Unit2 (4.2) - 5marks Important Question and Answers

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5 marks Question and Answers

Unit- 2 (4.2)
Ethics and Values

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1. What do you mean by Ragging ?

explain factors and its consequences.
Ans- Ragging refers to the practice of seniors in educational
institutions, usually colleges or universities, subjecting junior students
to various forms of physical or mental harassment, teasing, and
humiliation. Ragging can take many forms, ranging from relatively
harmless pranks to serious physical abuse.
Factors that contribute to ragging include the desire of seniors to assert
their dominance and superiority over juniors, the need for bonding and
camaraderie among students, and a lack of oversight and discipline by
educational authorities. In some cases, ragging can also be a
manifestation of deeper social issues, such as caste or gender-based
Ragging can have severe consequences for victims, ranging from
psychological trauma to physical injury or even death in extreme cases.
In addition, it can also negatively impact the overall educational
environment and contribute to a culture of fear and insecurity among
To prevent ragging, educational institutions must take a proactive
approach, such as implementing strict anti-ragging policies and
regulations, conducting awareness programs for students and faculty,
and providing counseling and support services for victims. Additionally,
students themselves can play a crucial role in preventing ragging by
refusing to participate in such activities and reporting any instances of
ragging to the appropriate authorities.
It is also important to note that ragging is a criminal offense in many
countries, and students who engage in such activities can face serious
legal consequences, including expulsion from educational institutions,
fines, and imprisonment.
In conclusion, ragging is a serious issue that can have far-reaching
consequences for victims and educational institutions alike. Preventing
ragging requires a concerted effort from students, faculty, and
educational authorities, and a zero-tolerance approach to such activities
must be adopted to create a safe and secure learning environment for
2. Define sucide ? Explain its factors,reason ,prevention and
important points ?
Ans- Suicide is the act of intentionally taking one's own life. It is a serious
public health issue that affects individuals and families from all walks of life.
Suicide can happen for many reasons, but the most common factors include
mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, or
schizophrenia, as well as traumatic life events, substance abuse, and social
There are many factors responsible for suicide, which include: • Failure in
academics • Stress • Incompetence • Mental disorder • Conflict • Lack of
inter-personal relationships • Adventure due to influence of social media,
advertisements or stories • Unemployment or low socio-economic
conditions • Loss of near and dear ones • Falling into the trap of substance
abuse • Discrimination • Psychological and mental illnesse
Symptoms of a person: People who are considering suicide may show
warning signs such as talking about wanting to die, feeling hopeless or
trapped, withdrawing from friends and family, or engaging in risky behaviors.
If you notice any of these signs in yourself or someone you know, it is
important to seek help immediately.
Prevention: of suicide involves addressing risk factors such as mental health
conditions and substance abuse, as well as promoting protective factors such
as strong social connections and a sense of purpose. Effective interventions
include counseling, medication, and support groups. In addition, promoting
mental health awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental illness
can help to prevent suicide.
Suicide is not an alternative or solution to the challenges of life. Yes,
life is not a bed of roses. But the beauty of life is realised only after
facing a lot of challenges. God has given us a brain, a healthy body,
mind and some support. So let us try to survive and flourish with
these. The best comes out of the worst and only the fittest survive.
Students are real stress-handlers, real counsellors, and a source of
real strength for their friends. So, let us not allow our friend to die and
let us try to put a smile on his/her face.

