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1245405 EAU Environment & Urbanization

Editorial: Connecting decarbonization and social

justice in cities

Anna Walnycki and Tucker Landesman

I. Introduction to social justice in low- and middle-income

cities. We and the papers in this issue recognize
Efforts to link climate action and social justice in that adaptation is an immediate priority, and
cities have tended to focus on adaptation,(1) and often the starting point, for low-income and
the decentralization of resources and decision- marginalized communities living on the front
making powers to cities and communities.(2) line of climate change. Rather than supplanting
Little attention has been paid to how cities those priorities, we explore and demonstrate
– including cities with low carbon footprints how decarbonization as a process of mitigation
– could accelerate decarbonization and even is an essential component for efforts to achieve
bypass carbon-intensive trajectories of cities urban climate justice and climate-resilient
in the global North.(3) And even less attention development.
has been paid to how such decarbonization
processes might be accelerated while
advancing social justice which, at a minimum, II. Research Themes In This Issue
means reducing poverty and responding to
unmet basic needs. This special issue of Attention to urban climate justice, which
Environment and Urbanization expands the provides a framing for research and action in
empirical research and debates on how climate the global South, has expanded significantly
change mitigation policies and practices can in the past decade, and policy advocates and
align with the imperative to secure social justice practitioners have strengthened evidence in this
in cities and to support the agendas of urban regard based on climate-resilient development.
social movements. Low-income and informal It is also a useful basis for framing the Editorial of
settlements present ample opportunities to this special issue. Links between decarbonization
accelerate mitigation efforts by reducing and and social justice in cities are emerging, but
eliminating CO2 emissions from building and there is a need for more empirical research and
manufacturing processes, and extending the practical knowledge about grounding climate
uptake of renewable energy supplies, a process justice in low-income and informal settlements
widely known as decarbonization. By advancing among grassroots organizations, planners and
our understanding of the scale of spatial and practitioners, policymakers and other governing
economic informality, and with a critical analysis actors.
of how climate action and policy can reduce Papers in this issue support three relevant
poverty and inequalities and promote political lines of research and debate that respond to this
inclusion, the papers in this issue contribute to gap. The first theme considers why low-income
debates around urban climate justice and point and informal communities are legitimate sites
to opportunities to connect decarbonization not only for adaptation-orientated climate
action but also for mitigation via the process of
1. Shi et al. (2016); Yang et al. (2021). decarbonization, looking at how low-income
2. Colenbrander et al. (2018). communities can play an active role in associated
3. Liu et al. (2022). planning processes (see Ali et al. and Moretti

Environment & Urbanization Copyright © 2024 International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). 3
Vol 36(1): 3–12. DOI: 10.1177/09562478241245405
E N V I RONM E NT & UR B AN I Z AT I ON Vol 36 No 1 April 2024

