = 1/6

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