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eit ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS | AARAKOCRA — ACHAIERAI — ADHERER — ALEAX — ALGOID — AL—MI'RAJ — APPARITION — ASSASSIN BUG ASTRAL SEARCHER BABBLER — BAT, GIANT — BERBALANG — BLINDHEIM — BLOOD HAWK — BLOODHAWK, GIANT — BONE- SNAPPER — BOOKA — BULLYWUG — BUNYIP CARBUNCLE — CARVATID COLUMN — CATERWAUL — CIFAL — CLUBNEK — COFFER CORPSE — CRABMAN — CRYPT THING DAKON — DARK CREEPER — DARK STALKER — DEATH DOG — DEATH KNIGHT — DEMON ~ DENZELIAN — DEVIL — DEVIL DOG — DIRE CORBY — DISENCHANTER — DOOMBAT — DRAGON, ORIENTAL — DRAGONFISH ~ DUNE STALKER LEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL —ELF—ENVELOPER—ETTERCAP—EYE KILLER—EYE OF FEAR AND FLAME —FIRETOAD FIREDRAKE — FIRENEWT — FIRE SNA) AIL SNAIL — FLIND — FLUMPH — FORLAR FROST MAN GALLTRIT — GAMBADO ~ GARBUG - GIANT ~ GIANT STRIDER ~ GIBBERLING — GITHYANKI — GITHZERAI = GOLDBUG — GORBEL — GORILLA BEAR — GRELL — GRIMLOCK — GRYPH — GUARDIAN DAEMON — GUARDIAN FAMILIAR, HELLCAT — — HOUND OF ILL OMEN — HUECUVA OAR FOX — HOOK HORROR — HORNET, GIAN ICE LIZARD — IMORPH — IRON COBRA JACUL! ~ JERMLAINE KAMADAN — KELPIE — KENKU — KHARGRA — KILLMOULIS — KUO-TOA, LAMIA NOBLE — LAVA CHILDREN — LIZARD KING MAGNESIUM SPIRIT ~ MANTARI ~ MEAZEL ~ MEENLOCK ~ MEPHIT ~ MEZZODAEMON — MITE NECROPHIDIUS ~ NEEDLEMAN — NILBOG ~ NONAFEL — NORKER — NYCADAEMON OGRILLON ~ osauIP PENANGGALAN ERNICON — PHANTOM STALKER — POLTERGEIST — PROTEIN POLYMORPH QUAGGOTH — QUIPPER - QULLAN RETRIEVER — REVENANT — ROTHE SANDMAN — SCARECROW — SCREAMING DEVILKIN — SHADOW DEMON — SHEET GHOUL — SHEET PHANTOM SHOCKER — SKELETON WARRIOR — SKULK — SLAAD — SNYAD — SON OF KYUSS — STUNJELLY SUSSURUS ~ SVIRFNEBLIN — SYMBIOTIC JELLY TABAXI ~ TENTAMORT — TERITHRAN — THOQQUA — THORK — THROAT LEECH — TIGER FLY — TIRAPHEG ~TRILLOCH ~ TROLL — TW UMPLEBY — URCHIN VISION - VODYANO! ~ VOLT ~ VORTEX WHIPWEED — WITHERSTENCH — WITHERWEED XILL— XVART YELLOW MUSK CREEPER ZOMBIE, YELLOW MUSK EXPLANATORY NOTES AAsinother collections of the same nature, the term “monster"hastwo diferent meanings in the FIEND FOLIO™ Tome, ls fret — and more important — meaning isto designate any creature encountered, hos- tile oF otherwise, human, humanoid or Deast. Thus the term is Used ‘generically to signity the subject of an encounter, until the party of Adventurers are certain wnat they have met, ti a“monster The Secondary use ofthe term is the more traditional one to sigily & Wicked or horrible creature of some sort ‘The two meanings of the term are not necessarily mutually exclusive but nor are they necessarily identical in encounter terms, Thus, fa Party encounters a monster whicn turns Out t0 6 an evil wizard, the fatter is probably a monster in the second sense of the word, too however, if tle encounter is with a pacific creature with no malign inten, the second sense is inappropriate. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ players will almost certainiy be familiar with these two Uses of the word already: those who are neweomers may find them & litle confusing at first, utexpertence will soon datermine wnich ofthe two uses ofthe word is appropriate in the particular context, Note that, despite this terminology. a human (and nearhuman) en- ‘countered as a monster always uses the combat matrix for humans ‘when attacking. In other words dwarves, elves. gnomes, nalf-clves, haifings, half-ores and humans always use the human attack matrix whotnor they are “monsters” or “player-cnaracters Each FIEND FOLIO monsteris given afull description inthe text which follows; additionally, each has been assigned value for each of a ‘number of parameters which collectively describe its behaviour, com bat mode and so fort in general terms. The parameters are expiained here. FREQUENCY refers to the likelihood of a particular creature being fencountered ina region of area where it mignt be an inhabitant ‘denoting the rarity or ctherwiseof the monster in such areas Very rare indicates a 4% chance of occurrence: rare indicates an 11% chance uncommon indicates a 20% chance and common indicates a 65% chance. These probailites are reflected, with nacessary minor approx imations such as are wel within the limits of statistical variation, nthe Monster Level