et al. in this issue). The second theme explores collective, city-wide and community action,
the extent to which low-carbon infrastructural as part of a global development approach that
initiatives can align with efforts to address also seeks to redress North–South inequalities
structural and spatial urban inequalities (see and climate reparations.(7) In the process of
Hermanus and Cirolia, Yang, Dias et al., and preparing for this journal issue it has become
Muñoz-Chavez et al. in this issue). Finally, clear to us that more research is urgently
reflecting on normative urban climate justice needed on governance and planning processes
framings, a third set of papers focuses on the that integrate decarbonization within climate-
unequal opportunities in the current climate resilient upgrading for low-income informal
policy and action arena for the participation neighbourhoods. Action to reduce and avoid
of all urban stakeholders, and notably low- future emissions must be relevant to both existing
income and informal urban actors and women and new neighbourhoods; and low- or zero-
(see Alber, Herrera, and Roll et al. in this issue). carbon technology should benefit residents of all
These papers all, in one way or another, connect incomes. It is important to bear in mind that,
decarbonization with efforts to achieve social according to estimates from the International
justice in low-income urban communities in the Energy Agency, 80 per cent of urban buildings
majority world. and infrastructure that will exist in sub-Saharan
Africa in 2050 are yet to be built.(8)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
a. Why focus on decarbonization in Change’s (IPCC) sixth assessment stresses the
low-income urban settlements? combination of adaptation and mitigation
actions that climate-resilient development
The impacts of rising temperatures and the requires, extending beyond current short-term
consequences of failing to limit global warming adaptative strategies in cities.(9) For example,
to 1.5oC continue to fall most heavily on nature-based solutions such as green roofs, rain
less developed countries and low-income gardens, permeable pavements and green pergolas
populations.(4) These effects exacerbate the can enhance resilience to a range of climate
challenges faced by those living in informal hazards including flooding, heat island effects
settlements, who have limited adaptive capacity and air pollution, and can be paired with building
because of severe housing, infrastructural materials and practices and renewable energy
and basic service deficits, and low incomes.(5) infrastructure that advance decarbonization in
Given the inverse relationship between their the city. However, if these interventions are to be
carbon emissions and their vulnerability, relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals
low-income communities with small carbon and social justice priorities, they require a focus on
footprints should not bear the responsibility equity, ensuring that infrastructural and housing
for decarbonization. However, their voice investments benefit significant numbers of low-
as urban residents and their need for improved income and marginalized communities in the city.
infrastructure must be recognized. In this Many of the papers in this special issue
context, a failure to engage low-income demonstrate how and why efforts to reduce
communities in planning for investments and overall emissions should consider low-income
interventions focused on decarbonizing cities is settlements as sites of intervention, and dispel the
likely to replicate existing socioeconomic and myth that low-income communities have no role
infrastructural inequalities.(6) to play in decisions related to climate action and
The global climate emergency provides an investments. Ali et al. outline how the knowledge
unprecedented challenge to the future of the and practice of low-income communities in
planet. It is vital to fully consider all possible Lagos, Nairobi and Johannesburg engaged in
opportunities to accelerate decarbonization and local infrastructural development can challenge
adaptation and at the same time to respond global sustainability narratives and, in turn,
to pervasive poverty and inequality through contribute to a reframing of urban climate justice

4. Sealy-Huggins (2017). 7. Gillespie and Mitlin (2023).

5. Dodman et al. (2019). 8. IEA (2019).
6. Sovacool et al. (2019). 9. IPCC (2023).


predicated on access to resources and broader Using data collected by WIEGO,(11) Dias
patterns of participation. This paper contributes et al. (in this issue) contend that research
to emerging debates around who benefits on waste pickers’ engagement with climate
from infrastructural interventions, specifically action, including emissions reduction, should
those that promote decarbonization. Current be grounded in the knowledge and practice
sustainability narratives and framings, including of waste pickers. Research on their specific
that of climate justice, continue to be dominated needs – including the discrimination and
by wealthy countries, and have legacies of poverty that they experience – reveals that
colonialism and unequal development. A failure waste pickers have a nuanced understanding
to reflect on the perspectives of low-income of the local impacts of climate change and the
urban communities will further deepen existing implications for resilience and social justice.
inequalities. Climate injustices have tended to be The authors contend that effective climate
framed at national and global levels. The authors, action in cities that prioritizes climate justice
by contrast, demonstrate the value of considering requires better coordination between all levels
inter- and intra-urban inequalities and how these of the state, and collaboration with organized
inequalities manifest on different fronts: in local waste pickers. To secure benefits for climate
infrastructure interventions that can accelerate mitigation, waste pickers need access to
decarbonization, in the scope for collaboration appropriate technology and financial support.
with local government, and in the integration of For this reason, the authors argue for financial
community knowledge into policy and practice. incentives for waste pickers, such as a recycling
Climate narratives and interventions are or climate bonus, to reflect the public and
often driven by elites and power holders, and climate benefits of their work.
consequently can exacerbate inequalities, Muñoz-Chavez et al. also examine household
exclusion and injustice, and can accelerate practices of waste management in informal
elite capture of prime land and resources.(10) neighbourhoods in Santiago de Cali, Colombia
Moretti et al.’s paper in this issue explores the and the implications for ‘zero waste’ municipal
work of social movements focused on housing strategies. Noting the unequal access to waste
occupations in São Paulo and Natal, and collection services, the authors describe the
considers how this work can advance alternative many sustainable practices of low-income
pathways towards decarbonization. They argue households regarding waste separation and reuse
that housing occupations can simultaneously of organic matter. Some of these sustainable
reduce socioeconomic vulnerability and habits are rooted in traditional knowledge and
exclusion exacerbated by climate change, and practices that internally displaced women from
present housing alternatives in vacant unused more rural settings have maintained. The mixed
housing in the centre of cities (a practice also quantitative and qualitative methodological
explored in a different context in the paper by Ali approach of Muñoz-Chavez and colleagues is a
et al. in this issue), which thereby limits the need valuable contribution in framing household and
for transport to work and for new construction. neighbourhood-level waste management practices
Low-income communities are often excluded as climate action and identifying opportunities
from central districts. Meanwhile there are for scaling up such practices for measurable
significant numbers of empty buildings in the contributions to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction.
centre of the city (11.78 per cent of São Paulo’s
homes and 15.44 per cent of Natal’s homes).
The work of social movements in this instance b. How infrastructural initiatives can
highlights how vacant buildings in the centre align with efforts to promote social
of cities could provide an immediate alternative justice
form of housing with a relatively low carbon
footprint. This provides an entry point for A growing body of research examines how low-
strategic engagement with local government on carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure and
more equitable and sustainable access to housing
11. Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing
for marginalized communities in the city.
(WIEGO) is a global network focused on empowering the working
poor, especially women, in the informal economy to secure their
10. See Sovacool et al. (2019). livelihoods.

