Artificial Intelligence in Public Health: The Potential of Epidemic Early Warning Systems

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Journal of International Medical Research

2023, Vol. 51(3) 1–18
Artificial intelligence in ! The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
public health: the potential
DOI: 10.1177/03000605231159335
of epidemic early

warning systems

Chandini Raina MacIntyre1,2, Xin Chen1 ,

Mohana Kunasekaran1, Ashley Quigley1,
Samsung Lim1,3 , Haley Stone1,
Hye-young Paik4, Lina Yao4, David Heslop5,
Wenzhao Wei1, Ines Sarmiento1 and
Deepti Gurdasani6

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate automated early warnings in epidemic surveillance
by harnessing vast open-source data with minimal human intervention has the potential to be both
revolutionary and highly sustainable. AI can overcome the challenges faced by weak health systems
by detecting epidemic signals much earlier than traditional surveillance. AI-based digital surveillance
is an adjunct to—not a replacement of—traditional surveillance and can trigger early investigation,
diagnostics and responses at the regional level. This narrative review focuses on the role of AI in
epidemic surveillance and summarises several current epidemic intelligence systems including
ProMED-mail, HealthMap, Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources, BlueDot, Metabiota, the
Global Biosurveillance Portal, Epitweetr and EPIWATCH. Not all of these systems are AI-based,
and some are only accessible to paid users. Most systems have large volumes of unfiltered data; only
a few can sort and filter data to provide users with curated intelligence. However, uptake of these
systems by public health authorities, who have been slower to embrace AI than their clinical

Biosecurity Program, The Kirby Institute, Faculty of 5
Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine,
Australia University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
College of Public Service & Community Solutions, William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary
Arizona State University, Tempe, United States University of London, United Kingdom
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University Corresponding author:
of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Xin Chen, Biosecurity Program, The Kirby Institute,
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Faulty of Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales,
Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Australia Email:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which permits
non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed
as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Journal of International Medical Research

counterparts, is low. The widespread adoption of digital open-source surveillance and AI technol-
ogy is needed for the prevention of serious epidemics.

Artificial intelligence, public health, epidemic intelligence, pandemic, early warning system, digital
Date received: 23 June 2022; accepted: 3 February 2023

Introduction highly sustainable. In low-income coun-

tries, AI has the potential to overcome the
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been adopted
shortfall in human resources for traditional
in a wide spectrum of clinical medicine appli-
labour-intensive disease surveillance, which
cations;1 however, the uptake of AI technol-
relies on doctors or laboratories to report
ogies in public health remains slow.2 The infections and is a passive and untimely
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pan- system that requires multi-level reporting
demic has led to substantial investment in AI structures.3 AI can further address politically
tools for epidemic surveillance. With rapid sensitive issues such as data censorship.
advancements in AI and machine learning Epidemics grow exponentially and often
algorithms, state-of-the-art epidemic surveil- spread by the time health authorities
lance systems have been developed to detect become aware of them. Although notifica-
early signs of epidemics by processing open- tions based on confirmations from laborato-
source data including news reports and ries and healthcare systems are valid, early
social media data. The implementation of detection can be expedited and enhanced by
AI in outbreak detection requires 1) natural using as early epidemic signals open-source
language processing (NLP) of a large quan- data such as news reports, social media and
tity of multi-dimensional open-source data geospatial, temporal, environmental and
to detect early warning signals, 2) identifying meteorological satellite data.3 Time is critical
local and regional patterns in the detected in an epidemic. For example, the severe
signals, 3) modelling and simulating out- acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
break behaviours and 4) rapidly identifying (SARS-COV-2) epidemic in Wuhan, China
misinformation and disinformation that can may have started with a single case that rap-
cripple pandemic responses.3,4 In this narra- idly increased to a handful of cases in a short
tive review, we focus on the role of AI in the timeframe.5 Before the spread of the virus
early detection of and response to outbreaks outside of China, transmission could have
and summarise the current Internet-based been contained through case isolation, con-
epidemic intelligence systems available. This tact tracing and quarantine, and the global
review aims to update the knowledge of AI in pandemic could have been prevented.
epidemic surveillance and assess the need for Infectious disease outbreaks are further
widespread adoption of AI-driven open- characterised by non-linear complex dynam-
source surveillance in public health. ics that are not well captured by conventional
The use of AI to generate automated statistical approaches. AI technology applied
early warnings for epidemics by harnessing to open-source data and followed up with
vast open-source data with minimal human formal outbreak investigation enables rapid
intervention can be revolutionary and epidemic signals that can detect and prevent
MacIntyre et al. 3