3. Explain need for “educational counselling” with its important


Ans- Educational counselling is a process that assists students in making

informed decisions about their academic and career paths. It involves
providing guidance and support to students to help them overcome
obstacles and reach their educational and career goals. Here are some
important points that explain the need for educational counselling:
1. Career guidance: Educational counselling helps students identify their
interests, strengths, and weaknesses, and matches them with suitable
career options. This helps students make informed decisions about
their future and ensures they are on the right path.
2. Academic support: Educational counselling provides students with the
necessary support to excel academically. This may include assistance
with study skills, time management, and test-taking strategies.
3. Emotional support: Educational counselling also addresses students'
emotional needs, which can impact their academic performance.
Counsellors can help students manage stress, anxiety, and other
mental health issues that may affect their ability to learn.
4. Educational planning: Educational counselling helps students plan their
educational journey from high school to college or university. This may
include advice on course selection, program requirements, and
application procedures.
5. Post-secondary transitions: Educational counselling helps students
make the transition from high school to post-secondary education or
the workforce. This includes providing information on financial aid,
scholarships, and job opportunities.
6. Diversity and inclusion: Educational counselling promotes diversity and
inclusion by providing resources and support to students from
underrepresented groups. This includes students from minority
backgrounds, low-income families, and first-generation college
In summary, educational counselling is essential in helping students navigate
the complexities of academic and career decision-making. It provides
guidance and support to help students reach their full potential and succeed
in their chosen field.
4. Differentiate between violence and peaceful protest with
suitable examples ?
Ans- Violence and peaceful protest are two distinct forms of expression that
people use to express their grievances or dissent. While both methods are
used to achieve change, they differ significantly in their approach and
impact. Here is a comparison of violence and peaceful protest with suitable
1. Definition: Violence refers to the use of physical force or aggression to
achieve a goal, while peaceful protest is a non-violent form of
resistance that involves peaceful demonstrations or other forms of civil
2. Methods: Violence often involves destructive actions such as
vandalism, assault, and arson, whereas peaceful protest relies on
non-violent methods such as sit-ins, strikes, and rallies.
3. Impact: Violence often leads to destruction of property, injury, and
even loss of life, which can result in public outrage, repression, and a
setback for the cause being advocated. On the other hand, peaceful
protests can be powerful in drawing attention to an issue, and can
mobilize public opinion, inspire change, and promote dialogue.
Examples of violence:
1. The January 6th, 2021 attack on the US Capitol by supporters of
former President Trump resulted in the destruction of property,
physical injuries, and loss of life. This violent attack was condemned by
leaders from both political parties and led to the arrest and
prosecution of many of the participants.
2. The 1992 Los Angeles riots erupted after the acquittal of police officers
who were videotaped beating Rodney King, a Black motorist. The riots
resulted in the destruction of property, looting, and the loss of lives.
The violence was eventually quelled by the National Guard, and many
of the participants were later arrested and prosecuted.
Examples of peaceful protest:
1. The Montgomery Bus Boycott, which lasted for over a year from
1955-1956, was a non-violent protest against racial segregation in
public transportation. Led by Martin Luther King Jr., the boycott
involved Black citizens refusing to ride buses until they were treated
with dignity and respect. The boycott ended with the Supreme Court
ruling that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional.
2. The Women's March, which took place in Washington, D.C. in 2017,
was a peaceful protest against the policies and rhetoric of the newly
inaugurated President Trump. The march drew over 1 million
participants, making it one of the largest protests in U.S. history. The
march was praised for its non-violent message and inclusivity.
In summary, while both violence and peaceful protest can be used to
advocate for change, peaceful protest is often a more effective and
sustainable method. Violent acts can cause harm and destruction, and can
turn public opinion against the cause being advocated. On the other hand,
peaceful protests can raise awareness, inspire dialogue, and create positive
change without resorting to violence.

5. What is plagiarism and discuss the types of plagiarism?

Ans- Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work without giving them
proper credit or permission. It is a serious form of academic dishonesty that
can have severe consequences, including loss of credibility, legal action, and
academic sanctions. Here are the different types of plagiarism:
1. Direct plagiarism: This is the most obvious form of plagiarism, where
one copies someone else's work word-for-word without giving them
credit. This can occur in written or spoken form.
2. Self-plagiarism: This is when an author reuses their own work, without
properly citing it, in a new work. This can occur when an author
republishes a previously written paper, or uses the same ideas in
multiple works.
3. Mosaic plagiarism: Also known as patchwork plagiarism, this occurs
when a writer copies information from multiple sources and weaves
them together, without giving proper credit to the original sources.
4. Accidental plagiarism: This occurs when a writer unintentionally uses
someone else's work without giving proper credit. This can happen
when the writer is not familiar with the proper citation guidelines or
does not understand the concept of plagiarism.
5. Paraphrasing plagiarism: This occurs when a writer takes someone
else's work and paraphrases it without giving proper credit.
Paraphrasing involves restating the original text in one's own words,
but if done without proper citation, it still constitutes plagiarism.
6. Citation plagiarism: This occurs when a writer cites a source but still
uses the original author's words without using quotation marks or
paraphrasing the text in their own words. This is still considered
plagiarism because it fails to properly attribute the original source.
In summary, plagiarism is a serious form of academic dishonesty that can
have severe consequences. To avoid plagiarism, writers should properly cite
their sources, understand the guidelines for paraphrasing, and seek
permission from the original author before using their work.

6. How can Intellectual Property Right will be protected ? discuss.

Ans- Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are legal rights that protect the
creations of the mind, including inventions, artistic and literary works, and
symbols or designs. These rights ensure that the creators are recognized and
rewarded for their work, and also encourage innovation and creativity. Here
are some ways that intellectual property rights can be protected:
1. Patents: Patents protect inventions and grant the inventor the
exclusive right to manufacture, sell or use the invention for a specified
period, usually 20 years. To obtain a patent, the invention must be
novel, useful, and non-obvious.
2. Copyright: Copyright protects the original works of authorship,
including literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic works. Copyright gives
the creator exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display their
work for a specified period, usually the life of the author plus 70 years.
3. Trademarks: Trademarks protect the symbols, designs, and names
used to identify products or services. Trademarks give the owner
exclusive rights to use the mark, and prevent others from using a
similar mark that could create confusion in the marketplace.
4. Trade secrets: Trade secrets protect confidential information that is
valuable to a business, such as formulas, processes, and techniques.
Trade secrets are protected through contracts and agreements that
prevent employees and others from disclosing the information to
5. Industrial designs: Industrial designs protect the visual appearance of a
product, including its shape, color, and texture. Industrial designs give
the owner exclusive rights to use the design and prevent others from
producing a similar product.
6. Geographical indications: Geographical indications protect products
that are associated with a specific geographical location, such as
Champagne or Roquefort cheese. Geographical indications prevent
others from using the name of the product if it does not meet the
specific criteria associated with that location.
In summary, intellectual property rights are important for protecting the
creations of the mind and promoting innovation and creativity. To protect
these rights, various legal mechanisms are available, including patents,
copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, industrial designs, and geographical
indications. By understanding and utilizing these mechanisms, creators can
ensure that their intellectual property is protected and that they are
properly recognized and rewarded for their work.

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