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CIPD Assessment Report: (AR1)

Intermediate – Associate Diploma in People Management

Centre name: Victory Training and Development Institute Centre number 1074
Learner name: RGDA OMAR ALFAWAZ Learner CIPD No: 88748435
Unit title & code: 5CO02 – Evidence-based practice Assessment ID:
June 2023-Sept 2024

Ali Mirza
Assessor Name & Internal Quality Assurer
Electronic Signature & Electronic Signature
Jean Hisola

Assignment start date: June 2023 Assignment end date: September 2024
Assignment submission
Assessment date:
date: Click or tap to enter a date.
Assessment date
re-submission date:
11 April 2024 (re-submission): 1 May 2024


Your manager has just returned from the monthly Senior Management meeting where all departmental heads have been asked to present a report
that showcases how they contribute to business performance. As someone who has experience in evidence-based practice and data analytics,
she has asked if you would produce a report for Senior Management that explains what evidence-based practice is and its relevance to people
professionals. She would also like you to include practical examples of the types of data analysis that people practitioners use to gain insight into
people practices.

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In readiness for this you are required to complete a report comprising two sections.

Section One – Report

For section one, you are to produce a report that provides the Senior Management team with knowledge and understanding of what evidence-based
practice is and the approaches that can be taken for effective critical thinking and decision-making that ensures integrity and value is upheld.

You must ensure that you:

● Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how approaches to evidence-based practice can be used to provide insight that
supports sound decision-making across a range of people practices and organisational issues. (AC 1.1)
● Evaluate one appropriate analysis tool and one appropriate analysis method that might be applied by organisations to recognise and
diagnose issues, challenges, and opportunities. (AC 1.2)
● Explain the main principles of critical thinking and describe how these might apply to your own and others’ ideas to assist objective and
rational debate. (AC 1.3)
● Explain three decision-making processes that can be applied to ensure that effective outcomes are achieved. (AC 1.4)
● Assess three different ethical perspectives and explain how understanding of these can be used to inform and influence moral decision-
making. (AC 1.5)
● Appraise two different ways organisations measure financial and non-financial performance, providing one example of each. (AC 3.1)
● Explain how people practices add value in an organisation and identify two methods that might be used to measure the impact of people
practices. (AC 3.2)

You should relate to academic concepts, theories and professional practice throughout your report to ensure that your work is critical and informed
by using key academic texts, articles and relevant publications. All cited references used should be correctly acknowledged and presented in full in a
bibliography at the end of your report.

Section Two – Quantitative and qualitative analysis review

For section two, you are to provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis review using the two sets of data provided.

Firstly, review the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Salary data that is presented in Table 1 and provide analysis of it to show the:

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a) percentage of each gender by type.
b) ethnicity as a percentage per team.
c) disability percentage as an organisational whole and by teams.
d) salary difference across genders.
e) overall average salary paid by the organisation.

Present your findings using appropriate diagrammatical forms and make justifiable recommendations based on your evaluations.

Table 1 – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Salary Data – (please click on the link to open the table)

Worksheet 1 in New 5CO02

Secondly, Table 2 gives the rating feedback scores for a sample of 300 employees taken from a recent survey on hybrid working practices. Provide
scrutiny of the applied scores, present written commentary on any themes or patterns that might be occurring, and present recommendations based
on your findings.

Table 2 – Feedback scores from a recent employee survey on hybrid working practices

Feedback Scores in 5CO02 WORKSHEET

Completion of the above two activities will address the following ACs:

▪ With reference to a people practice issue, interpret analytical data using appropriate analysis tools and methods. (AC 2.1)

▪ Present key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives. (AC 2.2)

▪ Make justified recommendations based on evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions. (AC 2.3)

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The evidence must consist of:

▪ Task One. – Report (2900 words)

▪ Task Two. – Quantitative and qualitative analysis review (1000 words)

Refer to CIPD word count policy

Learner declaration:
● I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work.

● I have read the assessment regulations and understand that if I am found to have ‘copied’ from published work without acknowledgement, or
from other candidate’s work, this may be regarded as plagiarism which is an offence against the assessment regulations and leads to failure in
the relevant unit and formal disciplinary action.
● I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software if required.

● I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance purposes in accordance with the provisions of Data Protection
● I understand that the work/evidence submitted for assessment may not be returned to me and that I have retained a copy for my records.

