Lista de Adjetivos 2023

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Teacher: Paty


alto tall taller than the tallest grande large larger than theTeacher:
largest Paty Baca
bajo short shorter than the shortest despacio slow slower than the slowest
largo long longer than the longest bajo low lower than the lowest
frio cold colder than the coldest cerca close closer than the closest
cerca near nearer than the nearest agradable nice nicer than the nicest
fresco cool cooler than the coolest seguro safe safer than the safetest
rápido fast faster than the fastest grosero rude ruder than the rudest
duro/difícil hard harder than the hardest triste sad sadder than the saddest
alto high higher than the highest gordo fat fatter than the fattest
barato cheap cheaper than the cheapest delgado thin thinner than the thinnest
rubio blond blonder than the blondest grande big bigger than the biggest
rico rich richer than the richest caliente hot hotter than the hottest
pobre poor poorer than the poorest bonito(a) pretty prettier than the prettiest
ligero light lighter than the lightest divertido funny funnier than the funniest
pequeño small smaller than the smallest feliz happy happier than the happiest
fuerte strong stronger than the strongest flojo lazy lazier than the laziest
viejo old older than the oldest loco crazy crazier than the craziest
callado quiet quieter than the quietest feo ugly uglier than the ugliest
largo long longer than the longest lindo lovely lovelier than the loveliest
nuevo new newer than the newest tacaño stingy stingier than the stingiest
cálido warm warmer than the warmest enojado angry angrier than the angriest
débil weak weaker than the weakest grasiento greasy greasier than the greasiest
joven young younger than the youngest salado salty saltier than the saltiest
grandioso great greater than the greatest enojón grumpy grumpier than the grumpiest
oscuro dark darker than the darkest pesado heavy heavier than the heaviest
limpio clean cleaner than the cleanest amigable friendly friendlier than the friendlliest
orgulloso proud prouder than the proudest ocupado busy busier than the busiest
suave soft softer than the softest sucio dirty dirtier than the dirtiest
agrio sour sour than the sourest ruidoso noisy noisier than the noisiest
bondadoso kind kínder than the kindest travieso naughty naughtier the naughtiest
atractivo attractive more attractive the most attractive maravilloso wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful
molesto annoying more annoying the most annoying emocionante exciting more exciting the most exciting
ambicioso ambitious more ambitious the most ambitious elegante elegant more elegant the most elegant
hermoso beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful respetoso respectful more respectful the most respectful
aburrido boring more boring the most boring alegre cheerful more cheerful the most cheerful
perfecto perfect more perfect the most perfect dinámico dynamic more dynamic the most dynamic
delicioso delicious more delicious the most delicious magnifico magnificent more magnificent the most magnificent
obediente obedient more obedient the most obedient enorme enormous more enormous the most enormous
confortable comfortable more comfortable the most optimista optimistic more optimistic the most optimistic
común common more common the most common agradable pleasant more pleasant the most pleasant
peligroso dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous sonriente smiling more smiling the most smiling
difícil difficult more difficult the most difficult imaginativo imaginative more imaginative the most
costoso expensive more expensive the most expensive agresivo agressive more agressive the most agressive
famoso famous more famous the most famous sincero sincere more sincere the most sincere
moderno modern more modern the most modern misterioso mysterious more mysterious the most mysterious
guapo handsome more handsome the most handsome egoísta selfish more selfish the most selfish
imposible impossible more impossible the most impossible exitoso successful more successful the most successful
inteligente intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent generoso generous more generous the most generous
sobresaliente outstanding more outstanding the most outstanding servicial helpful more helpful the most helpful
popular popular more popular the most popular fantástico fantastic more fantastic the most fantastic
romántico romantic more romantic the most romantic entusiasta enthusiastic more enthusiastic the most enthusiastic
organizado organized more organized the most organized encantador charming more charming the most charming
apacible peaceful more peaceful the most peaceful interesante interesting more interesting the most interesting
horrible horrible more horrible the most horrible gentil gentle more gentle the most gentle
competitivo competitive more competitive the most competitive creativo creative more creative the most creative
asombroso amazing more amazing the most poderoso powerful more powerful the most powerful
conveniente convenient more convenient the most convenient efectivo effective more effective the most effective
responsable responsible more responsible the most responsible SPANISH ADJECTIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE
serio serious more serious the most serious IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES
hábil skillful more skillful the most skillful malo bad worse than the worst
sociable sociable more sociable the most sociable bueno good better than the best
platicador talkative more talkative the most talkative lejos far further than the furthest
pesimista pesemist more pesemist the most pesemist poco little less than the least
trabajador hardworking ome hardworking the most hardworking mucho much/many more than the most

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