Tables. There are some variations within each category ~ for example, some creatures which are “very rare” will in fact be rarer than others under the same general description NUMBER APPEARING indicates g00s average spreac. Generally, it 8 creature is encountered in or near is lair, it can be expected 10 appear in such numbers, while further away from ite lair will De lencountered in smaller numbers. Again, there are exceptions fo this —intelligent. organized monsters forming a war party for a specific raising oF punitive mission may be encountered in considerable numbers some distance from thei air, while encounters withthe samme Creatures near their lair may, fortuitously, be with small numbers ot 'scouts” or “perimeter guards". The number-range indicated should therefore be used only asa guideline ang should be altered to sult the circumstances particular to any adventure as the need arses, More specifically the number-range indicated is not necessarily re- ‘Commended for undergrounc (dungeon) encounters. Since many ac Ventures take place in dungeons, nowaver. an additional section after the Encounter Listings gives guidance on the numbers of each monster-type likely to be encountered in such locations. ARMOUR CLASS describes the general type of protection worn by hhumans, near-human or humanoid monsters. protection innerentto& monster dus to ts physical structure and/or magical nature and the Gegree of difficulty of hitting a monster due to Its Speed, reflexes and 0 forth. All these factors are combined into a single armour class Value. Feterees need not adjust this value to take account of high exterty. Where necescary alterations tothe AC value are included in the monstersingividual description these need to be made in partic: Ular circumstances MOVE shows the relative speed of the monster on a constant basis Higher speeds may be possibie or very short periods. The creature's movement rate can be scaled to whatever time period is desired by adjusting the ground scale accordingly. In certain cases, more than cone numer is given under thisneading: this indicates thatthe monster ‘can travel in two or more different media or modes Xx" = monsters movement rate i ite normal megium -X* = monsters fying in addition toa normal mode o ravel 1x = “mmonsters swimming speed. in addition to normal mode 0c) =""monster’s burrowing speed, in adaition to a rormal mode x” = "monsters speed in a web, in addition to a Formal mode Ha single numbers given, that does not automatically mean that the monster only moves along the ground (though t does in most cases the main text mustb® consulted to make the meaning clear. Thus. 2 monster whose only means of locomotion is flying wil havea singh umber ~ and tis, n tis ease a fying speed HIT DICE indicsted how to calculate the number of hit points the ‘monster can withstand before dying. Unless statod otherwise, hit ice Not Prin Pan ene ote tems TRE ote alwa any: item elec! thei viaus Ome tare that: simp Getes indie Trea: ing’ Large Num speci uta usual mele nd Dam point expre Sama attacs type a ‘SPEC breat expla s1¢6-sided points per die). The indicated numberof dice are rolled ane bre resulting numbers added together to arrive at the monsters total ntpoins some monsters have it points which aroless than the ull1-Brangeot sne-sided die (68) and these are indicated by a range of hit points, ‘het acreature nas 1-¢nitpoints, a¢-sided des rolled to Getermine Other monsters have hit points adcitional to the number derived from ‘Rex nitaice; hiss indicated by aplus sign followed by the number of fdctional hit points. This, ia monster has “HIT DICE: 5-9", five Eticed dice are rolleg, the number are addea together and 31s 24000 result: this monster will ave arange of 5-40 hit points plus 3 hit foints or 8-83 nit pointe, SINLAIR ingicates the chance of encountering the monster in ques- tan where it domiciles and stores its treasure (i any). Note that some ‘onstors ae never foun in thei lars his Is exther because the lars inaccessible (or unknown) or because the monster simply does not ve fixed lair ang isa true wandering monster Note that certain monsters have ther lairs on planes other than the Pame Material Pane; cleary, these monsters will never be encoun tered in ther lair ifthe encounter