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Table of Content

List of Tables....................................................................................................................................ii

Table of Figures................................................................................................................................ii


Task 1................................................................................................................................................1

1.1. The meaning and importance of leadership...............................................................................1

1.2. Contrast the main approaches to the study of leadership...........................................................2

1.3. Critically evaluate the role of leadership in strategic management...........................................3

1.4. Critically explore the exercise of leadership power and influence............................................4

1.5. Critically review the importance of ethics, values and corporate social
responsibilities to an organizations value..................................................................................6

1.6. Critically evaluate leadership and sustainability concepts and trends.......................................7

Task 2................................................................................................................................................8

2.1. Assess the nature of organization effectiveness and performance.............................................8

2.2. Critically explore the main features and requirements of leadership development.................10

2.3. Provide criteria for assessing an organizations strategic effectiveness from a

leadership perspective..............................................................................................................12

Task 3..............................................................................................................................................14

3.1. Critically compare the relationships between leaders of work groups, and leaders of

3.2. Distinguish between the influence of leadership on groups and teams, and on formal
and informal groups.................................................................................................................16

3.3. Critically evaluate the characteristics of an effective work group and team...........................18



List of Tables

Table 1.1 Leadership Power Vs. Leadership Influence...................................................................4

Table of Figures

Figure 1.1 Virgin brand logo.............................................................................................................1

Figure 1.2 Sir Richard Branson.........................................................................................................1
Figure 1.3 Branson’s quotation on Employees -01...........................................................................5
Figure 1.4 Branson’s quotation on Employees -02...........................................................................5
Figure 1.5 Branson’s quotation on Leadership.................................................................................5
Figure 1.6 Virgin Group Green Fund Logo......................................................................................7
Figure 2.1 Funny promotion of Branson...........................................................................................8
Figure 2.2 Branson’s quotation.........................................................................................................9
Figure 2.3 Performance Evaluation.................................................................................................11


CEO - Chief Executive Officer

CSR - Corporate Social responsibility

ESG - Environment, Social Governance

SBU - Strategic Business Unit

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1. Task 1

1.1. The meaning and importance of leadership.

The art of encouraging a group of individuals to work together towards a common goal is mainly
considered as the leadership. Effective leadership is built on unique and borrowed ideas that are
communicated effectively to the others in a manner in which that entice them to perform in the
way the leader desires.
A leader’s capacity to visualize, plan, lead and make most of the resources available to them in
order to implement strategies efficiently and successfully is referred to as strategic leadership.
The strategic plan and strategic management are inextricably linked for the strategic leaders.
Strategic leadership is required to face environmental turbulences and mange the resources, lead
people and keep their motivation levels whilst maintaining the brand image.
Effective strategic leadership is viewed as a critical component of a firm’s ability to operate
effectively in the modern dynamic and demanding environment.

1.1.1. Introduction of the company and the leader

The Virgin Group of Companies was started in 1970 by Sir Richard Branson and his friend Nik
Powell. They started out as a mail order record company and today
Virgin Group is a diverse conglomerate of over 300 privately held
businesses with over 50,000 employees in 30 countries. The group’s
turnover is over 5 billion Euros.
Figure 1.1 Virgin brand

Branson is an opportunist with an extraordinary aptitude for sniffing out great offers where others
stop or fear to tread in an era ruled by strategists. He's made decision-
making chains that are incredibly short. Richard Branson believes he
acquired leadership through trial and error (Knowledge@Wharton,

Throughout this article the author will discuss the strategic leadership
and importance of it for the performances of the organization in the Figure 1.2 Sir Richard
light of the Virgin Group and its CEO Sir Richard Branson. Branson

1.1.2. Importance of Richard Branson’s leadership

When it comes to the Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson’s leadership style, the reputation of the
brand and the success of the business has proved and established himself as one of the most
intriguing entrepreneurs in the world. Richard Branson exemplifies all the characteristics of a

great leader, embracing a laissez-faire leadership style to foster teamwork throughout the virgin
Richard Branson provided his managers with opportunities to use their skills to improve
performances. He inspires them to execute their entrepreneurial thinking as the owners of the
venture and exploit the business opportunities to gain the desired results. Further Richard
Branson’s leadership enables his employees to define the organizational vision and objectives to
ensure that employees work together effectively. His adoption of trustworthy leadership culture
encourages employees to be more innovative and responsive. Branson keep on inventing
appropriate tactics in the business ventures in order to retain the high standards of Virgin group.
Branson urges all members of Virgin Group to work together to unify the company’s internal and
cultures. Through this Branson has been able to entice Virgin Group’s future potential, despite the
challenges posed by the different commercial operations.

