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Fifteen Days Follow-up


Validated for use by

Goal: To create a checklist to be reviewed after 15 days from the date when an
employee joins the organisation.

Why this is important: Employee experience plays a critical role in the way they are
hired and retained. Initial days of their existence has a significant impact on their length
of service and stay.

Where this can be used: In any organisation.

When this is used: Whenever there is any hiring

Who uses this: The HR Department.
Revision No. - Revision date - Approved by
Revision No. - Revision date - Approved by
15 Day Checklist
To assure a smooth start with new employees, some basic functions need to happen. Following is a checklist of
those functions for you to consider when orienting new employees to your division/department. These serve as a
basic guideline from which divisions/department managers can add to in meeting their division/department specific


Employee Name


Telephone number:

Fax number:


Day 1 Comments

☐Welcome upon arrival and guide to workstation

☐ Deliver and review welcome packet
☐ Discuss company policy.
☐ Discuss Breaks.
☐ Discuss any salary/tax related queries.
☐ Connect with HR to complete any paperwork
☐ Laptop/Computer is updated.
☐ Seating requirements/chair/table
☐ Confirm Email/Phone setup
☐ Conduct tours or introductions.
Week 1 Comments

☐How was your first week?

☐Assist with any questions
☐ Review training schedule
☐ Review technical functionality.
☐ Discuss company culture and workstyle.
☐ Discuss current projects and cyclical processes.
☐ Review company mission statement, vision and

2nd t Week

☐Stress need for weekly or biweekly meetings

☐ Answer any questions
☐ Review technical functionality.
☐ Set short and long term goals.
☐ Answer any questions.
☐ Check progress of any training conducted.
☐Questions related to performance appraisal.
☐ Any need for software/tech or
other process/behavioural/soft skills training.

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