takes place on the Prime Matera’ Pane, or any other plane which is not the monster's plane of resi- ence. Howaver, some monsters whose normal airs are on planes tiner than the Prime Material may have established lars there of a temporary nature, in the pursult ofa particular purpose or mission TREASURE TYPE refers to the table atthe rear ofthis Book. The table hows the treasure-types and numbers of the individual components tthe treasure, together with the probability that the treasure will Contain that component. Thus, treasure type J indicates there will ‘aways be 3-24 copper piaces per individual encountered, but never {ary silver, electrum, gold, platinum, gems, jewellery, maps or magical items. In contrast, reasure type P incicates that only silver and/or teectrum pieces may be present, the former ata probability of 30% and thelatter ata probably of25% (go there sa chance that there willbe no weasure a al). Thus, finivigual treasure is ncicated. each indi Vidual monster of that type will or may, carty the treasure shown Otherewise, treasureis nly found ina monster air (which in normal excumstances, will also contain the monster on guar). However, ve fan encounter takes place inthe lair of a monster with aparticu ir weature type, this dows not automatically mean tat the adventur- erswill gain the treasure f they defeat the monster. it die rlisingicate ‘tat a panicular treasure component isnot in the monster's lai, ts ‘smply not there: itis thus quite possible to gain no treasure from Geteating a monster in its lair, despite the fact that a treasure type indicated. ‘Treasure types are based on the appearence of a mean number of monsters of that particular type, as indicated by the “number appear- ng" In inetances where fewer, or more, monsters of that type are tneountored, the treasure should be reduced, or inereasea, in value. Larger treasures ofa given type are denotes by @ muttiptier in paren. theses ((x2) for instance) — not to be confused with treasure type X NUMBER OF ATTACKS shows the number ofbasic attacks, excluding fpecial attacks, the monster is able to make curing a given melee ‘ound. This number may be modified by spells such as haste anc slow Dut does not include unusual or special attack forms, Multiple attacks usualy indicate the use of serveral modes of attack during the same ‘nelge round — for example a monster which rakes with its wo claws and inflicts a bite in the same melee round would be given 3 attacks, DAMAGE PER ATTACK simply incicates the amount (number of hit points) of camage a given attack will inflct on a victim when i is, expressedas a range of hitpoints of amage. Refer tothe maintextfor ‘amore detailed explanation of the monster's modes of attack and the Gamage which each might inflict. if a monster uses a weapon in is Stack the damage will not be shown since wil vary according tothe ‘ype of weapon used, SPECIAL ATTACKS detail such special attack modes as dragon breath, magic-use and 80 forth. Refer to the main text for a detailed explanation of these, including the method and frequency of the at- tack, the camage It inflicts ang any special effects which might reeult ‘rom it SPECIAL DEFENSES are almost self-explanatory and are detaile in ‘the main toxt in the same manner ae are special attecks. They wil include the use of defensive magic, camoutlage abilities and so forth MAGIC RESISTANCE indicates the percentage chance of a spell absolutely failing i tis cast at, or on, the monster in question. The basis the igureisa spell cast by amagic-user of the 11th experience level the figure must be adjusted upwards by 5% for each experience level below 1th. or downwards by 58 for each experience level above ith, of the speit-caster. Thus, a monster with 95% magic resistance cannot be affected by a spel cast by a magic-user of the 10th expe Fence level or lower, whilea 12th level magio~iser has a 0% chance of affecting Note tha, even ita spell does “overcome the magic resistance” of a monster, ine monster i stil entiied fo normal saving throws, INTELLIGENCE indicates the basic equivalent of the human intel ‘gence quotient (at legs in concept even i 10 itself appears now to be ‘much disgraced). Certain monsters are instinetvaly cunning or par- ticularly deviousin their ancounter