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Data Flow Diagram (DFD):


A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through a system. It
illustrates how data is input into the system, processed, and output. DFDs consist of processes, data
stores, data flows, and external entities.

• Processes: Represent the functions or transformations that are performed on the data. In our
sentiment analysis system, the main process is the "AI Sentiment Analysis" module, which
processes the input text data to generate sentiment labels.

• Data Stores: Represent the storage of data within the system. In our example, the "Sentiment
Analysis Model" is a data store where the AI system retrieves the pre-trained model for
sentiment analysis.

• Data Flows: Represent the movement of data between processes, data stores, and external
entities. For instance, data flows from the "User Interface" to the "AI Sentiment Analysis"
module as input text data, and then from the "AI Sentiment Analysis" module to the "Output
Result" module as sentiment labels.

• External Entities: Represent sources or destinations of data outside the system boundary. In our
example, the "User Interface" and "Output Result" are external entities interacting with the

Level 0 DFD:
Level 1 DFD:

1. User Interface:

• This is where the interaction between the system and the user occurs.

• It serves as the entry point for inputting text data.

2. Input Text Data:

• This represents the text data inputted by the user through the user interface.

• It serves as the raw material for sentiment analysis.

3. AI Sentiment Analysis:

• This module is responsible for analyzing the sentiment of the input text data.

• It applies various natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand the

sentiment expressed in the text.

4. Sentiment Analysis Model:

• This component represents the machine learning model or algorithm used for
sentiment analysis.

• It is trained on sentiment data to learn patterns and make predictions about the
sentiment of new text data.

5. Sentiment Analysis:

• This submodule refers to the process of applying the sentiment analysis model to the
input text data.

• It generates a sentiment label indicating the sentiment of the text data (e.g., positive,
negative, neutral).

6. Sentiment Label:

• This represents the output of the sentiment analysis process.

• It indicates the sentiment predicted by the system for the input text data.

7. Sentiment Data (Training and Testing):

• This data store contains the dataset used for training and testing the sentiment analysis

• It consists of labeled text data used to teach the model how to classify sentiments

8. Output Result:

• This is the final output presented to the user through the user interface.

• It displays the sentiment label predicted by the system for the input text data.

This diagram showcases a typical workflow for sentiment analysis in an artificial intelligence system,
involving data input, analysis using a trained model, and presenting the results to the user.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD):

• It shows the flow of data within the system.

• Level 0 DFD depicts the overall flow, while Level 1 DFD breaks down the processes into more

Structured Chart:

A Structured Chart is a hierarchical diagram that illustrates the modular structure of a system. It breaks
down the system into smaller modules, showing their relationships and interactions. Each module
represents a specific function or task within the system.

• Main Module: Represents the overall control module of the system, coordinating the activities
of other modules.
• User Interface Module: Handles user interactions, such as receiving input text data and
displaying output results.

• AI Sentiment Analysis Module: Processes input text data to perform sentiment analysis. It
utilizes a pre-trained sentiment analysis model to analyze the text and generate sentiment

• Output Module: Receives sentiment labels from the AI Sentiment Analysis module and displays
them to the user.


Both the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Structured Chart provide valuable insights into the functionality
and structure of the artificial intelligence system performing sentiment analysis. The DFD visually
represents the flow of data through the system, while the Structured Chart illustrates the modular
design and interactions between different components of the system. These diagrams facilitate system
analysis, design, and communication among stakeholders involved in the development and maintenance
of the AI system.

Structured Chart:

Main Module

|-- User Interface Module

| |-- Receive Input Text

| |-- Display Output Result

|-- AI Sentiment Analysis Module

| |-- Receive Input Text

| |-- Perform Sentiment Analysis

| | |-- Use Sentiment Analysis Model

| | |-- Analyze Text

| |-- Return Sentiment Label

|-- Output Module

|-- Receive Sentiment Label

|-- Display Sentiment Label

• Structured Chart:

• It illustrates the modular structure of the system.

• The Main Module controls the flow and coordination between the User Interface, AI
Sentiment Analysis, and Output modules.

Both the DFD and Structured Chart provide a clear visualization of the sentiment analysis system's
components and their interactions, aiding in system understanding and design.

Function-Oriented Diagram:


• Artificial Intelligence (AI): Represents the overarching system responsible for various AI-related

• Natural Language Processing (NLP): Deals with the interaction between computers and humans
using natural language. It involves tasks like text analysis, sentiment analysis, language
translation, etc.

• Computer Vision (CV): Focuses on enabling computers to interpret and understand the visual
world. Tasks include image recognition, object detection, facial recognition, etc.
• Machine Learning (ML): Involves algorithms that allow computers to learn from and make
predictions or decisions based on data. It encompasses supervised learning, unsupervised
learning, reinforcement learning, etc.

Each component in the function-oriented diagram represents a specific area of functionality within the
artificial intelligence system. These components can further break down into subcomponents as
needed, depending on the complexity of the system and the specific tasks it performs.

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