E N V I RONM E NT & UR B AN I Z AT I ON Vol 36 No 1 April 2024

housing strategies can reproduce inequalities local government institutions. For example,
and foment “green gentrification”.(12) Most nature-based solutions are being used as an
empirical research on this front focuses on cities entry point to shift mindsets about informal
in the global North,(13) with some emerging settlement upgrading intervention in Buenos
from Southern cities.(14) Sovacool et al.(15) argue Aires in a process that is being co-led by the
that low-carbon pathways – a framework of City Housing Institute.(20) Climate-resilient
economic development meant to avert GHG development can be central to participatory
emissions as low- and middle-income economies upgrading with systematic cross-sectoral action
grow – are easily captured by “elite processes” and spanning housing, transport, waste and energy
ideologies via experimental climate policies and concerns, a potential currently being explored
low-emissions technologies, and by increased in the Mukuru special planning area process
financialization via debt-based climate funding, which includes Nairobi City County and the
as discussed by Herrera (in this issue). The result Muungano Alliance.(21)
is often the displacement of low-income and Several papers in this special issue consider
climate-vulnerable populations from contested the extent to which infrastructure investments,
land and dispossession of their homes and and specifically energy transitions towards
property. The role of local government in renewables, can also respond to local
these processes is not straightforward. In some development needs and reduce structural
cities, municipal governments and wealthy spatial inequalities. Two papers in particular
residents that are hostile to low-income, self- (Hermanus and Cirolia; Yang) provide empirical
built settlements have long used environmental reflections on how green infrastructural
concerns and disaster “risk” as grounds to investments can fall short of the mark when
demolish informal settlements and displace they are poorly aligned with local governance
their inhabitants.(16) Yang and Herrera (both in structures or are used as a means of suppressing
this issue) each provide examples of how local environmental protest and state resistance.
governments can disingenuously adopt green Hermanus and Cirolia’s paper considers the
rhetoric in the form of waste management implications of efforts to improve access to
policies and municipal green bonds to advance decentralized urban renewable energy projects
alternative agendas that have negative in Uganda. Undeterred by the decentralization
implications for climate and for equity. and distribution of technologies, renewable
More research is needed in Southern cities energy governance is found to be fragmented
that are pursuing more progressive projects so and contested. It is dominated by international
as to understand the potential for climate-just donors, agencies and private actors and there is
approaches to infrastructure for low-income little room for local government to effectively
communities – approaches that are sorely govern the transition or delivery of services. The
needed by those living in informal settlements. authors conclude that current efforts to promote
Aligned with calls for more climate-resilient just transitions are not effective because they
development(17) and for climate finance to do not support and empower local urban
recognize the imperative of integrated climate governments and institutions to ground and
action,(18) there is a small but expanding localize energy governance.
evidence base on scalable climate-resilient Yang’s paper in this issue considers how
infrastructure and housing interventions in Guangzhou transitioned from landfill to
informal settlements(19) that is led or co-led by incineration infrastructure as part of the
rescaling of national Chinese environmental
12. Anguelovski et al. (2019); Blok (2020); Bouzarovski et al. (2018); governance through the “low-carbon cities”
Harper (2020). initiative. The author contends that the
13. Anguelovski et al. (2022); Cucca et al. (2023). decentralization of environmental policy was in
14. Yazar et al. (2020); Torres et al. (2022). fact an effort to respond to local state resistance
15. Sovacool et al. (2019). and environmental activism, given widespread
16. Ghertner (2011); Doshi (2018); Zeiderman (2016). public resistance to incineration as a form of
17. IPCC (2023).
18. OECD (2021). 20. Hardoy et al. (2022).
19. Núñez et al. (2020). 21. Sverdlik et al. (2019).


