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RADIO SET MKS. The outstanding feature of -the National Radio Parts Trade
Show at Chicago was thcein.terek shown by servicemen, dealers
Plan to Limit Tube Types and distributors in the display featuring the latest additions to
Widely Endorsed the RCA line of test equipment.
An RCA innovation that was trouble - shooting ultra - high - fre -
Radio manufacturers, distributors, right in line with present develop- quency receivers can be accom-
dealers and servicemen are all ments in the radio field is the No. plished with the same ease and ac-
heartily in favor of the RCA "Pref- 164 Chanalyst Ultra - High - Fre - curacy the regular Chanalyst pro-
erence List- program to limit the quency Converter, designed for use vides in the broadcast ranges.
number of receiving tube types, ac- with the standard RCA Rider Chan- The Junior VoltOhmyst, de-
cording to L. W. Teegarden, RCA alyst to extend its range to the signed to supply an instrument of
Tubes and Equipment Sales Man- ultra -high -frequencies which are be- RCA quality, RCA design and
ager. coming increasingly important fac- RCA operating efficiency, was an-
Endorsements from radio manu- tors in radio reception. other new product that won a full
facturers and others in the industry This unit is identical in size with share of attention in Chicago, even
indicate an enthusiasm for the the standard Chanalyst and matches beside such s-ectacular exhibits as
-preference list- idea that is being the Chanalyst in appearance and the Dynamic Demonstrator and the
backed up by action. Each month styling. All interconnecting cables RCA Amateur Television Equip -
shows an increasing percentage of necessary are included so that (Continued on page 2, column 4)
the 36 basic types on the "prefer-
ence list- being shipped to manu-
facturers by RCA . convincing
. .

proof of the acceptance for this

RCA plan.
First evidence of the soundness
of this prediction is found in Mr.
Teega rden's announcements
twelve of the types on the 'prefer-
ence list- have been reduced in
price to equipment manufacturers.
This has been possible, he said, be- Electron -ray Tubes Speed up Operation and Increase
cause of lowered tube manufactur-
ing costs resulting from concen-
trated volume on fewer tube types.
Versatility of Signal -Tracing Instrument
Here are the manufacturers who By JOHN F. RIDER
have so far endorsed the RCA Pre-
ferred Type Program: Sentinel, More than 3,500 satisfied users
Farnsworth, Detrola, Continental, already know the Rider Chanalyst (Editor's Note: In response to a
Hallicrafters, Emerson, Andrea, employs four electron -ray tube indi- number of inquiries as to why
Stromberg Carlson, Wurlitzer, Pack- cators, and one meter -type of indi- electron -ray tubes were used in-
ard Bell, DeWald, Sonora, Garod, cator. The decision to use the elec- stead of meters in the Chanalyst,
Gilfillan, Pilot and others. FOR RADIO RECEPTION
tron -ray indicator in four of the we went straight to headquarters
channels in the instrument, and the for the inside information! Here
one meter indicator in the volt- are the facts . presented by the
Does Not Affect Circuit Development

RCA is not advocating the ces-
of circuit development in
el) meter channel, was not an arbitrary
move. It was a deliberate step taken
man best qualified to give them
. Mr. Rider, himself!)
order to minimize tube types. A halt as the final result of several years
can never be made in circuit de- of research in which very conceiv- other forms of indication were
velopment, but operating improve- able type of indicator including the tested-such as signal levels in ab-
ments, supposedly due to circuit in- neon tube, various types of vacuum - solute values upon meters and
novations, have not kept pace with tube voltmeters, and the cathode- scales associated with the cathode -
the number of tube types announced ray oscillograph was used in each of
If you were walking down the street, and saw this striking, ten - the channel indicators. Various (Continued on page 2, column 4)
during the past few years, due to color window display, what would you do? You'd stop for a second
the introduction of these circuit in-
and closer look, of course, and that's what everybody else will do.
novations. This is clearly indicated
by an analysis which shows that of
all the tube types available, 90
So, why delay? Get in touch with your distributor, and find out
how you can get this traffic -stopping, sales -pulling display!
Servicemen are Enthusiastic
(Continued on page 2, column 4)


First Users Hail It as Big Forward Step
Every serviceman who inspects easily read, and the instrument has
the new RCA Oscillator, Model 167 an unusually high output.
will be enthusiastic about the ad- The panel is chrome plated, sim-
vanced features of this model which ilar to the Chanalyst in appearance,
replaces the Model 153. and a new type of metal pointer has
The new instrument is a much replaced the celluloid pointer of the
better looking job than the former old model. The giant dial assures an
model, and while similar in electri- easily read setting, the high fre-
cal characteristics, it incorporates a quency range alone covering more
number of important changes. The than I 0 inches. RCA all -metal tubes
Model 167 is designed to meet every give stability to circuit design and
requirement for servicing the most eliminate tube shielding. Beauty and utility are combined in the new Model 167 Oscillator
complex radio receiver. The fre- Included with the instrument is
quency range is from 100 to 30,000 large, low -capacity output cable, . . designed to fill every requirement for servicing all types of
475 tube types available on the a
radio receivers.
market. It doesn't make sense! kcs, the dial scale is accurate and (Continued on pone 4, column 3)

RCA Signalyst Matches The Attenuator SERVICEMEN HAIL NEW ADDITIONS

Laboratory Signal Generators! TO RCA LINE
(Continued from page 1, column 5) fields. RCA's wide experience in the
Has Range of 100 kc to 120 mc on fundamentals! ment display. 1 he Junior Volt- fields of broadcasting, public ad-
Ohmyst, priced at approximately dress systems, theatre equipment,
Announcement of the RC. Signalyst, a genuine signal generator has $30 will be available for delivery sound recording, centralized radio
met with approval by servicemen everywhere. However, this term signal in September . . and at that price and coordinating systems indicated

generator has been very much abused in the service field. Many signal there can be little doubt it will a definite need for a Signal Tracing
sources which are really test oscillators, have been called signal gener- prove the most popular unit of this type of test instrument that would
ators. RCA has never done this because there is a marked distinction type introduced in many a long day. handle the wide requirements of the
between a test oscillator and a signal generator. But now RCA is proud One instrument that drew much general audio equipment field.
to offer the radio service industry a signal source which is truly a signal favorable attention and comment The RCA Audio Chanalyst, ex-
generator . .the RCA Signalyst. Because of its precision output, sta-
. was the new RCA No. 166 Audio hibited at Chicago, provides the
bility, low distortion, extremely great frequency range and other features The electrostatically shielded Chanalyst, an extension of the sig- ideal solution for situations where
heretofore found only in precise< ladder -type attenuator provides nal tracing service of the regular the serviceman must go to the job
laboratory equipment, this device The design of the attenuator unit direct readings in microvolts RCA Rider Chanalyst to wider and make repairs on the spot. It
lives up to the full significance of is similar to that found in very ex - in conjunction with the meter. fields. not only replaces the several mis-
the term "signal generator.% pensive signal generators of strictly There is a definite place for an cellaneous instruments now re-
What are the features in this in- laboratory variety, but of extremely many servicemen, and greatly inter- application of the Chanalyst type quired, but in addition provides Sig-
strument which make it so outstand- lugged construction, with electro- fered with many operations which of signal tracing equipment in the nal Tracing methods not previously
ing as to be without an equal in the static shielding between sections, called for a waak signal. The design ever-expanding sound equipment available . . all in a single case.
radio servicing industry? and direct reading in microvolts in of the ccmplete Signalyst, the shield-
conjunction with the reference level ing of the oscillating circuit com-
Frequency Range meter. The complete system gives ponents, the use of metal panel with
spective of the type of indicator
The fundamental frequency range direct reading in microvolts of all the fewest pot:s:ble openings, the ab- used. There are, of course, a few
of a signal source means very much
in daily service operations, because
to 50,000
sence of open -face dials, the location
of the components, the coaxial
RIDER EXPLAINS exceptions to this statement, such
as the determination of the signal
it controls the speed and accuracy tween 50,000 microvolts and 0.3
cable, and the special attenuator (Continued from page 1, column 5) level at the antenna, the audio vol-
with which a serviceman can secure volt are indicated directly on the construction-all combine to reduce ray tube and the electron -ray tube, tage across the detector output or
the signal he needs. The gradual meter. leakage over the entire frequency and the relative indications using input to the a -f amplifier, and across
approach to the use of ultra -high Stability and Permanency of range of the instrument to a very electron -ray tubes as well as meters. the voice coil. if you compare the
frequencies in radio design has Calibration negligible value. This, is of tremen- last three tests with the numerous
fostered the use of harmonic fre- dous importance, particularly on the Use of Ricler Was Carefully other tests in a receiver where con-
quencies because of the absence of Another service problem of the high frequencies. It is also of im- Considered signal tracing is employed,
portance in connection with avc ac- you will find the places where signal
tion during high -frequency align- Ample opportunity existed dur- voltage in absolute values is not
ment operations. ing the development of the Rider necessary, greatly outnumber those
Chanalyst, to investigate the utility where such data might be needed.
Ease of Tuning of meters as indicators. In fact, as Therefore, calibration of the test
is evident in the Rider Chanalyst, a unit irrespective of the type of in-
No backlash, erratic, jumpy ac- new type of vacuum -tube voltmeter dicator used need not be in absolute
tion, or other conditions which con- intended for the measurement of values of signal voltage.
tribute to difficult tuning and reduce d/c potentials was developed, to fill
the speed with which the device can existing and future requirements of
be used! Special care was exercised the servicing industry. From all ap- Accuracy of Electron -ray Fully
in the construction of the tuning pearances, the many meritorious Established
condenser mechanism to provide features visualized in this new devel- However, it was impossible to
smooth direct drive, and a smoother opment were correct. Because of dismiss the use of meters as indi-
vernier drive. No friction drive- this tube voltmeter circuit in the cators on the grounds that absolute
no dial cable - instead a positive Rider Chanalyst, it has become in- values of signal voltage did not rep-
gear drive! creasingly popular in the test
equipment field. resent essential data for rapid sig-
Modulation nal tracing. Another very important
factor required consideration. This
Recognizing the possibility of Basis of Signal Tracing was the matter of accuracy. Was the
varying modulation frequency needs To understand the decisions made use of meters as indicators justified
in the future, the RCA engineers after detailed research, it is neces- on the grounds of greater accuracy
designed the Signalyst with an in- sary to dissect some of the basic in measurement? Experiments clef -
ternal 400 -cycle modulating oscil- considerations involved
lator adjusted for 30 -percent modu- tracing.
lation, with provision for external Essentially, a test signal is trace.,
modulation at all frequencies from through a communication system s.
as low as 60 cycles to as high as 5 as to determine where it exists-
The beautiful panel of the RCA Signalyst is indicative megacycles; also, to accept all wave- where it dies, or no longer exists-
of its performance. forms of modulating voltage from where it appears in circuits where.
high -frequency generators, and this past when using signal sources, was the sine wave to a square wave. The it does not belong-where it doe,
practice has introduced certain dif- the accuracy and permanency of men who designed this instrument not receive the proper amount of
ficulties in service operations. The calibration, and stability of the os- know the future needs of the radio amplification - where it becomes
signal levels available at these har- cillating system. In the RCA Sig- industry! Maximum operating util- distorted-where it takes on hum,
monic frequencies were, in many nalyst this difficulty is eliminated by ity and long useful life with mini- etc. There are, of course, othei
cases, too low to meet the needs of the highly scientific design of the mized obsolescence! supplementary operations such as 1.01, RF.IF
the servicemen. Rapid identification oscillating system, proper selection visual examination of the signal and LEVEL
of the proper harmonic frequency of the components for permanency Other Features listening to the signal, but these are
was difficult. Slightly incorrect tun- of constants, rugged construction, supplementary to the basic or essen-
There are many more features in tial operations already mentioned.
ing to the fundamental frequency and precision calibration. Alignment this RCA Signalyst ... A heterodyne
caused an appreciable frequency adjustment of the oscillating circuits detector within the instrument for If you analyze these operations
error on the harmonic. is provided on both the low- and in a critical manner, one fact stands The RF-IF Multiplier and Level
the purpose of easy calibration; d -c
Realizing all of this, and also the high -frequency ends of each band. voltage output for the operation of out. At no time are you concerned calibrated controls on the Rider
future need for ultra -high frequen- The accuracy of frequency calibra- crystal calibrators; modulated or un- with the exact magnitude of the Chanalyst.
cies, the RCA engineers designed tion at the ends of
the bands is signal expressed in microvolts at
modulated wave output; a 400 -cycle
the Signalyst to afford a fundamen- within 0.05 percent, and accuracy audio output; regulated plate and various places in the device being initely proved the contrary. They
proved the meter was no more ac-
tal frequency range which covers of tracking over each complete band screen voltage supply, and others diagnosed. Signal tracing provides curate than the electron -ray tube as
today's and tomorrow's needs? 100 is better than I percent. The circuit too numerous to mention in this all of the necessary information and an indicator in any calibrated cir-
kc to 120 mc, in 10 bands and all design is such as to provide the space. points to the trouble without requir-
on fundamental frequencies! greatest stability. ing measurement of signal levels in cuit, because of certain definite con -
This is an engineering accom- No perceptible drift in frequency Only by trying this instrument absolute values. This is true irre- (Continued on page 3, colunm 3)
plishment. No other signal source even in the ultra -high frequency can you really appreciate all of its
capabilities. One thing is certain-
offered to the servicing industry, ranges is noticeable during many when you buy and use this RCA
not even laboratory signal gener- hours of operation. Signalyst, you have a signal gener-
tion of the tube inventory, the serv-
ators costing many times more than
the Signalyst, offers such a wide
Leakage ator with many years of life, and Tube Type Program ! ice shop must of necessity keep
some tubes in stock. Maybe they
frequency range in fundamentals. Signal leakage from the signal one upon which you can depend. (Continued front page 1, column 1) do not require all types; perhaps
This wide frequency range pro- source has been an annoyance to You'll be proud to own it! types cover the 20 basic functions only some types, but if you analyze
vides an unlimited field of opera employed in radio receivers. This the tubes developed up to about
tion. This one signal source expands does not mean that further concep- three years ago, the types are so
the operating capabilities of a serv- tion of some new basic function is numerous that a suitable stock can-
ice shop because it embraces the impossible and that new tube types not be maintained by the average
frequencies to be found in many will not be required to perform such service shop.
classes of radio service. Starting at functions.
100 kc, its range includes the fre- What happens? The serviceman
quencies used in ship -to -shore com- It does mean that further an- must call upon the jobber for certain
munication, marine beacons, air- nouncement of new tube types special types or even for the types
craft, police, the broadcast field, the should await development of new which are out of the category of the
major amateur frequencies, interna- basic functions. This is, as you can "fastest movers". He cannot even
tional broadcast, facsimile, tele- readily see, a much slower basis of maintain the stock of the "fast mov-
vision, frequency modulation, radio announcing tube types, and does ers", because it involves many more
fire alarm, and many others. Truly give the serviceman an opportunity than the list of "fastest movers".
an instrument which can be used in to acquaint himself with the opera- This means a much higher cost for
any branch of the radio industry. tion and characteristics of the tubes rendering service: first, as to the
used in the receiver and with the time required to do a service job,
The Attenuator performance of standard circuits. because added time is needed to se-
How many times in the past have This seems pretty much beyond con- cure the tubes not on hand, and
you cussed an attenuator system? tradiction when we realize that it is second the reduced discount because
The zero setting meant nothing! . possible to select a total of less than
40 different types to cover every of smaller quantity purchases.
. .

