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Chapter 15 Disposal of Sewage and Wastes Sewage and wastewater is defined as the used water of a community. It emanates from human dwellings, farm environments, and industrial units and storm run off. According to sources sewage may be classified as: 1. Domestic waterborne wastes including human excrement and wash waters 2. Farm animals wastes, such as waste materials from animals and birds which come from urine, feces, washings of barns, stables, poultry houses, dairy and poultry processing plants and slaughter houses. 3. Industrial wastes, such as acids, oils, greases and discharges of factories 4. Ground, surface and atmospheric waters as wastes that enter the wastewater system Characteristics of wastewater: Physical and chemical characters: Sewage or wastewater possesses diversified physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics. It consists approximately 99.0% water. The amount of suspended solids in water is very smali. The solid content of wastewater ranges from a few ppm to 100 ppm. Farm wastes are sometimes referred to as “Strong sewage”, which comprise proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, heavy metals (lead, cadmium, aluminum and copper), nitrates, chlorides, phosphates, some amounts of drug residues and organochlorine pesticides. The BOD value of farm wastes is found to be very high. Municipal sewage, that is sanitary or domestic sewage contains about 2% solids, while farm animal wastes may contain upto 10% solids. Inorganic chemicals initially present in the water supply will likewise be present in wastewater. Human and farm animals’ excrements and other domestic and animal wastes add organic compounds. Industrial wastes add both organic and inorganic compounds. For example, slaughterhouse, dairy and poultry plants and processing units, sugar factories, paper mills and creameries add organic substances. Chemical and metal industries contribute acids and salts of metal and other inorganic chemical wastes. introduction of modern technology has change. s. We experience now the increase in the total ing from household garbage-disposa} In recent years the wastewater charactertsuc: ic load in wastewater coml org . etic detergents, which have large| units. Moreover the use of synthetic deterg pl I I ‘ in adver ffect the microbial population needed for displaced s a bi ey effective wastewater treatment. Microbiological characters: 7 The high contents of organic matters, such as microbes in wastes makes sewage a serious threat and concern to human and animal health. Fungi, protozoa, algae, bacteria and viruses may contain in millions. Coliforms, streptococci, anaerobic sporeforming bacilli, the proteus group and other types originating in the intestinal tract of human and animals are found in wastewater. Animal wastes are highly conducive to mosquito and fly breeding. Additional microorganisms originate from ground, surface or atmospheric waters or from industrial wastes. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): The ‘strength’ of wastewater is expressed in terms of BOD level. High values mean that a high level of organic material is present, whereas low levels indicate that little oxidizable material is present. Therefore the magnitude of BOD is a signal of the amount of organic matter in the sewage. BOD is defined as the amount of dissolved oxygen required by microorganisms for the aerobic degradation of organic matter in wastewater. The life of any body of water depends to a large extent upon its ability to maintain a certain amount of dissolved oxygen, which is needed to maintain aquatic life. Whenever appreciable amounts of waste high in oxidizable organic matter (high BOD) are emptied into natural waters, such as streams, ponds or lakes, the 7 to 8 ppm of oxygen normally present in the waters is used up soon by oxidation process carried out by aerobic or facultative microorganisms. When the oxygen drops below 3 ppm, : the fish either leave or die; when anaerobic conditions have been attained, hydrolysis, Putrefaction and fermentation by microorganisms will follow with the Tesult that the body of water will become malodorous and cloudy and hence unfit for drinking and for use in food preparation Purposes, ry dis) wastewate; isk Wastes need to be disposed of economically and hygienically. This wn as waste utilization. The objectives of waste utilization are ards of disease occurrences 172 (1) to eliminate the haz: (2) to transform wastes into commodities of economic value,such as biogas (3) to modify wastes into harmless gases and release into the air (4) to convert to solids for use as fertilizer on agricultural land Well-organized waste disposal system should take into consideration principally on two important and major methods. (a) The method to be employed for proper collection of human and