waste management in the city. Yang sets out how lens(24) has emerged alongside literature focused
incineration as a modality of energy transition on urban planning and design for equity in
does little in terms of decarbonization; instead, the context of climate change(25) to lay the
it was a means of responding to a growing foundations for urban climate justice framings.
waste management challenge resulting from Building on this, critical urban theory has been
rapid urbanization. The author argues that used to analyse neoliberal climate urbanism in
Guangzhou City government developed a series order to understand and critique how climate
of performative governance practices around strategies and action are presented as apolitical
incineration that implied good governance in and technocratic yet are fundamentally shaped
the context of climate change and aimed to by free market ideology and reproduce uneven
legitimize the state in the face of ongoing social and unjust urbanization.(26)
protest. He concludes that alternative forms of Climate justice debates across spatial scales
environmental governance linked to changes in often begin by acknowledging an injustice – the
political capacities and emerging technologies unequal and unfair distribution of harm caused
could provide relevant topics for future research. by climate change. As previously stated, the
There are emerging examples of urban poor are more likely to experience the
decarbonizing infrastructural initiatives that negative consequences of global warming and
can improve inclusive governance and respond are less capable of bouncing back.(27) Further
to basic needs. The Energy Justice Program, research underscores how race, gender, sexuality,
developed by Slum/Shack Dwellers international migration status, age and (dis)ability intersect
(SDI), promotes decentralized solar energy as with poverty and make minority and oppressed
a means of providing pro-poor disaggregated identity groups disproportionately vulnerable to
energy to informal urban communities across climate change.(28) It follows that research has
12 sub-Saharan countries. The entry point is prioritized the understanding of and adaptation
energy and more equitable access, but the means to the climate risks faced and the harms
is predominantly based on low-carbon energy experienced by those living in poverty. This
systems. Communities have played an active issue seeks to understand how decarbonization
role in the transition process, accelerating the technology and practices can be integrated into
adoption of new technologies, and alternatives climate action in low-income and informal
to grid-based electricity.(22) In addition, the neighbourhoods in such a way that responds to
Society for the Promotion of Area Resource poverty and promotes political inclusion.
Centers (SPARC), SDI and the Global Resilience Some papers in this issue build on existing
Partnership, in collaboration with the UN calls for expanded research on the practical
Climate Change High-Level Champions, have application of urban climate justice beyond
together recently launched a campaign that aims conceptual analysis, critical theory or frameworks
to deliver resilient, affordable, low-carbon homes and principles.(29) Cohen(30) argues that the
for 2 billion people by 2050. At the core of this new social movements that have coalesced
campaign is an effort to align social justice with around “the right to the city” provide the best
resilience and decarbonization for marginalized opportunity of achieving wide social appeal
urban communities.(23)
24. Bulkeley et al. (2013); Castán Broto and Bulkeley (2013);
Granberg and Glover (2021).
c. Urban climate justice: enhancing 25. Steele et al. (2012); Shi et al. (2016); Fuentealba et al. (2020);
equity in participation Rice et al. (2020).
26. Long and Rice (2020); Castán Broto and Robin (2021);
As previously outlined, this special issue draws Ranganathan and Bratman (2021).
on framings of urban climate justice in order 27. UN Human Settlements Programme (2011); Dodman and
to connect decarbonization and social justice Satterthwaite (2008); Hardoy and Pandiella (2009); Douglas et al.
in cities. Analysis of global, national and local
28. Ranganathan and Bratman (2021); Schell et al. (2020); Khosla
climate policy debates using a normative justice
and Masaud (2010); Kilpatrick et al. (2023).
29. Hughes and Hoffmann (2020); Rice et al. (2023); Castán Broto
22. Sheridan et al. (2019). et al. (2023).
23. Owen-Burge (2022). 30. Cohen (2018).