1.2. Contrast the main approaches to the study of leadership.

1.2.1. The Traits or psychological approach.

Traits are considered as the distinguishing characteristics of a leader. These traits are knowledge,
intelligence, will-power, flexibility of mind, self-confidence, integrity, physical and emotional
stamina and appearance. The theory argues that every leader possess these traits or born with
these traits are more suited for the leadership than others.
The traits theory doesn’t consider the social, cultural and physical environmental factors that play
vital roles in a leader’s development and survival. The list of attributes doesn’t suggest which one
are the most or least important. The traits that are required for acquiring the leadership and those
required for retaining the leadership are also not clearly emphasized in the theory.

1.2.2. The situational or contingency approach.

The contingency approach emphasizes on the importance of situational conditions that demand
diverse behaviors from leaders for them to be successful. The Managers must consider the
contingencies arising from diverse environmental circumstances when making decisions that
influence the organization. This approach provides a realistic view of management and
organization and emphasizes that leaders must not be stereotyped but be situation oriented,
innovative and creative. However contingency approach doesn’t indicate any theoretical base and
doesn’t prescribe any course of action.

1.2.3. Functional approach.

According to functional theory leader is responsible for bringing up the cohesion and
effectiveness of the group to maximize the effectiveness of the organization. To achieve this end

the leader must capable of doing everything necessary. This means the focus is on the “what”
rather than the “who”.

1.2.4. Transformational approach.

Transformational approach can be defined as “process whereby a person engages with others and
creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the
follower” (Northhouse, 2007). Although transformational leaders do not micromanage their
team members, they inspire and motivate the team members. They trust their staff and allow them
to make decisions in their areas of responsibility. This leadership approach encourages creativity
and forward thinking whilst inspiring their team members to be like them.

1.2.5. Relational approach.

The relational approach emphasize on interpersonal ties. Empowerment, process orientation and
ethical behaviors are main values of relational approach. Rational leader considers the
professional growth of subordinates, empower the subordinates, work to improve the weakness
and develop the strengths. For the growth and benefits of the group the relational leader values
calculated risk taking.
When comes to Richard Branson’s leadership he is both transformational and relational leader.
The empowerments of the team members and allowing them to make entrepreneurial decisions
are major thing practiced by Branson and it proves that he is a relational leader. These
remarkable leadership skills of Branson have paved the way to develop the Virgin Group
businesses and the Virgin Brand as one of the leading and reputed brands in the world.

1.3. Critically evaluate the role of leadership in strategic management.

The basic objectives of strategic leadership are to streamline procedures, boost strategic
productivity, promote innovation, foster a climate that encourages individuals to be productive
and ensure organizational growth. When comes to Virgin Group, the following leadership
involvement in strategic management can be seen;
 Coaching Culture
Richard Branson has implemented a coaching culture in Virgin Group, where people are
praised for their accomplishments rather than chastised for their flaws. He focuses on
honing his employee abilities, which has led to new doors and chances in the corporate
 A fun, friendly and anti-establishment business environment
Richard Branson is famous for implementing and maintaining a fun, friendly and anti-
establishment business environment within Virgin Group. This working environment

encourages innovative ideas by all level of employees to best deal with different kinds of
business situations. Further Branson manages and encourages flat organization structures
and work in clusters to reach the set targets and objectives faster.
 Maintain healthy relationship between leader and member
Branson treats all of his staff equally and encourages them to provide feedback and
suggestions on his management style. He achieves a constant process of leadership style
improvement in this manner.
 Delegation of authority.
Richard Branson believes that, allowing employees to make their own decisions will lead
them to operate and perform at their best and with their full accountability. Therefore he
focuses on choosing the finest individuals for the task or job and empowering them to
perform well and achieve specific goals. Branson believes that is critical for the success
of the Virgin Group.
 Provide a clear and focused strategy process.
When comes to new business Branson always lead the process by applying new
technology, implementing training and development programs for the employees.
Through this consistent effort, Branson develops highly skilled employees who shares
common strategic process and who are capable of facing the sheer competition in the
market place and help sustain and develop the business.

