Generative AI1

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Generative AI

Article in International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology · August 2023
DOI: 10.35940/ijaent.G0474.0810823


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Guntamukkala Gopi Krishna

Lovely Professional University


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International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT)
ISSN: 2347-6389 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-8, July 2023

Generative AI
Guntamukkala Gopi Krishna

Abstract: Recent advancements in generative artificial This research aims at providing insights into the potential
intelligence (AI) have made it possible for machines to and consequences of this burgeoning topic by thoroughly
independently produce a variety of creative content. In the context examining generative AI in the context of creative content
of producing creative content, this essay examines the development. It seeks to further the continuing conversation
developments, difficulties, and ethical issues relating to generative
AI. It looks into how generative models, such Generative
around generative AI, promote informed judgement, and
Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Auto encoders sculpt ethical practices that strike a balance between
(VAEs), can produce realistic artwork like music, literature, and originality, creativity, and ethical considerations in the field
visuals. However, it is frequently discovered that GAN training is of AI-generated material. Generative AI's main objective is
extremely unstable and frequently experiences non-convergence, to create models and algorithms that can imitate and
mode collapse, and hyperparameter sensitivity [1]. The technical reproduce the creative process seen in people. These models
details of developing and optimizing generative models to produce create fresh material with comparable traits and patterns
desired results are covered in detail in this work. It also looks at after learning from massive datasets. However, the
the difficulties in guaranteeing the variety, creativity, and development of generative AI also presents difficulties and
coherence of generated content. Additionally, the use of generative
AI in the creation of original material raises ethical questions.
moral dilemma.
Included in this are concerns about intellectual property,
plagiarism, and possible effects on the creative industries. In II. LITERATURE REVIEW
specifically, the article explores the consequences of employing
Here are some of the literature work:
generative AI for content production in terms of authorship,
human creativity, and the possible disruption of traditional 1. "Generative Adversarial Networks" by Ian Goodfellow et
creative practices. It also covers issues with fairness, bias, and al. (2014): Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs),
appropriate application of generative models. which have developed into a fundamental framework for
generative AI, were first introduced in this landmark
Keywords: AI, GANs, VAEs study. It demonstrates GANs' design and training process
Abbreviations while displaying its capacity to produce realistic and
AI - Artificial Intelligence excellent synthetic data.
GANs - Generative Adversarial Networks 2. "Variational Auto encoders" by Diederik P. Kingma and
VAEs - Variational Auto encoders Max Welling (2013): Variational Auto encoders (VAEs),
another well-liked method of generative AI, were
I. INTRODUCTION introduced in this study. It discusses the variational
inference training framework and the data generation
An artificial intelligence (AI) system that uses machine capabilities of VAEs.
3. By Yann LeCun et al. (2015), "The Unreasonable
learning techniques to generate fresh, original data or
Effectiveness of Deep Learning in Artificial
material is referred to as Generative AI. New text, photos, Intelligence": This study offers insights into the
audio, video, code, or synthetic data can all be included in developments and implications of deep learning, a key
the created data. The objective of generative AI is to be able element of many generative AI models, despite not being
to create results that are comparable to, or even identical to, primarily focused on generative AI. It illustrates the
results produced by humans. Generative AI's strength rests accomplishments and possibilities of generative
in its capacity to produce innovative, original content that modelling and other deep learning methods across a
demonstrates a degree of creativity and individuality. It can range of AI domains.
help designers and artists by giving them fresh inspiration
and facilitating the creative process. By automating content III. CHALLENGES OF GENERATIVE AI
creation, cutting time and costs, and opening up new avenues
These are some of the challenges
for artistic expression, it has the potential to revolutionize a
a. Bias: Depending on the data they are trained on,
number of industries, including entertainment, advertising, generative AI models may be biased. This can result in
fashion, and gaming. the creation of damaging or deceptive content.
b. Safety: Generative AI models have the potential to
produce inaccurate or dangerous content. The public's
Manuscript received on 21 June 2023 | Revised Manuscript safety may be threatened by this.
received on 07 July 2023 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 August c. Regulation: Because generative AI is a relatively new
2023 | Manuscript published on 30 August 2023. technology, it lacks a clear legislative framework. This
*Correspondence Author(s) might cause generative AI to be used inappropriately.
Guntamukkala Gopi Krishna*, B Tech, Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, Lovely Professional University CSE Block, Guntur
(Andhra Pradesh) India. E-mail:,
ORCID ID: 0009-0005-1938-3667
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-
BY-NC-ND license

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijaent.G04740710723
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijaent.G0474.0810823
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 1 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Generative AI

