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Written to complete the Academic speaking course assignment

Arrange by:

Fadhilah Suci Hati (2210205022)

M Rizky Febrian (2220205023)

Course Lecturer:
Dr. Dewi Warna, M.Pd.



Praise be to God Almighty for all His grace so that this paper can be arranged until
completion. We also express our gratitude for the help of those who have contributed by
providing moral and material assistance.
And we hope that this paper can increase knowledge and experience for readers, In the
future, we can improve the form and add to the content of the paper so that it becomes even
Due to the limitations of our knowledge and experience, we believe that there are still
many shortcomings in this paper, therefore we really hope for constructive criticism and
suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.


A. Definition of speaking on special occasions

Speaking on special occasions means giving speeches during important events like
weddings, graduations, funerals, awards ceremonies. These speeches are tailored for the
specific event and audience, aiming to celebrate, commemorate, or honor the occasion and its
participants. They require careful planning and consideration of the event’s purpose and tone,
as well as the audience’s emotions and cultural norms.

B. Entertaining speeches on special occasions

Entertaining speeches on special occasions are all about captivating your audience
while also injecting humor or light-heartedness into your message. Here are some key points to
1. Know Your Audience: Tailor your speech to the occasion and the audience. What might be
funny or appropriate for a wedding might not work for a corporate event.

2. Start with a Bang : Begin your speech with a strong opening that grabs attention. It could be a
funny anecdote, a relevant joke, or even an interesting fact related to the occasion.

3. Tell Stories : People love stories. Share personal anecdotes or narratives that relate to the
occasion or the theme of your speech. Make sure they're engaging and have a clear point.

4. Use Humor Wisely : Humor is a great tool for keeping your audience engaged, but be mindful
of your audience's sensibilities and avoid offensive or inappropriate jokes. Self-deprecating
humor can often work well.

5. Keep it Short and Sweet : Entertaining speeches are best kept relatively short and focused.
Aim for around 5-7 minutes to maintain audience interest without dragging on.

6. Incorporate Visuals or Props : Depending on the occasion, incorporating visuals or props can
add an extra layer of entertainment to your speech. Just make sure they enhance your message
rather than distract from it.

7. Interact with the Audience : Engage your audience by asking questions, encouraging
participation, or even inviting volunteers for a short activity or demonstration.

8. End on a High Note: Finish your speech with a memorable closing that reinforces your main
points or leaves the audience with a positive feeling. It could be a call to action, a heartfelt
sentiment, or a final joke.

Remember, the goal of an entertaining speech on a special occasion is to leave your audience
feeling uplifted, entertained, and perhaps even inspired. Practice delivering your speech with
confidence and enthusiasm, and don't be afraid to inject your own personality into it.

C. Speech of introduction on special occasions.

speech of introduction on special occasions serves as a formal introduction of a speaker
or guest of honor to the audience. Here's how you can approach it effectively:

1. Brief Background : Provide a brief background of the person you're introducing. Highlight
their achievements, qualifications, or relevant experiences that make them suitable for the

2. Relevance to the Occasion : Connect the speaker's background to the purpose of the event or
occasion. Explain why they are being honored or why their expertise is valuable to the audience.

3. Personal Connection : If appropriate, share a personal anecdote or story that illustrates the
speaker's character, values, or contributions. This helps humanize the introduction and makes it
more engaging for the audience.

4. Highlight Accomplishments : Highlight the speaker's key accomplishments or contributions in

their field. This can help establish their credibility and build anticipation for their upcoming

5. Acknowledge Honors or Titles: If the speaker holds any notable honors, titles, or positions, be
sure to mention them respectfully. This adds to their authority and prestige in the eyes of the

6. Set the Tone : Consider the tone of the event and the audience's expectations. Tailor your
introduction to match the overall tone, whether it's formal, casual, celebratory, or solemn.

7. Express Gratitude: Conclude the introduction by expressing gratitude to the speaker for their
willingness to participate in the event and share their insights with the audience.

8. Smooth Transition : Transition smoothly to the speaker's introduction, signaling the audience
to welcome them with applause. You can use phrases like "Please join me in welcoming..." or
"Without further do, let's hear from..."