1.4. Critically explore the exercise of leadership power and influence.

Both power and influence are natural characteristics that are driven by the authority. Influence
leads people to realize the importance of the task whereas power forces them to complete it. The
distinction is in how these two leadership styles motivates a team to achieve their tasks.
Table 1.1 Leadership Power Vs. Leadership Influence

# Leadership Power Leadership Influence

1 Force the team to accomplish the task. It’s a voluntary approach to complete the task
Threatening and punishments are used to Use positive language and motivation to get
get the work done. the others involvement to complete the task.

Undemocratic and team is not considered Autocratic. The team is involved in decision
when making decisions. making.
Very hierarchical and top town approach. Use feedback obtaining system and leaders
Less transparent. encourage team suggestions.
Create lack of loyal and disengaged
Create loyal and motivated employees who
5 workforce who may tend to leave the
trend to retain in the organization.

When consider about Virgin Group, Richard Branson mainly uses his leadership influence in most
of the affairs related to the employees. According to Abhijit Bahaduri Richard Branson is a
charismatic leader who inspires loyalty, enthusiasm and exceptional level of performances
(Bhaduri, 2018).
Branson always invite his team members to share their innovative ideas and innovative ways of
executing the business opportunities. He treats his employees as his extended family and believes
in them. (Live And Learn Consultancy, 2022).
Richard Branson considers that his employees comes first and not the customers. Further he states
that when his employees are looked after and influence them to achieve the desired levels and
meet their expectations, the employees will look after the clients well and that is the best way to
retain the loyal employees whilst keeping the satisfied customers. These can be proved through
the following famous quotations of Richard Branson.

Figure 1.3 Branson’s quotation on Employees -01

Figure 1.4 Branson’s quotation on Employees -02

Figure 1.5 Branson’s quotation on Leadership

1.5. Critically review the importance of
ethics, values and corporate social responsibilities to an organizations value.

The ethical business practices, the corporate value and CSR initiatives of Virgin Group that are
led by Richard Branson, have paved the way to create a great perception towards their entire
1.5.1. Ethics
Virgin group maintains “Code of Business Conduct and Ethics” that provide guidance to all
teammates, officers and directors of the group. This covers most of the aspects of the business and
these ethics leads to achieve the followings;
 Enhance employee integrity and win trust from key stakeholders and enhance perception
towards Virgin brand.
 When corporate ethics act as a guiding concept, Virgin Group employees make better
decisions in less time. This leads to provide better service to the customers and create
more loyal customers.
 When all employees share and respect the “Code of Business Conduct and Ethics” in all
aspects of operations, they are more likely to perform at a higher level and remain loyal to
the company. This has become one success factor at Virgin Group.
1.5.2. Corporate social responsibilities
 Funding the projects aimed at reducing water scarcity.
Virgin Group has partnered with WHOLE EARTH Water and donates 10% of the profits
from their filtered mineral water business for the projects aimed at reducing the water
scarcity(Mallen Baker, 2016).
 Funding the projects aimed at developing biofuels.
Virgin Group has committed $3bn from the profit of their travel business for the projects
aimed at developing befouls (Mallen Baker, 2016).
These types of CSR projects pave the way to create better perception towards Virgin Group and
Richard Branson as a ‘Green Entrepreneur’ and enhance the Virgin brand image among the word
1.5.3. Values
Most of the SBUs of Virgin group maintains values for their business;
 Virgin Media’s Sustainability goals: for 2020 were focused on growing responsibility
and sustainability;
o More inclusive: Encourage divers staff that reflects customers’ and communities’
o Better products: Enhance the long-term viability of every product.
o Lower impact: Expand the business without increasing carbon footprint.
 Virgin Atlantic’s focus “better to the planet” (Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd, 2022).

These sustainability goals clearly communicates that the Virgin group is dedicated towards the
betterment of the society in their business operations. These values of the company create positive
impression in the minds of the community and stimulate them to be loyal to the Virgin Brands.

1.6. Critically evaluate leadership and sustainability concepts and trends

To maintain sustainable performances in the rapidly changing environment has become the
greatest challenge for the business leaders.
Richard Branson exhibited great sustainable leadership during the last few years being in line with
the key sustainable trends of the world.

 Initiating on ESG investments: Branson started investing on “Better to the planet”

projects within Virgin Group (Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd, 2022). This was implemented
at one of the major SBUs of his business, Virgin Atlantic. They focused on 03 main areas
namely “Mission to net Zero”, “Waste and Pollution” and “Sustainable supply chains”.
Through this Branson aimed to reduce the usage aviation fuel, minimize the
environmental impact by reducing, reusing and recycling as much as feasible.
Ex- 25% recycled plastics in Virgin staff uniforms
 Use of renewable energy: Branson initiated using renewable energy to all his business
operations. He was successful in implementing 100% Green electricity in the Virgin
business buildings.

