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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: English 3
Code: 90121

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Task 4 – Movie critic

1. Activity Description

Type of activity: Individual

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 2
Highest score of the activity: 100 points
The activity starts on: Tuesday, April 9, The activity ends on: Wednesday, May 8,
2024 2024

With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning

You will be able to describe films to your audience (e-classmates and tutor), for that,
you will show and explain its plot by giving arguments in a coherent and cohesive
speech. Also, you will be able to interact, give opinion, argue or giving feedback to your
partners’ movie reviews.

The activity consists of:

Step 1: Check vocabulary (individual work)

1. Look at the movies posters and write sentences which describe the kind of movie
they are. For that, you must use the words in the following box.

For example: Mandela: Long walk to Freedom is a biopic and a drama.

an action film a comedy a science fiction film a (historical)

drama a horror movie a thriller a documentary
a biopic a blockbuster a cartoon

Figure 1: Movie posters

1.1. Write your sentences here:


1.2. Now, answer these questions:

- Can you think of examples of the other types of
film in the box?
- Have you seen any of the films in the posters? What
is your opinion about them?
Source: Google Image _________________________________________
- What’s your favorite type of film?

NOTE: After doing this step, you must share your answers on the forum.

Step 2: let’s read (individual work)

1. Can you name any movies that have been very popular recently? Why do you
think they were so popular?

2. Do you think blockbusters have a ‘formula’ (fixed rules for writing them)?


To answer the second question, read the article “How to write a Hollywood
Blockbuster” by clicking this link:

3. After reading the article, find words in it that match the following definitions:

- A very old story about gods, magical creatures, etc. (paragraph 1).

- The place or time in which the events of a film or book happen (paragraph 2).

- Someone who is competing against you (paragraph 3) _______________

- The way in which the parts of something are organized (paragraph4)


- A short part of a film, where the events happen in one place (paragraph 5)

- A film company or the place where films are made (paragraph 6)


NOTE: After doing this step, you must share your answers on the forum.

Step 3: let’s discuss

1. Discuss with your classmates these questions on the forum:

- Do you think it’s easy to write a blockbuster if you follow the ‘rules’ in the text?
What can be difficult?

- Have you seen any of the top four biggest-selling movies? If so, do you think they
follow the ‘rules’? Did you enjoy these films) why/why not?

- What must a film contain for being a Blockbuster for you? Why?

NOTE: you must create a discussion among you and your classmates, which you must
support or to refuse the arguments.

Step 4: Let’s share your favorite movie

NOTE: for this step, you must attend and participate in one STT to develop and
receive feedback about your work.

1. Choose one of your favorite movies and describe it. For that, you must complete
these phrases below:

- The film is about…

- It’s set in…
- It’s directed by…
- The star(s) of the film is/are…
- He/She played a/an…
- One of the best scenes takes place…
- It has a happy/surprise/sad ending…
- I like the film because…

2. Now, listen carefully your partners eight descriptions and rewrite what he/she

For example: my partner said Avengers Endgame was his/her favorite movie.
She said she liked Marvel movies because they told great stories.

Step 5: Describe your favorite movie:

1. Create a short video (maximum 3 minutes) in which:

A. you have to tell us the reasons you like your favorite movie. For that, it is
necessary to complete these phrases:

- The film is about…

- It’s set in…
- It’s directed by…
- The star(s) of the film is/are…
- He/She played a/an…
- One of the best scenes takes place…
- It has a happy/surprise/sad ending…
- I like the film because…

B. you must re-tell three of the iconic phrases that movies have in history.

For example

Example 1:

Movie: Terminator:
Figure 2:Terminator movie


Terminator says: “I’ll be back”

Re-telling: Terminator told to the police agent he

would be back.

Source: Google Image

Example 2:

Movie: Toy Story

Figure 3: Toy Story movie


Buzz Lightyear says: “To the infinity and beyond”

Re-telling: Buzz Lightyear said to Woody “To the

infinity and beyond”

Source: Google Image

NOTE: You must show your face in the video, you can record it in landscape of vertical
format. Also, it must be recorded in a lightful place. You can use some pictures from
the movie to support your ideas.

Step 6: Self-evaluation

In this step, you must check your performance during the time this task is developed.
For that, you must answer the following questions in a scale from 0 to 2. You can answer
the questions within the chart is given. This step must appear inthe consolidation step.
These are the questions:

1. Did I follow accurately the steps according to what the worksheet requires?
2. Did I attend and participate in the STT (synchronous meeting) that the task
3. Did I consider tutor’s recommendations on the forum?
4. Did I record the video according to all the indications in the worksheet?
5. Did I consolidate all the steps in the final document to be posted on the
Evaluation Environment?
1. Questions 0 1 2

Step 7: Consolidation

After doing the possible corrections and receiving the positive feedback form your tutor
about the steps you developed. You must consolidate the following items in a .doc
or.PDF file:

Step 5: Describe your favorite movie (Youtube or Google drive link).