Remember to rehearse your introduction beforehand to ensure clarity, accuracy, and a confident
delivery. Keep it concise yet informative, respecting both the speaker's time and the audience's

D. Speech of presentation on special occasions

A speech of presentation on special occasions is given to honor someone with an award,
recognition, or gift. Here's how to structure and deliver it effectively:

1. Introduction of the Recipient : Begin by introducing the recipient of the award or recognition.
Share their name, title, and any relevant background information that highlights their
qualifications or achievements.

2. Purpose of the Presentation : Clearly state the purpose of the presentation. Explain why the
recipient is being honored and the significance of the award or recognition being given.

3. Highlight Accomplishments : Highlight the recipient's key accomplishments, contributions, or

qualities that make them deserving of the award. Use specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate
their impact.

4. Express Gratitude and Appreciation : Express gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the
organization or individuals presenting the award. Thank the recipient for their dedication, hard
work, and positive influence.

5. Connect to the Audience : Make a connection between the recipient and the audience.
Highlight how the recipient's achievements or values resonate with the audience or the broader

6. Present the Award or Gift : Present the award or gift to the recipient in a dignified and
respectful manner. Describe the significance of the award and its symbolism, if applicable.

7. Encourage Applause and Recognition : Encourage the audience to applaud and show their
appreciation for the recipient. This moment is a chance for the audience to express their support
and admiration.

8. Closing Remarks : Conclude the speech with a few final remarks, reiterating the importance of
the recipient's contributions and the significance of the occasion. Offer congratulations once

9. Smooth Transition : Transition smoothly to the next part of the event, whether it's another
speech, a performance, or a reception. Maintain the positive energy and momentum generated by
the presentation.

Remember to speak with sincerity, enthusiasm, and respect throughout the presentation. Practice
your speech beforehand to ensure a confident and polished delivery, honoring the recipient in a
memorable and meaningful way.

E. Speech of acceptance

Speech of acceptance is delivered by the recipient of an award, recognition, or honor

during a special occasion. Here's how to approach crafting and delivering a speech of acceptance

1. Express Gratitude : Begin by expressing sincere gratitude to the organization or individuals

presenting the award, as well as to anyone who played a role in the recipient's achievements or
nomination. Thank the audience for their support and acknowledgment.

2. Acknowledge Significance : Acknowledge the significance of the award or honor and what it
means to you personally. Reflect on the journey that led to this moment and the impact it has had
on your life or career.

3. Share Reflections : Share reflections on what the award represents and the values it embodies.
Discuss how it aligns with your own beliefs, goals, or aspirations, and how it will inspire you to
continue striving for excellence.

4. Recognize Others : Take a moment to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of others
who have supported you along the way. This could include mentors, colleagues, friends, or
family members who have been instrumental in your success.

5. Inspire and Encourage : Use your platform to inspire and encourage others. Share words of
wisdom, encouragement, or advice based on your experiences. Offer insights or lessons learned
that may resonate with the audience.

6. Maintain Humility : While it's important to celebrate your achievements, maintain humility
throughout your speech. Avoid excessive self-praise and focus instead on expressing gratitude
and humility.

7. Connect with the Audience : Make a personal connection with the audience by sharing
anecdotes, stories, or experiences that demonstrate your journey and personality. This helps to
humanize your speech and engage the audience on a deeper level.

8. Conclude with Gratitude : Conclude your speech by once again expressing gratitude for the
honor and the opportunity to address the audience. Leave them with a heartfelt message or
sentiment that reflects your appreciation and humility.

9. Practice and Delivery : Practice your speech beforehand to ensure a confident and polished
delivery. Pay attention to your tone, pacing, and body language, conveying sincerity and
authenticity throughout.

By following these guidelines and speaking from the heart, you can deliver a memorable and
impactful speech of acceptance that honors the occasion and inspires others.

F. Speech of tribute
Speech of tribute is a heartfelt expression of admiration, respect, and gratitude for an
individual, group, or organization. Here's how to structure and deliver a speech of tribute
1. Introduction : Begin by introducing the purpose of the tribute speech and the person, group, or
organization being honored. Provide some background information to set the context for the tribute.

2. Highlight Accomplishments : Highlight the accomplishments, contributions, and qualities of the

individual, group, or organization being honored. Share specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate
their impact and significance.

3. Express Admiration and Respect : Express genuine admiration and respect for the honoree(s). Talk
about their character, values, and strengths that have earned them the admiration of others.