serious epidemics. Open-source systems gen- surveillance and the censorship of outbreak
erate large quantities of unfiltered data with reporting.3
uncertain meaning and may overwhelm users
or lead to misleading conclusions. AI can be
Early detection through AI-based
used to curate, filter and decipher such data
to provide more valid early warning signals. surveillance and monitoring
AI technology can also predict spread at a A vast array of uncurated, open-source
granular scale, guiding data-driven early data including social media and news
local responses that can be critical in the ini- reports capture the concerns and discus-
tial stages of a pandemic.6 Given the non- sions of the community. If mined regularly,
linear complex spread dynamics and the these data can provide early signals of epi-
uncertainty inherent in early epidemic evolu- demics before official detection by health
tion, complex dynamic AI-based modelling authorities.3 Public health has been slow
frameworks such as multi-agent models can to adopt AI technology and utilise AI capa-
help temporally and geospatially simulate the bility to enable rapid and early detection of
evolution of epidemics, allowing targeted and epidemic signals. AI can further address the
effective public health responses.6 In addition, issue of data censorship and the challenges
these frameworks can be used to identify the faced by weak healthcare systems in low-
most effective interventions and their impor- income countries with limited human resour-
tance in limiting spread. Finally, AI technol- ces for public health surveillance. Figure 1
ogy can overcome the challenges faced by illustrates the genesis and exponential
weak health systems and issues such as poor growth of epidemics and the importance of

Figure 1. Enhancement of epidemic detection by rapid epidemic intelligence and risk analysis.
4 Journal of International Medical Research

early detection to prevent global spread. The cases, making rapid intervention critical to
early detection of epidemics affords the mitigating spread.9 The Ebola epidemic
best prospect of preventing global spread. could have been detected in late 2013,
Currently, epidemics are detected using tra- 3 months before the World Health
ditional surveillance methods that rely on Organisation (WHO) was informed, using
disease surveillance data formally reported rapid social media-based intelligence—even
by healthcare workers and laboratories. in Guinea, which has relatively low smart-
Given the time lag between the onset of a phone penetration.10 Similarly, a retrospec-
symptom and the formal laboratory confir- tive study using open-source data on Weibo
mation report, traditional surveillance meth- detected a signal of unknown severe pneu-
ods are not rapid enough to allow for the monia in Hubei Province in mid-November
early detection of serious epidemics.3 2019, a month before the COVID-19 out-
The COVID-19 pandemic is an example: break was officially reported.7
the SARS-CoV-2 virus had already spread The most widely used outbreak alert
worldwide before the virus was first system is the Program for Monitoring
reported. The first COVID-19 cases present- Emerging Diseases (ProMED-mail), a qual-
ing severe pneumonia of unknown origin itative reporting system to which clinicians
were officially reported in China on approx- report unusual outbreaks.11 This system
imately 8 December 2019. However, a retro- relies on health professionals notifying
spective study using open-source intelligence
moderators of unusual outbreaks. While
data identified another COVID-19 case in
the system has improved the speed of tradi-
China in mid-November 2019.7 In Spain,
tional health system surveillance and has
the first COVID-19 case was officially
been the first to detect many important epi-
reported on 25 February 2020; however,
demics, it is still largely dependent on
the virus was detected in sewage water in
human reporting and does not harness the
Barcelona 41 days before that date.5 The
full capabilities of open-source data and AI.
COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the crit-
ical need for the early detection of epidemics The ideal system must harness and process
using AI technology in public health.5 multiple sources of unstructured data and
Currently, investment in epidemic prepared- display data in a curated, filtered and struc-
ness predominantly supports the develop- tured format that can inform rapid public
ment of drugs and vaccines. Although health action.3,12
essential, drugs and vaccines tend to become Another system used for outbreak alerts is
available a considerable time after a serious Google Flu Trends, which was in use from
new infection has emerged and spread 2008 to 2015 but was terminated because
widely.8 Figure 1 highlights currently missing of errors in estimation.13 Another tool,
system capability—rapid epidemic intelli- DEFENDER,14 was an outbreak detection,
gence, recognition and risk analysis—and surveillance, forecasting and nowcasting
the potential gains of AI-based epidemic system developed as a research tool by the
intelligence. United Kingdom. The system integrated geo-
As demonstrated during the 2020 coded symptom data from Twitter with news
COVID-19 pandemic and the 2014 Ebola reports and used this information for out-
epidemic, non-pharmaceutical interventions break detection, situational awareness
are critical during epidemics, especially and nowcasting.14 DEFENDER was not a
when drugs or vaccines are unavailable.9 public system and is not currently in use.
Epidemic growth was exponential in both This review focuses on systems in current use.
MacIntyre et al. 5

