Ancient Greece Newspaper Project

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Ancient Greece Newspaper

You will create a newspaper as a group to depict various events, images, people, and concepts of the Ancient
Greece. This shall serve as a good reinforcement activity. Use your textbook, notes, and your own research.
You must do the following:

● Letter to the Editor /20

○ a letter sent to a publication about issues of concern from its readers.

● A Large image /10

○ Color or print
○ Must have a caption (2-3 complete sentences long)
○ Should go with one of your articles

● Two articles /35

○ 1 article- Event (17.5 pts)
■ Summarize one major event (war, myth, can be something from the Greek Cultures
Worksheet: theatre, architecture, Olympics, math & science, etc.)
■ Create a title for your article
■ 7-10 sentences

○ 2nd article- Bio (17.5 pts)

■ Write a bio (major contributions or events during his/her life).
■ Examples- Aristotle, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Pericles, Leonidas, one of the Greek
gods or goddesses
■ Create a title for your article
■ 7-10 sentences
● Advertisement /20
○ Sell something (event, item) related to Ancient Greece
○ Draw a picture and include 3-5 facts (in complete sentences)!
○ Name for your store, location, prices, slogans, pictures

● Requirements /15
○ Neat, group members on task
○ Everything must be in pen and images colored (handwritten and drawn)
○ Everything must be in your own words
○ Give your newspaper a title
○ Set up paper to make it look like a newspaper

Total /100

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