Step 6: Self-evaluation (you must share the chart with the corresponding points).

After that, you must upload it in the Evaluation environment.

For the development of the activity consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

- Revise the course agenda to be informed about the initial and closing dates of

In the Learning Environment, you must:

- Look at the grammar topics and activities in modules 9 to 12 from the eBook.

- Participate in the collaborative forum of this task by posting your

contribution inevery single step on time.

In the Evaluation Environment, you must:

- Consolidate and submit your final document to the Evaluation Environment.

Evidences of individual work:

The individual evidence to be submitted is:

A document with the following information:

- Cover
Step 5: Describe your favorite movie (Youtube or Google drive link)
Step 6: Self-evaluation (you must share the chart with the corresponding

Evidences of collaborative work:

There is not collaborative work in this task.

2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences to Submit

For Individual evidences, consider the following:

- You must take part in the forum within the dates stablished in the course

- Before submitting the final paper, you must check that it carries out all the
requirements related on this activity worksheet.

- You must feedback or comment to any of your e-classmates’ contributions to

improve and enrich as your contributions as theirs.

Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must comply
with APA style.

In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism. You
can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual campus.

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it includes
citations where there is no match between these and the reference and paragraph f)
To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of research products,

which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13 de diciembre de
2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

3. Evaluation Rubric Template

Type of activity: Individual

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 2
The highest score in this activity is 100 points

High level: all the practice activities are carried out and sharing
accurately among your partners and tutor on the STT session, also,
submitted correctly according to the guidelines.

First evaluation If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points and
criterion: 18 points.

Average level: part of the practice activities is developed onthe STT

Practice activities
and the forum. The activities are executed with some grammar and
pronunciation mistakes.
This criterion
represents 18
If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points and
points of the totalof
14 points.
100 points of the
Low level: There is no evidence of participation or interaction in the
STT and forum. The participation was not meaningful towards task’s

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and
4 points.

High level: Your interaction within your classmates and tutor in the
STT session was meaningful towards an accurate use of reported
speech for referring to what others said.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points and
18 points.
Second evaluation
Average level: each one of the steps to be developed are partially
Performance evident in the STT interaction and performance. The use of reported
speech is evident but with some misunderstanding use.

This criterion
represents 18 If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points and
points of the total 14 points.
of 100 points of the
activity. Low level: The use of reported speech is limited in the descriptions
about others’ speech. There is no evidence of attendance and
participation in the STT session.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and
4 points

High level: The speech is carried out with normal pauses and few
hesitations. The ideas are clearly conveyed, where the target topic is
clearly explained.

Third evaluation If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points and
criterion: 18 points.

Fluency Average level: The speech is developed with frequent pauses and
some hesitation, for that, the ideas are unclearly understood.
This criterion
represents 20 If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points and
points of the total 14 points.
of 100 points of the
activity. Low level: The ideas are not expressed in a logical order. The
speech is unclear which makes the message confusing. It is evident
the reading aloud, instead of a speaking conscious activity. The
activity is not carried out.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 pointsand

4 points.

High level: the pronunciation and intonation make the

message’s speech natural and understandable.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points and
Fourth evaluation
18 points.
Average level: the pronunciation and intonation present some
misunderstandings at the time of expressing the message whichdo not
interfere with its comprehension.

This criterion If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points and
represents 18 14 points.
points of the total
of 100 points of the Low level: there are frequent pronunciation and intonation errors
activity. which do not allow the message to be clear, which affect the
communication. The activity is not carried out.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and
4 points.

High level: The ideas are organized in a logical order. The

Fifth evaluation paragraphs are connected using linking words effectively, which
criterion: allows the reader to effectively comprehend its idea.

Cohesion and If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points and
coherence 18 points.

This criterion Average level: Some ideas are not clearly organized. Linking words
represents 25points are needed to connect paragraphs coherently to give a clear idea.
of the total of 100
points of the If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points and
activity. 14 points.

Low level: The ideas are not in a logical order. The text is unclear
which makes the reader confused. It is very evident theuse of online
translators in the composition. The activity was notcarried out.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 pointsand 4


High level: all the activities and steps in the task are done
successfully and during the time the activity was set.
Sixth evaluation
criterion: If your work is at this level, you can get between 7 pointsand
10 points.
Average level: some activities and steps are done at the last week
This criterion of the task. The steps partially carry out the purpose of thetask.
represents 10
points of the total If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 pointsand
6 points.
of 100 points of the
activity. Low level: the activities and steps in the task are developed ina
misunderstanding way. There is not evidence of developing thewhole

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 pointsand

2 points.


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