Current Internet-based epidemic Diseases in 1994 to identify unusual health

intelligence systems events affecting humans, animals and
plants.20,21 This free service is moderated
Several digital systems for the early identi- by expert staff who review reports from
fication of important public health events health professionals, the Internet (e.g., offi-
are currently available.15 The systems vary cial government websites) and traditional
in scope based on the type of event covered; media.22 This system largely relies on a net-
event types range from solely human diseases work of health personnel to provide quali-
to a combination of human, animal and plant tative reports of events of interest and an
diseases and infectious diseases to all health expert assessment of risk. In the absence of
events including non-communicable diseases, an automated data collection process, the
natural disasters and humanitarian emergen- importance of articles is judged on a case-
cies.16 A One Health approach is ideal for by-case basis, introducing the potential for
infectious diseases.17 This approach describes human error and personal bias that are
that an end-user, whether a public health offi- inherent in human moderation.21,23 With a
cial from a national agency or a lay person, network of staff from at least 30 countries
should be able to access a range of services working in different time zones and nearly
such as news reports, geographical heat 80,000 subscribers from approximately
maps, risk analysis tools on the web or via 200 countries, ProMED-mail operates
mobile applications. Some services are com- 24/7 and has identified several important
mercially available and others are internal epidemics.24 ProMED-mail has ongoing
systems accessible only to public health collaborations with other services such as
agencies. HealthMap, the United States Agency for
Internet-based surveillance systems are International Development and Public
breaking new ground in the surveillance of Health England.24,25 Human moderation
public health events that otherwise rely exclu- continues while research to automate the
sively on laboratory diagnostic capability and data collection and curation processes is cur-
timely notification by health professionals. rently in progress.23 On average, six posts
Although vast open-source data are freely are displayed daily by ProMED-mail.26
available online, they may be irrelevant or
lead to false positive reports. Research on HealthMap
the level of human moderation required to
HealthMap is a fully automated system that
operate a valid epidemic intelligence system
does not rely on human moderation. It
is currently limited.3,18 However, the incorpo-
reports all health events including non-
ration of AI technology such as machine
communicable diseases and is therefore not
learning and text mining using NLP is unde-
specific to epidemics.27 Developed in 2006,
niably essential for processing and filtering
HealthMap uses Fisher–Robinson Bayesian
large amounts of unstructured data and gen-
filtering in a Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP
erating valid early warning signals of serious
application with other products such as
epidemics.19 We describe eight known early
Google Maps, GoogleMapAPI for PHP,
warning systems below.
Google Translate API and a single AJAX
library in PHP.28 HealthMap uses a text
ProMED-mail processing algorithm to automate identify-
ProMED-mail is a system established by ing, classifying and overlaying relevant
the International Society for Infectious information on a map.29 This system
6 Journal of International Medical Research

