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With the introduction of too easy. These combos
D3 imo auto combos (button tap may give players a
combos), it seems the chance who haven’t
01 scorn infamous MK juggles may joined the MK craze, but it
not be worth:the effort. seems they are too easy
OS HiTftnn For example, Scorpion's for the damage they do
' 7-hit jump kick, Teleport, and f rustrate some who
OS JflDE Spear and. auto combo is favor the juggles
33 percent damage.
m REPI1LE However, a simple
turnaround punch and
as ERUlflC the same auto combo
is also 33 percent! For
DT H1ILEEM most,Characters, the .
juggles and special ,
ID 5UHEM moves aren’t more, •
damage, and are even
li heui mniiES lower. This new auto
combo system does
ID DRlQinULB add variety but may be
worth the effort?



The computer plays too close. Beware of the
defensively to an ex¬ computer’s too perfect
treme. In fact, you can timing and the defensive
move, back and'forth, from playing that stops you
a certain distance and the from jumping or running
computer opponent will in. The computer still,
just mimic you and won't seems to fall for certain
attack unless you move in combos, loops and traps.

%. 9
% il
Due to the computer’s nature, you can simply tap back
and forth and keep the computer still until time runs out.
. The much-liked or strings to take out the
dreaded Endurance characters quickly.
rounds from MK I are You only have one
back! Play defensively bar of energy so play
by tricking the com¬ conservatively and
puter (see computer \ don’t beat yourself by
section) or rely on rir ■ | getting too anxious
your best combo .I;■ 1|| and jumping in.

Remember, play the rounds just as

defensively as the computer. Only
attack when the computer sets
itself for a clear open attack!



As expected, there are ~mWoi-J7-■ ■ wmos
■am— -
tons of secrets surrounding
this game (especially the
“Toasty Man”). Keep an ,, , |
eye out for other playable
'• * r4 characters, like Rain and
human Smoke. Check out
the pic on the left.
' TIow that there 1 Remember: his
are auto combos, his 1
classic combos aren’t } f very low to the groum
as devastating. A useful you step in close and
tactic is to jump kick the move fast. He is s
players out of the air and as tough as ever and
i teleport into a combo. : sure to be popular.

His spear works spear. Also, be sure

well in combos but to check the dis-
can be used if you tance when tele¬
lure people in a few porting so you don't get
places. Move to jump kick trapped in a corner. His
distance and block any Teleport Punch is quick
projectile then throw the. and a great defense.

The classic combo (jump kick. T.P., spear, upper¬

cut) is not as powerful as before since his turn¬
around punch and auto combo is the same damage
(33 percent), His best combo technique is to jump
kick players out Of the air and set up the combo.
J1 (28 percent) -Jump kick, Spear; Uppercut
■ ”1 ; — ~ — Also try:
,{f *V -H \ % h C3 (33 percent):
Cl 24 percent: Hp, Hp, Hk, B+ HK ' r * Turn around punch
C2 24 percent: Hk, Hk, Lk, Lk _ _J ___ qnd Cl or C2
J2 (33 percent): Jump punch, Teleport Punch, Spear, Cl or C2
" She had deadly. H her Fan Raise '
corner traps with dam¬ ■ combos are only a few
age up to 9b percent. I percent greater than just
Now, her Fan Raise com¬ I a High punch hop kick or
bos have been severely ' a simple standing high j,
crippled to almost not kick. She remains strong J
being worth it. Many of due to the air Fan. Toss. ^

Her Fan Raise is |

a good defensive i * -S® and can'be used
move, but it’s not 4t with a jump kick as
very effective since a quick one-two
all combos from it are combo. Be sure to use the
weak. Her best move Square Wave especially if
her Fan Toss since it < players jump back.

Her best bet is a turn-around punch into an auto

combo. However her jump kick, air Fan Toss, hop
kick is still very effective. Unfortunately, she has
many Fan Raise combos but the damage is really
low (from 22 to about 30 percent).
J1 (30 percent): Jump kick, Fan Toss, Hop kick
—• -- _ Also try:
J' f * , %*,; C3 (33 percent):
Turn around punch Cl 23 percent: Hp, Hp, B+Lp, F+Hp
and Cl or C2 C2 23 percent: Hk, Hk, Lk, B+Hk
J2 (30 percent): Fan Raise, Jump un and Hp, Jump kick, Fan Toss
If it weren't for . 1 ■ Protection, is
her killer auto combo. j B tough to use but can be
she wouldn’t be that pop¬ I very devastating. She is
ular. Her stars are a great i more of a defensive char-
. asset but she .doesn't : [ acter because of her pro¬
I have very original jectile move and her many
* moves. The Projectile Star moves.