You adjusted a receiver at a sup- From the viewpoint of inventory,

posedly weak signal, only to find function adequately for any type of
that it was not sensitive, because radio receiver within the four major the serviceman encounters further
the signal from the signal source categories of a -c, battery, a-c-d-c, problems. If he tries to maintain
was many times the strength indi- and auto -radio receivers. an ample stock, the turn -over is
cated by the attenuator setting. greatest upon certain types and slow
Not so with the RCA Signalyst? Economically Speaking on others. There is no profit on
The attentuation system gives the From the economic viewpoint, a tubes on the shelf, no matter how
operator control of the signal level reduction in tube types will mean little they cost. Every attempt to
at all frequencies to an extent never a great deal to the servicing indus- reduce tube types will help turn-
before available in servicing appar- Inside the RCA Signalyst. A triumph of the try. While it is true that the parts over of service shop inventory. Even
atus. instrument maker's art! jobber maintains the greatest por- (Continued on page 4, column 4)

(Continued front page 2, column 5)
Now you can win your choice of a handsome trolling influences which exist in all
RCA Service Engineer's Pencil or any volume
of RCA Victor Service Notes by sending tips such signal -tracing equipment.
to RCA Radio Service News, Camden, New To appreciate this comparison
Jersey. . . Service Tips must be acceptable
between the electron -ray indicator
for either RCA Radio Service News or the and the meter -type indicator, you
understand the manner in
RCA Radio Service Tip File. . . . All tips be- must
come the property of RCA to be used as they which these units can be used. Both
see fit.... Service Tips are our readers' ideas, the electron -ray type of indicator
and the meter -type indicator are lo-
not ours. While RCA Radio Service News cated in the output circuit of the
believes they are worthwhile, we cannot be amplifier channel. Such being the
responsible for results. case, the signal applied to the two
indicator systems depends upon the
Being in the automobile radio The Modus Operandi is as fol- performance of the amplifier and rec-
service business for quite a number lows: Suppose you have an oscillo- tifier ahead of the indicator in the test
of years, I have a few ideas of my scope. (What service man hasn't?) unit. You can therefore readily un-
own. Here are two which not only You take your camera, whether it derstand that any change in the gain
an automobile radio shop should be a miniature "candid" type, or characteristics of this amplifier will Three new "Sales Aid Catalogs" . . . illustrating and describing
have but also home receiver service larger, and place a copying or por- change the signal level at the out- the greatest assortment of advertising, sales promotion and display
shops. trait attachment on the front of the put of the amplifier-consequently, material ever offered the radio dealer and serviceman.
lens. This allows you to work about the indication of signal level shown
In the case of auto receivers 16 inches (or less) from your upon the indicator. This applies to
where the sets are built so com- camera to the screen of the oscil- the electron -ray tube, as well as the
pactly, I find this gadget most in- loscope. meter -type indicator. Doubtless you
dispensable. Now, turn on your oscilloscope, are well aware of the fact that many
with a perfectly tuned receiver as variations exist in amplifier opera-
Robber input. Snap the picture, giving it tions, such as variation in the con-
Cap about an exposure of 1/20 at f:8 to dition of the tubes during their nor-
(-Hook Woo den if.vd/e f:12. Since you need a tripod, speed mal life, variation in line voltages,
is not necessary, and greater detail humidity, etc. Any one, or all of
will be obtained by "stopping down" these, will change the signal level YOU'LL FIND A COMPLETE
The full length of it is about six at f:12. Then, place the receiver at the output of the test unit am-
inches. The prod is bent at the end slightly out (move the trimmers, plifier; therefore the indication upon
to a hook shape and is of stiff wire etc.). Make another exposure. De- any type of indicator used. Thus it
material. The handle is a round velop and print as usual-enlarge if is clearly evident that the meter as SALES PROMOTION PROGRAM!
piece of wood about half -inch in di- necessary. If you do your own de- an indicator cannot give any greater
ameter. On the free end of this veloping, use Fine -Grain developer, degree of accuracy in measurement By this time, a copy of the "Sales iety of counter and window signs.
handle is a rubber cap. I use the and develop for 20 minutes. This in any one channel, than is possible Aid Catalog" should be in your In addition, these "Sales Aid Cat-
hook end to locate loose connections should give you a nice through -and - with an electron -ray tube used as an hands. If you haven't received your alogs" illustrate a number of at-
and the rubber end to tap the tubes through image. indicator. copy yet, don't wait any longer. tractive newspaper advertisements,
with in order to locate a micro - Leave a print or enlargement of The fact that the meter itself is Get in touch with your distributor, a window display that is really a
phonic tube. both these pictures in each home accurate to within a few percent and let him know in no uncertain "knockout". and a series of seven
At a nearby neighborhood market you visit. by This will impress the radio means very little in the overall re- terms that you need a "Sales Aid direct mail postcards that will enable
giving visible, under- sult, because variations of gain in
I can get apple boxes free and I use owners, evidence of the difference even well -constructed amplifiers may
Catalog" in your business . . and you to conduct an effective selling

these boxes to put the radios in standable a receiver that's "right be as great as from 30% to perhaps
you need it right away! campaign through the mails at a
after they have been taken out of between
and one that's "out". Most people 100%, depending upon the existing
These new "Sales Aid Catalogs" minimum of expense.
the car for service. These boxes are are "from Missouri"-you cover the most complete lines of A wide-awake, smart appearance
placed on the shelves. On one side show them. have to conditions. dealer helps that Radiotron, Victor
Recalling that calibrations in ab- and Cunningham have ever offered of the proprietor and his employees
there is a mark to indicate whether solute values are not necessary- is always an asset whether you're
the set has been serviced or not. the comparison between the meter to the serviceman. When we say servicing radios or selling diamond
M. J. Feigenbaum, "most complete" we mean exactly necklaces! That's why you'll find a
In this way, I manage to keep track c/o Superior Radio Service, and the electron -ray tube narrows
of all of the jobs in the shop. 42 Jefferson Street, down to reference level indications. that! On the pages of these cat- full line of Service Garments illus-
Yonkers, New York. alogs, ycu will find everything you trated and described in these cat-
Dick Wong, need to conduct an aggressive ad- and priced at figures
192 W. Santa Barbara Ave., E!ectron-ray Speeds Servicing! vertising campaign, plus a host of alogs . . .

display ideas for your store or shop, which make them one of the sound-
Los Angeles, Calif. Getting New Business Still further investigation of the not to mention a complete system est investments you'll find in a coast
use of the indicators calibrated in for following up prospects, record- to coast tour!
One excellent but inexpensive absolute values of signal voltage as ing service orders, itemizing repair There's a service engineer's pen,
Hum-General Electric J -I05 way of obtaining new business, is against those used as reference level charges all the way through to a worthy companion to those pen-
to obtain a list of the new families indicators, show the latter to be . . .

the happy moment when you present cils which have been so popular .. .
A frequent trouble in this model moving into your city each week. greatly superior in speed of ser- a bill on your own billhead! but why should we go on talking
is a loud hum. It is due to the first Then with the aid of a one -cent vicing operations involving gain and You'll find cne of the greatest about what's in that catalog? If you
filter condenser being open. The dif- postal card drop them a note advis- in interpretation of the indications. arrays of outdoor and indoor signs have one, you can look it over for
ficulty lies not in the diagnosis but ing the prospective customer that The prime reason for this condition that ever gladdened your eyes yourself. If you haven't one
. . . . . .

in tracing the condenser connections you will be more than happy to call was found to be the necessity, in the not to mention illuminated clocks, make sure that your distributor gets
(due to the compact and inacces- and check their radio and if same case of absolute value calibration, decalcomanias, and a splendid va- one into your hands right away?
sible construction). is all 0. K. arrange for the installa- of reading the value of signal volt-
age for each position of the pickup
Therefore I suggest to other Ser- tion of an Antenna and Ground. In probe; then converting the indicated
vicemen that they make a mental doing so you have made a new signal level into the same electrical
note of the terminal -board diagram friend and very often a profitable units, and then dividing one by the
shown below. Connect an 8 or 10 account. (Note: The list of new fam- other to arrive at the quotient which
mfd. condenser to the two large lugs ilies can be obtained through your represented the gain in signal level
on this board. (Note: The speaker local Chamber of Commerce or
field of this set is in the negative Credit Bureau office.)
between any two points being SERVICEMAN'S KIT INCLUDED
checked. This work involved entirely
lead, hence connecting the con- too much time and was not con-
denser from B -plus to chassis will H. H. Taylor, ducive to rapid servicing.
not work.) Jewell Radio Service,
Arcade Bldg.,
In the case of reference level in- IN NEW RCA SALES AID CATALOG
dicators operation was much more

E=I n-e St. Joseph, Mo.

Beer Gardens Help Sell Sets

rapid between this type circuit em-
ploys level and multiplier controls direct
which are direct reading in amplifi- Catalog
Everything from neon window signs to a series of snappy

cation. This was complete proof of RCA Radiotron,

mail postcards is included in a colorful Sales Aid
just issued by RCA with distinctive editions for
Cunningham and RCA Victor tubes.
a la