contains multiple modules including a data BlueDot

acquisition engine, a classification engine, a
BlueDot is a commercial system that began
back-end web application, a database and a
as a transport network modelling tool and
front-end web application that enable the
later added open-source intelligence and
system’s smooth operation.30 HealthMap
clustering tools to allow the identification
processes approximately 80 infectious dis-
of potential hot spots for infectious disease
ease alerts daily.31
outbreaks.38 BlueDot uses both AI and
human moderation and includes a search
Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources capacity in multiple languages. However,
(EIOS) this system is not available for public use
The EIOS was developed as a collaboration and is only available to paying clients.38 In
between the WHO and the Joint Research addition, the system has access to closed-
Committee of the European Commission.17,32 source information such as government
Developed in 2017, the EIOS is an automated data, which is usually provided by clients.
system with roots in the Global Public Health
Intelligence Network and the Global Health Metabiota
Security Initiative and endorses the Early Accessible to the public, the Metabiota
Alerting and Reporting system and the Epidemic Tracker provides a heat map to
Hazard Detection and Risk Assessment show the geographic distribution of event-
System.33 The EIOS is estimated to have a based epidemics for 208 pathogens.39
system capacity of at least 40 million news Metabiota couples disease impact with eco-
items from 12,000 web sources including nomic impact by calculating a Pathogen
social media in multiple languages.34 The
Sentiment Index, a unique feature of poten-
system includes NLP recognition technology,
tial interest to insurance companies and the
article classification and priority algorithms
travel and tourism industry.40 Metabiota
to identify, tag and categorise reports.33
provides a large set of simulated events—
Additionally, the EIOS includes human
with up to 18 million simulations for a
review before reports are made available to
single pathogen—using big data and cloud
users33 and reports a broad scope of events
computing platforms.41 Metabiota further
that range from human health, natural disas-
has a validated library with various disease
ters, conflicts and mass gatherings. During
models that facilitate risk analysis and
the COVID-19 pandemic, the EIOS provided
inform planning and response activities
a public COVID-19 news map35 and access to
using a peer-review process.
COVID-19 data with accompanying graphs
through a public dashboard36 that displayed
data from the WHO, Johns Hopkins
Global Biosurveillance Portal (GBSP)
University, the European Centre for Disease The web-based information-sharing system
Prevention and Control (ECDC) and GBSP42 facilitates timely responses and
Worldometer.32 The EIOS was operational decision-making to support the detection
in 2019 but did not contribute to the early and management of natural and unnatural
detection of the COVID-19 pandemic. biological hazards. Based on the Ozone
System access is granted exclusively to the Widget Framework architecture, an open-
WHO and specific agencies or countries. source data integration framework, the
The EIOS system is integrated with the GBSP provides end-users with a single web
INFORM suite, which includes risk analysis front-end to access reports in HTML frames
tools.37 from multiple web applications.43 The GBSP
MacIntyre et al. 7

further integrates systems in a whole- system uses AI techniques that incorporate

of-government approach by including data contemporary NLP and named entity rec-
from the United States Department of ognition algorithms to automatically detect
Defense and other government agencies. To data points within scanned articles.
support the COVID-19 response, the GBSP A second AI sub-system of classification
provides near real-time data sharing, map- and prioritisation is empowered by bidirec-
ping and AI-based predictive analysis tional encoder representations derived from
models for users and has partnerships with transformers (BERT)48,49 and can assess
various health organisations and industry with 88.2% accuracy whether articles con-
partners across countries.44 However, the tain relevant outbreak information. BERT
GBSP is not publicly available, and its early allows the articles to maintain contextual-
warning sensitivity is currently unknown. ised representations49 and achieves state-
of-the-art results in many downstream
Epitweetr tasks including text classification, named
entity recognition and text summarisation
Epitweetr, an R-based tool developed in 2018 in NLP fields.50 Use of pre-trained BERT
by the ECDC, is an open-source system that on datasets such as Google News and fine-
monitors tweets on infectious diseases.45 To tuning on a smaller dataset using transfer
identify potential public health threats, indi- learning techniques have proven effective in
vidual detection signals can be sorted by geo- increasing the robustness of the model.51
location, time and language.46 The rationale This AI system is trained and validated on
for creating this system was based on the article datasets.
proven value to public health responses of In addition to EPIWATCH’s public dash-
monitoring tweets and social media.3,10,47 board, extra functionality is provided with an
This system is publicly available, provides internal dashboard. EPIWATCH also has
open-source code and can be customised a suite of risk analysis tools such as
by users. FLUCAST,52 EPIRISK53 and ORIGINS54
that are designed to forecast the severity of
EPIWATCH an emerging influenza season, prioritise
serious developing epidemics and provide
EPIWATCH is an AI-based system that har-
insights into the origins of epidemics,
nesses open-source data to generate automat-
ed early warnings of epidemics worldwide. Using the Centers for Disease Control
A public dashboard provides analytics with and Prevention’s guideline for evaluating a
a searchable and sortable table of outbreak public health surveillance system55, we com-
reports, analytics capability and geographic pared available systems using 15 specific
information systems mapping functionality parameters (Table 1).
free of charge. EPIWATCH provides
AI-based event filtering, prioritisation, cura-
tion and human review of reports. These fea- Geospatiotemporal forecasting
tures ensure that the user is not overwhelmed Understanding and predicting the geospa-
with an impractical volume of data and pro- tial risk of outbreaks and the evolution
vides a more reliable and trustworthy predic- and spread of epidemics can further
tion of disease outbreaks. inform public health responses. In this con-
EPIWATCH captures specific infectious text, machine learning methods can identify
diseases and clinical syndromes that may and predict the risk of outbreaks at a gran-
signal new and emerging infections. The ular level—both geospatially and
Table 1. Current Internet-based epidemic intelligence systems.
Epidemic Intelligence from Metabiota Epidemic Global Biosurveillance
ID Parameter ProMED Mail HealthMap Open Sources (EIOS) BlueDot Tracker Portal Epitweetr EPIWATCH
Commencement year 1994 2006 2017 2013 2008 2014 2018 2016