animal wastes (b) The method of treatment and disposal of the collected wastes Principle of waste disposal: Anaerobic and aerobic bacteria decompose the organic matter present in the waste and thereby convert the raw waste into harmless stable substances. Since animal wastes contain high amounts of solids, they are therefore first treated anaerobically. This approach is economic, as it does not involve large quantities of oxygen to be introduced into the waste. Such a process 1s called methanogenesis. Anaerobes decompose complex proteins and lipids into simpler substrates, which are acted upon by a large number of. bacterial methanogens leading to the formation of methane and carbon di oxide. The process is summarized below. Complex organic animal wastes Step I Hydrolysis and fermentation Alcohols and organic acids Acetogenic bacterial action (More than 38 species mostly belonging to Acetobacterium and Clostridium are Step IT involved . They use Acetyl-CoA pathway) Acetate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide Methanogenic bacterial action (more than 60 species of microorganisms are involved) Methane and carbon dioxide The methane produced may be used as fuel and for lighting and other purposes 173 Step I Under natural conditions the gases are released into the atmosphere It is estimated that 100 to 200 million tons of methane are produced per year from animal sources alone. Methane can be used as a source of energy for domestic use, on farms and in industry. Methods of Disposal of Wastes: In municipality and urban areas huge quantities of domestic, industrial, storm, animal sewage and various other kinds of sewage are (1) collected (2) given treatment and (3) final disposal is made (1) Collection of sewage: Two methods are conventionally available (a) Conservancy (dry) system (b) Water carriage system (a) Conservancy system: The aim is to conserve the wastes. In this system the wastes are collected manually and then buried at some appropriate places away from drinking water sources, human dwellings and farmhouses. It is an economic system and is suitable for small quantities of sewage and for areas where water is scarce. The systems available are: Sewages from small dwellings and animal farms can be collected in cesspools (underground pits). The sewage and other wastes should be periodically removed from the cesspools. The septic tank is an alternative system. This is an anaerobic digestion tank commonly employed for treatment of a limited amount of wastewater. It accomplishes two objectives: (1) sedimentation of solid materials and (2) biological degradation of these solids. As sewage enters the tank, sedimentation occurs in the lower Portion, permitting a liquid with fewer suspended solids to be discharged. The sedimented solids are continually degraded by anaerobic bacteria, the end products are organic compounds, have huge BOD and are odorous. The effluent from the septic tank is distributed under the soil surface through a disposal field .The material, which accumulates at the bottom of the tanks is called sludge. (b) Water carriage system: The collection of the sewage takes place with the help of a large volume of water. This is done by the flushing action of water, which carries away the wastes from its source. In this system less area is required. It is more hygienic and can handle huge quantities of sewage and organic wastes. (2) Wastewater treatment: The sewage is t d (b) artificial methods g¢ is treated by (a) natural and (| 174 (a) Natural methods : This is accomplished in two ways Filtration: The sewage is allowed to fall into large volume of water in la rivers and seas. Here self-purification of sewage takes place. Rivers or lakes may become depleted of their oxygen content following admixture of raw sewage but are generally able to recover in | to 2 days if no additional sewage is allowed to pour into it “e Land treatment: In this system the sewage is allowed to spread over the land surface and the treatment is accomplished by sedimentation or filtration. The treatment by this means is called land farming. Anaerobic bacteria act in this degradation activity and help to stabilize the organic matter. (b) Artificial methods “+ Wastewater treatment system: The operation of wastewater treatment is illustrated in a schematic diagram below bicciiaanid Fig.15.1. Operations in a municipal wastewater treatment facility fotade(Prim ary ues) treatment are largely _ biological, Sees dependent upon microbial activity SECONDARY TREATMENT Triedling Bltere: Zoogioeas Gecompored wrentew set Secondary reacters: Provses Sigorovs seraion (Actvated Thitig), aerobic microorganism Ungads organic matters Acrolic aageaion of aie sumpendea rouds by the — microl solids is composted or incinerated), ADVANCED TREATMENT ‘Nierificedden reactors: Aerobie Dnicroorgatuame convert ars morte (urate