Use Jade’s
Glowing kick like
f ! catch them off
guard. A great trick
Johnny Cage s in a . ,«<. • is to time the
kick combo or. after Projectile Protection
a dose projectile. Use her well. If you can use it -
Star to zone foes, but rely right, run in and do her
on the boomerang star to massive auto combo. ’

She has a simple one-two with a jump kick and
Glowing kick, but it is useless when compared to a
jump punch into- her seven-hit auto combo.
(Damage varies for computer, :see below.) Use the
Projectile Protection to set up her auto combo.
C2 (33 percent): Turn around punch into Cl

Cl 23 percent: Hk, Hk, Lk, B+Hk
J121 percent: Jump kick, Glowing kick
r* j
i ■ ■.>; J I. -.1* j i
.1 F
1 E
C3 (34-42 percent): Turn around punch, Hp, Hp, D+Lp, Hk, B+Lk. B+Hk

J i;.~ %\
■ different spc-od
improved due to multiball S Energy Balls and his fas
techniques. Before, his I Acid Spit, Those who
Energy Balls were very; l liked him before but
..predictable and slow. With ' thought he was too limit¬
Some good judgment, you ed will be very happy to
can trap people with his see he is:realty tough.

Besides the
almost useless Wnj]
Elbow Charge, his * tr?* . Spit to pin. player
other moves are back. Also, his
.great for zoning and trap¬ Slide can now be used
ping players. Use fast and after many jump: kicks
slow Energy Balls to jug- especially in combos.

His auto combo is decent, but his pop-up combo -

into a Hp„ jump kick and slide does more damage.
He is one of the few characters where his “real"
combo causes more destruction than an auto combo.
Use the ball juggles to rack up lots of damage.
J1 (39 percent): Turn around punch, C2, hop kick, Slide

K ' " ' I-/" . 1 Cl 23 percent: Hp, Hp, Hk, B+Hk

_immM C2 18 percent: Hp, Hp, D + Lp

J2 (36 percent): Energy Ball, Hp, Hp, Energy Ball Hp, Jump kick, Slide
case a
fireball). Once he is
found he is a quick
favorite due to his
aggressive nature of
combos and teleports.

used that same way.

Dig comoo dui, it s ' Avoid projectiles
very predictable and is with the teleport or take
best used in a combo. He advantage of its nature by
also: has a quick Teleport , jump kicking into it.
'—^"Her Sai shots ■ sister, she has
made her one of the I ■ quick one-two combos
toughest zoning charac- 1 I with her Sai shots that
ters from MK II. You can I I are very easy to do.
still use her air Sai shots 1 f Learn to use her Roll
to somewhat the same and you can play both
degree of zoning. Like her defense and offense..

Her Sai Shots can ; «£,} do her Drop Kick or

be done at many dif- _ •. jump kick and Sai.
ferent heights so use s . Her Roll is probably
them to play keep- the best in combos
away. Also, use it as a after a jump kick, or use it
quick one-two combo. On defensively right when a
jumping foes you can still character is about to land.


Her auto combo is rather damaging but try her I
jump kick, Roll, HP, Roll and a HK or try to add a , , I
hop kick into the Sai Shot. This looks impressive
but her quick one-two combos from a kick into a . . 1
roll or Sai shot are her strengths.
Cl: Hp, Hp, B+Hk, B+Hk, U+Lk, D+Hk

J1: Jump kick, Roll, run in Hp, Roll, Hop kick

to be a cheap character ■ combo that can now b<
due. to the unblockable I used inside of his old
Ground Ice. It is a good I one. Play him just like
trap to keep players on f before using the Grounc
I the move. He is very Ice and the Ice Blast to
I deadly with the addition catch your opponent off

.. The Ice Blast is . '** . : ■. . . . opponent psyched '

still a great trade for ' out and cause them
any projectile, use it jipy jafklhI to jump back into a
to trade hits and .7 Ice Blast or into a
gain the upper hand. The standing high kick. Learn
Ground Ice is still a good to zone with the ice move
technique to make your ahd fake them into it.