la .2
the advantage of the reference level
Two beer gardens on my avenue indicator over the absolute signal The catalog lists large display units such as the extremely
0 CI CI about ten blocks apart, help me sell level indicator. popular Preferred Type Girl display, plain and illuminated
0 El CI EI ) radios. I always see that they are signs, electric clocks, a unique mirror flashing sign that
FRavrar Sir --"" supplied with radios. This is what gives a novel third dimensional effect, decalcomanias for
I do. Reference Level Indicators show windows, cardboard displays in 12 colors, and dummy
George H. Koether, Jr., I put a radio in each of these es- The relative value of using meters tube cartons.
tablishments with a "for sale" sign or electron -ray tubes as reference Promotions may be built around a wide selection of news-
Round Bay, on it and my cards nearby. Being level indicators was then investi- paper ad mats, a radio travelog, a movie sound trailer, and
Severna Park, Md. good friends, they refuse the 10% gated. From the viewpoint of gen- a radio transcription having thirteen different one minute
which I know it is worth. So in re- eral performance, the reference level spot announcements. As with all other promotional items,
turn I am a fair customer to both! type of meter indicator was just as space is provided for dealer imprint.
Tester for Dial Lights good as the electron -ray tube-but The complete "makings" for a direct mail campaign is
Alexander Saberski, since it afforded no advantages over provided by a series of postal cards packing a real selling
A handy tester for most dial H. & A. Radio Service, the tube type of indicator, yet cost punch. Seven different cards featuring eye-catching car-
lights can be made up with a resist- 428 Wilson Avenue, many times more and had other toons are supplied with a three -line imprint.
ance cord and voltmeter and about Brooklyn, N. Y. weak points - no justification was Listed for the first time and of particular interest to ser-
5 sockets. A small power rheostat
found for its use, since its employ- vicemen is the serviceman's kit for carrying tools, tubes,
is used to make adjustments for ment in four channels meant a very wire and parts for outside calls. Special equipment holds
various voltages. This "Dial Lite" Motor Driven Controls on great increase in the cost price to soldering iron, pliers, screwdrivers, etc. An all steel parts
tester used on AC or DC is the the servicemen. cabinet for convenient storage on counter or shelf is also
Detrola 175 and Trutone D727 To use meters just for the sake of shown. Another new item is a serviceman's pen equipped
handiest unit for servicemen and using them or possibly for sales ap-
stores. The sockets should be of the These sets have motor driven with the patented RCA resistor drums, which indicate the
miniature, bayonet and candelabra tuning controls, and the mechanism peal was penalizing the servicing capacity of various types of resistors. Two automatic pencils
industry by unnecessarily increasing
types. seems to stick when certain ad- the cost of the instrument. Further similarly equipped also are listed. One has an ingenious
jacent buttons are pressed. The progress in this investigation un- mechanism which shifts the lead to any one of three colors.
trouble may be remedied by remov- covered several disadvantages of the
ing the rosin that gets into the hold- meter -type indicator even as an es-
110 V Resistance Cord down springs, and prevents proper tablished reference level indicator
"trevoloAAMt positioning of same. These springs and the definite superiority of the
clamp the contacts on a frame and electron -ray tube as an indicator.
make contact on two metal strips
A very simple reason explains
mounted on a fiber drum, which is the superiority of the reference level
Ben Wolf, in turn mounted on the end of the type of indication. The calibrated
Ben's Radio, variable tuning condenser. Any ten- controls used with such a reference
dency toward a "no cct" when a level indicator to establish differ-
372 Tremont St.,
Boston, Mass.
button is pushed, usually indicates ences in signal level are so located Here's the latest, and one of the handiest additions to a
a film of dirt or other poor contact in the channel, that the calibration serviceman's that RCA has ever offered! It's a
on the metal strips, and usually can indications are substantially inde- fine fountain equipmentpen, with the patented resistor drums which
be eliminated by polishing the bands pendent of changes in the operating scored such a success on the pencils offered in previous
"Oscillosc )pe Pictures" with very fine emery cloth. characteristics of the test unit ampli- years. If you have a pencil, you'll want this full guaranteed
Many service men are also ama- J. J. MacDonald, fier. A very significant detail devel- fountain pen to complete your set. And if you haven't a
oped during this investigation. The pencil, you'll want this high -quality pen anyhow. See your
teur photographers, and can put 112 Locust St.,
their hobby to work for them. Winthrop, Mass. (Continued on page 4, co/uann 1) distributor about getting either or both!
as replacement items. A definite loss
in operating time would ensue in
the event such replacement was nec- Here's Your Three Star Attraction at Chicago!
essary and the replacement meter
(Cont,nued from page 3, column 3) was not locally available.
electron -ray tube type of indicator, After considering all these factors,
which is inherently stable, did not the conclusions strengthened the
require balancing adjustments and conviction that the use of electron -
other precautionary measures neces- ray tubes are indicator was definitely
sary when meter -type indicators are preferable to meter -type indicators.
employed in such circuits.
Summary of Amplifier Channel
Longer Life and Greater Stability Indicators
From the viewpoint of operating Summarizing the development of
life and stability, one prime requisite the Chanalyst as it related to the use
of servicing equipment is longest of the -eyes- instead of meter in-
useful operating life and maximum dicators, it became clearly evident
stability. It was logical that thethat if the electron -ray tube as a
fewer complicated and critical cir-
reference level indicator is prefer-
cuits in the test unit, the more stable
the operation of the unit and the able to the use of a meter to estab-
lish the extent of amplification of the
longer its probable operating life. signal in a communication unit
Each of the meter indications, even being checked, then most certainly
as a reference level indicator, re- it is to be preferred in all of those
quired the use of a vacuum -tube applications which do not in any
voltmeter circuit, and if each am- way involve measurement of signal
plifier channel employed such vac- level. As to those few instances
uum -tube voltmeter systems, it when it is desired to actually estab-
meant three additional critical cir- lish the signal level, it can be done
Another point taken in considera- with the electron -ray indicator just
tion was the fact that in normal sig- as conveniently as with a meter -
type because the nature of the cir-
nal tracing operations, the signal cuit permits calibration with normal
level increases between test points reasonable tolerances. In fact, this
in unknown quantities until the is done in the Chanalyst and applies
actual tests are made. A meter -type in those cases where it is vitally
indicator, even though it is a refer- important; namely, the r -f and i-f
ence level indicator, cannot help but channel and the a -f channel. In the
be subjected to very frequent input case of the oscillator channel, it was
signal overloads as the pickup probe definitely established that the func-
is moved from point to point, with tion of the indicator was purely one
resultant "banging" of the meter of a tuning meter, to be employed
pointer off -scale. While such meter in such operations as monitoring See the RCA Dynamic Demonstrator in action at the RCA Booth and meet the men who are taking it on
circuits can be designed to minimize the oscillator output, checking f re- a swing around the country. Left to right: Warren Kimball, Bill Bohlke and Johnny Meagher.
burn -out of the meter winding, the 7,uency of sir:nals within the fre-
continual banging of the pointer off - quency range of the channel, check- cuit terminating in an electron -ray
scale is not conducive to long life. ing for drift, etc. indicator in this portion of the PEP UP THAT NEXT SERVICE MEETING!
The electron -ray type of indicator As the measurement of the out- Chanalyst, was based upon existing
has no such weak point. A signal put of oscillating systems, such as needs. The primary purpose of this
overload causes nothing more than used in radio receivers and other channel was to provide a rapid
a change in shadow angle. This daces, the accepted practice, as check of the approximate power
change is shadow angle, even to the shown by engineering data, is consumption of the device being ser-
Borrow an RCA Dynamic Demonstrator !
viced so as to identify
extent of an overlap-which means measurement of the oscillator grid dition of the unit was such as to if the con-
a very definite signal overload-is current through the grid leak or the permit a signal tracing test, to show Yes, we said -borrow-I The RCA and they can hear the results. No
entirely within the normal operat- d -c voltage developed across the a major overload or an underload. Dynamic Demonstrator is a show more is it necessary for a radio
ing capabilities of the tube and no oscillat-sr grid leak by the grid cur-
damage is done. The higher accuracy of a standard in itself, a fascinating show that service lecturer to bury his head in
rent. For this purpose there was watt meter was recognized but the will hold the attention of every ser- a radio receiver and tell his audience
Electron -ray Simplifies provided the electronic d -c volt- cost of such a device with respect viceman who is interested in adding what he is doing! Now they can see
meter. That such form of measure- to its advantages over the special to his fund of technical informa- everything he does! Now they can
Replacement ment is the accepted practice is at- circuit devised, did not seem jus- tion and equipping himself to give see him place the probe, open the
When speaking about operating tested to by the fact that the re- tified. better service to his customers. connection, short circuit the part,
life, we also have to consider what ceiver manufacturers who stipulate The Eyes Have It! If either Bill Bohlke, Warren make the circuit change. Everything
happens in case Kimball or Johnny Meagher have is visible! Every operation is clear
replacement of It is possible to mention many not as yet hit your town with the -simple to understand. Now a lec-
the indicators be- more reasons why the electron -ray RCA Dynamic Demonstrator, you ture can run smoothly. As the
comes necessary. indicator was selected instead of have a treat coming when your dis- speaker talks, he demonstrates. Hav-
The electron -ray meters, but we feel that the reasons tributor puts on an RCA service ing attended service meetings you
tube is replace- given herein are the important ones meeting. Your RCA parts jobber is know how much time is lost tracing
able everywhere -and they must be correct because getting one for demonstration pur- socket contacts-turning the chass:s
so that a mini- the experience of the men who have poses and you can borrow it for upside down and going through op-
mum loss of use- used the Chanalyst in the field have your service meetings. erations that seem endless because
ful operating proved the soundness of this funda- Johnny Meagher of the Camden they are invisible.
time of the in- mental design. Radio Service Division of RCA, who You know how bored you have
strument or incidentally lectures on radio ser- become during such sessions. People
vicing at the Camden County, New fidget-chairs scrape-men talk to
channel is en- "Marker" Frequencies
tailed if any- Jersey Vocational School, conceived each other-the meeting drags. Be-
thing goes wrong You have used marker frequen- the idea of making first, a composite cause of that, many men who speak
with the indica- cies in connection with general vis- receiver embracing virtually every at service meetings have been forced
tor system. Since ual alignment of conventional r -f development introduced into the su- to limit their subjects and conse-
the parts are few, and i-f systems and perhaps you perheterodyne during the past ten quently could not give the service-
replacement of have wondered if they could also years; second, to locate the parts man all that he wanted!
components, if be used in other applications. In upon a gigantic board with all con- Speak to your jobber today. See
found necessary, checking an f -m receiver we found nections accessible; and third, to ar- that he gets one of the RCA Dy-
that by feeding an unmodulated sig- range all the components so that namic Demonstrators and borrow it
can be made nal from an auxiliary test oscillator every part is not only accessible, but for every one of your service meet-
with ease. And fo-,r electron-ra7 indicators in the Rider Chanalyst we were able to check the limits of that any part may be disconnected, ings. Devote a portion of the meeting
the cost of such Themake for versatilitj and rapidity of operation. the frequency -modulated band as shorted, open -circuited or another to the discussion and demonstration
replacement of well as the peak frequency of the substituted. of servicing technique.
the indicator is amplifier simply by connecting
negligible. o-;cillator output do so by stating the i-f
the output of the unmodulated os- Add all that together and you You now have the opportunity of
As to the meter -type of indicator, d -c voltage present across the os- cillator in parallel with that of the have the Dynamic Demonstrator, a demonstrating and comparing the
replacement is not only more ex- cillator grid leak. completely exposed radio receiver
frequency -modulated oscillator. The to which all sorts of defects can be operation of various kinds of test
pensive but might conceixably be Wattage Indicator result was a definite -wiggle" at applied, all sorts of remedies tried, equipment - checking the perform-
diffi:ult because jobbers are not points on the forward and return ance of the different systems used in
prone to stock such special meters I The decision to use a special cir- traces of the Cathode ray image. all types of symptoms checked, all radio receivers, establishing the dif-
When the test oscillator was ad- tested. kinds of test equipment used and ferent defects which produce similar
justed to the resonant frequency of symptoms. It is the finest form of
Kinescopes Get a "Screen Test" the i-f amplifier, only a single The ability to do all of these education that you can secure
marker frequency resulted, which things is of tremendous value at one more service RCA is contribut-
. . .

showed at the i-f peak frequency service meetings, large or small, be- ing to the improvement of the radio
corresponding to the cross -over cause everyone can see what is servicing industry, from the financial
onint of the discriminator curve. being done-as it is being done- as well as the educational angle.
When the marker frequency was set
at a point 60 kc. above the i-f peak, obsolete stock means less loss, con-
two marker frequencies resulted on sequently more overall profit.
the discriminator cross -over curve, Tube Type Program ! The danger of impairing the tech-
below the cross -over point. When (Continued from page 2, column 5) nical level of radio does not exist
adjusted to produce a frequency 60 the small improvement of certain because no one desires to freeze de-
kc. lower than the i-f peak, these major manufacturers limiting this velopment at its present level. There
two marker points appeared above year's receiver production to certain is no intention of not making new
the cross -over point. tubes. There will be new tube types
The marker frequencies may also tube types, will mean more profit to as new basic functions are devel-
be used in checking the resonance the serviceman. oped. And maybe the types now se-
curve of the i-f amplifier in f -m It will mean that he will be safe lected likewise will change.
receivers. A single marker frequency in purchasing greater quantities of Taking all things into considera-
will then appear at a point corre- these types with greater assurance tion the Preferred Tube Type Pro-
sponding to its frequency setting. cf their sale. It will mean that the gram instituted by RCA in the
movement started this past year will manufacture of their receivers and
result in the betterment of financial followed by other major manufac-
MODEL 167 OSCILLATOR conditions as each day passes. turers, is a great step toward sta-
(Continued from page 1, column 3) Such stabilization improves condi- bilization of the tube industry; to-
36 inches long so that you can easily tions all along the line. If it means wards developing greater profits for
connect the output of the No. 167 a reduction in prices to the set the servicing branch of the radio in-
to the desired point in the receiver manufacturer, it means greater sales dustry. True, this is a long term
being tested. The exterior finish is of and greater sales means more serv- program. The benefits will not be
blue -gray wrinkle lacquer with the ice work . . more sockets created
felt immediately, but just as the
panel finished in brush and light for the servicing industry. past years have developed condi-
chrome. The profits accruing from more tions which are not to the liking of
Checking RCA Television Kinescopes for screen characteristics. The serviceman who wants a com- rapid inventory turn -over; the de- those who have some association
These characteristics include brilliancy, color, focusing, overall paratively inexpensive, stable, elec- creased operating cost because of with tube sales, the years to come,
detail. and size of the picture. Every Kinescope receives this indi- tron -coupled, well -calibrated signal the ability to deliver the tubes if this preferred tube type program
vidual test. The equipment used for checking these characteristics source will find his re-uirements needed without the troubles accom- is followed, will restore harmony
is capable of producing up to 12.000 volts for the handling of all fully covered in this new RCA Model panying the sale today means much and help increase the income of the
sizes of Kinescopes. 167 Test Oscillator. greater profit. The elimination of servicing industry.

Formi S2564 Printed in U.S.A.