behaviour and this is sot wil Be indicated in the text. The intelligence ratings correspond roughly to the following character iteligence scores © ——_Non-intelligant, or intelligence not ratable 1 ‘Animal intelligence 24 Semisintaligent 57 Low inteligence 810 Average (numan) intelligence 11-12 Very intelligent 13:48 Highly inteligent 15-46 Exceptionally intelligent 17-48 Genius-level ineligence 39-20 Supra-gonius 21- Godlike intelligence ALIGNMENT indicates the characteristic bento! the monster towards law of chaos, good oF evil, of towards neutral Behaviour, pemnaps ‘mocified by good or evil intent. A monster's alignment will nave a Significant etfecton he way tbehaves whenitis encountered, te way inwhich it reacts to certain situations, and £0 forts SIZE's abbreviated as: S = smaller than atypical human; M= approxi= mately man-sized (5'- 7'tall and approximately the build of a man) land L= larger than man-sized in one way of another and generally & greater mass than aman. Amongst ather things, he size of amonster will govern the amount of damage inflicted on it by a successful hit ftom a particular weapon. PSIONIC ABILITY and ATTACK/DEFENCE MODES indicate the gen- eral psionic capabilities, if any, of the monster, Some monsters nave suspected, rater than confirmed, psionic powers and where this isthe ase the text wll so indicate LEVEL ans EXPERIENCE POINT VALUE are determines by the me- thod incicated in ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Dungeon Masters Guide. If a monster has varying hit dice and/or "experience levels” values for each are shown ‘The figures and facts given under these headings indicate the general parameters of the monster in question, In each case, there follows a Seseviption of the monster in detail its Behaviour. normal habits. attack’ detence styles, special characteristics and so on A sketch of typical creature of the type is includes where necessary. In the main text relating to monsters which are capable of flying _2ppears mention of the monsters Aerial Manoeuvrabilty Class. This 2 general grading, from A al one extreme to E at the other, which ingicates the monster's general capability 1o manoeuvre when in te air. A monster with manoeuvrability class A is quick and highly ma rnoeuvrable in the air aificult to it and capable of rapig and funda ‘mental changes of direction. At the other extreme. amonster of class E isslow-flying and ponderous —relatively an easy iarget and incapable ‘of sharp turns, requiring agood deal of space to accomplish more than 2 very minor change in-cirection of hight AARAKOCRA es ASSASSIN BUG — ASTRAL SEARCHER, AARAKOCRA AARAKOCRA (ird-Man) FREQUENCY: Very ere NO. APPEARING: 770 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: 7 MOVE: 6726" HiT DICE: 742 SIN LAIR: 68 ‘TREASURE TYPE: D NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3 or by weapon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Neutra! good SIZE: 4120" wing span! PSIONIC ABILITY: il [Atack/Detence Modee: Mi LEVELIX?. VALUE: 1128 +2 per hit point ‘The sarakocra are 2 race of intelligent avian humanoids. Their society consists of small tibes of sbout 1730; each tribe hat 8 hunting territory of about 10,000 square miles. The bird-men live on high Beaks in the mountains, where they can soar all day on the winds ane ‘he thermal. ‘Aarakocre have little to do with humenkind beyond the occssionsl Dosching of e farm enim (they appear incapable of etinguehing between domestic and wild snimals, for thi act is ot one motivated by malicel. They have even lest to do with demi-humans ang actively ‘ike humanoids. Infrequerdy, an sorakoore may agree to give infor mation to, oF act ss a scout for. humans in exchange for thiny coins or gems. As they are extremely reluctant t0 leave their familie ‘mountains such an act will only very rarely take place outside the ‘Aarakocra stand about 5" high but they have 2 wing epen of 20: ‘Their wings/ams ore bull comewhet like those of terodoctyi, mith «hand half-way along each leading edge. The wing section beyond the hand has esis leding edge an extremly lengthened and strengthened ‘outer finger which locks in place during flight, The winghands cannot (Fa while in flight, but when the bird man i onthe ground snd the Wings are folded