● I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through internal and external quality assurance processes it is not

Learner Name:
Learner Signature:

Marking Grid: To be completed by assessor(s)

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Task 1: Assessor comments
Overall Mark
Assessment criteria Provide rationale for judgements against each assessment criterion Attempt
(Mark 1-4)
and identify areas for development
AC 1.1 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this assessment criteria, you
need to evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how
Evaluate the concept of evidence- approaches to evidence-based practice can be used to provide insight that
based practice including how it can supports sound decision-making across a range of people practices and
be applied to decision-making in
organisational issues. To cover the following points:
people practice. 1st Attempt
• What is evidence-based practice? 1
• Importance of evidence based practice in HR
• The four sources of evidence – to relate it to HR
• Combining the evidence
• Rational Decision Making
• Alternative Theories of Decision-Making
Rgda, you have met the requirements of this assessment criteria, you have
demonstrated a wide range and confident level of knowledge, &
understanding, Included examples that illustrate the point being made, 2nd Attempt
that link and supports the issue of people practices. 2

AC 1.2 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this assessment criteria, you
need to evaluate one analysis tools (like 5 porters forces, Fishbone 1st Attempt
Evaluate a range of analysis tools diagram, Force-field Analysis, …etc.. And one analysis methods (i.e. 1
and methods including how they Interviews, ..). Refer to the course material
can be applied to diagnose
organisational issues, challenges Rgda, you have met the requirements of this assessment criteria, you
and opportunities. could have illustrates the tool via a diagram, and link your discussion to 2nd Attempt
the organizational issues challenges, …. Etc.

AC 1.3 Rgda, you met the requirements of this assessment criteria, In the first 1st Attempt 2
part, you could consider: awareness of bias – conscious and unconscious,
Explain the principles of critical of yours and others’ in addition to valuable points raised.
thinking including how you apply

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these to your own and others’ ideas. In the second part of this AC: You could consider issue related to:
comparing ‘like with like’ differentiating between fact and opinion;
awareness of personal agendas and ‘fake news’, not taking Reformation at
‘face value’; managing ambiguity and complexity of information;
triangulation and testing out of conclusions… etc.

2nd Attempt Choose an item.

AC 1.4 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this assessment criteria, you
need to explain three (3) decision-making processes (from the below list)
Explain a range of decision-making that can be applied to ensure that effective outcomes are achieved.
processes. 1st Attempt
1- best fit 1
2- future pacing
3- problem-outcome frame
4- action learning approaches
5- De Bono (six thinking hats)
Rgda, you met the requirements of this assessment criteria, you have
demonstrates good knowledge, understanding required to meet the AC.It 2nd Attempt 3
is expected to include examples to support each answer.

AC 1.5 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this AC. You need to assess
three (3) different ethical perspectives – rom the below list- and explain
Assess how different ethical how understanding of these can be used to inform and influence moral
perspectives can influence decision- decision-making. 1st Attempt
making. 1
1- Deontological
2- Utilitarianism
3- Contractarian
4- Ethical ego
Rgda, you met the requirements of this assessment criteria, you have 2nd Attempt 3
demonstrated an acceptable level of knowledge, understanding required
to meet the AC, you have illustrated related examples supporting your

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views, and an understanding of these different ethical perspectives, can be
used to inform and influence effective decision-making.

AC 3.1 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this AC. You need to
Appraise different ways rigorously illustrate and contrast a range of different ways and approaches
organisations measure financial and that are used to measure financial and non-financial performance within
non-financial performance. organisations. You have illustrated few, but could not build a contrast and

Appraise two (2) different ways organisations measure financial and 2

ways measure non-financial performance, providing one example of each.

Financial KPIs: Net profit margin ; Current Ratio; Quick Ratio; Gross 1st Attempt
Margin ratio; Net profit ratio; return on Equity.. etc. Note: you need to 1
write the equation, and explain the result is it is less or more than Zero.

Non-Financial KPIs: Retention Rate; Customer Satisfaction Index;

Conversion rate; Net promoter score;

Note: Financial ratio’s are considered financial indicators of organization

performance, revenue is a cash indicator and ROI is an investment
indicator, mostly done prior to starting a business. Moreover, “balanced
scorecard” is a business analysis tool, it is not considered as KPI.