Mh o II o 28


Design of Kinescopes RCA's Extensive Line of
For Home Receivers Involved
Long Years of Research Television Parts to Play Big
Role in Servicing Work
A more -than -a -million -dollar ex-
pansion program nearing completion As more and more television re-
at the RCA tube plant in Lancaster ceivers leave the production lines
Pa., enhances still further the ex- and are put into use by a television -
tensive television tube production hungry public, an increasing need
facilities of this modern group of has been developing for quality tele-
buildings. Installation of new and vision parts. To meet the demands
radically improved equipment on a of this new market, RCA has made
straight-line assembly basis like available a comprehensive line of
that used in automobile manufac- standard television components-
ure, will raise uniformity standards the most complete line in the entire
to new heights. industry!
With its war -time cathode-ray These are the same parts being
tube organization virtually intact, used today in RCA's famous tele-
RCA has been able to combine the vision receivers-helping to make
experience gained from sixteen possible amazingly life -like video re-
years,of pioneering with many recent production for home entertainment.
developments and improvements in A growing list of other leading man-
television tube design. ufacturers are also incorporating
Brighter Pictures
RCA components in their instru-
ments. Aside from meeting the ser-
The earliest television images vicing requirements of the many
were about one inch square and were different television receivers present-
poorly lighted. Today it is possible ly being manufactured, RCA parts
to obtain a picture area 350 times "This could never happen with RCA batteries. are also being used by thousands of
larger, with illumination that com- hobbyists in the construction of
pares favorably with theatre movies equipment.
and well above that of average home AN ANALYSIS OF MODERN ANTENNAS
movies. How that progress was Versatile Parts
made is a story of carefully planned
research and development conducted
FOR FM AND TELEVISION RECEPTION Among the items which are now
by the RCA Tube Department and By MILTON KAUFMAN available in RCA's line are a kit
RCA Laboratories. which contains all of the necessary
RCA Institutes, Inc. if and video coils for a complete tel-
The techniques developed and evision receiver, variable reactor
now used by RCA in obtaining high- The nature of the ultrahigh -frequency waves used for television width controls, horizontal linearity
ly polished surfaces on cathode-ray and FM broadcasting is such as to pose special problems in the controls, horizontal sync -discrimina-
tube metal parts to prevent emission choice and installation of suitable antenna systems. Such factors
tors, deflection yokes, yoke mount-
of unwanted electrons-the accurate as broad band response, directional characteristics, and the ing hoods, ion -trap magnets, focus
control of mechanical dimensions on elimination of unwanted signals and reflections must be taken coils, horizontal output transformers,
tube parts to insure the precise into consideration if satisfactory reception is to be obtained. vertical output transformers, and
focusing of the scanning beam -- horizontal and vertical blocking
maintaining uniformity in phos- An antenna is a resonant circuit Basic Dipole Antenna oscillator transformers. In addition
phors to withstand high voltages and and, as such, possesses a Q which The simple dipole antenna is the to these, the RCA "All -Channel"
still give a detailed and clear tele- determines its bandwidth. The Q is basis of practically all antenna sys- antenna and "Bright Picture" trans-
vision image-all involve highly determined from the approximate tems. As shown in Fig. 1, it is an mission line are also available.
complex machines and skilled oper- formula electrical half wave length long.
ations.Coupled with closely -watched Q = XL The actual length of a dipole in feet These parts are a "must" for mod-
quality control and elaborati inspec- R may be computed from the formula. ern television needs. They are ideal
tion techniques, these manufact- Either a decrease in inductance or an for the experimenter, schools, the
uring processes are making possible increase in resistance will decrease
L=492 X0.94-f (Mc) serviceman and dealers, because
brighter pictures and more sensitive = 462 -f (Mc) they are versatile and fit into a wide
the Q and increase the bandwidth of variety of different television cir-
and dependable tubes. the circuit. It follows then that for Impedance values measured at
Today RCA cathode-ray tubes- antennas which are to be used for any point on an antenna are a func- cuits.
manufactured at RCA'S Lancaster television and FM, a low value of Q tion of the magnitude of the current Get on the television band wagon
plant-are being used in many of the is needed if a wide band of frequen- and voltage at that point. At the today and be the first in your area
nation's television receivers, and cies is to he picked up without center of a dipole where the current to take advantage of the rapidly
are seeing increasing application in attenuation at the sides of the band. is a maximum and the voltage a growing television parts business.
test equpiment and industrial app- Therefore, large Apmeter conduc- minimum, the impedance is equal to Ask your RCA Tube and Parts Dis-
lications. Their potential in the re- tors must be used for the elements of 73 ohms. At the ends, the impedance tributor today for catalog sheet
newal market offers great oppor- an antenna when wide band require- is about 2500 ohms. Since dipoles are #2F396 which describes RCA's out-
tunities. ments are to be met. (Continued on Page 2, Column 1) standing line of television parts.
Page 2 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS June -July, 1947


100 .............



.............. OM ...... 118111111VO

'MO vu OOOOO Mee
CURVE A Length of reflector
CURVE 8 Length of dipole
Ta la`d i4 oveit
U., ..... CURVE C Length of director
.i. \IMO.
Ai**°"911:101:11111111111111111111111121111111..... Manager, Renewal Sales
MONO. inn .... MIIMM Shortly before each issue of RADIO SERVICE NEWS is prepared
'Bs 11111. EOM
for the press, I receive a pleasant but firm note from the editorial
staff asking me to plan my little talk for this column.
.. Nos .si.
I enjoy having a hand in the preparation of this publication.
.. Not only does it offer an opportunity to discuss matters of mutual
.... interest to you and RCA, but there's a real sense of satisfaction in
knowing that through it we maintain a closer, more personal
.2 ..... moo ..... mem ............ relationship with you. It's the next best thing, perhaps, to visiting
each of you regularly.
6 10 11

LENGTH IN FEET Our last check on the circulation structive, vital type of information
of RADIO SERVICE NEWS show- its readers want to be worth the
ed that more than 55,000 of you re- paper it's printed on.
Fig. 2-A curve showing the length in feet of a dipole, a reflector or a director for ceive this RCA publication. A part
frequencies from 45 to 95 Mc.
of this figure includes experimenters, Outstanding Authorities
radio engineers and laboratory tech- We're fortunate at RCA in having
MODERN ANTENNAS Folded Dipole nicians-but the majority of its not only a highly interesting group
(Continued from Pagel , Column 3) The folded dipole (Fig. 3) has sev- readers are radio servicemen and of products to talk about but also
usually fed at the center, the value eral advantages which make it a dealers. That's pretty much as we some of the world's leading radio
of 73 ohms is of great importance popular choice for television and FM want it to be-and we slant the pub- authorities to write for our publicat-
because it must be matched to the reception. It is simple in construc- lication primarily for those of you ions. For example, contributions for
transmission line. tion and has an impedance at the who are in the sales and servicing RADIO SERVICE NEWS are re-
center of 300 ohms which matches end of this fascinating radio business ceived from the men who are making
Directional Characteristics perfectly to a standard 300 -ohm A Food deal of time and thought radio history at RCA's famous
An antenna is said to have direct- transmission line, and to most tele- goes into the planning of each issue. Princeton Laboratories, RCA Insti-
ivity when it receives greater signal vision and FM receivers. Since the Fundamentally, our main objective tutes, the National Broadcasting
strength from certain directions than impedance of this antenna is high, is to give you the kind of articles Company, as well as the RCA Victor
from others. The dipole responds the Q is correspondingly low, thus you will find useful to your work- Division. There's a combination
that isn t generally that's bard to beat.
best to signals traveling broadside to giving it a band-pass characteristic information
greatly superior to the simple dipole. available in the trade press. Where - That doesn't imply the editorial
ever possible we guide our selection
Parasitic Elements of topics from suggestions contained staff is going to sit back in self-
As may often be the case, reflected in letters we receive from you. complacency-no publication group
waves will strike the antenna from earmng its salt ever gets the time
the rear. The addition of so-called Write Us for such comforts. They'll continue
parasitic elements will remedy this We're glad to have these not only to leave no stone unturned in bring-
fault. Parasitic elements may take because it gives our editorial staff ing you the stories you want-tech-
the form of either a reflector or a the direction they need and want, nical and promotional.
director or a combination of both. but because such mail indicates a Yet there's only one way for us to
The reflector is an element which is lively and active reader interest: know we're really doing the job you
about 5 per cent longer than the di- There's nothing more natural for expect of us-and that's through
Fig 1-The voltage and current distri- pole and is placed a quarter wave those charged with the responsibility your letters. If there's a specific sub-
bution of a half wave dipole.
length behind it. It has no electrical of editing a house organ than to go ject you'd like to see in print-if
the antenna, and will receive equally connection to the antenna and off the deep end occasionally and do you've run across something in ser-
well to the front or rear. It discrimin- receives its energy by induction. a bit of product shouting from the vicing and sales that will interest
ates greatly against reception off housetops. That has its place be- others-let's hear about it. That
either end. Thus, by rotating the cause it's good advertising- and request is only fair because we want
dipole broadside to the desired direc- every business wants that-but a RADIO SERVICE NEWS to be
tion of reception, it is often possible publication has to offer the con- your publication as well as RCA's.
to eliminate unwanted signals com-
ing from other directions. 3OOr
Reflections can still be received Fig. 3-A folded dipole.
from the rear, however, and they
may impair the quality of the The addition of a reflector has a MINIMUM
picture. Many modern television number of important effects: RECEPTION ECEPTION
receivers are designed to receive all 1. It will almost completely cancel
of the alloted channels and even the reception from the rear.
least expensive will cover a mini- 2. Signal strength from the desired
mum of three. Therefore, the direction will be increased con-
antenna must respond properly to siderably.
all of the stations in each area which 3. Directivity will be sharpened, MAXIMUM
are operating. For example, in the making it easier to "tune out" RECEPTION
New York area, at present, three unwanted signals.
channels are being used: Channel 3 4. The band pass of the system will
WCBW, Channel 4 WNBT, and be reduced, making the use of large -
Channel 5 WABD, which cover a diameter conductors imperative.
range of frequencies from 54 to 82 5. The input impedance of the di- MINIMUM
megacycles. The antenna should be pole will be lowered.
cut to the geometric center of the The action of a director is similar
range, or 67 Mc. to that of a reflector, but it is placed
The length is determined to be a quarter wavelength in front of the Fig. 3A-The horizontal pattern of a Fig. 3B-The horizontal pattern of a
6.9 feet. (Continued on Page 7, Column I) half wave antenna. dipole and reflector.
June -July, 1947 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS Page 3


RCA Service Company

This is the second part of an article on the Ratio Detectors in

RCA FM receivers. The first part appeared in the previous issue of 0 CARRIER FREQUENCY CARRIER FREQUENCY © CARRIER FREQUENCY
RADIO SERVICE NEWS. The ratio detector is a new device for AT I -F ABOVE I -F BELOW F

converting a frequency -modulated carrier to an audio signal, FIG.2

while at the same time offering a high degree of attenuation to any M DIODE

incident amplitude modulation.

A schematic of the fundamental will remain constant even at the
Ratio Detector is shown in Figure 2. lowest audio frequencies to be R3
C7 and C4 have very little reactance reproduced. 2200On
at the intermediate frequency, so it C3 will be charged by the rectified
is evident that the parallel resonant current through diode 1 to a voltage
circuit L2 C2 is the true load for theproportional to the voltage repre-
driver stage, this stage being shunt sented by vector E diode 1 (figure
fed. A driver stage, in this case, is 1), and C4 will be charged through
nothing more than a conventional diode 2 in proportion to the vector
if amplifier preceding the Ratio E diode 2. Since the magnitudes of Fig. 1-Vector diagrams showing carrier frequencies in three stages.
Detector. these vectors differ according to the Fig. 2-Fundamental Ratio Detector Circuit.
LI is inductively coupled to L2 as instantaneous frequency of the car-
well as having its center -tap di- rier, the voltages across C3 and C4 and the junction of C3 and C4. prevents the voltages across C3 and
rectly coupled to L2. Because mag- will differ proportionately, the volt- Since no current would flow through C4 from rising with an increase in
netic coupling introduces a phase age across C3 being the larger of the this connection, a direct return path the strength of the carrier. A reduc-
shift of approximately 90° between two voltages at carrier frequencies tion in carrier amplitude is pre-
two loosely coupled circuits which below the if, and the smaller at would be useless.
are resonant at the same frequency, frequencies above the if. Secondly, a peculiar form of dis- vented from appearing as a reduc-
the voltage appearing across Ll, by tortion, apparent at low carrier tion in the voltage across C4 in the
virtue of the magnetic coupling, is Voltage Sum Constant levels, is evident if a resistance is same way. The constant voltage
displaced 90° from the initiating connected directly across C4. This across C6 can be considered to be a
Note that the voltages across C3
distortion is caused by C4 discharg- stabilizing voltage; i.e., it stabilizes
voltage across L2. As the frequency and C4 are additive and that their
ing through the resistance whenever the ratio detector output against
of the driving signal changes at an sum is fixed by the constant poten-
the carrier level falls below the level amplitude modulation of the applied
audio rate, the phase relations of tial across R3. Therefore, while the
the voltages across L2 and LI ratio of these voltages will vary at at which the diodes are biased off by carrier.
the voltage across R3. The effect of
fluctuate to more or less than 90° an audio rate, their sum will always The time constant of R3 C6 is not
the distortion is to add a long peak too large to prevent average changes
in synchronism. As the phase dif- be constant and equal to the voltage
ference decreases the voltages tend across R3. The potential at the to one loop of the audio cycle. in carrier level, from appearing as
to add, but as the phase difference junction of C3 and C4 will vary at The rejection of amplitude modu- changes in voltage across R3; in
lation in the ratio detector may be other words the voltage across R3
increases the voltages tend to cancel an audio rate when an FM carrier
out. This causes the voltage across is applied to the detector, hence
explained as follows: A rapid in- is proportional to the average
one diode to increase at the same the audio voltage is extracted at crease in the amplitude of the carrier strength of the received carrier.
time the voltage across the other this point and fed into the audio applied to the ratio detector will Thus, this voltage serves as an
diode decreases, and vice versa. amplifier. tend to increase the dc voltages excellent a -v -c voltage.
There is no direct de return path across C3 and C4. The sum of these There is no "threshold" effect
Ratio Dectector Different across either C3 or C4; the reason voltages must always be equal to apparent in the ratio detector; i.e.,
The vector diagrams illustrated for this is two -fold. First, a direct the voltage across C6. The voltage there is no minimum carrier level
in Figure 1 can be used to por- return path is not needed because across C6 cannot change with a which
tray the ac voltages across the whenever the potential of the junc- rapid increase in the amplitude of tor tomust be applied to the detec-
cause noise attenuation
diodes in Figure 2. However the tion of C3 and C4 is raised or the carrier, due to the large time
ratio detector method of extracting lowered in accordance with the fre- constant of R3 and C6. Therefore, as in other types of FM detectors
intelligence from the FM carrier dif- quency of the voltage applied to the this constant potential across C6 requiring the use of a limiter stage.
fers greatly from previously used detector, there will be a point on
methods. Diode 1, R3, and diode 2 R3 having a potential equal to the
complete a series circuit fed by the voltage across C4. This point will A STEP IN KINESCOPE PRODUCTION
ac voltage across Ll. Since the two shift up and down on R3 in syn-
diodes are in series, they will con- chronism with the audio voltage
duct on the same half cycle, and across C4. If this point could be
the rectified current through R3 will connected to the junction of C3 and
cause a negative potential to appear C4, a de return for each diode would
at the plate of diode 1. The time be provided but no current would
constant of R3 C6 is usually about flow through the connection because
0.2 second, so that the negative there would be no difference of
potential at the plate of diode 1 potential between the point on R3