back, the hance are nearly as useful as normal hhuman hands. Each hand consists af three normalized fingers and an Soposable thom, The birdsmen’s mighty wing muscles are snchored in 9 bony kee which projets forward from the chest» fll foot beyond the normal ‘extont"of @ human chest. The lege are powerful, with beckward bonding” knees and dangerousooking talons onthe feet. The fet are ‘actually more dangerous than they appear: the talons can uniock and fold bsek, uncovering pei of fully functional hands, each with three ‘ough, powerful fingers and thume, It is these nether hands that the bird-nan emptoys in serial combat, ‘ther using tha talons alone or clutching heavy fetched javlina, used for stabbing or for throwing. Each feathered warrior usally caries half s dozen of these javelins, which do 2-8 hit points of damage ach, strapped to its chest In incividualshesthe, Aarakocre are remarkably ‘dept at Hinging these jvetine while inthe ar, incuring none ofthe ‘te hit’ penalties used in aerial mis fe. ‘Their most devastating form of attack i¢ to dive upon 8 victim witha Javelin in each nether hand, building up greet soeed. The bird man bulls cut of the dive jrt at it reaches ts target and snap the jveling fornard Into its prey with great force end securecy, meanwhile emitting 2 blood-curding siviek, Such attacks ae’ at 4. it Probability and do double damage if successful, but the aarakoers ‘eds at least 200" of dive to perform them properly Aarakocra share with eagles the ability to plummet a gest distance vertically downwards ead pull out at the last moment. For the urposes of aerial combet, they are mancouvrability cace C. Rather than fling i eway, « birdiman vill save fs last jevelin for stabbing ‘The sarakoera are oviparous and the females tend the eage dering their Smomth incubation period. Its these temporarily nest-bound females wich fabricate all the lavaline, tools and other smell ems the tre uses (the males do no work other than hunting). The females ‘so weave the brilliant feathered Banners and pennant which fly Sbove the tribal nest and mark out their territory lech tribe has 8 tie, highly individual design). The sight ofan aarekoora weaving ssid to be impresive, as they do 50 while resting on their backs and {sing al four hance at the rae time, Individually, thei hande re not ‘2 dextrous as those of « human, but the extra pair more than com: Denester for tis. [Aarakoera speak their own language and that ofthe giant eagles, with which they ate on mutally respectful terms. 10% of earakocrs also sptak the comman tongue. They get on very wel with ll forme of si omental, and ony five serekocra can summon an air elemental by Chanting ane fying through an intieste serial dence (thie takes three melee rounds). The air elemental will comply with the birdmen's Fequests as 2 fevour, but will not ight to the Geath on their behalf, ‘eturning to its own plane (i it can) before such an eventuality could ‘Sesur. The Bic-men are known to-have tribe sherane Colour of plumage among the sarakocrs varies fram tribe to ibe, but ‘the malet ‘ae shave crested and gaudier than the fereles. This i especially tue duting the once-yearly mating season when the plumage of the males shows up in particulary striking fashion. Their beaks are about 5" lone, aey-black and in shape somewhat between, ‘that of a parrot and an eaple. The beak can diver 9 nary bite (1-2 hit points of damage) but is rarely used for fighting unless the Biréiman swapped on the ground. Their faces ar in no way smile to hhumen faces, though their eves are set frontal on the head 10 Provide binocular vision, nd Infact ther sight i 20 keon thet they an distinguish detail at considersble stances. Though they are Powerful, they are also light — an adult weight is typically in the ‘ange 60-80 pounds — and are unwilling to become involved in round ‘eee oF fighes which could result in grappling, since their hallow bones are quite fragile and could break if, for instance, @ bieéman fe ‘thrown Rely tthe ground. The asrokocra are extremly tue ceptible to claustrophobia. Such is their fear of being closed in that ‘hey will pot even enter bulldinge, and only 9 mad or ineanaly Gesperatebirdsnen mould venture below ground ‘Asrakoers can carry up to 1,500 8.0. weight (150 