Rgda, you have demonstrated an acceptable level of knowledge,

understanding required to meet the AC, you have illustrated examples in
appraising different ways organisations measure financial and non- 2nd Attempt 3
financial performance.

AC 3.2 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this AC, you have explained
Explain how to measure the impact the general meaning of value creation which is fine but it is requires to : 1st Attempt
and value of people practice using a 1-Explain how people practices add value in an organisation and 1
variety of methods. 2- identify two (2) methods that might be used to measure the impact of
people practices.
Rgda, you met the basic requirements of this AC, you have demonstrated 2nd Attempt 2

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an acceptable level of knowledge, required to meet this AC. It was
expected to elaborate on evaluation tools used to measure HR impacts.
You need to provide related HR examples with more details, to support
your discussion.

Total for this task (1st Attempt) 8

Total for this task (2nd Attempt) 17

Task 2: Assessor comments

Overall Mark
Assessment criteria Provide rationale for judgements against each assessment criterion Attempt
(Mark 1-4)
and identify areas for development
AC 2.1 Rgda, you have met the requirements of this assessment criteria, you have
demonstrated a wide range and confident level of knowledge, &
With reference to a people practice understanding, Included examples that illustrate the point being made, 1st Attempt
issue, interpret analytical data with strong interpretation and analysis of data with appropriate tools and 3
using appropriate analysis tools and

2nd Attempt
Choose an item.

AC 2.2 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this assessment criteria, You
1st Attempt
need to present few key findings for stakeholders from people practice 1
Present key findings activities and initiatives, based on data extracted in AC 2.1
for stakeholders from people
practice activities and initiatives. Rgda, you have met the requirements of this assessment criteria, you have
demonstrated limited level of knowledge, & understanding. You have 2nd Attempt
presented key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and 2
initiatives, based on data extracted from AC 2.1

AC 2.3 Rgda, you did not meet the requirements of this AC, you could not present 1st Attempt 1

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Make justified recommendations recommendations, based on the findings in AC 2.2, and it is expected to
based on evaluation of the benefits, evaluate the benefits, risks and financial implications of the proposed
risks and financial implications of recommendations listed, with more of your own ideas and thoughts, to
potential solutions. support the recommendations listed.

Rgda, you have met the requirements of this assessment criteria, you have
demonstrated limited level of knowledge, & understanding. It was
expected to evaluate the benefits, risks and financial implications of the 2nd Attempt 2
proposed recommendations listed, with more of your own ideas and
thoughts, to support the recommendations listed.

Total for this task (1st Attempt) 5

Total for this task (2nd Attempt) 7

*Overall Decision is combined marks of all tasks

To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment criteria.
The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or
referred (0-1).

Overall mark & Unit result

1st Attempt 0 to 19 – Refer 20 to 25 - Low Pass 26 to 32 - Pass 33 to 40 - High Pass

2nd Attempt 0 to 19 – Fail 20 to 25 - Low Pass 26 to 32 - Pass 33 to 40 - High Pass

Assessor feedback summary Rgda, your assignment is not outlined in a proper way, you Total Points 13

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1st Attempt: need to clearly tile each AC “ Assessment criteria” you could Unit Result: REFER
not demonstrate an acceptable level of knowledge,
understanding or skills, with unfocused answers, and could 14/03/2024
not support your views with related examples.

Please refer to the assessment comments above and re-write

AC 1.1., AC 1.2 AC1.4 , AC 1.5 , AC 3.1, AC3.2, AC 2.2 & AC
2.3 accordingly, with a full focus on the requirements of each

1- in the second attempt, highlight or underline changes Date:
made to the original submitted assignment.
2- Use the Assessment Criteria code and tile i.e. “AC
1.1.: Evaluate the concept of evidence-based
practice” , for each and every AC.
3- The reference list: It is missing, you need to follow the
“ Harvard Referencing Guide”. Moreover, at this level
of cipd you need to create few in-text citations.

Rgda, your assignment has met the basic reequipments of the Total Points 24
Assessor feedback summary assignment. is well outlined, it was expected to demonstrate your Unit Result: Low Pass
2nd Attempt: own views related the ACs. It is important to outline your 01/05/2024
assignments or reports in a clear way, using headings and
subheading, tables, diagrams, charts ..etc. Date:

AR1_Assessment report 1 V01_June 2022

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