This is not an exhibition of modern design, but the testing of an RCA kinescope
by means of a standard television test pattern-part of the painstaking pro-
cedure followed at RCA's Lancaster, Pa., tube plant to insure the finality of
television picture tubes. Partially shielded from outside light by the cone -
shaped enclosure, the test pattern is being studied to determine screen quality,
Fig. 3-Ratio Detector used in RCA Victor FM receivers. focus, and performance of the electron current in the tube.
Page 4 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS June -July, 1947


70/00? 8,177ERY RelPlO By D. P. HEACOCK
RCA Application Engineering Section
Tube Department
SEALEDIN STEEL In the local oscillator circuits of high -frequency receivers,
,f DOD ILL TN/ tin trouble may be encountered with frequency drift during warm-
up. This drift falls into two general classes: the first may be
,r6 attributed to the oscillator tube and its socket and is character-
)11r1 rrrrry 'tan. ized by a short -time frequency drift as the tube warms up; the
second may be caused by the rest of the oscillator circuit and is
characterized by a longer time drift as the chassis comes up to
temperature. Both types of drift generally tend to lower the
RCA -RADIO BATTERIES oscillator frequency.
Radio Engineered for EXTRA Listening Hours There are two significant causes capacitor. As its temperature
for the short -time frequency drift changes there is a change in the
This attractive battery merchandiser will help you get your share-and
during the warm-up cycle of the physical size of the plates and often
of the summer battery business for portable radios. Order one frommore- tube. First, as the elements of the a slight displacement of the rotor
your tube
distributor today. Ask for form No. 2F415. heat up, physical changes in relative to the stator. This causes a
the internal structure of the tube change in circuit capacitance with
take place as a result of expansion resulting frequency drift.
CAPITALIZE ON VACATION TIME of the elements of the tube. This The design of a local oscillator
manifests itself as a small change in circuit to have low frequency drift
BY PROMOTING SERVICE WORK the interelectrode capacitances of requires a careful selection of circuit
the tube. Since some of these components. Circuits often use some
By LLOYD R. DAY capacitances are effectively part of component or components whose ef-
the oscillator tank -circuit capaci- fect is to compensate the drift
Advertising & Sales Promotion Section tance, a change in the oscillator caused by other components of the
Tube Department frequency occurs during warm-up. circuit. A capacitor with a negative
The second is because that heat is
Summertime usually brings a decrease in radio program ac- conducted through the internal con- temperature coefficient somewhere
in the circuit may serve this purpose.
tivity. Many "big -name" shows leave the air during the hot necting leads from the tube elements
months, and John Q. Radio -Listener deserts his favorite easy to the base pins. This heats up the Careful Servicing
chair next to the console for the cool, fresh air of the mountains, oscillator tube socket. The value of Experience with frequency drift
lake or seashore. the dielectric content of the socket problems indicates that the correc-
But what does summer mean to the radio serviceman? Should dielectric material may change dur- tion of frequency drift in a receiver
he pack up his bags and follow John Q. to the country? The answer ing warm-up, causing the effective is a difficult problem. In many cases
is an emphatic "No"! socket capacitance to change and the drift is inherent in the receiver
Now is the logical time for ambitious radio servicemen to get the oscillator frequency to drift design and may result not from one
themselves a heap of business-and here's how. during warm-up. factor alone but from a combination
of factors.
Temperature a Factor
Start today to tailor a campaign Ask your customers to let you These same considerations show
to fit the vacation habits of your check their portable and midget The long-time frequency drift that the serviceman must exercise a
customers. Start now to sell them on radios before they take them along caused by the chassis coming up to great deal of care in servicing the
the convenience of having radios on vacation. A fresh set of RCA temperature may be caused by al- local -oscillator circuits of high -
checked during their vacations. Radio Batteries, and the replace- most any of the critical components frequency receivers. For example,
Point out to those who spend their ment of any worn out tubes, will of the oscillator circuit such as the acceptable frequency drift in a set
vacations at home that summer - assure your customers of "Extra oscillator coil, tuning capacitor, may depend upon a critical balance
service will put their radios in shape Hours of Leisure Listening"-and trimmer capacitor, or band switch. of temperature effects in the circuit
for the World Series, football games, repeat business for you. A change in the temperature of the components. When replacing defec-
and return of "Big -name" programs component may result in a change tive parts in the oscillator circuit, it
in September. Use RCA Sales Aids in its electrical characteristics which is essential to use a replacement
There are a number of things you may cause a drift in the oscillator with the same electrical character-
can do td increase the effectiveness Above all, pack your plans with frequency. The most serious offender istics as the one being replaced or
of your summer -service promotion. local appeal. Aim your shots care- in this class is probably the tuning severe frequency drift may result.
fully to hit the greatest number of
Mail reminder postcards well in customers. Then follow through on
advance of the vacation period. Tell your ideas with direct -mail post- USE THESE IN YOUR WORK
your customers why vacation is the cards, newspaper advertisements,
logical time for a radio check-up, and personal- telephone follow-ups.
stressing the convenience of having
their sets serviced by experts while For help in planning your summer PC -10i

they are away. You can then make program, see your RCA Tube Dist-
arrangements to pick up the sets ributor today. Ask him for the new
just before the customers leave RCA Battery window streamers and
town and plan to deliver them on - counter cards-keyed to boost your
the days they return. summer sales of RCA portable and Al/NMTURE 7745E5
midget radio batteries.
Feature Check-ups In addition, your RCA Distribu-
Slant the copy of your advertise- tor will be glad to show you a copy
ment in the local paper this month of the new "Display Planning Guide
by saying: "Going on Vacation? Book" (Form No. 2F9). It's packed
While you're away, let our experts with pictures and applications of
put your radio in tip-top shape for exciting new RCA Comuras and dis-
the fall andwinter listening seasons." plays designed to give your store MNT-110A

Feature the fact that radios, like more sell per square foot".
people, need periodic check-ups.And By making the most of what is
that there's no more convenient normally a slow season, you can
time for a radio check-up than dur- build steady summer sales into a These new tube booklets, recently added to RCA's group of authoritative
ing the customer's vacation! profitable, year-round volume. technical publications, may be obtained from your distributors. They're just
what you've been waiting for!
June -July, 1947 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS Page 5


Once again you can win a handsome RCA Resistor -Code Pencil by sending tips to
RCA Radio Service News, Harrison, New Jersey ... All tips become the property
of RCA to be used as it sees fit ... Service Tips are our readers' ideas, not ours.
While we believe they are worthwhile, we cannot be responsible for them.

allows a corona discharge, and

HOME-MADE SIGNAL TRACER contributed to noisy reception.
HANDY IN SIMPLE REPAIRS We have found colored dice, pur-
chased at a local ten cent store, to
Here is the circuit of a little device be a suitable substitute button. Drill
that I use instead of a signal genera- half -way through one corner of the
tor for simple servicing and signal dice and glue it on the antenna with
tracing. It consists of a small buzzer, speaker cement. Body static will be
3 -volt battery, volume control, and cleared up, the job will look good,
blocking condenser mounted in a and the over-all cost is small.
coil shield. I find the unit useful for J. M. Selph
point-to-point tracing. The blocking Radio Service Dept.
condenser makes it possible to ap- Goodyear Service Stores
ply the test prod to any part of a 1535 Canal Street
circuit without danger of shorting. New Orleans, La.

HOW TO ELIMINATE HUM IN Here's the way one alert radio service shop uses Cunningham Comuras to create
an attractive, eye-catching window display! Mr. and Mrs. W. Studeman,
proprietors of the well known Radio Service Associates, East Orange, N. J.,
RCA -55U AND 65U SETS find these new murals are paying dividends in bigger and better sales.
When the hunt in these sets is
louder than normal with the volume
control turned down to a minimum, to the output transformer. After
Sta this Linardos we have found the following remedy LOCATING FM ANTENNAS finding all voltages and coupling
190 Wadsworth Ave. to be effective. Solder a length of condensers to be O.K., a resistance
New York 33, N . Y. wire to the negative terminal of the WITH AN RCA VOLTOHMYST measurement was taken of the out-
volume control, run it along the out- There are many ways of locating put transformer's primary which
side front of the chassis and then in and orienting FM antennas to ob- read .300 ohms from center -tap to
DICE USED TO REPLACE through the hole intended for entry tain optimum reception perform- one side and 500 ohms from center -
AUTO ANTENNA BUTTON of an i-f alignment tool. Finally, ance. We have found the following tap to the other side. Removing the
solder the free end of the wire to the method to be both simple and eco- transformer and replacing it with
In a good many instances static lug which holds the negative lead nomical. Connect an RCA Volt- one having a balanced center -tap
in auto -radios may be caused by a from the filter condenser. Ohmyst across the ratio -detector rectified the distortion.
missing knob or button which orig- Mike Clamer load of the receiver and vary the Andrew F. Lippel
inally was mounted on the tip of a Parts and Service Dept. location and position of the antenna 92J E. Scattergood St.
whip antenna. This usually results RCA Victor Dist. Co. until a maximum voltage indication Philadelphia, Pa.
in a sharp, jagged point which Chicago, Illinois is obtained.
Leo Tropea
Radio Parts Dept.
460 W. 34th St.
New York, N. Y. FOR RCA 56X, 61- SERIES
On some models the 500,000 ohm
MODULATION HUM CURED volume control is not furnished with
a stop 50,000 ohms from the high
BY EASY CIRCUIT CHANGE end of the control. Volume controls
having no stop can be identified by a
The following procedure has been dot of- red lacquer on the left side of
found helpful in eliminating modu- the control, viewing the shaft end
lation hum in ac -dc receivers. In with terminals up. In models using
some sets the ground- side decoupling this control, a 56,000 ohm watt
condenser is connected to the resistor, completely covered with
chassis. The chassis, in turn, is spaghetti tubing is connected be;
grounded through a condenser and tween the high end of the control
resistor to the floating ground of the and the yellow lead on the second
radio circuit. Removing the ground if transformer.
side decoupling condenser from the Replacement controls equipped
chassis and connecting it to the with a stop do not need this external
floating ground of the circuit, will 56,000 ohm resistor. So, when re-
eliminate the hum. placing a volume control, check the
Frank Papkiewiez resistance between the arm and the
Montgomery Ward Radio Service high end of the replacement control
4957 -31st Street with the arm turned fully clockwise.
Detroit, Michigan A reading of 50,000 ohms will indi-
cate that the control is equipped
with a stop and that the 56,000
UNBALANCED TRANSFORMER ohm resistor in the set should be
before installing the new
A troublesome case of distortion RCA Supplementary
. . .and it's so much more interesting than the designs shown in the pattern book. in the RCA series V-205 was traced Information No. 10
Page 6 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS June -July, 1947


REPLACEMENT PARTS RCA announces the availability of a complete line of dry -electrolytic
capacitors. With them, you can make practically any replacement that
comes to your bench. And you can still hold your stock to a minimum
number of items. The entire line is comprised of only 10 distinct sizes-
each suited to a wide variety of applications. Use them with confidence;
they won't let you down.