1 Epidemic events under  Unusual health events in a  A broad range of infec-  A broad range of infec-  A broad range of  A broad range of  New or undefined infec-  Default setting is the  New or undefined
surveillance broad range of infectious tious diseases tious diseases57 infectious diseases56,58 infectious diseases59 tious diseases topic of infectious infectious diseases
diseases56  A broad range of  All main syndromes  Began as a transport net-  Syndromic surveillance60 diseases  A broad range of
 Clinical syndromes56 syndromes32 included, and is work modelling tool, with  COVID-19,44MERS- infectious diseases
customisable open-source intelligence CoV61  A broad range of
added more recently.  Other epidemics: not syndromes
2 Types of automated or  Health professionals  WHO  >12000 web sources  Official health notifica-  >240 data sources  United States  Tweets from  9 curated sources (e.g.,
primary sources  Formal (e.g., official  ProMED mail (WHO, news channels, tions (e.g., WHO) including official and Department of Defense, Twitter45 WHO, CDC, Outbreak
 Validated health government websites)  News media: Google news feeds, others)63  Health forums (e.g., unofficial sources59 other government agen- News Today)
sources (e.g.,  Informal (media News, Yahoo News,  240 twitter accounts63 ProMED mail) cies, industry, CDC,  Non-curated sources
WHO, CDC, reports)62 Factiva, LexisNexis—  Facebook: Sprinklr,  News articles intelligence community42 (Google News using over
health blogs, etc.27 ministry of health sites  Travel data 4,000 search terms)
professions)  Remote sensing data64
 Unvalidated web
 Social media (e.g.,
3 Number of languages of  At least 6 languages:  15 languages 65  80 languages63  65 languages  Not mentioned  Not mentioned  >20 languages  42 languages
information sources English, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, Russian and
4 Number of languages in  6 languages:  7 languages:  One language: English  Not mentioned  One language:  Not mentioned  One language:  One language: English
which dashboard is English, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Spanish, English English
published Portuguese, Russian and Russian, French,
Arabic21 Portuguese and Arabic32
5 Back translation of  Posts are in both original  Reports are in 7 lan-  Reports are in original  Not mentioned  Reports: brief infor-  Not mentioned  Tweets are in original  Reports are in both
reports from original language and English guages: English, Chinese, language mation is provided in languages original language and
language into English translation56 Spanish, Russian, French,  GPHIN content is English only English translation
Portuguese and Arabic32 translated
6 Frequency of item  Near real- time21  Hourly66  Near real-time (check  Not mentioned  Near real- time39  Near real- time44  Daily  Curated sources: near
collection web sources every real-time
5 minutes)33  Non-curated sources
(e.g., Google News): daily
7 Filter out irrelevant  No automatic filtration21  Automatic categorisation,  Automatically filtering of  Use of AI for automated  Use of AI for auto-  Not mentioned  No automatic  Automatic filtration using
items filtration and integration articles for reports using filtering58 mated filtering68 filtration AI: priority algorithm
of reports with 84% AI: news article credibility improved to 88% using
accuracy27 algorithm67 machine learning
 Filtering out duplicates,  Human moderation: ana-
named entity recognition, lysts review all filtered
categorisation and tag- articles to send the rele-
ging/filtering out noise vant reports
(483 categories)