E N V I RONM E NT & UR B AN I Z AT I ON Vol 36 No 1 April 2024

for long-term urban sustainability. Similarly, which have historically been shaped by national
Wagle and Philip, writing in this journal, argue actors, global and national data sets and policy
that climate adaptation strategies in Mumbai debates.
threaten to reproduce inequalities unless they Several papers in this special issue focus
centre “voices from below”. These authors call on the inequalities of opportunity in the
on “climate-oriented planners [to] learn from the current climate policy and action arenas that
rich history of the struggles of Mumbai’s informally are dominated by mitigation and low-carbon
housed, religiously diverse, creative but embattled development strategies. There have been high
working populations”.(31) aspirations surrounding municipal green bonds
While the field of climate action in cities (MGBs) as a means of providing resources to
has expanded significantly both in policy and cities – particularly in the majority world – to
practice and in academic study, notions of justice tackle climate change, but very limited examples
and equity are often sidelined as too political of their implementation. Herrera (in this issue)
or too social. Sirigotis et al.(32) argue that most analyses the implementation and impact of
municipalities fail to effectively integrate equity MGBs in San Francisco, Mexico City and Cape
and justice into climate action planning. While Town using the established framework of
climate planning (mostly in the North) shows a procedural, recognition and distribution justice,
correlation between increased climate ambitions and sets out how subnational “green” debt can
and a greater concern with inclusion and justice, produce climate injustices. The author contends
equity is rarely a priority for cities committed that the green-labelled funding in these cases
to net zero emissions.(33) Relatedly, municipal did little to advance climate justice and instead
actors struggle to integrate gender equality into was used by local government to fund ongoing
their climate policies and plans, as noted by infrastructural priorities. Climate and social
Alber (in this issue). In a Field Note the author injustices continued and were even exacerbated
reports on a translational project that developed in each city. The author calls for more
and piloted the first gender-responsive climate transparency at local government level about
mitigation and adaptation policy tool for the extent to which MGBs can simultaneously
city governments in the global South. The respond to climate change and inequality;
assessment tool (GAMMA) supports gender furthermore, additional research on this issue
inclusion and calls attention to climate action could inform broader efforts to integrate climate
that reproduces inequalities, such as subsidies justice into debates around the role of climate
to male-dominated professions while ignoring finance in cities.
feminized labour and caregiving. However, a Roll et al.’s paper considers urban labs as
key learning is that municipal governments an alternative governance arrangement that
and local women-led civil society organizations could provide innovative solutions to non-
rarely have climate policy experts who also linear urban challenges such as climate change.
have gender expertise and vice versa. Even with Urban labs present a collaborative space for a
accessible and context-relevant policy tools like range of public, private and civil society actors
GAMMA, Alber underscores the importance to co-produce and test scalable interventions.
of multistakeholder collaboration. Barriers to The authors focus on the formation of urban
participating in climate decision-making and labs in five cities in Argentina, Brazil and
silos between climate action advocates and Mexico premised on establishing transformative
established urban social movements might urban coalitions that aim to accelerate net
indirectly de-prioritize equity and justice in zero pathways while promoting social justice.
municipal climate planning and action. Urban In Buenos Aires, for example, the urban
social movements and federations of the urban lab focused on developing decarbonizing
poor have not been included as equal partners interventions as part of an existing informal
in climate agendas and global policy arenas, settlement upgrading scheme. The lab included
participation from the local community and the
31. Wagle and Philip (2022), page 333. city’s Housing Institute alongside others. The
32. Sirigotis et al. (2022). paper examines the lab formation process rather
33. Della Valle et al. (2023). than the practical and strategic impact of urban