The creation and application of generative artificial VI. RESULT

intelligence (AI) involves a number of regulatory and
The creative sectors have been significantly impacted by
governance issues, such as the issue of who is accountable
for the results produced by these systems and how to assure generative AI. Through the provision of automated tools and
their security and moral application. inspiration sources, it improves the creative process. Artistic,
musical, and literary content that is fresh and compelling can
IV. APPLICATIONS OF GENERATIVE AI be produced thanks to generative AI. Additionally, it
promotes captivating and immersive viewing experiences.
Here are some of the applications: However, issues with copyright, intellectual property, and
a. Generating Creative Content: Generative AI is used to ethical issues need to be resolved. In the future, it is
produce creative content such as music, writing, and art. anticipated that generative AI will continue to reshape the
The possibilities for artistic expression are increased by creative scene, possibly altering the roles of artists, audience
its ability to create paintings, music, stories, and even
expectations, and introducing new creative practices.
virtual worlds.
b. Data augmentation: To enhance datasets for training
machine learning models, generative AI approaches are
used. By expanding the number and diversity of training The ramifications of generative AI for the creative sectors
datasets and generating synthetic data that closely are the main topic of the discussion section. It draws
mimics real data, it can enhance model performance. attention to the potential and difficulties shown by the
c. Synthesis of photos and videos: Generative AI is used to findings. While generative AI opens up new creative
create original images and videos. Realistic faces canbe possibilities, it also raises issues of intellectual property and
created, scenes may be created from textual descriptions, morality. It is examined how generative AI may affect the
and even videos can be created by anticipating future way that artists interact with their audiences in the future, as
frames based on current ones. well as the need for ethical behavior. The findings help us
d. Gaming and virtual reality (VR): Generative AI helps to understand how generative AI is changing the creative
create realistic virtual reality (VR) environments. Itmay ecosystem and give stakeholders information to help them
produce believable environments, people, and interactive deal with its consequences.
components that raise the level of realism and immersion
in VR and gaming applications. VIII. CONCLUSION
e. Chatbot and Virtual Assistants: Conversational agents
such as Chatbot and virtual assistants are developed using In the creative sectors, generative AI has become a disruptive
generative AI. It makes it possible to produce responses force. It improves the creative process, produces fresh,
that are human-like, improving the user experience in interesting material, and provides engaging audience
natural language interactions. experiences. Nevertheless, issues with intellectual property
f. Drug Discovery: The pharmaceutical sector uses and moral issues must be resolved. The results highlight the
generative AI to find new drugs. In order to help withthe significance of ethical behavior and just attribution in the
development of possible medication candidates, it can context of generative AI. In the future, generative AI is
create new molecular structures with the needed features. expected to continue reshaping the creative scene, possibly
changing the roles of artists and the expectations of
V. SETBACKS audiences. Collaboration between AI systems and human
creativity is crucial if we are to realize the full promise of
Transparency and interpretability are frequently lacking in generative AI while minimizing its drawbacks. Stakeholders
generative AI models. Understanding why a model generates can successfully navigate this changing environment by
particular outputs can be difficult, making it challenging to beingaware of the potential and constraints of generative AI,
manage or explain the generated information. The existing assuring a future in which innovation and technology coexist
datasets used by generative AI models can be biased or in harmony. For the creative industries as a whole, generative
contain undesired material. This may result in the creation of AI has enormous potential, but it needs to be carefully
offensive or biased products, the maintenance of societal implemented to support moral principles and protect the
prejudices, or the creation of potentially offensive or integrity of artistic expression.
dangerous content. It's possible for generative AI models to
specialize too much in the training set, which can result in DECLARATION
overfitting and a lack of generalization power. This may lead
to the creation of content that is monotonous and unoriginal. Funding/ Grants/
No, I did not receive.
The use of generative AI poses moral questions about Financial Support
authorship attribution, intellectual property disputes, and Conflicts of Interest/ No conflicts of interest to the
copyright infringement. It is still unclear who should own the Competing Interests best of our knowledge.
content produced by AI systems and how it should be utilized No, the article does not require
and distributed. Generic AI models frequently need a lot of Ethical Approval and
ethical approval and consent to
computing power and resources to run and train. This can Consent to Participate
participate with evidence.
make the deployment of generative AI less feasible and
accessible in some situations, especially for people or
organizations with low funding. Generative AI models are
susceptible to adversarial attacks, in which deceptively
changed inputs produce the incorrect or harmful results.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijaent.G04740710723
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijaent.G0474.0810823
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 2 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT)
ISSN: 2347-6389 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-8, July 2023

Availability of Data
and Material/ Data Not relevant.
Access Statement
I am only the sole author of the
Authors Contributions

1. Tim Salimans, Ian Goodfellow, Wojciech Zaremba, Vicki Cheung,
Alec Radford, and Xi Chen. Improved techniques for training gans.
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 2234–
2242, 2016.

Gopi Krishna here, a native of Guntur, Andhra
Pradesh. I'm now pursuing a bachelors at Lovely
Professional University in Punjab, India, in the
Computer Science and Engineering track. I'm proficient
in C, C++, Java, Python, and I have a rudimentary
understanding of Kotlin. Front-end languages like
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript(basic) areother things I'm
familiar with. Inquire with me about my certifications in Python, Java, Data
Science, AI, and Machine Learning at As for
my leadership experience, I took part in GDSC-LPU as a member of the
A.I./ML team, where I helped machine learning in easier ways while
mentoring the mentee and exploring various ML topics. My study focuses on
artificial intelligence and its practical implications for this particular

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data contained in all publications are solely those of the
individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of the Blue
Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
(BEIESP)/ journal and/or the editor(s). The Blue Eyes
Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to
people or property resulting from any ideas, methods,
instructions or products referred to in the content.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijaent.G04740710723
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijaent.G0474.0810823
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 3 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
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