Table 1. Continued.
Epidemic Intelligence from Metabiota Epidemic Global Biosurveillance
ID Parameter ProMED Mail HealthMap Open Sources (EIOS) BlueDot Tracker Portal Epitweetr EPIWATCH
Commencement year 1994 2006 2017 2013 2008 2014 2018 2016

8 Time, location, disease  Minimum information  Include 1) publication  For COVID-19, the mini-  Not mentioned  Includes 1) time  Not mentioned  Includes 1) tweet  Minimum information
information and link includes 1) time (publica- time, 2) event location, mum information includes (publication time or time, 2) event loca- includes 1) time (publica-
to original source tion time or event time), 3) disease/syndrome, 1) time (publication time event time), 2) out- tion and 3) keywords tion time or event time),
provided in all 2) outbreak location, 4) link to original article32 or event time), 2) event break location and (diseases/syn- 2) outbreak location,
reports 3) diseases/syndromes location, 3) disease: 3) diseases/ dromes) set by users 3) diseases/syndromes
and 4) link to original COVID35 and 4) link to syndrome and 4) link to original
article56 original article article
9 Mapping of reported  With mapping, linked  With mapping, linked  With mapping, linked  With mapping70  Mapping with linked  Mapping44 without  With mapping, no  With mapping, linked
events reports and no search or reports and searchable reports and searchable  Searchable function not reports, without searchable function linked tweets and, reports, and searchable
filter function56 function69 function35 mentioned searchable function39  Linked reports not no search or filter function
 Linked reports not mentioned function
10 Range of data analytics  No analytics56  Number of reports over  Number of COVID-19  Number of cases/deaths
 Regions with low to  MERS-CoV: number of  Number of tweets  Number of reports over
time by disease and cases for global and over time by disease and
high number of epi- cases and deaths in over time by key- time by disease syndrome
syndrome, location selected countries36 location72 demics39 South Korea61 word and location45 and location
(timeseries)69  Other epidemics-number  Risk assessment  Other epidemics: not  Risk analysis tools:
of reports over time (produces epidemic specified EPIRISK, FLUCAST
 Risk analysis tool: risk models for  Predictive modelling
INFORM risk index34,71 insurance, commer- using AI45
cial and government
11 Public data access  Free to public, no down-  Publicly accessible  COVID-19 dashboard and  No public access  Website (map):  No public access  Free to public  Website: free access to
loadable dataset webpage: online view of  Appears to be a paid ser- online view of the recent 1-month data,
the latest reports only35 vice for selected clients latest reports only39 online view only
 Other epidemics: no  System: no public  System: guest user regis-
public access access tration for free, access to
recent 6 months dataset
(Excel), provides both
online view and down-
loadable data
12 Ability to customise  No  Not mentioned  A generic event manage-  Infectious disease  Not mentioned  Can integrate additional  Data collection can  The system, data collec-
ment system module67 surveillance can be software applications44 be customised by tion and analysis can be
that can be customised customised70 setting up keywords, customised based on
according to needs will be location and time45 requests (e.g., radiation)
released to EIOS
 The system can be
customised according
to user needs

Table 1. Continued.
Epidemic Intelligence from Metabiota Epidemic Global Biosurveillance
ID Parameter ProMED Mail HealthMap Open Sources (EIOS) BlueDot Tracker Portal Epitweetr EPIWATCH
Commencement year 1994 2006 2017 2013 2008 2014 2018 2016

