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Explain the Events of Japan Earth Quake in 2011. Write 400 words.

The events in this world are erratic and non-methodical and so is the mechanism in which the system of
this world works. Nature’s system and the natural catastrophic events do not discriminate between the
developed and the developing world. The biggest example is when an earth quake shook Japan in 2011
and changed it in a way that was not very pernicious. The disaster was overwhelming in magnitude and
a magnitude of 8.9 was recorded. The documented epicenter of the earthquake was a place situated
east of the Sendai city.

The aftermath of the earthquake was horrifying and recondite, as it took time for geologists to
understand the seriousness of the damage. The rescue teams were also the ones who had to work
industriously to rescue living and dead bodies, while still working consistently to find the hundreds
missing. The areas that experienced the most alarming severity of the disaster were the coastal areas.
The official mortality count or casualty count recorded by the Japanese government, exceeded 10,000
only 2 weeks after the disaster. This was incomprehensive and felt a case that was erudite to understand
at that time. The deployment of not just appreciable amount of manpower but also smart planning and
understanding of the disastrous nature of the occurrence was needed by the Japanese government. The
Japanese government did exude prompt and pragmatic decision making a time and was able to
ameliorate the impact of the damage to the best of their capabilities.

Till date the 2011 earthquake holds the record of being the deadliest earthquake in Japanese history. It
censured the claim of the 1986 earthquake, of being the most consequential natural disaster in
Japanese history. The Japanese government however displayed tenacity and perseverance and was able
to bring down the death count from 28,500 to 19,300, by the end of 2011. It was almost audacious to
continue the search of the innumerable missing people, but it is safe to say that the search was futile.

The destruction was unforgiving and hostile as half of some of the community’s population were wiped
out from the surface of the earth, forever. Not just human beings but, all other life forms were at the
receiving end of the destruction. A great number constituting people who were missing but perceived as
alive were passengers on ship and on trains. Most of these passengers were rescued alive. The 2011
earthquake in Japan is not just a learning for healthcare practitioners, disaster management teams, and
economists of the world, the lesson is for humanity as a whole. The greatest and the most poignant
lesson is to never give up and display prompt decision making skills at all times.1

Rafferty, J (2023) Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011. Britannica.

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