Similar to his old combo, using a jump kick Ground

fee, you can now add an auto combo (see below). In
addition he has a similar refreeze combo (in the.air)
like new Sub-Zero. This isn’t necessarily more dam¬
aging, but it is rather cool looking after a freeze.
J1: Ice Blast, Hp, Ice Blast, Uppercut
~F ■ imk-. Also try:
Hs .J * v’ J2; lce Blast> tee
C1:Hp, Hp, D+Lp, D+Hp £ Blast, Jump kick,
C2: Hp, Hp, B+Lk, B+Hk, F+Lk
J3: Ice Blast, Jump Use his auto combo after a Ground
kick, Ground Ice, Turn ft
around punch, Cl, \
Hop kick, Slide
, ■* He had the
. 4;.; ' ' most damaging
ft js* * combo and
... .., •- |3ecame an
- instant favorite.
quicker after a jump - -z-i-- Now the damage
kick. Normally it is the same for his infamous combo is nearly
but with a kick it’s twice as % halved to slow him down a bit.

LIU ft fl ft B HD Jlftfl

y j*! ’' / around punch, HK, HK,

Hs/HP, HP, U+ LP, hop kick,
; and Leg Grab for eight hits
and nearly 50 percent damage!

a c n t d ri / a m d he E "I ft fl ft
The Teleport kick :v--' ' |j His bombs got a
now tracks you. If ^ ... /s^.^ bit excessive. He
you jump back, it will KK 41 can only have two
follow you as-well as Jr on the screen at a
if you jump in and * ‘-V ' time. Also notice
are coming down. I- • ■ ; .—-— that if you fight in.
This adds a new bit of strategy to, the desert, Cyrax is still in the back¬
him and Smoke as well. ground even if you play as him.

H T ft "1 ft E ft

(PD,F+ rr,W^ with his

HK) was ^—*——" other
auto grenade or the put in the game Roll. It can’t be
to pop Baton Throw. to remove any . used in combos.
H fl n D L1n B THE ft E B T
Although.there are new and more lethal fighters in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, don’t
forget about the-15 original fighters of Mortal Kombat 3 Some of the original fighters
have new moves and combos, but many of their moves have not changed in the
' upgrade. Check out these next two pages for strategy on your favorite fighters.

n L D H T IU □ L F
The Axe Uppercut comes in handy
4% against, opponents
m. jumping in at you.


Always charge the

Cannonball move and ^
release it after a jump
kick or anytime a player "i
is just walking. His <
Blade uppercut is a very
riTrom far away. From close up, effective counter to most i
his ait throw or great high kick jumping players. ■

§R If used correctly, Sub-Zero
: | deadly. Using his ice showy
afer^>fS. j|j er on characters who
teleport vertically . I
(Sheeva, Kung Lao) it is a great way to ys
counter attacks. When an opponent w
e the Ice Clone to freeze them him or her. ^
Smoke's strong -^
point is his teleport and spear.
Without them, he is nothing. When
B H E E V fl executed, the teleport and upper¬
Sheeva’s Ground S' v- ?\ cut combo takes of a good amount,
Stomp is difficult to L, * v ^ of energy.
avoid and the oppo- w > %Jr¥j
' nent has a nano-
second to react. Her
legs have a.longer range than the BHflnB TSUUB
average kombatant. so she has the His Flame Eruptions is good when
upper hand on jump kicks. ■■jjjJTfii catching someone not
I blocking, but his triple .
fireball is a great juggle
B E It T □ R r -fp on players jumping in
T i H ..<■ ~t -s =5] Use his: Mm | or away. Use the fire-
" balls to: pin foes back
liBrif !s ~ % tracking
2V. loW . . - - -- • Missile to
(' 'm prevent
• ^_- Jg|} players
pulling off other moves or combos. He has the best
Try using ..this with a Teleport kick. \ and fastest one- .
\ two combos ;
11 * ||| -j (jump kick to .
* **i j any special),
It fl D fl L tfj J Use his low fire-
balls and great
uppercut to zone.

After any jump kick or |_ liU UB L fl U

an upclose counter,
use his Top Spin Use his Diving kick
up his infamous after a jump kick for ,■ W
X combos. His Eye a quick one-two |ijY V
Spark is a good combo, Also, trick . . t. \
ij technique to use players by jumping
W in the air to knock back and doing a ' '
' opponents back. low Dive' kick. His teleport is okay
but gets very predictable. '
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