Figure 1.6 Virgin Group Green Fund Logo

 Eco Designated products: Branson committed $3bn from the profit of their travel
business for the projects aimed at developing biofouls (Mallen Baker, 2016).
 Water scarcity management: Branson partnered with WHOLE EARTH Water to
support the projects aimed at reducing the water scarcity of the world.

Through these Branson incorporates economic, social and environmental objectives in to practice
whilst reserving the resources for the future generations.

2. Task 2

2.1. Assess the nature of organization effectiveness and performance.

As the CEO of the Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson plays the major role in driving the
performances of the entire group. The brand “Virgin” is entangled with his name and Branson is
famous for his innovative marketing approaches done to uplift the image, perception and
popularity of his brand. He always receives the credit of building over 300 business ventures
across the globe with a reputed brand that stands for providing unique and exceptional customer
Implementing a funny, friendly environment within Virgin group is one
of the key factors that have led to exceptional performers of the Virgin
Group. Richard Branson is famous for the funny and sporty nature and
as the most exiting entrepreneurs in the world. He always inspires
employees to have fun in their work and do exiting things to uplift the
performances of the organization. These have paved the way for the
employees to share their creative ideas, implement those and
experiment the new strategies in business ventures. This culture has Figure 2.7 Funny
brought lot of excitement with the Virgin brand whilst delivering great promotion of Branson
wealth of commercial value to the virgin group.
Richard Branson encourages flatter organizational structures that facilitate speedier decision
making. He believes in working in clusters rather than adhering to traditional tall or complex
structures. By implementing these flatter structures he has facilitated the staff to make speedier
decisions, speedier implementations of strategies and provide speedier solutions to the customers.
This situation has paved the way to enhance the performances of the Virgin group.
Empowering is also another strong strategy practiced by Richard Branson. He inspires and
motivates the subordinates to practice entrepreneurial thinking and run the business ventures as of
their own business. According to Branson this allows the employees to use their expertise skills,
knowledge and experience in much unique way and get their dedication and through involvement
in the business. This leads the businesses to run with minimal supervision of Branson and it has
become a key success factor of the Virgin Group.
Branson believes in trial and error approach and he has introduced a learning culture within the
group where employees get an opportunity to experiment new ideas. Branson invest in training
and development, value the opinions and ideas of the employees, and have faith in their abilities.
"As a leader you should always be listening. Be visible, note down what you hear and you'll be
surprised how much you learn," (Half, 2018)

Branson listens to the employees ideas and get their feedback and participation in decision
making process. This learning culture leads to develop entrepreneurial thinking among the
employees and add value to the Virgin Group business (Financhill, 2022).

Figure 2.8 Branson’s quotation

Richard Branson inspires and cultivates great interest and involvement in his employees in order
to increase organizational performances. He always motivates and boosts the moral of them to
accept challenges and execute their talents. He takes great interest in operations of the business
ventures and sometimes involve directly with workers even in lowest organizational hierarchy,
with the intention of identifying their concerns and challenges and finally to address those. These
attempts lead to increase the productivity of the employees and subsequently increase the
customer satisfactions and eventually increase the bottom-line of the organization.(,
"Walk the floor, get to know your people," Branson urged. "Even though I don't run Virgin's
companies on a day-to-day basis any more, I still find it crucial to get out and about among our
staff." (Half, 2018).Through this type of hand-on interactions Branson identifies the talented
individuals who are capable in accepting higher positions and responsibilities in the Virgin Group.
Further this exercise provide Branson the opportunity to increase the efficiency, productivity and
competitiveness whilst reducing the costs.(Half, 2018)
Branson pays very close attention to details. As he states "If you place the emphasis on getting the
little things right, and address the everyday problems that come up, you can encourage a culture
of attention to detail," (Half, 2018). He makes surprise visits to the front-lines and involves in
dealing personally with customers and identifies the reality faced by the frontlines. Through these
actions Branson intends to analyze the situations in detail and rectify the issues with permanent
solutions. These solutions with small changes lead to greater heights of the customer satisfaction
that results in loyal customers and continues long-term businesses for Virgin Group.