13 Number of publications  >1074  >1024,28,30,75–82  >1017,34,83–92  >10  <10 (7 papers)68,93–  <10 (7 papers)42,60,69,  <10 (3  >10104
98 99–102
to validate system papers)46,56,103
14 Timeliness of detecting  ProMED identified the  HealthMap detected the  The EIOS system  BlueDot identified  Not mentioned  Not mentioned  Not mentioned  EPIWATCH detected
early signals of early signal of the unidentified pneumonic detected the first article undiagnosed pneumonia early signals of COVID-19
COVID-19 COVID-19 outbreak on cases in Wuhan Province reporting on a pneumonia in Wuhan Province on the on the day of the WHO
30 December 2019,105 on 30 December 30 cluster in Wuhan same day that the out- announcement.
one day before the 2019,106 one day before Province on the day that break was declared by the
Chinese government the Chinese government the outbreak was WHO.38
officially acknowledged officially acknowledged declared by the WHO.32
the outbreak. the outbreak.
15 Web and Mobile App  Web App developed56  Web App developed69  Web App: COVID-19  Web App (not men-  Web APP  Web App developed44  No Web App  Web App developed
development  Mobile App developed107  Mobile App developed web app accessible to tioned) developed39  No Mobile App  No Mobile App  Mobile App in develop-
(i.e., Outbreaks Near public.35,36 Other epi-  No Mobile App  No Mobile App ment, will be available in
Me)108 demics web app internally app store.
 Mobile App: not

WHO, World Health Organization; CDC, United States Centers for Disease Control; GPHIN, Global Public Health Intelligence Network; app, application.
MacIntyre et al. 11

temporally. Processing such multi- account for lags between intervention and
dimensional (i.e., geospatiotemporal) data response. Support vector machine models
for analysis and forecasting requires and transformers have also been used to
machine learning approaches that can utilise flexibly model the impact of interventions
these features to develop prediction models on pandemic growth globally; these systems
without losing salient information that car- have identified the most effective interven-
ries important signals. Convolutional neural tions employed during the SARS-CoV-2
networks,109 transfer learning, support pandemic.
vector machines, random forest,110 deep Agent-based simulation models can fur-
learning and gradient boosting machine ther provide a flexible alternative to conven-
learning have been applied with high accu- tionally used susceptible-infectious-removed
racy to these challenges in different contexts. models to model geospatial dynamics and
Used in research, these models typically uti- spread. These models can create synthetic
lise regional data on past outbreaks, envi- populations and use available granular
ronmental factors, travel data, social data on geospatial context, contact rates,
factors, vector distribution and satellite behaviour, mobility and infrastructure to
meteorological data (e.g., temperature and model the spread and impact of interven-
rainfall). These data can be highly predictive tions at a fine scale.
of the occurrence and timing of regional out-
breaks, providing a framework for early pre- The potential of AI in public
paredness and response. None of the
available epidemic intelligence systems has
automated capability for geospatial risk The potential of AI in public health is illus-
prediction. trated through the development and use of
the epidemic intelligence systems described
in this review. Nevertheless, AI is not
Modelling of interventions and
widely implemented at an operational level
response in the everyday practice of public health
Early warning systems can be enhanced by compared with the use of AI in clinical
modelling pandemic growth and the effec- medicine. By generating early epidemic
tiveness of interventions. This requires warnings even in low-resource settings or
modelling complex dynamic systems with in areas in which data are censored by gov-
non-linearities that can be applied to time- ernments, AI can be revolutionary. AI ena-
series data with lags between interventions bles early identification and intervention,
and responses. A variety of AI-based allowing the early management of newly
approaches have been applied to develop emergent epidemics to feasibly result in
frameworks for these data and can be auto- eradication. When added to late-stage inter-
mated, customised and added to early warning ventions such as diagnostics, drugs and vac-
systems. These approaches include long- cines, AI can considerably improve health
short term memory networks that are ideal security and the prospect of preventing pan-
for modelling temporal data trends and can demics. AI can be used to identify not only
be trained to retain memory for features that specific diseases but also clinical syndromes
are important for prediction at a given point that may predict new and emerging
in time whilst ‘forgetting’ features that infections. Innovations in novel digital syn-
are unimportant.13 These networks retain dromic surveillance systems using open-source
‘memory’, as needed, over time and can data can support the early detection of serious
12 Journal of International Medical Research