labs. In doing so it demonstrates the importance modernization of Asian cities. The paper touches
of developing broad goals that extend beyond closely on this special issue’s concern with
technocratic interventions to include social both decarbonization and justice. Concrete,
and economic priorities. Meaningful inclusion the authors point out, is the most heavily
of local communities and paying close consumed substance in the world after water,
attention to urban governance arrangements and its production is among the very top carbon
are central to this process. Secondly, reflecting emitters. Its widespread use has led to a host
on the formation of Latin American urban labs of ecological issues, from the imperviousness
compared to European urban labs, the authors and heat retention of urban surfaces to the
underscore the importance of understanding environmental degradation that accompanies
and sustained engagement with local context as the extraction of its raw materials. The damage
opposed to global and regional differences. is not only environmental. The authors
The discussion in this issue of Environment argue that the benefits of concrete have also
and Urbanization builds on earlier contributions been accompanied by a less well-documented
to this journal, grounding climate (in)justice hardening of social inequalities and injustices.
in various empirical contexts of urban poverty The authors focus specifically on Metro Manila,
and informality. Previous issues of the journal tracing the history of concrete use in transforming
have documented the disproportionate climate- its built environment, and going on to consider
linked harm experienced by those living in the current implications and socioecological
urban poverty.(34) More recently, authors “entanglements” of its production. They build on
began explicitly engaging with the issue of Val Plumwood’s concept of “shadow places”(39)
climate justice. Chu and Michael in 2019(35) to explore the hidden underbelly of the
examined the exclusion of migrants in Indian concrete economy – the unregulated mining
cities and argued for a greater emphasis on quarries where marginalized workers eke out a
the “recognition” dimension of urban climate meagre living, and the communities suffering
justice. Participation in climate decision-making from cement dust pollution and inhalation –
spaces has been discussed as a key factor of documenting not only the hardships but also
just outcomes, for example in transnational the creative resistance of those penalized by
municipal networks(36) and in participatory the industry. Through recognizing and making
budgeting.(37) Most examples of this kind of visible these shadow places and actions, the
engagement have focused on risk, adaptation authors see the possibility of moving towards
and resilience, aligning with the emphasis on the “environmental justice principle of place”
adaptation within global and urban climate advocated by Plumwood.(40)
justice discourse and, more recently, addressing
loss and damage. This special issue builds on Anna Walnycki (corresponding author) is principal
and complements these debates with the aim of researcher of the Human Settlements Group at the
International Institute for Environment and
exploring how mitigation via decarbonization
Development (IIED).
can align with social justice agendas in cities.(38)
Address: International Institute for Environment
and Development (IIED), 44 Southampton Buildings,
III. Feedback London WC2A 1AP, UK; email: anna.walnycki@iied.
We have only one Feedback paper in this issue,
the account by Pryor Placino and Napong Tucker Landesman is senior researcher of the
Tao Rugkhapan on the role of concrete in the Human Settlements Group at the International
Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
34. E.g. Huq et al. (2007); Satterthwaite (2011); Satterthwaite and
Bartlett (2017). Email:
35. Chu and Michael (2019).
36. Geldin (2019).
37. Cabannes (2021). 39. Plumwood (2008).
38. Cociña et al. (2022); Levy et al. (2023). 40. Plumwood (2008), page 147.

E N V I RONM E NT & UR B AN I Z AT I ON Vol 36 No 1 April 2024


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