RCA Stock No. Rating List
RCA 72898 ADAPTOR PLATE FOR USE WITH 70111 100 ufd., 25 volt. $.65
70112 10 ufd., 50 volt. .40
RCA 70338 LOW NOISE CRYSTAL 70113 20 ufd., 150 volt. .55
70114 20-20 ufd., 150 volt. 1.10
Here is an extra -profit tip: RCA Crystal No. 70338 can now be used to 70115 50 ufd., 150 volt. .95
replace the crystal on the 55U Instrument. A special adaptor plate, stock 70116 20 ufd., 250 volt. .85
70117 10 ufd., 450 volt. .65
No. 72898, is available to facilitate the mounting. This adaptor plate is 70118 10-10 ufd., 450 volt. 1.20
shipped in a standard package of ten. Each plate is individually packed 70119 40 ufd., 450 volt. 1.50
in a separate envelope on which is printed installation instructions. 70120 25 ufd., 25 volt, .50
The wide-awake dealer will place his order early and be ready for any
replacement job.
The suggested list price for adaptor plate No. 72898 is $.25 each.
This plate is designed to replace the RCA 71173 crystal unit as well as
many additional types of crystals manufactured by companies other NEW 4 X 6 -INCH PM SPEAKERS
than RCA.
1. Remove original pickup from tone arm and remove any connectors RCA presents the popular size 4 x 6 -inch speakers specially suited to a
from the ends of leads. wide variety of uses. With these units, the dealer can hold his stock to a
2. Assemble adaptor plate into tone arm using the two flat -head screws minimum number of different items, and still carry a complete line. These
supplied. speakers meet RMA mounting specifications and have two modes of
3. Attach pickup unit to adaptor plate using the two round -head screws installation which add to their versatility. Type 446S1 replaces No. 70470
supplied. and 71058 RCA speakers as well as many other makes.
4. Connect leads to pickup either by soldering directly to the spring Both type 346S1 and 446S1 are accurately designed and built of the
terminals or by stripping and tinning approximately IA inch of the leads finest components. They are carefully tested before packing and must
and plugging this tinned end into the pickup between the curved spring meet RCA s rigid requirements.
and the Bakelite mounting plate. A small lump of solder near the end of A supply of the 4 x 6 -inch speakers can save the dealer untold time,
the tinned portion may be used to prevent the lead from working out expense, and trouble. These efficiently designed units are now available
during operation. through RCA distributors.
5. In some instruments "feed -back" howl due to motor -board resonance
may be experienced at maximum volume. It is suggested that a %-watt
resistor of some value between 150,000 and 300,000 ohms be connected
in parallel with the crystal pickup to reduce the low -frequency response. RCA ORTHOPHONIC SOUND BOX
As high a resistance value as possible is desirable. It may be conveniently
connected to the terminal board at the chassis end of the pickup cable.
Another hard -to -get item is available. It's the RCA sound box No.
72929. This is your answer to the demand for a replacement unit that can
be used in the Orthophonic Victrola. Install this sound box in all Ortho-
phonic models except the VV2-35. It's your opportunity to solve another

An excellent way for servicemen to boost their profits is to attach NEW, SMALL "IKE" FOR INDUSTRY
initials to portable personal sets when repaired. An assortment of these
initials is available under RCA stock No. 71635 which includes apprbxi-
mately 100 letters and blanks. They are easily installed in only a couple
of minutes. Just clean the space provided on the receiver and attach the
initials by means of Duco Household Cement (or equivalent). To capture
extra business, display a 54B with initials installed. Call them to the
attention of customers. Suggest them on repair jobs. The result is extra
income and satisfied customers.
The suggested list price for RCA stock No. 71635 initials is $1.75.


Here's an opportunity to reduce the number of different speakers on

your shelf. Stock RCA PM speakers, and use them to replace the electro-
magnetic types. The RCA speaker reactor takes the place of the field coil.
This reactor is excellent for use with PM speakers type 305S1 or 405S1.
The combination replaces any electromagnetic speaker with 350- to
450 -ohm field coils rated for not more than 50 ma. current.
Here is a list of the RCA electromagnetic speakers that this combination
will replace:
Stock No.
70321 stamped 92560-1
34450 stamped RL86-1 Industrial television will be given a good "shot -in -the -arm" by this new two-
39446 stamped RL86B1, B4 inch diameter camera tube-the RCA -5527 Iconoscope. The equipment required
37332 stamped RL86-1, -2, -3, -4, Al, A2, and 39223-1 for its operation is relatively simple and inexpensive. Using electrostatic
38902 stamped RL86-Al, A3 deflection, the "Small Ike" eliminates the need for costly deflection coils and
circuits as well as keystoning and shading circuits. It has a resolution capability
Suggested list price for the speaker reactor No. 72934-$1.60. of approximately 250 lines.
June -July, 1947 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS Page 7


% of reflection
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 The RCA WV -65A Battery -Operated VoltOhmyst brings the
serviceman a new and different version of his most used test
11110MMOVIIMMII MIME ININM.:IMEMEN ME instrument. It will enable him to make field measurements in
MMNIINMIIK11111IME OMMIM Ir D1.01 MINN areas remote from electrical outlets or where outlets are other
1111101111CM11111SIIMmMIIIEVAA No 10 Mg
=WENN With more than 40,000 ac -operated VoltOhmysts presently in
111111111MM MUM= MO use, the many owners of this fine instrument have become accus-
Nis ommEmmkimm ow Immo iimmIms. tomed to its outstanding features such as its high input imped-
IMIMMIIIIIIIIMW11 IBM MMMI,MMEMMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMM ance and its high resistance measuring capability. Now with the
=NOME' all1M01111M11111111111111M11
ilHIMMMMMMMM advent of the Battery VoltOhmyst, these same features are made
M MMMMMIIIIIIIIIMIMn MOEN IMMMMMEMMNMMM available to thousands of new users and for hundreds of new
1111111.11111111111111111111111111111 IMO MI 11111111111MIIIMM11.0ms applications. Like other VoltOhmysts, the new instrument is one
of the most useful-and one of the most versatile-of all voltage
11111111M11MOME 111111, testing devices.

oosoc. ,MEENrnMm 11'IIIMMEM IPO- The new VoltOhmyst is especially A neon flasher type -pilot light is

U MINEBMIMM`O,1 I r.ANNUMMONNIMN suitable for making field measure- employed because of its extremely
ments on aircraft radio equipment, low drain on the battery comple-
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 2 3 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 auto radio, railroad signal equip- ment consisting of four 1 -volt
% of frequency deviation
ment, and industrial electronic de- flashlight cells and two 45 -volt B
vices operated on other than 110 batteries. Tests prove that the
volts ac or remote from 110 -volt ac batteries will last five to ten months
outlets. under normal use.
Fig. 4-Curves showing the comparative band widths of a folded dipole con- Has New Features
The RCA Crystal Probe, MI -
tructed of 1 -inch tubing and a simple dipole constructed of No. 10 wire. 8263, can be conveniently used with
The WV -65A is a self-contained the WW -65A to make audio- or
antenna is being oriented, to make electronic dc voltmeter weighing radio -frequency measurements up
MODERN ANTENNAS approximately 15 pounds and meas- to 100 Mc and to convert this
use of some form of indicator at the uring 9-%" high, wide, 6-34" popular test equipment for use in
(Continued from Page 2, Column 2) receiver, such as an output meter in deep. It measures 6-h"
ac in five ranges FM, television, and other high -
antenna. The director is made the audio system following the dis- up to 1000 volts with an
shorter than the antenna by about criminator, to produce a more ac- copper -oxide rectifier circuitisolated frequency measuring applications.
4 per cent. and, With a maximum input of 20 volts
curate indication of maximum per- for the first time in VoltOhmyst from its germanium crystal detec-
Stacked Array formance. history, measures direct current in tor, the Probe will read in terms of
The stacked array is constructed Transmission -Line Installation six ranges up to 10 amperes. RMS voltage on the lower dc scale
by mounting one dipole above the ranges. Since the half -wave crystal
If the transmission line is of the The WV -65A can be used to make rectifier involves no heater, it
other, and is generally used with a balanced type, such as the two -wire all measurements in radio receivers eliminates a possible source of hum
reflector mounted behind each di- parallel line, care must be taken to including power transformer volt- and provides a rectifier which can
pole. Such a combination has some see that the line does not run close ages, power supply voltages, oscilla- be operated above ground potential.
decided advantages. By stacking di- to conducting surfaces such as rain tor grid voltages, and output volt- The VoltOhmyst has been im-
poles, directivity is obtained in the gutters since this will cause un- ages, besides serving to check any proved time and time again to keep
vertical plane. Since only a line of balancing effects. Whatever the resistance values commonly found
sight path is useful at television fre- type, it should be securely fastened in receivers. It is also useful in Test
pace with modern developments in
and Measuring Equipment.
quencies, it is desirable to confine about every ten feet of its length to checking de measurements directly
reception to low vertical angles. Sig- prevent chafing of the insulation. at the grid, plate, screen, or cathode Many owners of the ac -operated
nals arriving from high vertical Extremely sharp bends are to be terminal, as well as bias -cell volt- VoltOhmyst will welcome the bat-
angles, which may be in the form of avoided especially with coaxial line, ages, the voltage values of the tery VoltOhmyst as an auxiliari
noise pulses or undesired reflections, where breakage of the dielectric Automatic Frequency Control, and equipment for "out of the shop
will be discriminated against, result. might occur. With the two -wire FM discriminator voltages. servicing problems.
ing in greatly improved reception. parallel type of line, it will be found
Antenna Installation that a twist of about one turn for
each one or two feet of line will help
Both the position of the antenna to overcome local interference.
and its directional orientation are of
the greatest importance. The an- Whenever possible, the line should
tenna should not be permanently in- lead directly to the receiver without
stalled until the optimum location breaks or splices. If it should be 4- -
has been predetermined. A simple necessary to splice a transmission
two-way telephone system with line, do not use ordinary tape which
about 200 feet of wire is very useful has a high loss, but obtain the
for antenna installations. If con- special splicing tape now available.
stant communication is maintained The ground terminal should be con-
with a competent person observing nected to a cold -water pipe or other ".;WIRAEVCET

the effects on the receiver, the most good ground. 'When bringing the
suitable arrangement of the antenna transmission line into the house, a 11

can be quite easily determined. hole may be cut through the window TELEVISION
sill or frame and the line run through REFLECT -P TRANSMITTING
A change of antenna position of a piece of insulating tubing. When ED WAVE, STATION
only a few feet may result in a greatinside of the house, the line should
improvement of reception. Use a be kept away from exposed wiring
temporary transmission line to allow or metal baseboards.
the antenna to be moved to different
positions. The antenna should be in- It must be remembered that no
stalled at the greatest practical matter how much money is spent,
height to obtain line -of -sight con- if the selection and orientation of TELEVISION
ditions, and must be kept at least le antenna are not appropriate to RECEIVER
ten feet from conducting objects in ite needs of the installation, un-
its vicinity. Since neither the eye satisfactory reception will result.
nor the ear is particularly sensitive Fig. 5-As shown above, a reflected wave reaching the antenna of a television
to small variations of signal inten- Reprinted through courtesy of receiver follows a longer path than the direct wave. When this phenomenon
takes place, the result is a distortion of the picture which is commonly known
sity, it is highly desirable, when the "Radio Maintenance" as a ghost.
RCA Miniatures make practical, compact, lightweight designs.
Often, they provide superior performance at less cost.
Type Performance Type Performance
Class Applications Class Applications
No. Equivalent No. Equivalent

0A2 Voltage OD3/VR I50 Cold -Cathode Glow -Discharge 6BF6 Duplex -Diode 6SR7 For use as a combined detector,
Regulator Type. Triode amplifier, and ay< tube. For auto
I A3 H -F Diode - Heater -Cathode type. Discrimina-
tor for battery -operated FM re- 6C4 V -H -F Power -
and ac -operated receivers.
Class C amplifier and oscillator.
ceivers; portable h -f measuring Triode Class C output about 5.5 watts at
equipment. Resonant frequency moderate frequencies, 2.5 watts
about 1.000 Mc. at 150 Mc.
114 R -F Amplifier
1U4 Filamentary type. Sharp cutoff
characteristic. For battery -operated
6.14 U -H -F Amplifier
- Primarily for use as grounded -
grid amplifier up to 500 Mc. Trans -
portables. conductance 12000 micromhos,
IR5 Pentagrid - Filamentary type. Mixer tube and mu 55, low capacitances.
Converter oscillator in superheterodyne cir-
cuits. For portable receivers.
6.16 Twin Triode - Particularly useful as mixer or os-
cillator up to 600 Mc.
I S4 Power Amplifier 354 Filamentary type. For battery re - Full -Wave 6X5 High -vacuum type. For use in auto
ceivers. 6X4
155 Diode -Pentode - Filamentary type. High voltage
gain. For broadcast receivers. 12AT6
Duplex -Diode 12507
and ac-operaled receivers.
For use in compact ac/dc receivers.
I T4 Super -Control
R -F Amplifier
- R -F or i-f amplifier in battery -
operated receivers. I 2AU6
High -Mu Triode
R -F Amplifier 12SH7 Sharp cutoff characteristic. Limiter
Pentode Pentode tube for ac/dc FM receivers.
I U4 R -F Amplifier I N5-GT Sharp cutoff characteristic. For I 2AU7 Twin Triode I 2SN7-GT Separate terminals for each cath-
Pentode low -drain battery -operated re- Amplifier ode, and mid -tapped heater for
ceivers. 6.3- or 12.6 -volt operation. Mixer
2D21 2050 Relay tube and grid -controlled rec- oscillator, multivibrator.
Tetrode tifier. Will operate directly from I 2AW6 R -F Amplifier 6AG5 Sharp cutoff characteristic. R -F am -
high -vacuum phototube. Pentode ptifler for ac/dc FM receivers.
3A4 Power Amplifier
- Filamentary type. A -F output of
700 rnilliwatts, or r -f output of
I 2BA6 R -F Amplifier 12SG7 Remote cutoff characteristic. For
Pentode use in compact ac/dc receivers.
1.2 watts at 10 Mc.
Filamentary type. For use in h -f I 2BE6 Pentagrid 12SA7 For use in compact ac/dc receivers.
3A5 H -F Twin Triode Converter
applications. Class C output about
2 watts at 40 Mc. 26A6 R -F Amplifier 12BA6 Remote cutoff characteristic. Fee -
3Q4 Power Amplifier 305-GT Filamentary type. For 3 -way bat - Pentode tures high transconductance. For
Pentode tery portable receivers. 12 -cell storage -battery operation.
354 Power Amplifier 154 Filamentary type. For battery port - 26C6 Duplex -Diode 12A16 Combined detector, amplifier, and
Pentode able equipment. Triode avc tube. For 12 -cell storage -bat-
Filamentary type. Similar to 304, tery operation.
3V4 Power Amplifier 304
Pentode but has preferable basing arrange- 26D6 Pentagrid 1213E6 Mixer tube and oscillator. For 12 -
ment. For 3 -way battery portable Converter cell storage -battery operation.
6AG5 R -F Amplifier
- Sharp cutoff characteristic. High
transconductance and low input
3585 Beam Power
3516-GT High power sensitivity and high
efficiency for use in output stages
of ac/dc receivers.
and output capacitance. I -F video
amplifier or r -f amplifier up to 35W4 Half -Wave 35Z5-GT High -vacuum type. Heater tap for
400 Mc. Rectifier panel lamp. For use in compact
6AK5 R -F Amplifier - Sharp cutoff characteristic. High ac/dc receivers.
Pentode transconductance, low input and
output capacitance, and low input
45Z3 Half -Wave
- High -vacuum type. Heater rating,
0.075 ampere at 45 volts. For
conductance at high frequencies. 3 -way battery portable receivers.
6AK6 Power Amplifier 6G6 -G Singly or in push-pull in output Beam -Power 5016-GT For output use in ac/dc receivers.
Pentode stage. A -F power output 1.1 watts Amplifier Maximum -signal power output, 1.9
per tube.
6AL5 H -F Twin Diode - High perveance makes it particu-
larly useful as an F -M detector. II7Z3 Half -Wave -
High -vacuum type. For supplying
For automobile and ac -operated Rectifier rectified power to 3 -way battery
6AQ5 Beam Power 6V6 portable equipment.
Duplex -Diode 6SZ7
Combined detector, a -f amplifier, 1654 Half -Wave
- High -vacuum, filamentary type.
Maximum peak inverse rating 7000
High -Mu Triode and eve tube.
volts, filament current 0.05 ampere.
6AT6 Duplex -Diode
High -Mu Triode
6507 Combined detector, amplifier, and
ovc tube. 9001 Sharp Cutoff
U -H -F Pentode
- R -F amplifier or detector in U -H -F
6AU6 R -F Amplifier Sharp cutoff characteristic. High
transconductance and low grid -
plate capacitance. Limiter for FM
9002 U -H -F Triode - U -H -F detector and amplifier. May
be used as oscillator in superhet-
eceivers. erodyne receivers at frequencies
6BA6 R -F Amplifier 6SG7 Remote cutoff characteristic. High up to 500 Mc.
Pentode transconductance and low grid-
plote capacitance. For r -f and i-f
9003 Remote Cutoff
U -H -F Pentode
- Useful as a mixer or as an r -f or
i-f amplifier in U -H -F service.
stages of FM and AM receivers.
613E6 Pentagrid 6SA7 Mixer tube and oscillator in super - 9006 U -H -F Diode - For U -H -F service as rectifier, de-
tector, or measuring device. Reso-
Converter heterodyne circuits. For FM and
AM receivers. nant frequency, about 700 Mc.

