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Color Black: suggests that you are serius and intelligent, or you might choose to wear a long black as a

sign of respect for someone who died.

Color blue:are confident and reliable, its a good color to wear to a job interview, gives a feeling of calm
and peacefulness, parents are reliable

Color Yellow: Is the color of happiness, sun, and laughter, make you feel happier, its use by active,
creative people.

Color Red: get a lot attention, may have a lot of energy and get excited easily.

Color Green: gives you a good mood, represent peace and happines, people who wear green may be
very active and take good care of money. They are also caring and kind

Color Orange: is a fun color and also very warm, those who like to wear orange are cheerful and enjoy

Color White: suggests something new.People who like to wear white are very neat and organized in
everything they do

Reading Skill Getting Meaning from context

If you find word you don"t know in a text, you can use the context to help you understand the meaning
of the word. The context is the other words near the unknown word

Colors are very important to businesses

Blue is often used by computer companies(microsoft and Dell-Show are seriuous and Dependable. Blue
can be peaceful and powerful.

To show tha ttheir computers are for serious people, many companies used t make their computers
black or gray.

Apple in 1990 made their iMac computers in a variety of different colors.

Bp gas station used the color green( enviroment)(color of nature) and Yellow is the clor of the sun, Bp
wants people to think of it as a company that cares about the enviroment.

UPS is a large delivery company. Its company color is brown. Brown was a good color for a safe, reliable
company, today this color is boring. Now the companies give an dependable service.

Critical Thinking Strategy

To restate the idea, you need to Show that you understand what it means. When you restate, be sure
not to use exactly the same language.

Vocbulary Skill Suffixes

A suffix is a letter or group of lettrs at the end of a word. A suffix changes the form of a word. Common
suffixes for changing a noun to and adjective are-ful and -al.

Future with will

In academic writing, use the future with will for predictions about the future and to express what
experts predict

Note: you can soften a prediction by usig PROBABLY. You can also use MAY instead( en lugar de ( of the
future with will.

Note: use the future with BE GOING TO express a decision or plans that you made previously. this form
is more common in informal speaking and writing.

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