Phowphate/ateate SOLIDS (SLUDGE) PROCESSING ‘Comcentrabon/dew string by Bite nal firatiows Fm iparnculnte matter Chinrines Dianfect cud yaa weaer - DISPOSAL | | Dvsehange ste y Primary treatment for removal of coarse and settleable solids. Secondary treatment and Advanced ‘The suspended solids, mainly organic materials are vigorously aerated and recirculated to facilitate degradation 1 population. Ultimately, the residual( Wastesludge) (3) Wastewater disposal = Drainage system: Efficient sewage disposal takes place when there exists a well-planned drain pipe system. Pipes may be made of nonabsorbent materials like cement -concrete, asbestos-cement or cast iron. The laying of pipes is done in such a way that self cleaning and routine sanitary inspections are possible. In order to prevent backflow of gases and liquids into buildings, appropriate self- cleaning traps should invariably be employed along the course of a line. Depending upon the shape of the trap, a bell trap and P-, or S- trap may be used in farm drainage system. = Combined disposal system for rural farms: In rural farms or domestic holdings the establishment of an elaborate waste disposal system is not necessary and is also not feasible economically. A simple disposal system is advocated in which devices are introduced for a combined effect of an aerobic as well as anaerobic system of sewage treatment. The process is cost-effective but can be conveniently used. The steps of operations are presented below: All wastes and sewage are collected in suitable primary settling tanks where the solids settle © The supernatant is separated and aerated vigorously in the secondary tank. The solid particles are allowed to settle © The supernatant is again separated from the 2nd operation above. It is disinfected (chlorinated) and then safely disposed of. The sludge in the secondary tank is collected, aerated and recycled in the aeration tank © After the completion of the recycling, the sludge is passed to the anaerobic tank. The sludge from the primary settling tank may also be received here. All sludges so obtained are allowed to digestion operation. © The supernatant accumulated from the 4th operation above is disinfected and then disposed off. The gases produced (C0; & N3) may be released into the atmosphere, collected and used as a source of energy. Undigested deposits can be used for land filling. Effect of disposal of inadequately treated wastewater Disposal of inadequately treated wastewater may produce one oF more of the following undesirable situation: 1. There is greater opportunity for spread of pathogent microorganisms 176 i - Increased hazard in consumi ing. natura 3 drinking purpose ig Natural bodies of water for 3. Heavy losses may occur in the water fowl population as a result of pollution of their feeding grounds : 4. Contamination of oysters and other shell fish by the pollution in Wastewater which make them unsafe for human consumption 5. The contamination in wastewater causes increased danger in Swimming water and there occurs diminished value of the water for other recreational purposes. 6. There may be depletion of oxygen supply of the water by 5 unstable organic matter in sewage, killing aquatic life + There are objectionable conditions, such as offensive odors and accumulation of debris. This results in decreasing property values and recreational uses. Using Reclaimed Wastewater and Recycling of Animal Wastes In recent years the single most important task of waste management strategies has been to develop appropriate technology for use of wastes through recycling. A rough estimate in Germany indicated that 40% of household refuse could be transformed into materials of economic utility after recycling. The common refuse includes packaging materials, plastic, paper, rubber and tin containers. Besides chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, radioactive materials and explosives are also responsible for pollution. In animal farms dung, feces, urine, and washings of farm animal sheds and poultry houses are combined to make manure. The washes from livestock and poultry farms have been used for two economically important purposes. © Production of methane or biogas e Animal feed With a view to increase the protein supply, the recycling of wastewater from dairies, slaughterhouses, food processing plants and other such units has received considerable attention. Recycled proteins have been satisfactorily used as feed without causing any side effects in animals. Reclaimed municipal wastewater about 50% is used in highly developed countries to irrigate fodder, fiber and seed crops, a use not requiring a high degree of treatment. About 7% are used to irrigate food crops and 14% of the reclaimed wastewater is used to irrigate landscape areas. These uses are increasing every year. 177

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