emerging infectious epidemics. The key fea- monkeypox epidemic in non-endemic coun-
tures of an optimised AI system are: tries provided a test case for using learnings
from epidemic intelligence systems’ responses
1. Rapid intelligence drawn from open- to the COVID-19 pandemic. All systems
source data to generate higher-level and reported on monkeypox; however, we are
earlier epidemic alerts compared with tra- aware of only two special initiatives.
ditional surveillance without the need for HealthMap created a monkeypox dashboard
human reporting. These alerts can be fol- with daily updates of case counts,114 and
lowed up with formal investigation and EPIWATCH created a weekly summary of
traditional surveillance methods such as syndromic surveillance for rash and fever ill-
laboratory confirmation by public health nesses that could be monkeypox misdiag-
authorities. nosed as other illnesses.115
2. The capability to rapidly and globally The past decade has seen the emergence
identify key serious syndromes that of epidemics such as the novel zoonotic
may result from new emerging infections influenza,116,117 the Middle East respiratory
or biowarfare events. syndrome coronavirus, Ebola, Zika virus
3. The ability to address the issues of cen- and SARS-CoV-2.118 These events highlight
sorship of reporting and reliance on the increasing risk of emerging infectious dis-
human reporting and the challenges eases and the need for early warning signals.
faced by weak health systems. Strategies to adopt open-source early warning
4. The capability to predict in real time the systems and provide the source code for such
likelihood of serious outcomes of identi- systems would allow for collaborative design
fied events using a suite of decision sup- on a global scale. Harnessing the creative tal-
port tools (e.g., risk analysis, modelling ents of health and software engineering
and simulation), prioritise responses and experts working collaboratively in interdisci-
determine the urgency of intervention. plinary teams could support optimising
5. Tailored user interfaces on the Web, global early warning systems. The creation
mobile applications for real-time decision of tools with free availability and user inter-
support and tools that can be adapted for faces in all major international languages can
use in health and defence across govern- increase access—including for the community
ment and non-government sectors that and local health authorities—to open-source
require early warning and intelligence on intelligence.
serious epidemics.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted

substantial investment in AI tools for The widespread adoption of AI technology
epidemic surveillance. The United States in public health and clinical medicine can
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revolutionise disease prevention and con-
established the Center for Forecasting and trol. Currently, the use of available systems
Outbreak Analytics in 2021,111 and the is not widespread at the grassroots level of
United Kingdom announced its Global public health practice. AI technology can
Pandemic Radar the same year.112 In Berlin, generate early epidemic warnings without
the WHO further established the Pandemic reliance on passive human reporting,
Hub,113 which is co-funded by the German enable intervention early in the timeline of
government. The ECDC established an an epidemic and allow newly emergent epi-
open-source tool called Epitweetr in demics to be identified and eradicated as
August 2018.45,46 The unprecedented 2022 quickly as possible. In this review of existing
MacIntyre et al. 13

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Utility and potential of rapid epidemic
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levels offers the best prospect of preventing 4. EPIWATCH: Prevent the next pandemic
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Author contributions
CRM: Conception and design of the study, man- 5. Chavarria-Mir o G, Anfruns-Estrada E, Guix
uscript drafting and critical revision of the arti- S, et al. Sentinel surveillance of SARS-CoV-2
cle. XC: manuscript drafting, data collection, in wastewater anticipates the occurrence of
revision and manuscript submission. MPK: COVID-19 cases. MedRxiv 2020.
manuscript drafting, data collection and revi- 6. Heslop DJ, Chughtai AA, Bui CM, et al.
sion. AQ: manuscript drafting, data interpreta- Publicly available software tools for
tion and revision. SL: manuscript drafting and decision-makers during an emergent epi-
revision. HS, HP, LY, DH, WW, and IS: man- demic—Systematic evaluation of utility
uscript drafting. DG: manuscript drafting and and usability. Epidemics 2017; 21: 1–12.
study conception. 7. Kpozehouen EB, Chen X, Zhu M, et al.
Using open-source intelligence to detect
Declaration of conflicting interests early signals of COVID-19 in China:
The authors declared the following potential descriptive study. JMIR Public Health
conflicts of interest with respect to the research, Surveill 2020; 6: e18939.
authorship, and/or publication of this article: 8. MacIntyre R. The risk of selective invest-
The authors are part of the EPIWATCH system. ment in downstream pandemic planning.
Global Biosecurity 2019; 1.
Funding 9. Ajisegiri WS, Chughtai AA and MacIntyre
CR. A risk analysis approach to prioritiz-
The authors disclosed receipt of the following
ing epidemics: Ebola virus disease in West
financial support for the research, authorship,
Africa as a case study. Risk Anal 2018; 38:
and/or publication of this article: Funding was
provided by the Medical Research Future Fund
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