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AlgerienneREpublique Démocrate et Populaire

Ministre de l’enseignement Supérieure et de la Recherche scientifique.

Université M’hamed BOUGARA Boumerdès

Faculté of hydrocarbures and chimie

Département :

Spécialité :Hydrocarbures
1st year (STH)

TP N°( 1 ) :
Wheatstone Bridge

Directed by: Lecheb Seif El Islam

Groupe: 17

Introduction :
The Wheatstone bridge is a fundamental electrical circuit
used for measuring resistance, primarily in precision
applications. Invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone in the 19th
century, it consists of four resistive arms forming a diamond
shape, with a voltage source applied across one diagonal and
a galvanometer connected across the other. By adjusting the
resistance in one arm until the galvanometer reads zero, the
unknown resistance in another arm can be accurately
determined. This principle forms the basis of many modern
measurement techniques and sensor applications, making
the Wheatstone bridge a cornerstone in electrical
engineering and instrumentation.

Objective :
✓ Measure an unknown electrical resistance.
✓ Measure the resulting resistance of resistors connected
in series and parallel.
✓ Determine the resistance of a wire.

Theory part:
Ohm’s law:
It is the basic principle of electricity. This name was given to it
after the German physicist “Georg Simon Ohm”, as it is the
difference in electrical potential between the two ends of the
metal conductor (resistance).
It is measured in a unit called voltage, symbolized by the
symbol ‘’V’’.

The resistance of materials:

Resistance is a physical property of metal conductors in
electrical circuits. It is defined as the ability of materials to
resist the passage of electric current through them.
It is the material's obstruction of the passage of electric
current (electrons) through it. Disability occurs in matter,
whether it is conductive (such as metals) or non-conductive,
but to different degrees. Electrons must overcome this
resistance to achieve charge neutrality. The unit of resistance
is the ohm.
It is symbolized by the Latin letter R, and its value is given in
ohms (Ω). This property is related to the concepts of electrical
resistance and conductivity.

The picture shows three different resistors: The color of the
rings drawn on the resistor indicates the amount of
resistance in ohms, as each color gives a specific value for the
When an electric current passes through a conductor of
homogeneous cross-section, and at a certain temperature,
we can measure its electrical resistance in terms of the type
of material from which it is made and by knowing its
𝑙 𝑙
𝑅=𝜌 =
𝑠 𝑠𝛾
𝜌:It is the resistivity or (specific resistance) and is given in
ohms (Ω.m).
l: The length of the carrier (wire) is given in meters.
s: The cross-sectional area is given in square meters.
𝛾: Electrical conductivity, which is the reciprocal of
resistivity, is given by the reciprocal of ohms (Ω.m)-1.
It varies from 1.7 x 10-8 𝛺.m for a very good conductor
(copper) to 1016 𝛺.m for a good insulator (fused quartz) at
room temperature.
The Wheatstone Bridge:
The Wheatstone bridge is an electric bridge for measuring
resistances. It was invented by the Englishman Samuel
Christie in 1833 and improved and completed by Charles
Wheatstone in 1843. The process of measuring the
unknown electrical resistance is carried out after installing
it in an electrical circuit with two branches (an bridge) and
then balancing the current in them. It works like a
potentiometer, with the difference that a sensitive
galvanometer is used in the potentiometer circuit.
Measurement method:
In the adjacent figure, the electric current passes
electrical resistance Rx through the galvanometer
represents the unknown Vg.
resistance that needs to be
determined. Resistors R1
and R2 are known, while
resistance R2 is
changeable. If the ratio of
the two resistances in the
known branch (R1/R2) is
equal to the ratio of the
two resistances in the Fig 1: the whetstone bridge
unknown branch (RX/R3), So we change the variable
the potential difference resistor R2 until we reach a
between points B and D state of equilibrium. The
becomes zero and no galvanometer reading
indicates whether the resistors R1, R2 and R3 are
resistance is large or small. known with high accuracy,
it becomes possible to set
The galvanometer can be
the unknown resistance
read with high accuracy. If
also with high accuracy.
When equilibrium is reached, the equation applies:
= SO 𝑅𝑋 = 𝑅3 𝑅2
𝑅1 𝑅3 1

We can replace resistors R1 and R2 with a fine, calibrated

resistant wire.


X R4

Fig 2: the wire bridge

This circuit is installed by dividing a uniform and

homogeneous wire of length L.
The wire bridge is balanced when through careful adjustment
of the slider, the current i in the galvanometer is brought to

In this case, equation becomes:
𝑅𝑋 = 𝑅4

Experimental part:
Experimental setup:

Moltimiter generator resistance

Variable resistance

We have 3 resistors of known values R1, R2 and R4 and a
resistor of unknown value Rx.

1- Determination: unknown resistance Rx:
The bridge is said to be balanced when VG=0
• We carry out the assembly in Figure 1; we note the
resistances R1, and R2.

• We place the variable resistors box in place of R1 which

is initially set to the maximum value.
• We Place the unknown resistors Rx in place of R3.
• We Place a voltmeter between points A and B.
• We set the voltmeter gauge to a maximum value which
corresponds to the order of magnitude of
the voltage used.
• We vary the resistance R4 gradually to find the balance
of the bridge.
• We Note the Rx value obtained with the best possible
𝑅𝑋 = 𝑅4 𝑅1

2- Fix R4 and vary the R1/R2 ratio by using a graduated
resistant wire:

• We Replace resistors R1 and R2 with wire (figure 2).

• We set the voltmeter gauge to a suitable maximum

• We vary the distance AD and DB by moving point D
gradually to seek the balance
of the bridge.
• We reduce the caliber to improve the precision of these
• We Note the Rx value obtained.
𝑅𝑋 = 𝑅4
• We calculate absolute error.
𝐿1 |𝐿1 𝑥𝛥𝐿2 | + |𝐿2 𝑥𝛥𝐿1 |
𝛥𝑅 = | 𝑥𝛥𝑅| + |𝑅𝑥 ( 2 )|
𝐿2 |𝐿2 |

1- Determination: unknown resistance Rx:
R1(𝛺) R2(𝛺) R4(𝛺) Rx(𝛺)
10*103 103 451 4510
10*103 2*103 33 165
103 500 267 534

2- Fix R4 and vary the R1/R2 ratio by using a graduated

resistant wire:
X(cm) 10 20 30 40
Rx(𝛺) 10 60 210 270
ΔR 0.4 0.8 1 0.9
The graph of error:

Through conducting the experiment, it becomes clear that
the Wheatstone bridge is a good tool for finding the values of
unknown resistances. It is also clear how much accuracy is
required to obtain correct results in this experiment because
it depends on the ratio between known resistors and
unknown resistors. The more accurate and sensitive the
galvanometer, the more accurate and reliable the results.
It is noted that there are slight differences between
laboratory values and calculated values as a result of
incorrect readings taken from the galvanometer due to some
defect in the device.

Conclusion :
In conclusion, the Wheatstone Bridge remains an
indispensable tool in electrical engineering, offering precise
measurements of resistance that are essential in various
applications, from sensor technology to instrumentation. Its
elegant design and principle continue to influence modern
circuitry and measurement techniques, showcasing the
enduring legacy of Sir Charles Wheatstone's innovation in the
field of electrical engineering.


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