For additional technical data on these types, refer to the RCA HB-3 Hand- THE FOUNTAINHEAD OF MODERN TUBE DEVELOPMENT 15 RCA
book, or write RCA, Commercial Engineering, Harrison, N.J.

LiahLAD 2,1mvacn ALtvn.

RCA R .10 SERVICE NEWS is published by the RCA Tube Depart-
ment in the interest of radio servicemen and dealers everywhere. It is
distributed free of charge tonember, of the radio -service fraternity
through the courtesy of RCA and its tuhe, battery, test equipment and
parts distributors.
H. S. Stamm, Editor. Editorial Offices, RCA, Harrison, N. .1.
* * *


in`28171©. A'LWZ



Talk of the trade is the neu Careful Planning Gives Faster

RCA Miniature Tube Handi-pack Service and Increased
carton, the modern, convenient Customer Satisfaction
way to stock and sell miniature
tubes. Available also for the RCA
Victor and Cunningham brands, the The peak season in the battery
new Handi-pack contains five indi- business is just around the corner.
vidually cartoned miniature tubes This is the time of year when the
in a single carton and has been family portable radio is being
expressly introduced to solve the pepped up for the summer weekend
problem of stacking the small tubes picnics, the holiday vacation, and
on shelves and counters. the double-header baseball games.
All orders for RCA, RCA Victor, It's nice to see this business roll in,
almost unsolicited, but it's impor-
and Cunningham miniatures are tant to have the merchandise ready
shipped in the new Handi-pack car- for quick over-the-counter sales.
tons. For example, an order for one
hundred 6AG5 tubes, a case lot, is It has been the experience of the
shipped in 20 Handi-pack cartons. battery manufacturing industry that
If you order 25 tubes, you will get sufficient batteries cannot be made
5 Handi-packs. This is the new RCA Pict-O-Guide-the service -dealers' guide to rapid television during the vacation months to ser-
trouble -shooting. One hundred pages of valuable pictorial trouble -shooting that vice all orders received during that
You will like this new package for you can't afford to be without. See your RCA, Cunningham, or RCA Victor period. Therefore, it is wise to order
its added convenience of handling Distributor now --reserve your copy early.
and stocking. It helps you keep a your batteries ahead of your actual
neat shelf and reduces inventory needs to insure delivery.
problems. When you buy in lots of Take a good look at the potential
of replacement battery sales to your
five or multiples, you get the benefit
of this new packing. RCA PICT -0 -GUIDE GIVES VIVID customers, review your sales during
Now you have three powerful the peak period last year, and add
on a factor for an expected increase
reasons for specifying RCA Minia-
PICTURE ANALYSIS OF TV TROUBLES in sales. Then place an order cover-
ing your battery requirements for
FIRST-RCA Miniatures are su- the summer period with your local
perior in quality and per- A New Service Aid By John R. Meagher RCA Distributor. Be ready to reap
formance. the fruit of your planning-RCA
SECOND-RCA Miniatures have Batteries are sold only through
greater customer acceptance. Another RCA First- the RCA Television Pict -O -Guide --simplifies TV radio outlet,.
AND NOW-They come in the new service work, increases service output, and boosts TV profit. This revolu-
Handi-pack. tionary new service guide (1) illustrates common TV receiver troubles with
Anticipate your needs, review realistic, unretouched photographs taken directly from the picture tube, PRICE REDUCTION
your inventory, and place an order (2) describes the symptoms of each trouble, (3) explains the causes, A reducti llll in the price a the RCA
10E11'4 ten -inch kinescope was made
now with your RCA Distributor for (4) helps you learn how to locate the circuit section in which the trouble effective May 4, 1949. The new
RCA Miniatures, as well as other lies, and, (5) shows a complete schematic for each section of a typical Suggested List Price of the RCA
RCA Electron Tubes. TV receiver. 1013P4 is $41.50.This reduction reflects
RCA's policy of passing along to the
(Picture on Page 7) customer the benefits of increased
In the 100 -page RCA TV PICT - TV service -business pay-in added volume, reduced material costs, and
improved efficiencies.
0 -GUIDE you'll find detailed, output-efficient service-and big-
practical TV servicing information ger profit.
LAST CALL FOR in a useful, pictorial form which
RCA's VACATION can be obtained in no other place. Here's how to get your copy of TV ANTENNA SERIES
SERVICE PLAN With the PICT -O -GUIDE you can the PICT -0 -GUIDE. It is not for -PART IV
learn how to localize common TV sale-it's yours at no extra cost with
You still have time to par- receiver troubles in minutes-by the your purchase of 100 RCA, RCA The fourth part of John R.
ticipate in the RCA Vacation simple, time -saving method of pic- Victor, or Cunningham Electron Meagher's series of interesting
Service Plan which was pre- ture analysis. Tubes. Your qualifying order for and timely articles on "Tele-
sented in the last issue of RCA, RCA Victor, or Cunningham vision Antennas and Trans-
RADIO SERVICE NEWS. See Based on the extensive experience tubes will reserve a copy for you mission Lines" has been post-
your RCA distributor today and of John R. Meagher, noted RCA which will become yours when you poned in order that you may
order your cards plus the free television servicing authority and complete the 100 -tube order. be fully informed on the galaxy
window streamer. Double post- well known RADIO SERVICE of new RCA items introduced
cards, with your imprint in 0NEWS author, the RCA TV PICT - Don't miss this important oppor- during May at the Parts Show.
two places, are only $1.50 per -GUIDE is of particular value to tunity! See your local RCA, RCA Space permitting, the TV an-
hundred, a worthwhile invest- servicemen who are preparing to Victor, or Cunningham Tube Sup- tenna series will resume with
ment for extra summer profits. capitalize on the enormous oppor- plier today and reserve your copy the next issue of RADIO SER-
tunities in TV service work. Here is of the brand new RCA TV PICT - VICE NEWS.
your "chance -of -a -lifetime" to make 0 -GUIDE!
Copyright 1949, Radio Corporation of America Rhotolithographod in U. S. A


RCA Engineered and Designed
-Your Assurance of Lasting High Quality

One of the most complete group of television receiving antennas ever to

be offered, has been announced by the RCA Tube Department. The
newly expanded line which consists of antenna arrays and accessories to
suit a wide variety of local receiving conditions is the result of RCA
engineering and research, and was shown by RCA at the Chicago Parts
Show last month.
Listed in the new series are: A complete group of antenna
The 204A], a basic antenna and parts and accessories add still fur-
reflector for normal receiving con - ther to the effectiveness of the new
No greater endorsement can be accorded RCA's line of VoltOhmyst Electronic di tions. RCA antennas. These items include:
meters than the ever mounting number of these instruments being used in vital
electronic services. Last month the 50,000th VoltOhmyst rolled off the factory The 208A1, a stacking kit for use The 210A1 Mast Coupling
production lines. To commemorate the occasion, a gold-plated anniversary with the 204A1 for extra gain on all
model of the WV-I95A was presented to L. S. Thees (left), General Sales Manager The 207A1 Mast Section
of the RCA Tube Department by J. H. Owens, Manager of RCA Test and channels in fringe areas. The 227A1 Mast Mounting
Measuring Equipment
*Trade Mark Reg. U.S. l'at. Off. The 209A1, "V" attachments for Brackets
adapting "low -frequency" dipoles The 201A1 Bright Picture Trans-
such as RCA -225A1 for single, mission Line
THE NEW RCA WS -17A TEST RACK front -lobe, "high -frequency" ,recep-
tion. The 206X1 Lightning Arrester
The 206A1, for locations where The 213A1 Harness Kit for con-
ihe high -and low -channel stations necting the 205A1 antenna to low
are widely separated; features sepa- band antennas.
rately adjustable antennas for high - Full information, pictures and
and low -band reception. prices are now available at your dis-
The 205A1, for extra gain on tributors. Don't miss the boat!
channels 7-13 when added to the Cash in by being in a position to
206A1, and permitting independent supply your customers with all their
high -band operation when used with
the 204A1, 225A1, or similar venient, dependable source, your
antennas. local RCA distributor.


This is RCA's newest innovation in the Test Equipment field, the WS -17A for
three matched instruments-Matched in service-Matched in appearance-
Unmatched for quality and performance.


Another RCA First, introduced at the Chicago Parts Show, is the WS - -r-
17A Rack, designed to house three units of RCA's famous line of matched
test equipment. Finished in the same trim blue and aluminum as the
WS -16A six -piece rack, it presents a business -like appearance and pro-
vides maximum utilization of the three test units.
The suggested rack complements meter, and the WV -95A Master
are set up primarily as a functional VoltOhmyst.*
TV servicing group of instruments. Many larger service organizations
Furthermore, a purchaser of the will welcome this addition to the line
WR-39A Television Calibrator, the as a means of separating radio and !RCA 20011
WR-59A Sweep Generator, and a television servicing facilities. Spe-
third instrument of his choice, re- cialized shops for audio equipment
ceives the rack at no additional can now have a three place panel
charge. The rack itself may also be with matched RCA units for the
purchased individually, if desired. finest in sound servicing.
For the third unit, a wide range of See this new rack-and the RCA
matched instruments is available, Test Equipment line-at your RCA
such as the WP -23A Regulated Distributor's today. For the finest
Power Supply, the WR-53A FM in test equipment-Matched in
Sweep Generator, the WA -54A Appearance-Matched in Service-
Audio Oscillator, the WO -55A Oscil- Unmatched in Performance-it's
loscope, the WR-67A RF Test - RCA's matched line. Pictured above is the RCA 204A1 Television Antenna, one of the units in RCA's
complete new line. This model is the basic TV antenna and reflector for use
Oscillator, the WV -73A Audio Volt- *Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. under normal receiving conditions.

By John R. Meagher
Television Specialist, RCA Renewal Sales
Troubles in Horizontal -Deflection and High -Voltage Circuits
The essential factor in successful the work. The trouble and causes as
television trouble -shooting is the described apply to this basic type of
ability to analyze any particular television receiver circuit and not
trouble as it appears in the picture necessarily to others.
or on the raster, and from this For the best results, we recom-
mental analysis to localize the mend that you obtain and study the
trouble to one particular section of author's RCA Television PICT -0 -
the receiver. From then on, it is GUIDE (announced in this issue of
usually a fairly simple matter to RADIO SERVICE NEWS). Each
check the tubes, voltages, and com- PICT -O -GUIDE photo is repro-
ponents in the suspected section and duced with exceptional clarity on a
to find the exact cause of trouble. special photographic type of card.
Of course, if the trouble is due to They are systematically indexed
incorrect rf-if alignment, it is neces- and cover subjects and troubles
sary to use a sweep generator, cali- which, in the main, we have not dis-
brator, and CRO to realign the cussed elsewhere-due to space A PM speaker field near the top right-hand side of the flare of the kinescope
receiver. limitations and the type of paper pulled this picture out of shape. Reversing the magnet would squeeze the picture.
In general, troubles in any par- and printing used.
ticular section of a TV receiver pro- In the two previous RADIO
duce effects in the picture, raster, or SERVICE NEWS issues we showed fails, there will be no input and, to see whether the oscillator is
sound, characteristic of that par- in brief, how picture quality is consequently, no high voltage. working.
ticular section. Troubles in different affected by troubles in the video Without high voltage, there can be Characteristic symptoms of trou-
sections produce different effects. amplifier and by incorrect rf-if no raster or scanning lines visible ble in horizontal -deflection circuits
The best way to explain and classify alignment. on the kinescope. include:
these effects is by means of photo- In this issue we show, briefly, how In the absence of a raster, the 1. Bright vertical bars on the raster.
graphs. For this reason the author troubles in the horizontal -deflection first step is to check the high voltage 2. Fold -over at the left -or right-
has made several hundred photo- and high -voltage circuit affect the by means of a VoltOhmyst* and hand side of raster.
graphs of screen patterns showing raster or test pattern. high -voltage probe such as the 3. Poor horizontal linearity that
specific troubles. These pictures This circuit, diagrammed in Fig. WG-284 or WG-288. If there is no cannot be corrected by adjust-
were made using the RCA Television 1, is fed from the output of the high voltage, check the developed ment of the horizontal linearity,
Dynamic Demonstrator to facilitate horizontal oscillator. If the oscillator grid bias on the horizontal oscillator width, and drive controls.
*Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. OR.


