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Field Theory: exam 30/6/2021

1. Let α, β be real roots of x3 − 2 and x4 − 6x2 − 2 ∈ Q[x] respectively.

Consider the extension K = Q(α, β) over Q.
(a) Prove that K/Q is radical.
(b) Show that there exists a polynomial g ∈ Q[x] such that K is a
stem field of g over Q.
(c) Is g(x) = 0 solvable by radicals?
(d) Let γ be a root of g in C. Is γ a constructible number?

[2 points]

2. Let ζ15 be a primitive 15-th root of unity and G the Galois group of
Q(ζ15 ) over Q.
(a) Show that G is abelian of order 8.
(b) Is G a cyclic group?
(c) Find three elements in G of order 2.
(d) Is there an intermediate field of Q(ζ15 )/Q not normal over Q?
(e) Show that Q(ζ5 ) and Q(cos(2π/15)) are two
√ different intermediate
√ √of degree 4 over Q. Knowing that 5 ∈ Q(ζ15 ), prove that
Q(i 3, 5) is another intermediate field of degree 4. Conclude
that these are the only three intermediate fields of degree 4 over
[2 points]
√ √ √
3. Let σ be the automorphism of Q(i 3) given by σ(i 3) = −i 3.
Let ζ9 be a primitive 9-th root of unity.
Knowing that the 9-th clyclotomic polynomial √ Φ9 (x) ∈ Q[x] has the
following factorization into irreducibles over Q(i 3) :
√ √
Φ9 (x) = (x3 − 1/2i 3 + 1/2)(x3 + 1/2i 3 + 1/2),

determine the number of embeddings σ : Q(i 3, ζ9 ) → C extending σ.

[1 point]

4. Let F be a finite field with q = pm elements and K|F be a finite

extension of degree [K : F ] = n. Prove that K|F is Galois and its
Galois group is a cyclic group of order n generated by

σ: K → K
α 7→ αq

[2 points]

5. Prove that a finite field extension is algebraic.

[1 point]

6. Let K|F be a finite Galois extension of degree n with Galois group

G = {σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σn }. Prove that γ ∈ K is a primitive element of K|F
if and only if
σ1 (γ), σ2 (γ), . . . , σn (γ)
are all distinct. [2 points]

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