All these drives home the point that Richard Branson’s inspirational and charismatic leadership
leads to drive the performances of Virgin group and keep its performances at higher levels.

2.2. Critically explore the main features and requirements of leadership development.

Development of effective and inspirational leadership is a critical requirement for any company to
face the sheer competition in the future. Businesses need to invest on leadership development
programs aimed at;
 Developing positive and growth oriented culture,
 Enhancing strategic decision making,
 Boosting productivity and motives of the employees.
Implementation of properly planned, result oriented leadership
development programs with above aims will enhance the
organizations competencies to face the future challenges. Therefore
the following main features and requirements must be included in the
leadership development programs.

2.2.1. Clearly defined goals

All the participants and the management of the organization must be clear about the shot-term and
long-term goals of the organization and those should be the goals of the leadership development
program. All the participants need to discuss with their respective leaders and concise their short-
term, medium-term and long-term goals and those should facilitate the corporate goals. When the
existing leaders and the future prospectus leaders are clear about the goals, their thinking,
planning and execution of strategies will fall in one direction.

2.2.2. Experienced leadership

In order to assure the success of the leadership development program it should be conducted by
the leaders and not by the managers. Therefore Experienced, socially accepted leaders who posses
excellent emotional intelligence need to be in place to lead and delver the leadership development
programs. That will lead to gain better outcome from the program since the participants will
actively involved in the training program due to;
 the great respects they have towards the accepted leaders,
 their genuine desire to learn closely from the accepted leaders and
 they feel they are highly valued by the organization.

2.2.3. Multiple learning methods

Participants may have different learning styles and preferences. A development program focused
on one learning style might not bring the desired outcomes. Therefore the training program must
build with multiple training methods to address different learning styles of participants.
Application of different training methods might increase the effectiveness of the program and all
the participants and the facilitators will experience different exposures to share their insights.
Some of the methods that can be practiced are:
 Workshops

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 Case studies
 One to one discussions
 Theoretical knowledge based lectures/ seminars

2.2.4. Small team for the training

When there is limited number of participants in the training program, all the individuals get the
better attention, time to ask questions and clarify the unclear areas and get better support from the
instructors. Further the training program can keep the momentum and gain the expected outcome
of the event. This situation will lead to create better leaders with better understanding of the
desired objectives of the organization who will be able to drive the organization in the future. This
drives home the point that the management need to select the most suitable people for the training

2.2.5. Refreshing support programs on a regular basis

Refreshing support programs on a regular basis need to be planned and conducted in order to keep
the momentum and to gain the better and effective results from the development program.
Regular reminders, updates, continuation of practices and performance evaluation will result in
the instillation of leadership objectives in the minds of prospective leaders. Continuous supportive
programs will lead to keep the continuous development in the participants and to inculcate the
required skills, knowledge and capabilities in their mindsets.

2.2.6. Performance Evaluations

Closing the gap between the expected level and the existing level of the prospective leaders is the
main objective of and leadership development program. To ensure the achievement of those,
performance evaluation methods must be implemented after the training program. Periodical
evaluations will lay the foundation to understand knowledge or skills gaps and the areas that need
to be improved. Based on the evaluations further training
programs can be organized to breach the identified gaps.

Developing effective leaders through a continuous talent

management program can yield significant business value
Figure 2.9 Performance Evaluation
to the organization.

2.3. Provide criteria for assessing an organizations strategic effectiveness from a leadership

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The ability of a leader to effectively influence the followers and other organizational stakeholders
to implement the business strategies to accomplish the organizational goals, is characterized as
leadership effectiveness. The performances of any organization might vary on the type of the
leader and his initiations. Although the organizations have enough resources, experiences and
reputed brands, the success of the strategies implemented in may differ based on the influence of
the leadership.
The following criteria can be used to assess strategic effectiveness from leadership perspective.

2.3.1. New initiatives/ new projects commenced.

The number of new projects that the leader has given the initiative can be considered as criteria
for measuring the leadership effectiveness. The leader needs to define and refine key processes to
execute the new projects that add value to the organizations performances. The vision and values
must be translated into strategy and objectives, processes and practices, actions and
accountability, execution and performances by the leader.