pounds) each, ACHAIERAI ACHAIERAI FREQUENCY: Very rave NO. APPEARING: 1-2 ARMOUR CLASS: Body 8; Legs — ove: 18" HIT DICE: Body 40 hits point: lage 15 hit points each SIN LAIR: 58 ‘TREASURE TYPE: F NO.OF ATTACKS:3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 18/18/10 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wi SPECIAL DEFENCES Toxie Smoke MAGIC RESISTANCE: 25% INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic ev! SIZE: 15") PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIXP. VALUE: VII/1,300 + 14 per hitpoints = 2,700 Though the foul motives which caused these loathsome bird to be frst summoned from the infernal regions ae now lost rom memory. remnants of the orginal achaoral flock sil stalk the earth, Pounting Sadowy places and underground pasages, In form they consist of 3 huge spherical hesc-body, with a powerful beak and feathery eres, ‘hop four long loge ending in strong claws Mansized opponents fannot usuelly attack the soft body but can only reach the hard feetallic Togs, Likewise it will not usualy be able to reach a vitin teh ite ek and will therefore fight with two claws, doing 1~8 hit Doin of damage enc A book attack, when this posible, wil ave he hi probability of 2 ice monetr, wile the clave attack with the hit probability of dee monster in all caves, Ifa beak attack i delivered, it wil inlet 1-0 it points of damage on the victim, ‘The acheiersi often travel if groups and, though 2 group need never check morsle,each individual Bid wil try to fee if it fossa lag la total of 15 hit points of damago or more on a particular log will break it from the body). Though fightes (the uimentary wings are scarcely Visible and will nt suppor light), bird often eludes pursubr with ts long strides. Ix movement rates unatfected by the lone of single leg, But the loss of two legs halves moverent rate. An injured leg will regenerate fully in about two days but the birds do not pessess other ‘eginerstive powers and 2 lep which hee been completely lor will not beregromn, if bird loess thee loge, oF is otherwise seriously wound, it wil renace cloud of black toxic smoke which In shape and size sprox mater 10.9 sphere of 10'radiu. All within the cloud lencept echeiera] ADHERER take 2-12 hit points of damage automaticelly and must save against Dolson or suffer insanity for 3 hours (treat a the Druiie festamind {pall of limited duration). In the confusion the wounded bird wil Sak 10 escape, crowing If tres lege have Deen lost st 2” movernent Desription: The lest are 2 metalic blve-srey, the body-head @ dull searit with deep rea blotches. The ayer are sta-biue and the winge Dlupgreen. A wida range of crest colours eve been observed the most common being a bright flamer, ADHERER QUENCY: Rove NO. APPEARING. 14 Initour cuass: 3 wove" ir ice: ¢ SIN Lala, 208 NO.OF ATTACKS. 1 Dainacelareack. 13 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Acheron SPECIAL DEFENCES: Se botow MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below “ INTELLIGENCE: Son ALIGNMENTS Law oo Seem PSIOwIG ABILITY: Wi 4 ‘Attock/Detence Modes: i) OM. gM uA As LEVELIX.P. VALUE: P TBO * oer hiepoint This curious creture bears 8 cot resemblance to # mummy — mransind and mith loo fle ¢ ry wre skin wih bear on “ist sgt tobe mummi/s tendons Coinedentaly the creature ins wr ulnerble tire aia muromy Gov soo reno nf ‘t booy adh (Ser ADVANCED DUNGEONS’ & DRAGONS MONSTER’ MANUAL — Mummy) Ie immune to al frat! tragusr pee ext Zag a which coun t3-TB i poles The creature's skin constantly exudes 2 soursmelling gluedike substance with very powerful ehesiveproperton; ny material except stone will adhere to It and only fire, boiling water or the creature's ‘own voluntary teeretiont wil break the adhesion, Thus any weapon lahich hits the beast will adhere to it (and only datver hat damage). Sievilarly the creatua will stick to any eheracter i its with its two hanced ling fit attack (which also inflicts 13h points of damage fon the victim); ts fevourite tactic ie to bind up an opponent in thi ‘ashion ad use him os an involuntary shield ‘The adhesive propertis of the secretion wear off in 5—10 turns after she best it log LUsuolly the sdherar wil etch its prey by waiting in ambush,

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