OUTPUT TRANS. 1133-G1-'8016 9000
0.001 Alf TO
6SN7-GT 6BG6-G 2 °°.511_

500Pii f
1 4
005.0 POWER SUPPLY (1-280V.)
56 1./P f

220000 5V4 -G ADJ.
400V 0 0 0 HZ 0
20000 ,00 2W HORIZ.
680000 HORIZ. +500
0.035pf 0.051/f +500
PEAKING 000 v 1000V
-100V +275 -100 +275 V -100V -100 V

Fig. 1-Horizontal-deflection and high -voltage circuit used in producing the troubles shown in accompanying photographs. The input signal
for this circuit is obtained from the horizontal oscillator which operates at 15,750 cycles per second.

Fig. 2-Bright vertical lines at left-hand side of raster produced when the value Fig. 3-Same general cause as Fig. 2, but produced
of the plate resistor in the horizontal -discharge tube is changed from 680,000 by reduction resistor value to 50,000 ohms-.
to 200,000 ohms.


Fig. 4 --Same trouble as Fig. 3, but with TV signal 11g. 5-Fold-over at right-hand side produced ashen the value of the grid resistor
added to show effect on test pattern. of the horizontal output tube is changed from 470,000 to 40,000 ohms.

Fig. 6-Bright vertical line at right, and picture expanded at left produced when Fig. 7-Fold-over at left-hand side. produced by open 0.0.5-tif capacitor between
the 0.035 -of capacitor in plate return of horizontal output tube is opened: drive cathode of horizontal damper tube and -100 -volt bus
control set full clockwise.

Fig. 9-S ma II dim picture with fold -over at left produced when damper tube
8-Some trouble as Fig. 7. but it I, 11 Nigritil is removed from socket. This photograph was taken in a dark room with high
added to show effect on test pattern. line voltage applied to receiver. Normally, failure of damper tube
causes complete absence of raster or picture.


Once again you can win a handsome RCA Resistor -Code Pencil by sending
tips to RCA Radio Service News, Harrison, New Jersey . All tips become the

property of RCA to be used as it sees fit . .Service Tips are our readers' ideas,

not ours. While we believe they are worthwhile, we cannot be responsible for them.


Pe WE I 6
During idle periods, particularly `Don't discard that dead VS016'.
Fig. lb Picture stretched at left produced by open resistor across dumper tube in humid locations, moisture often Before I throw out a dead one I
forms inside tightly closed cases remove the clips and fibre insulator
such as test equipment. To prevent
damage to my instruments, I've strip. These strips are handy as a
tied a small cloth sack filled with replacement in portables where the
Silica -Gel inside of each case. This old strip is worn or broken. They are
is the dehydrant used so much dur- also useful in converting older sets
ing the war for overseas shipments,
and is usually obtainable at local to use the handy clip type con-
drug supply houses. nectors found on VS016's.
Milton Radio Shop Thomas C. Turkowski
W. A. Gustafson Dostal Housekeeping Shop
7a Parkway Cres. 10357 Woodward Ave.
Milton, Mass. Detroit 2, Mich.


Fig. II-Not all vertical lines are caused by trouble in the horizontal -deflection
circuits. For example, the fine line at left-is caused by Barkhausen oscillation
in the horizontal output tube. This interference is picked up in the input of Dealers and servicemen familiar approximately the receiver IF, and
the Tr receiver. The effect is most evident on the higher channels when contrast with the RCA Multi -Range Wave over -loading by excessively strong
control is turned up to rrussi ruts rn position.
Trap, Stock No. 33033, will be local stations.
pleased to know that it is again
available. The RCA Multi -Range Wave
Trap consists of a permeability
A device of wide a t lication, the tuned circuit covering a range from
RCA Multi -Range 'tave Trap is 450 to 2100 kc and is adaptable to a
designed for use on broadcast re- choice of one of several methods of
ceivers operating in localities where connections for various frequency
reception is affected by strong local ranges and for matching different
interfering signals. The wave trap receiver input impedances.
serves to eliminate such interference
as that caused by coastal code sta- Order your supply of these wave
tions operating near receiver IF traps and be ready to combat those
frequencies, blanketing of adjacent interfering signals that mar your
channels by strong local stations, customers' reception. RCA Multi -
cross -modulation, IF image re- Range Wave Traps, Stock No.
sponse, heterodynes from spurious 33033 are available at your RCA
IF frequencies developed when two Distributor. The suggested list price
local stations are separated by is $2.35.
Fig. 12-Same trouble as Fig. 11, but greater intensity. This effect may be
minimized by adjusting the horizontal drive control, checking lead dress and
shielding, and, in extreme cases, by replacing the horizontal output tube.

Fig. I3-Normal expansion in picture size when brightness control is turned

up. Turning up the brightness increases the kinescope beam current so that the
voltage drop across the 1-megohm high -voltage filter resistor is increased
and the accelerating voltage decreased. As a result of the decreased accelerating
voltage, the beam is more easily deflected and the picture becomes larger. Then all of a sudden it goes like . . . THIS!


To answer the demand for larger television pictures at a cost lower than
has been possible with tubes of all -glass construction, RCA has introduced
the first metal -cone kinescope, the outgrowth of 13 years of research,
development, and production on metal receiving tubes. The new, directly
viewed tube, provides a picture of approximately 130 square inches on its
16 -inch diameter face and supplies the demand for a size midway between
that provided by the popular 10 -inch kinescope and the large screen
projection systems. The RCA-16AP4 is currently being mass-produced at
the RCA tube plant in Lancaster, Pa. In addition, a large new plant is
under construction at Marion, Indiana, where the production will be
centered on the RCA -16 -inch metal -cone kinescope.
This new tube has been made focusing coil, and an ion -trap mag-
possible by the perfecting of a pro- net. When the 16AP4 is operated
cess to seal glass to large areas of with an anode voltage of about 9000
metal. Because of its metal cone, the volts, the same deflecting yoke,
16AP4 weighs considerably less than
an equivalent all -glass type, yet focusing coil, and ion -trap magnet
provides increased mechanical as used for the 10BP4 are suitable.
strength. High picture brightness, When the anode voltage is 12 to 14
good contrast even under high am- kilovolts, the same deflecting yoke
bient light conditions, and a high - (such as RCA -201D12) and ion -
quality face plate are but a few of trap magnet (such as RCA -203D1)
the leading features that make this may be used, but a larger focusing An RCA Victor television receiver model designed around
tube a truly amazing "first" in the coil (such as RCA -202D2) is re- the 16AP4 metal -cone kinescope.
quired. Instead of the older electro-
Components magnetic type of ion -trap magnet,
The 16AP4, like the familiar the new permanent -magnet type
10BP4, requires a deflecting yoke, a RCA -203D3 may be used. TELEVISION FIREBALL SIGN

VERT. OUTPUT RCA 20479 of 204T2


RCA 20519
RCA -16AP4
RCA -201012

RCA -20202

RCA -70202
Stake Out Your Claim Now for
the Growing Television Service Business


It's the newest in the popular Fireball Sign series-TELEVISION
P53 -GE Of SERVICE-to help you win more and more customers.

NOR OUTPUT \ All -electronic television is an RCA development. No name stands for
as much in Television with the consumer as does RCA. This Television
Service sign Stops-Tells-and Sells customers and prospects alike-
-day and night. Stops them by its brilliance-Tells them with its mes-
sage-and Sells them on the quality of the RCA Television Tubes and
12 DIODE Parts you use.
Be sure to get one of these signs Heavy Steel Construction
for your window or shelf. See your Tan Enamel Hammerloid Finish
local RCA, Cunningham, or RCA
I Victor distributor for full details and Sparkling Chrome Trim
plan now to capitalize on the grow- 25" Long -2.%" Deep -6" High
RCA -20117S
RCA -201R4
HOR ing television servicing business. Face
LOOK AT THESE OUT- 6' Chain for Hanging
More Brilliant Than Neon The stock number is 2FR930
(RCA), 2FC930 (Cunningham), or
One Cent Runs to 24 Hours 2FV930 (RCA Victor). See it at
Pictorial diagram showing the new RCA components used with the new Terrific Visual Impact and Pene- your distributors today and find out
metal -cone kinescope, the RCA-16AP4 tration how you can obtain one.


Twelve years ago W. L. Wenzel, of Irvington, N. J. began servicing household

radios in a cubby-hole of a shop. Today, thanks to careful organizational steps
and a rugged determination to operate efficiently, Wenzel's Radio Service is an
example of growth in modern business. General servicing is handled in one Shipments of RCA Miniatures are now being made in the new Handi-Pack
shop, with no set allowed to remain on the shelf for more than 24-36 hours. Cartons, specially designed for easy stacking on shelf and counter.
Organised functions of pickup, delivery, servicing, and parts stock make this (Be sure to read the full story on page 1.)
possible. One look at the bench and feeder shelves can confirm this-radios are
conspicuously few in number. A stickler for cleanliness, every nook and corner
is kept spotless, and no radio is returned to its owner without being thoroughly
cleaned, an added service that pays big dividends in good will.

To help the serviceman cash in on

the growing popularity of the 45 -
rpm phonograph development, RCA
has announced the 202W1 Record
Player Selector. Designed to adapt
a single sound system for use with
both 78 rpm and 45 rpm players, the
202W1 mounts handily on the rear
of amplifier or radio cabinets. By a
flick of a switch the listener may
connect either player to the audio
circuit of the radio. Dual connectors
permit plugging in either of two
types of popular phone) plugs.
In the other shop, television sets receive the same t reatment -a 48 -hour deadline Stock this convenient selector anti
goes on every set brought in. Wenzel attributes this low -time service to the
efficiency and reliability of his RCA Test Rack, an investment that has been profit from today's leading record
continually paying off. No set is permitted to leave the shop without a thorough player sales campaign -45 rpm.
check on the test bench. Here, as in the AM shop, a routine plan moves every- Suggested user price of the 202W I
thing in perfect coordination. A carefully planned stock eliminates numerous
trips to the distributor and concentrates buying into a weekly expedition of RCA Record Player Selector is
considerable importance. RCA 202W) Record Player Selector $3.95. See your RCA Distributor.
_mg chose
jailow .

From the RCA Test Equipment

laboratory comes a notice of modifi-
cation on the RCA WR-39A Tele- V2 8AK5
vision Calibrator design. Said to CLIPPER L MOD.
alleviate the occasional microphon-
ics encountered in the 6A K5 Clipper R45
and Modulator stage in a few of the o v.
earlier production models, the situ- +7.5 V.
Third section of this high efficiency plan applies to sales. Notably lacking on ple change requires only two half -
the floor are the conventional haywire displays. Every set is ready for demon- watt resistors and one small by-pass R5
10 MEG
stration, neatly arranged for convenient listening or viewing. Here, too, clean- capacitor. R46 C37
liness is a prime sales virtue. Not only surroundings' but the sets themselves, Reference to the instruction book 3300 .05
are regularly dusted and polished. Eye -appeal must be satisfied as well as the
critical ear. (1B-4039-1, 2) diagram, which ac-
Demonstrating the TV set in the photo is William L. Wenzel, owner of the well- companied the instrument, and to
known New Jersey organization. He's an RCA booster too, confident in the con- the revised schematic shown here,
sistent high quality and ready consumer acceptance of radio and television's indicates the simplicity of the
leading name. For Wenzel, it's the .familiar circle monogram of RCA.
(With acknowledgment to Aaron Lippman & Co., Newark, N. J.) change.
If undeliverable for any reason,
POSTMPOSTMASTER. notify sender, stating reason, on
Form 3547, postage for which is


la&ID30 21217M2
RCA RADIO Sconce News is published by the RCA Tube Depart-
ment in the interest of radio servicemen and dealers everywhere. It w
distributed free of charge to members of the radio -service fraternity
through the courtesy of RCA and its tube, battery, test equipment and
parts d' "baton.

RCA has pioneered the development of miniature tubes

One high quality-for TV -FM -AM

-at no extra cost
In TV and FM-where tube quality This single standard quality benefits all
counts-RCA tubes more than meet the users. This extra quality cuts down costly
critical requirements. That's because the service call-backs . . . builds customer
quality level of RCA tubes has been con- confidence . . . brings you more business.
tinually advanced in step with circuit
progress. Improved design ... more rigid NEW...
control over manufacture and inspection When you push RCA tubes you're sell-
ing the brand that holds top customer handy miniature package
. . . and more exacting tests, account for

acceptance. So-push RCA tubes and watch Now RCA miniatures come neatly
these higher quality standards. They apply packaged, five of a type, in attractive,
to all tubes of a type . . . at no extra cost. your business grow! expendable cartons. They're easier
to handle, easier to stock, and a great
ALWAYS KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR RCA TUBE DISTRIBUTOR aid in keeping track of your inven-
tory. No extra cost ... but plenty of
extra convenience!

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