Activity Unit 3 - AulasVirtuales

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28/03/2024, 16:34 Activity Unit 3 | AulasVirtuales

Pregunta 1
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If you see someone littering, what is the best thing to do?

a. Litter next to them as well.

b. Politely ask them to pick it up or offer to help them.

c. Make them feel bad about themselves.

d. Say nothing and walk away.

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Pregunta 2

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Which of these is an example of being a responsible consumer?

a. Buying more clothes than you need.

b. .Choosing products made from recycled materials.

c. Leaving negative reviews for no reason.

d. Arguing with the cashier.

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Pregunta 3
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What is NOT a benefit of volunteering?

a. Gaining new skills and experience.

b. Helping others in need.

c. Getting paid a lot of money.

d. Feeling good about yourself.

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28/03/2024, 16:34 Activity Unit 3 | AulasVirtuales

Pregunta 4

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What is a way to conserve energy at home?

a. Leaving all the lights on when you leave a room.

b. Taking very long showers.

c. Unplugging electronics when not in use.

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Pregunta 5

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Social responsibility means…

a. Following every rule, even if it’s unfair.

b. Taking action to improve society and the environment.

c. Taking care of yourself only.

d. Ignoring problems in your community.

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Pregunta 6
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When you recycle plastic bottles, you are being…

a. Socially responsible

b. Unreliable.

c. Irresponsible.

d. Wasteful.

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28/03/2024, 16:34 Activity Unit 3 | AulasVirtuales

Pregunta 7

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A company that donates money to charity is showing…

a. Social responsibility.

b. A lack of interest in its employees.

c. Strict rules for its workers.

d. A dislike for its customers.

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Pregunta 8
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Helping an elderly neighbor carry groceries is an example of…

a. Taking social responsibility in your community.

b. Global citizenship.

c. Ignoring social issues.

d. Wasting time.

Pregunta 9

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Which of these is NOT a way to be more environmentally friendly?

a. Taking shorter showers.

b. Using a reusable water bottle.

c. Throwing away paper instead of recycling it.

d. Turning off lights when not in use.

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28/03/2024, 16:34 Activity Unit 3 | AulasVirtuales

Pregunta 10

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If you see someone bullying another student, what should you do?

a. Ignore it.

b. Make fun of both of them.

c. Stand up for the victim and report the bullying.

d. Join in the bullying.

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Pregunta 11
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A socially responsible person…

a. Avoids helping others.

b. Considers the impact of their actions on others.

c. Doesn’t care about the environment.

d. Only thinks about themselves.

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Pregunta 12 Tiempo restante 0:45:02 Ocultar

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Which of these is a way to be more inclusive in your community?

a. Spreading rumors about others.

b. Excluding people who seem different.

c. Making fun of people with different backgrounds.

d. Treating everyone with respect.

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28/03/2024, 16:34 Activity Unit 3 | AulasVirtuales

Pregunta 13

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Volunteering your time at a local animal shelter is an example of…

a. Wasting your free time.

b. ISR

c. Community Development

d. CSR

Pregunta 14
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Social media can be used in a better way to…

a. Bully others online

b. Raise awareness about social issues.

c. Only for entertainment

d. Spread hate speech.

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Pregunta 15
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Saving water at home is a way to be environmentally responsible.



Pregunta 16
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A consequence of not recycling is to get a faster Internet connection.


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28/03/2024, 16:34 Activity Unit 3 | AulasVirtuales

Pregunta 17

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A company that uses fair labor practices uses unsafe working conditions.



Pregunta 18
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Being a global citizen means speaking multiple languages perfectly.



Pregunta 19
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CSR stand for Corporate Social Responsibility.



Pregunta 20

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ISR stands for:

a. Individual Social Responsibility

b. Internal Social Repsonsibility

c. International Social Responsibility

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