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Junior High School Department

Lesson Plan in English 10

Specific Objectives Topic/Content/ References/Materials Activities/Procedures Assessment Assignment

At the end of the lesson, Topic: “THE ODYSSEY” Preliminary Activities FREE INTERPRETATION HOMEWORK:
the students will be able to:
Method: 4A’s Approach THE ADVENTURES OF
a. identify the main References: ODYSSEUS
(Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and
characters and Application)
events in the story; Internet: The teacher will divide the students into 9 groups and
b. discuss the roles of assign each group about the Prayer adventures of Odysseus on the
gods and the
Greetings way back home to Ithaca. The
importance of fate
Introduce Rules students will either act or
in Odysseus’s story;
Checking of Attendance report about the given topic.
Materials: Energizer
Laptop, Speaker, Projector, and Book Recall
c. establish the
chronology of major Skills: Activity
events in Comprehension, Critical thinking, Analytical
Odysseus’s journey; thinking, Writing and Creativity skills. The teacher/s will show picture and ask
the students insight about the picture.
Time Frame: 4 days (Boat in the middle of the sea.)
d. travelogue. (Travelogue)
 What does Odysseus begin to
learn about the consequences of Procedures:
his own behavior? Each group will…
 What are the challenges that
1. Recall a place you’ve
Odysseus has to face on his
journey home? gone the farthest.
 What are the Cyclops like? 2. Discuss with your
 Why did Odysseus stay in the
cave of the Cyclops? groupmates to whose
 Who gave Odysseus a bag of place/destination you’re
west wind/unfavorable wind? going to choose.
 When are they supposed to
open the bag? 3. Share your ideas about
 Why does Odysseus sleep with your chosen place.
Circe? 4. Research other
 How long do ODYSSEUS and
his men remain on the island of information.
 What is the one item that
Odysseus carry into the
 How many of Odysseus' men
are lost traveling through the
Strait of Scylla?
 Why do Calypso's maids giggle
when they see Odysseus?
 Who is the King of the Island
of the Phaeacians?
 How did the King of the
Phaeacians help Odysseus in
returning home?
 After Odysseus returns to the
island of Ithaca, how does
Athena change his appearance
so he won't be recognized?
 How is the woman servant able
to identify Odysseus?


The teacher will then discuss the


 Explain how each of the

specific challenges he faces
reflect strengths or weaknesses
in his character
 Explain the roles of gods and
the importance in Odysseus’
 Demonstrate the value of each
character in The Odyssey.

After the discussion, the teacher/s will

ask the students some questions. The
students will share their insights about
the story.
The following questions:

 What does The Odyssey teach

us about life?
 How is The Odyssey like a
journey through life?
 What is the main lesson that
Odysseus learns throughout his
 In a world governed by the
gods, is there any room for
human will?
 What value did The Odyssey
teach and how do you know?


Group Activity: Travelogue

Introduce the destination, and your

purpose for visiting, and give a brief
overview of what the audience can
expect from your travelogue.

Background and history:

Provide some context on the
destination’s history, culture, and any
other relevant background information.
Prepared by: Ms. Jennifer C. Nicdao
Ms. Lyka A. Caballes
Ms. Gretchen L. Browa
Mentor: Mr. Livino Y. Letaba

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