2.3.2. Workforce performances and productivity.

Entire organizations work performances and productivity indicates the effectiveness of the
leadership. When the leader gains the trust of the workforce he can inspire them and motivate
them to perform better in execution of strategies to achieve the organizational tasks.
The performance of each business unit affects the overall performances of the organization and
the following factors, which are influenced by the leader, leads to improve workforce
 Use of new tools, technology and implementation of systems.
 The work environment.
 Employee engagement.
2.3.3. Performance of the organization

The extent, to which the organization has me its goals under the direction of the leadership, is a
clear indicator of the organizations strategic effectiveness.
The following methods can be used to access the organizational performances;
 Overall financial performances
 Comparing expenditure Vs. returns
 Comparing actual gains Vs. set goals
 Assessing the effectiveness of business functions, departments, projects and other

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2.3.4. Organizational culture

Leader plays a vital role in inspiring the organizational culture. Leaders casual nature, behavior,
attitude towards hierarchy and formal authority, belief, commitment to employees and his orientation
drives the culture. Based on these traits of the leader the culture of the organization can be;
 Task oriented culture
 Innovative and learning culture
 Marketing oriented culture
 Empowered culture
 Customer centric culture
or mixture of different cultures. However the culture of any organization needs to facilitate the
employees to perform their tasks to accomplish the organizational goals.

2.3.5. Climate Survey

Employee opinions and viewpoints towards the organization and the leaders are studied through
climate surveys. The climate surveys address employees’ attitudes and issues and allow the
organization to collaborate with them to make effective changes.
A climate evaluation entails gathering data from employees with a variety of perspectives and
insights into diversity of issues. It reveals the areas that an organization is doing well, the areas
that are not doing well and where it can improve.

To be genuinely effective, leadership evaluation should be a continual process. It paves the way to
have more opportunities to reflect on the entire process rather than just at the finish. The continual
evaluation process allows making changes as needed rather than waiting until the conclusion of
the process to see if the organization accomplished the strategic objectives effectively.

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3. Task 3
3.1. Critically compare the relationships between leaders of work groups, and leaders of


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3.1.1. What is a group?
o A number of people who have come together or have some kind of bond.
o They have something in common and that brings them together.
 Advantages of groups.
o Short-term or temporary working relationships.
o Focus on individual efficiency.
o Focus on individual development and career growth.
 Disadvantages of groups.
o Lack of team bonding due to individual task.
o Lack of communication due to individual tasks.
o Not focused on organizational goals and objectives.


3.1.2. What is a team?

A team is group of people who execute interdependent tasks to achieve a common goal or
a mission.
 Advantages of teams
o Encourage productivity of the group

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o Have better problem solving skills
o Build on collaboration and synergy
 .Disadvantages of teams
o No much focus on individual tasks and growth.
o When proper organizational mechanisms are not in place, most teams struggle.

3.2. Distinguish between the influence of leadership on groups and teams, and on formal and
informal groups.

3.2.1. Difference between group leader and team leader

 Group Leader
o Dominates and controls the group.
o Makes the decisions and instruct the members.
o Doesn’t encourage the participation of the members to rectify the issues.
o Doesn’t share but encourage individuals to achieve individual tasks.
o Assign the tasks based on his wish.
o Focuses on the individual outcomes.
 Team Leader

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o Facilitator to the group.
o Discuss with the members and make the decisions.
o Get the active participation of the members and discuss the issues.
o Share the knowledge and experiences with the team members.
o Discuss with the members and assign the tasks based on the team member
o Focuses on the group outcome and maximizing the outcome.


3.2.2. Difference between formal groups and informal groups

 Formal groups
o Collection of individuals who come together to accomplish a specific task.
o Organizations create formal groups for a purpose.
o Proper structure and a proper communication system in place
o Professional relationship, shares a common objective.
o Clear individual and common tasks.
o Unity of command and structured communication can be seen.
 Informal groups

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o Collection of individuals who comes together naturally due to social and
psychological forces.
o Formed on voluntary basis.
o Lacks proper structure and formal communication system.
o Personal relationships and not specifically share a common task.
o Do not clearly communicate tasks.


3.3. Critically evaluate the characteristics of an effective work group and team.
 Effective Groups
o Members get along well with the others.
o Goals are clearly understood.
o Willing to listen to and appreciate others different viewpoints.
o Share the roles and responsibilities.
o Group members are allowed to communicate effectively.
 Effective teams
o Members know each other’s roles & tasks well and share the knowledge & ideas.
o All members are clear about individual and common team tasks.

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o Openly discuss, share and respect others viewpoints.
o Share ideas, updates and do necessary rectifications constantly.
o Communication is a key factor.
o All members hold accountability for the group task.



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