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You know, in this situation, whether you want it or not, all students have to go online.

Do you like to study online? online learning is the only option that works for the
moment. Because it's an effective tool for students not to be interrupted when we can't
go to school. And we save a lot of time to travel, we just need to open the computer
phone, and we can get a lecture right away. However, online studies have some
restrictions like the interactions of a computer screen that can't compare to the fact that
we've met our friends and your teacher. One of the greatest challenges of online
learning is to wrestle with the focus on the screen for a long time. With the online
studies, the students have a chance to be distracted by social networks or other sites or
the noise. And the subject of technology or network routes is a huge disadvantage.

In order for online learning to be more effective, I'll give you tips that might help you:

1. Create study space

It is very important as it is necessary for concentration so if you can set up a study

space that is separate from your bed specifically is a great idea and somewhere where
you can have your computer and have your live sessions for instance or have a quiet
space to study if possible. I know everybody's situation is different so if you can try to
set up a separate study space and preferably, if possible, near a window that studying
by window really energizes you especially having the sunlight coming in.

When setting up your study space, make sure:

-Have a high-speed internet connection

-Have the required books, materials, and software for the course

-Have headphones for listening to lectures or discussions (especially important in

shared spaces)

2. Avoid distractions

it can be difficult to focus on your online classes if you have a social media account
open in another tab in your computer or receiving notifications from your mobile phone
now how to get rid of these distractions while you are attending your online classes
then. it's just simple block those websites in your laptop or computer which distracts
you while you are using your mobile phone go to the setting option and mute those app
notifications and that's it now you can focus very well
It's about the outside problem, I mean, before the online class begins. And
would you provide me other suggestions for making the online learning
process more effective for students?

3. Get organized

Organization is key to successful online learning. Creating a study plan will help you
meet deadlines and work around your existing commitments and responsibilities.

You can do things such as:

 Organize information by creating charts, outlines, study guides, flashcards,

concept maps and chapter maps. Create practice exams to evaluate your
mastery of the material.
 Use smart test-taking strategies Before a quiz or exam, write down formulas or
other information you may need. Survey the exam before starting and budget
your time. Begin with the easiest test questions and work your way to the harder
ones. Expect memory blocks. Often the information will come back to you if you
move on to other questions.

4. Schedule regular study breaks

Taking study breaks will help you concentrate on your learning. Engaging in some
gentle physical activity like: exercise, walking outdoor, yoga, stretch… or other things
like: listen to music, have some healthy food or snack, talk with your friends, read a
book, …
It helps you to feel reenergized and return to your studies with more energy and focus.
Try to take a break away from your study space and, if possible, avoid looking at
screens during these breaks.

5. Take care of yourself

It’s very important because It’ll affect your learning progress a lot. if you push
yourself too hard, it will make you feel tired, lost motivation, stress out and it’s bad for
your both physic and mental health.
So, you have to take care of yourself, you can:
- Look inward for your motivation. Remembering the goal, you are working toward
will help you as you work through the challenges of being a student.
- Stay healthy by getting adequate rest, nutrition and exercise. Use positive self-
talk to reduce anxiety. Schedule time to take care of yourself and spend time
with your friends and family.
- Keep a growth mindset. Your success has as much to do with your effort as it
has to do with your ability. Monitor your self-talk and stay positive.
- Treat yourself right, reward yourself like some dessert you like, a little bit extra
time to play game or doing thing you like
Take care of yourself keep your physic and mental health balance, it can keep you up,
stay motivation and you can learn better. So don’t over studying without take care of

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