4. Share Personal Connections: If appropriate, share personal anecdotes or experiences that

demonstrate your relationship with the honoree(s) and how they have touched your life or the lives of

5. Acknowledge Influence and Impact : Acknowledge the influence and impact of the honoree(s) on their
community, industry, or field of expertise. Discuss how their actions have inspired others and left a
lasting legacy.

6. Express Gratitude : Express gratitude on behalf of the audience or the broader community for the
contributions and sacrifices made by the honoree(s). Thank them for their dedication, leadership, and
positive influence.

7. Celebrate Memories and Achievements : Celebrate fond memories, achievements, and milestones
associated with the honoree(s). Highlight key moments or accomplishments that have defined their
journey and shaped their legacy.

8. Offer Well Wishes : Offer well wishes for the future and continued success to the honoree(s).
Encourage them to keep making a positive impact and inspiring others with their example.

9. Closing Remarks : Conclude the speech with a few final remarks that summarize the key points and
sentiments expressed. Leave the audience with a sense of appreciation and admiration for the

10. Delivery with Emotion and Sincerity : Deliver the speech with emotion and sincerity, conveying
genuine feelings of admiration, respect, and gratitude. Use appropriate tone, pacing, and body language
to enhance the impact of your words.

Remember to tailor your speech to the occasion and the audience, keeping it respectful, dignified, and
heartfelt. Practice beforehand to ensure a confident and polished delivery that honors the honoree(s) in
a meaningful and memorable way.

G. Inspirational Speech

An inspirational speech delivered on special occasions aims to motivate and uplift the
audience, leaving them feeling empowered and inspired. Here's how to create and deliver an
effective inspirational speech :

1. Identify the Purpose : Determine the purpose of your speech. Is it to motivate, encourage, or
empower the audience? Clarifying the objective will help you craft a focused and impactful

2. Know Your Audience : Understand the demographics, interests, and needs of your audience.
Tailor your speech to resonate with their values, aspirations, and challenges.

3. Start with a Strong Opening : Capture the audience's attention from the beginning with a
powerful opening. This could be a compelling story, a thought-provoking question, a relevant
quote, or a personal anecdote.

4. Share Personal Stories or Examples : Connect with the audience by sharing personal stories,
experiences, or examples that illustrate the theme of your speech. Make it relatable and

5. Offer Practical Advice or Solutions : Provide practical advice, strategies, or solutions that the
audience can apply to their own lives or challenges. Offer actionable steps that can help them
achieve their goals or overcome obstacles.

6. Use Emotional Appeals : Appeal to the audience's emotions by evoking feelings of hope,
determination, courage, and resilience. Use storytelling, imagery, and vivid language to create an
emotional connection.

7. Highlight Role Models or Success Stories : Highlight the achievements and success stories of
individuals who have overcome adversity or achieved great things. Use them as examples of
inspiration and motivation for the audience.

8. Provide Words of Encouragement : Offer words of encouragement and affirmation to the

audience. Remind them of their potential, strengths, and the difference they can make in the

9. End with a Call to Action : Conclude your speech with a powerful call to action that
challenges the audience to take positive steps towards their goals or aspirations. Encourage them
to embrace change, pursue their dreams, and make a difference.

10. Deliver with Passion and Conviction : Deliver your speech with passion, energy, and
conviction. Use confident body language, vocal variety, and eye contact to engage the audience
and convey sincerity.

1. Chronological Pattern: This pattern organizes points in a time sequence. It's useful for
historical topics or processes. For example, a speech on Harriet Tubman's life might be organized
by her childhood, youth, and adulthood.

2. Spatial Pattern: Here, points are organized based on physical relationships, like top to bottom
or left to right. An example given is inspecting a used car by examining its body, motor, and

3. Cause–Effect Pattern: This focuses on explaining why something happens. You might start
with an effect and then discuss its causes. For instance, explaining why people are denied bank
loans could begin with the effect (denial) followed by the cause (credit-rating mistakes).

4. Problem Solution Pattern: This divides a speech into identifying a problem and proposing a
solution. For example, addressing loneliness in nursing homes by suggesting pet therapy.

5. Topical Pattern: Here, the central idea is divided into logical categories. For instance,
explaining the two types of sleep: NREM and REM sleep.


HAMILTON, G. (2017). Public Speaking For College And Career (Eleventh edition., pp. 352–
366). Clella jaffe. (2015). Public Speaking Concepts And Skills For A Diverse Society (Eight
edition, pp. 250-260).


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